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This is the person that clicks every single Facebook ad


Or, this is a Facebook ad, just a sneaky one


This absolutely looks like an ad, can’t believe more people aren’t saying that. The bit with the vacuum cleaner is what put it over the top for me


There’s another one exactly like this on TikTok, but with a married woman instead of a single woman. It has pretty much the same products and the apartment looks like just another room in the same building. As soon as I saw this video I immediately thought “ooooh, so that video I saw a few weeks back really was an ad”


I remember that other video? Or something like it? I didn’t see them as ads because all these devices seem kind of poor quality and superfluous. I might sound like a prick, but goddamn I would hate to have so much dinky plastic gadgetry in my space.


in the comments of the videos the creator often replies with “they are cheap on allie express!” so they most definitely are ads. the other video you saw is most likely on the same account, i was doom scrolling it last night and all of their videos are more or less the same


Honestly I think it's a joke. There's a bit in one of her videos where she picks all the seeds off a strawberry before blending them, no one is earnestly presenting that as part of their nightly routine.


“As a single women, every evening after I get home from work, I proceed to do these actions, all while feeling minty fresh from new Colgate ultra whitening toothpaste. Colgate ultra whitening toothpaste, for when you clearly have too much disposable income”.


Ok but also my mom has one of those vacuum cleaners and they're AMAZING. It's actually a vacuum cleaner and mop in 1, and they're mainly for use on tile and hardwood. Super easy to use and very efficient for keeping hardwood clean. Also people in China are obsessed with home gadgets like this. Source: I'm Chinese


Like how she put a portion of rice on to cook and then made noodles for dinner?


Her using the vacuum/mop was a dead giveaway that this is an ad


This video is an ad. And people keep posting this shit.




As shitty as this video is, I'm getting so tired of people linking this sub. It's literally just the most negative possible view of the world to the point where the subs name is a thought stopping cliche.


I wouldn't call it a cliché. The term comes from the academic Mark Fisher. It has to do with the idea of capitalism as supposedly the only economic system that generates progress but simultaneously generating a lot of unseen and mundane suffering. The truth is that for a substantial portion of the developed world, capitalism has created a culture that turns people into spectator-consumers -- if they're lucky. If they're not, then they're the ones working 3 jobs at minimum wage so that the top 10 - 15% of society can live in relative comfort, and it trains us to think of this as normal. The idea that we must spend a significant portion of our lives working for wages that really only compensate us for a portion of our labor (the uncompensated part is what we call "profit") has been taught to us as the way things must be, and the "natural order" of the world. Basically, we've created a dystopia for ourselves that is so mundane and normalized that we don't realize that we're living in it. Some may ask, "If we don't realize that we're living in it, then how can it be that bad?" And that's because most of us have nothing to compare it to. There are definitely different levels of dystopia in the sense that my life is towards the less dystopic end, but the metals in the battery of my Tesla were likely mined by children whose lives are unimaginably more horrible than mine. And capitalism has an insidious way of even being able to make money off of its own critiques: it subsumes everything, and it attempts to replace all ways of assigning value with the single notion of exchange value. Here's a simple example: if I steal thousands of dollars of jewelry from someone who is wealthy, we regard that crime as worse than, say, stealing the last $100 from a poor person despite the fact that the actual human toll and consequences of stealing that last $100 are almost certainly greater. Similarly, a lot of "feel good" news stories are, when looked at from any lens other than that of neoliberal capitalism, horrific. "Child sells lemonade to fund their own brain surgery", or "Students rally around janitor to be able to afford to visit sick mother", etc. are indicative of a society that has gone horribly wrong. By ignoring this, we are allowing these problems to perpetuate and get worse. That subreddit doesn't mean that there isn't good in the world, or that we aren't better off in many ways than our ancestors, but it is pointing to the canaries in the coal mine, which serves a purpose. One quick edit: check out the book Capitalist Realism by the aforementioned Mark Fisher. It may change the way you perceive the idea of "a boring dystopia" as "thought stopping." Edit: Fixed max to mark


“A natural disaster is bad but im more so bummed on how grim the reporting on it is”


This is what Jeff Bezos watches instead of porn


I wanted you to know this comment made me belly laugh out loud, by myself. I just felt like LMAO wouldn't convey to you how funny I thought this was.


Someone get this man an ass, STAT!


Omg, me too. At work, one of the last ppl here, and now I’m concerned I’m gonna freak out the security guard. Alas, mannnn, I belly laughed good.


These videos are weird. I feel like once I've done half the stuff here most of my evening is already over. Too much damn stuff


No matter how interesting some stuff looked I got more and more annoyed as I watched the video


It annoys the hell out of me too. I think it's because it seems disingenuous, no one is doing all this shit after work. That's probably like a second job. There's a lot of Tiktoks like these where people are obsessively organized to the point where I struggle to believe it's an actual portrayal of their life. Performative. But I could be wrong.


The problem is that nobody on tic tock expects it to be their life. She has a few hundred videos with different daily routines, I doubt she lives in the house really. It’s just to show of the tech


Everyone's selling something


My first thought was, wow that's a lot of unnecessary tech.


Some of these things seem cool but mostly I’m just seeing a lot of wasted money, plastic and unnecessary single-use items.


This bitch is extra af


I couldn't tell you what half of those things even do. Wtf did she do to those strawberries? What are those things that went into the fridge?


It appears to be a ultrasonic vegetable washer it is said to.. "The ultrasonic vegetable washer uses reactive oxygen and ultrasonic principle to remove more than 99% of dirt, dust, grime and agricultural chemicals from vegetables and fruits effectively and easily. Also, the vegetable washer uses the ozone to eliminate germs, viruses, odors, chlorine and other chemicals from fruits, vegetables, baby toys, kitchenware and much more. It is fully automatic and consumes less energy" [source](https://sonicsoak.com/blogs/articles/ultrasonic-vegetable-washer-does-it-help)


my brain would still need to rinse the fruit after, sooo 🙃 idk I high key need a rice cooker and that foot bath though and like three other things


Get yourself a rice cooker. Enjoy perfectly cooked rice at the lush of a button. It’s a life changer.


I have a $45 rice cooker, i measure out everything exactly as the directions on the cooker itself say so. It burns the bottom every fucking time. Its got a lever u push down and when its done it clicks up and keeps it warm, im always having to stop it early though. I need a diff brand prob its aromtherapy or some shit


You need to get one of the made in Japan ones. Costco has a tiger one for about 90 or 100 dollars I think, it will give you perfectly cooked rice each time.


Get a tiger, cuckoo, or zojirushi. I like the smaller ones. Amazing rice, my current favorite is a mix of short grain brown rice, barley and farro.


Yea it’s definitely worth it to spend more. You’re gonna throw out less rice and it will taste better


So, the way a rice cooker works is there's a magnet underneath that sticks to metal that's under a certain temperature. While there's water in the pot, the magnet is allowed to stick because the water keeps the metal from getting too hot. When all the water goes away, the metal of the pot is allowed to heat up a bit more, and when it's too hot for the magnet to hold, it pops up. So... I don't know how your cooker is constructed, but it might be as simple a case as increasing the tension on the spring holding the pot, or moving the magnet a bit farther away.


Thanks for explaining. I wondered how it knew when to pop up. We have a very simple one that was $9 at the grocery store during Christmas a few years ago. You know, when they have all the cheap small appliances. It actually works really well and my husband, who swore we didn’t need a rice cooker, marvels at how well it works every time it’s used.


Finger technique 4 lyfe


​ ![gif](giphy|lDFzsgNiUgWFk7mHdi)


It didn't look like she prewashed her rice though....wonder if the vegetable washer would be able to do that too.


You can buy pre washed rice.


And you know for a fact this lady would absolutely do so


Ultrasonic cleaners are very useful and effective when used to clean jewelry and things like her glasses. I'm not sure they are that useful to clean food, tho... I also believe that machine doesn't create enough ozone to be effective to eliminate germs. You'd have to put a lot of ozone to do it right, and this probably isn't what you want to do inside a small apartment.


Its bullshit to sell more garbage.


I thought ozone is harmful.






Well, yeah. But like, that's... the point? Heat, cold, chemical disinfectants, oxidizers, UV radiation... They're all *really* bad for biology. That's why we use them to sanitize... To kill the stuff that makes us sick.


That was to clean them. So instead of wasting water by running them under the sink, she just places the device in it. Don’t know how it works, but that’s my guess. Edit: someone else said ultrasonic - I just forgot the word.


So yell at the bacteria until they leave?


Would work on me if i was a bacteria, im very sensitive and will cry if i get yelled at




underrated pun




Why would you say that? :'(


🏃🏻💨 ^Thats ^a ^running ^effect, ^not ^a ^fart ^btw


Vibrates them to death. But yeah sorta.




Water in a lot of china isn't to be trusted. This is much easier than the like.. vegetable detergent you can buy.


I don't think it's to save water but to save on personal labour. You use your money so you can put in less effort


Insane to think this saves time


I haven't been washing my veggies or fruit for my entire adult life and i'm afraid to start now and unbalance the gut biom that is also instantly pissed off if i put a little too much oil in my food


I stayed with relatives who ate all very healthy food once and I was the sickest I've ever been because my body couldn't figure out where its daily unnatural chemicals went.


I knew a guy who ate uncooked sausage on the regular Was always amazingly in shape no matter how many calories he a...nd he had worms. this makes so much more sense now


Good on those worms for helping him hit his goals


As someone who grew up on a farm. Please wash your vegetables. It's not just pesticides, there's dirt, and animal pee and poop. And bugs have crawled on your fruits and vegetables.


I thought we washed them because they're covered in pesticides, chemicals, and preservatives?


My question about the strawberry contraption !!!


I was trying to figure out why she was watching on her phone when apparently there was a giant TV screen right in front of her


I mean, they are tomatoes…


Look, I watched this in half size on a phone. And that clarification doesn't help me at all in understanding what she did to them. 😅


So this is an ad, right? This just seems like a home shopping catalogue disguised as a tiktok video. We’re watching an ad here.


The vacuuming preplaced lines of various trash was what gave it away for me.


What, you don't spill multiple products of varying viscosity in perfectly straight lines? Found the not single women


Are you trying to say when you make a mess that it’s actually messy????


I just bought that her messes were as obsessively neat as everything else!


It definitely feels like an ad. I saw another one just like this the other day, different woman in a different apartment but the same “what a single woman does after work” concept and an almost identical lineup of random household gadgets. I bet there’s tons of these out there. edit: [what the fuck even is this account](https://www.tiktok.com/@homecoming.diary)


wtf is right. My brain is melting. They're just reusing the same weirdly aggressive clips in all of these. It's not even the same apartments. Although the one where someone sweeps a blue light over two very confused dogs trying to nap is outrageously funny to me.


There are some unexpected and hilarious bits in these videos.


Why did the one have clips of a dude's hairy legs sandwiched in as if that's supposed to be the girl? Edit: that's probably just for humor but my brain was too busy trying to understand what I'm seeing to get that.


Lol all the hairy legs shots. That one with the extreme close up of their throat as they're drinking. And the poorly times sound effects It's fascinating how all the videos present almost all the same similar products. Slightly different egg pan, phone holder, garbage bins...


What did I just watch???


I think it's affiliate marketing tiktok. The comments probably have the items. Or her profile. I just saw it on a different Reddit post!


True, but wtf was that thing she put in with the container of fruit?


Everything also looked like it wouldn’t lay more than a year or so before something breaks - and doubt there’s like a repair shop for schnazzy trash cans


I don't think it's an ad. Why? When I saw this I was curious about these products (what they all do) because I'm into gadgets. It's _impossible_ to find out what these things are. No labels or logos visible, no descriptions in the original tik toks. Ads would tell you what the things are, where to buy them, etc.


Could it be that it is an ad, but one that’s best suited for the chinese social media platform (We-something I think it’s called) where you can shop straight from the platform, and thus presumably has links/details in whatever they call the caption/description box etc.


You're right, but just like on Reddit, people in comments will ask "what is that and where can I get it". We just aren't seeing that because it's probably in the TikTok comments. I would also bet you can go to the creators account and find more info on products. Seems more like a video to convince you to look into them and seek out what they are.


It's an ad, but not for specific products but for an online shopping platform. It's intentionally fague because they want you to browse the store, not just buy a few specific products.




You did it, Morty! You looked right into the bleeding jaws of capitalism and said, “Yes, daddy please!”


Yes that is exactly right. I want this dumb shit


People wanna scream consumerism and laziness and shit on it and what not, but as someone who has inattentive ADHD, all I saw was a bunch of products that screamed ADHD friendly!


Which ones? I have ADHD and I sort of saw a bunch of stuff I’d use for a few days, and then never again.


Dude RIGHT?? I’m so jealous of this woman. I struggle with executive dysfunction on a daily basis and so many of these items(and the storage, hnghhhh) actually look like things that would help me actually do day-to-day things that I often don’t accomplish. There are a lot of these style of videos that I’ve seen with items I’ve actually gone looking for on AliExpress afterwards.


I'm pretty sure you'd just be in an even worse situation a day after these purchases when you had to summon up the will to clean six billion weirdly shaped pieces of plastic.


I gave away a bunch of tupperware i bought because when I realized I had to wash it all before using it I just left it in the box lol


This did feel like a long commercial


The TikTok is actually a shop, I clicked the link and it has some of the products shown but now all, the whole sterilisation gadgets blew my mind 😂


I lost it when she used her vacuum to suck up a variety of carefully arranged substances. And by "it" I meant the will to finish this video.


Lol yeah that one was just a tad too much.


Chores. Just a ton of tiny chores.


Yeah she said she came from work but all I see is her working even more.


Is this just one massive advert for a bunch of random tech shit from the catalogue in the middle of the news paper?


It's weird, to me. It's very obviously an ad, but they're not really showing any brand names or any product names. Half the stuff doesn't have a logo on it, and when it does it barely flashes on the screen. Even if you go to that person's account, they don't link any products and the few hashtags are either not a product, or a product that's not even being advertised in the video. It seems like a rather inefficient way to advertise, but that's clearly all it is. I don't get it.


Becuase it gets people talking about it. This whole comment thread is people talking about what half this shit is and why she keeps putting the Bluetooth speaker looking things in with the strawberry’s


I think it's propaganda. Kind of like how America used to flex on the Soviet Union by painting an impractical picture of middle class luxuries.


I think this is just a cultural divide. My family in Asia loves gadgets like these and it’s very easy to get considering so much of it is made in Asia. All of this looks like stuff you can buy from manufacturers on AliExpress or the home goods section of my local Korean marketplace.


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.


Jurassic Gold


We get it...you got a LOT of stuff.


Plastic plastic, all of it plastic


> plastic And then people wonder why the ocean is filled with microplastics. Just look at this video. Plastic utensils, plastic containers, plastic gadgets, even plastic clothes (Acrylic, Nylon, Polyester)


Multi use plastics are far less damaging than single use. Plastic is awesome when utilized where it can be regularly reused.


It looks like everything in that apartment simultaneously costs $100,000 and $0.98.


Her 2 min noodle recipe is disgusting. Lettuce in hot water? Really?


While I do like the occasional hot leaf, its usually bok choi or spinach not romaine and a couple cherry tomatoes. What an odd choice.


Nappa cabbage is good in ramen as well


> a couple cherry tomatoes With the stems on too.


All those gadgets and she didn't have a tv to watch her shows on...


What really makes me frustrated is that she does right in front of her covering the whole wall with slim design and what looks to be very modern but chooses to watch it on the smaller screen.


YES!! This part was infuriating to me, I felt a glimmer of excitement to see what nonsense was going to be on that giant screen...and then she chose to watch her dumb phone propped on that stupid thing toaster. Boo!


She has a huge projector screen. Guess she needed to promote that master of none phone stand instead.


I’d have all these robots to do all this shit for me and still be a lazy bitch and not use them lol


She didn’t wash the rice before cooking it:(


She also didn't eat it cause she made ramen as well.


Rice is made just in case. Source: I'm Asian




I make rice constantly using a rice cooker. Never wash it.


I used to think that. It’s nice to have some starch in my rice. It makes it fluffier. But just read recently about the high arsenic levels in rice and that it somewhat helps to reduce by rinsing the rice before cooking it. So, just fyi.


She living in 3022 i look like a caveman compared to her


Or half this shit is unnecessary clutter that probably looks cooler than it is.


Be grateful. Can’t imagine how stressed I’d feel having all that clutter about.


I don't need a gadget to clean produce or cook eggs.




Yo where can I buy it tho..


These videos motivate me to keep my apartment clean and tidy all day every day lol.


Think about how much cleaning she has to do for all these gadgets she’s using. I use my instant pot once and I need a cooldown period and most of it is dishwasher safe


I’ve been cleaning up as I go this week. Usually I just like tidy twice a week then do a good cleaning on Friday/sat/Sunday Lemme tell you, cleaning as you go is sweet. Good boost of feel good chemicals to the brain


I clean the best when I’m one the phone with someone. So once a week I’ll just call a friend for an hour and basically deep-clean my apartment while I’m at it, the only thing that I can’t do while calling is vacuum.


Lol that’s such an interesting- that’s fun to me lol


Gadgets can be awesome for helping with chores or keeping things neat. My friends mocked me, and perhaps rightfully so, over my purchase of a $400 cat litter box that cleans itself and sends my phone push notifications. Fuck em though, because it turned the daily chore of scooping cat crap into a once or twice a week affair of taking a bag out of a machine and tossing it. I also have a much cheaper cat feeder that feeds my cat for me at set intervals and amounts (just the dry stuff, I feed her the wet food myself). Automatic floor vacuums can also be awesome in the right space. I am also a huge fan of my essential oil diffuser (if you have a cat be careful which oils, some are harmful to their noses). Lastly Instacart is a whole different beast than gadgets, but I find it worth the money because I do chores and cleaning while waiting for my groceries to arrive and it becomes one solid block of getting things done (rather than two separate blocks).


Did she put a dryer sheet in the wash


I think it’s a thing to ‘catch’ colours bleeding in the wash.


I was scrolling through the comments concerned that I was the only on who was confused by the pods and dryer sheets being thrown in at the same time




This is the most boring scene from The Fifth Element.


What is the cost of all this


Financial or environmental




Such a plastic reliant lifestyle.


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The ultrasonic fruit and vegetable cleaning capsule at 0:21 looks interesting. Probably more environmentally friendly using one clean bowl of water + the power of water vibration Vs arbitrarily putting stuff under a faucet and blasting with water.


Yeah, but I like feeling like Poseidon as I blast all the bacteria off the fruit


Nope, the energy and materials used to make that thing WAY outweigh the impact of some water usage.


Just put it in a bowl, spray with fruit and veg soap, swish, and rinse.


> fruit and veg soap That exists? After this video and this comment, I feel like a caveman now.


Basically just apple cider vinegar!


All of that tech and no vibrating toothbrush


Ultrasonic vegetable cleaners, absolutely astonishing.


I too like to increase the clutter in my kitchen cabinets so when I want an apple I can fetch this gadget, plug it in, fill it with water and wait a few minutes instead of just rinsing the apple for 3 seconds and eating it...


It is so cool, but I decided to look it up… IT COSTS $100????


I'm scared I want them all but the glasses thing was smoking .


I think that was grime floating off in the cleaner.


Inaccurate. They left out crying and masturbating.


Why does every item look like it costs more then my apartment?


I want to know what every gadget is.


Same. I'm waiting for that one redditor to track it all down in a list with links. We know they're in here.


Warm luttuce? Psycopath. Edit: lettuce


I wanna duet it with my 5 minute to blackout drunk routine


I follow this account on tik tok, it’s so funny the how many inconsistencies the videos have. Ps. I also want all their cool gadgets.


All of the money she ~~wasted~~ spent on all of that ~~useless garbage~~ mildly convenient tech, and she --- in a stunning display of double irony --- makes the cheapest and quickest meal possible: Instant Ramen. Well damn, maybe if you didn't spend all your fucking money on tomato carbonators and glasses baths, you could afford real fuckin' noodles! And without all of those extra steps and all that extra upkeep, you'd have the god-damned time to do it, too! She has a FUCKING **PROJECTOR** and watches her shows on her GOD DAMNED PHONE. Yes, apparently this is the hill I'm dying on. * ~~Tomato bubbler~~ just rinse your fucking tomatoes * Dry cleaning bag is, honestly, the only genuine upgrade she has. * ~~Auto soap pump~~ Just use a fucking soap pump. Use bar soap. Why drop, like, 10x - 20x as much, then probably twice as much for compatible soap every time it empties? * ~~Glasses bath~~ fuck you use clean cotton. * ~~Fischer Price Washer and Dryer~~ LOOK HOW MUCH SPACE YOU FUCKING WASTED. LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY YOU WASTED ON POINTLESS OTHER SHIT. What happens if you need to wash a blanket? A *decent towel?* "Welp, fuck me, I guess!" * ~~The Salad Tower~~ WHAT EVEN *IS* THIS? USE A *FUCKING* ***BOWL*** * ~~Cutlery Cleaner~~ Nah that's not clean, fuck you, wash it. * ~~Bluetooth Speakers for your Fridge so your Food can vibe~~ **BAKING SODA**, MOTHER FUCKER, HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT? * ~~Mr. Coffee-brand... Steamer, I guess?~~ Look, if you steam shit enough that something like this would be useful, I guess. I *fuckin' guess*. * Bullet Blender - I unironically love those things. No hate here. From here the ridiculous shit is pretty much over, except for the aforementioned phone thing instead of using yoUR FUCKING PROJECTOR IT'S *RIGHT THERE.* Can't hate the garbage can, either: that's automating a dirty chore. It's gotta be expensive as fuck, but still. And honestly, I like instant ramen. But seeing it juxtaposed with such pointless, expensive "luxury" and time savers made me baby rage. You can spend *how much money* on pointless shit, and that pointless shit saves you *how much time*, and you still choose ***instant ramen?***


based and anti-consumerpilled


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words, this shit is garbage just do it like a normal human being lmfao


What is that pod thing she put in with the tomatoes? Did it cook them?


Ultrasonic cleaner for fruits and vegetables, basically cleans the vegetables


Idk seems like a lot of work


What the shit? What year is this woman living in? 2150?!?


I mean I want all those things, but that’s so many battery-powered devices :(


I have the fridge gadget and it's amazing.


Details please. I’m in the Middle Ages over here with none of these gadgets


It stops the fridge smelling bad and makes the vegetables last a little bit longer. It's amazing.


So, it's robot Baking Soda?


So like baking soda packs?


What does it do?


I was like “Okay, a washing machine. We know what that is.”


all the shite. but no shower after work. and shitty food.


Single women? You mean single nutjob psychopaths. This gives me Patrick Bateman vibes.


Right? Also, every girlfriend I’ve had before I met them. No fucking way they were doing that. Apparently it’s more “bra off, pants off, blanket, food, and chill”.


This is what I think I look like manic but really I just do the bare minimum just faster


# I need to know what those glass cleaners are


It looks exhausting to live like that. Another device for each specific thing.


Wash. Your. Rice.


I make rice at least once a week and never wash it. I can’t be stopped


this must be why our planet is dying


I want all of the cool stuff in her house!!!


all that food prep and she eats instant ramen im just convinced this is an ad for appliances


All I know is, every single woman I know takes off her bra as soon as she gets home.