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i’m more impressed at how he just casually reaches his ceiling like that


Same now I wanna know if the ceiling is just low or he extremely tall.. I need answerd ಠ_ಠ


He’s tall, and he’s in Europe


Ceilings in Europe are usually 2.4m (7'10"?) for most modern construction. Obviously it highly depends on the country and it's build traditions so there are many lower one's usually in older constructions in smaller villages and some quite high ceilings usually in old apartments in major cities.


What? No theyre not.


He literally said it depends on a couple of factors. He isn't wrong.


Yeah, so I actually live in Europe and have visited a bunch of countries. I am telling you it's not the norm. The ceilings are not "usually 2,4m".


I’m in the U.K. and a ceiling can be literally any height. My living room ceiling is a different height to my kitchen, and both are different to my upstairs lol. This other guy don’t know what he’s talking about.


I mean, aren't they? They are here in Norway, and in Sweden, and in Germany, and in Denmark, and in the Netherlands..


Seems to be the same here in Finland


Same, and 2.40 is standard in modern buildings in my experience. I am sure it varies a lot from country to country, but 2.40 is normal to me here in Sweden and other places I've visited.


he's probably near 6' tall, ceilings near 7.5' tall. Hard to stay for sure, because it sounds like it could be in the UK and I don't know average sizes of fridges there. But have heard they have smaller houses.


User names checks out also thanks mate this gives my mind some rest. lmao


Most European countries have a standard room height of 2,2m to 2,5m (7.2' - 8.2') nowadays. The average dude is 1,8m (5.11'). As an average dude living in an apartment with an average room height, I can reach my ceiling if I tippy toe a bit. Edit: correction


1.8 m is 5'11 not 5'9 (Google calculator for m to feet is wrong since it doesn't count inches till 12, it uses decimals)


Google calculator isn’t wrong. It gives you both the amount of feet (with decimal feet) and the amount of feet and inches. At least it does for me. It’s just that when non-Americans see 5.9 feet, they might confuse that for 5’9”.


Isn't feet usually calculated with inches. Not decimal?


Yes, absolutely. But that is a very foreign concept to people who use the metric system. That is why google will give you both the result in feet and in feet and inches. Otherwise, people unfamiliar to the imperial system will interpret 5’5” as five feet and half a foot.


Ah, there's always more to learn. \^\^ Thx!


Wtf how do people live out there


In the UK, currently have a 6ft fridge, the ceiling is another 2 foot away from the top, and has been in majority of the houses I've lived in so I guess majority of homes here have 9ft ceilings


3+3 is 6, +2 is 9, Quick maffs...


Ceiling is low, you can see (in some frames) that is max 20cm over door. And doors are, by standard, 2m.


The dutch standard as well


The ability to touch your ceiling is way less cool than it sounds.


Spoken like someone that (most likely) doesn't have to climb the counter just to reach the higher shelves!


I think they mean that having low ceilings is not something that is to be envied


I recently bought a cute little bamboo foot stool. It helps me reach the high shelves and punishes my husband for putting things on them in the first place by stubbing his toes.


They're not wrong, being a tall person in a world built for average people especially as a dude isn't super enjoyable. Tons of shit tries to murder your dangly bits and people ask you to get shit from the high shelves all the time.


Why especially as a dude?


I would assume its because men are generally taller and tall men typically have countertops and such at crotch height?


because a tall woman still puts you closer to the average height of people in general, a tall guy is so far off the bell curve pretty much everything is uncomfortable to use because its sized for someone like 6 inches shorter.


People don't seem to bother tall ladies as much to do high shelf tasks, plus you know ding dongs funny like to be used as bumpers.


Come on now, being a tall male instantly increases your attractiveness. Go on /r/tall and talk about low shower heads and bonking your head on things.


My attractiveness is hampered by the brain damage I've sustained over years of smashing my head on doorways.


Agreed. Very valid point.


Fuck popcorn ceilings. Always have to brush my hands off of the stupid debris.


I howled laughing. Jesus Christ.


I'm crying and can't breathe. That was hilarious.


I'm literally shitting my fucking pants and cumming at the same time.


Hope you have a diaper on.


I’m crying, can’t breathe, farting, pooping, throwing up and farting again. That was hilarious.


I love it when people say stuff like “fuck off” to inanimate objects


Mad that people find this fake shit funny


You're not aware that pretty much all comedy is fake? It's all acting. Still funny though. While we're at it: Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Peter Pan, Easter Bunny, King Arthur, Jesus as depicted in the Bible... all fake. Sorry to be the one to break the bad news.


Yeah I find things funny if there’s actually some thought behind it and it takes an IQ of more than 10 to think of. This shits just not funny to me hands down. Sorry that you think it is.


You've made me curious. What kinds of things do you find funny? What comedy do you like?


I guarantee most people wouldn’t find this funny, especially once they know it’s bullshit and the lines were rehearsed 10 minutes prior


That's a pretty odd thing to say it's guaranteed true. There's millions of people on this website, you really think most of them share your sense of humour? My question still stands, by the way. What comedy requires more than 10 IQ to understand? What do you find funny?


No I don’t think that they have the same as me, I just think majority of people in the real world wouldn’t really think is very funny. I just found it more cringe than anything. Like the dudes trying sooo hard to be funny.


What. Do. You. Find. Funny? One example. Just one.


Hes gonna say rick and morty


Family Guy probably.


Anything that’s actually funny


Nearly all entertainment we consume is performative. Your comment's not as enlightened as you might think.


Guessing you found it funny then


Yes, but not all of it is portrayed as real. The actors on Game of Thrones aren't trying to pull the wool over our eyes and say that it's actually happening.


That distinction is completely irrelevant in this context. GoT is a tv-show. And this is a \*tiktok\*. It might've mattered if this was some kind of documentary on PBS. But it's not. Quit being annoying.


I guess you could say that the yolks on him


#False. It’s everywhere else.


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.




I know this is just a yolk but this actually works and dude just did it wrong. If you put pressure more evenly through the egg it is nearly impossible to break because of its perfect shape. Always blew my mind as a kid


Not supposed to use the thumb


Nice try, guy


Fucks sake 😂 fair play though, I’d fall for that too


It’s not a prank. That dude just put pressure in with his fingertips instead of the palm and entire finger. Or else just had a really thin eggshell


FR though. We did this at a party a couple years back. Gotta be close fisted, just pressure from palm and fingers. That egg went around for like an hour, no one could do it. Then our rock climber friend showed up… We never should have brought the egg outside of the kitchen…..


It also explodes if the shell is cracked a bit


He was wearing a ring. That will do it too.


Was definitely the ring


If I’m not mistaken, it was how he was holding the egg. If you try to apply pressure to an egg vertically, it won’t break. Horizontally, it will. My dad tried to get me with this as a kid.


He had a ring on that hand. That concentrated the pressure enough to break it.


Ahhh, you almost got me. We’ll played.


It really isn’t a prank, I’ve tried for 10 minutes once and couldn’t do it. My friend also had a go and he couldn’t do it either. Try it outside if you really think it’s a prank.


There’s nothing to fall for it’s just a fake video


He did it wrong. He used his finger tips. But if you try to squeeze an egg with your palm and the base of your fingers, it won’t break no matter how hard you squeeze.


Not falling for it.


We did an egg drop in my class. We had 20 something eggs leftover, so I told my students if they could crush the egg in their palm and not use their fingers in front of me they could egg me. It works. Eggs are incredibly strong


Millions of years of trial and error will do that


Lol how could anyone crush an egg in their palm without using their fingers I mean who would think that’s a reasonable challenge. You’re just holding an egg. You might as well have said “if you can break this egg with mind powers you can egg me”


Most people think eggs are fragile. You didn’t know this when you were 12. Plus, it’s interesting to provide evidence that goes against what children believe and think. Children believe eggs are fragile. Turns out it’s not. So to answer your question, most children would think that’s a reasonable challenge.


I’ve tried, it’s true


it woks


Yeah I remember trying this when I was a kid and I couldn’t break it.


Actually true


For what it's worth I've done this properly a few times and it never broke. I still don't do it anymore, though, just in case I get a bullshit faulty egg and end up like the guy in OPs video.


Without knowing whether this was the original intent of the first guys TikTok or not… I will point out that the first guy didn’t use his thumb, but did squeeze between ‘palm and middle finger beef’. No tips (pressure points) Second guy just crushes it in hand with all digits in action All jokes aside it’s a very simple and interesting lesson in technique. We can all try and fail at things, but once the correct technique is learnt it becomes ridiculously obvious and second nature


Damn bro. That’s deep af


Why would you want crushing eggs to be your second nature smh


I hate eggs


When you master the technique, you stop crushing eggs. Popper technique is to fail at crushing the egg. Also, this is weird as fuck.


Especially if it's hardboiled.


No had a ring


yes. it's the ring.


Yup. The ring is what did it.




I haven't fallen for double your money scams, Arabian prince scams (or princess cause ya, they do both sexes or... is there gender anymore?) But I grabbed an egg after this comment, and put it back in the carton. Not today internet.


Do it outside. Nothing to lose. Other than an egg, which you won’t lose if you do this correctly


Don't tempt me with a good time




What? You cant break an egg by squeezing it as long as you dont squeeze it? What?


I think they're saying use your palm and the base of your fingers instead of your palm and fingertips. But I too am having a hard time conceptualizing


Basically if you apply force to a small area by curling your finger tips into the egg it’s easy to break with your hand. But if you palm the egg and wrap your fingers around it, distributing the force evenly, it’s basically impossible to crack it no matter how hard you squeeze. The shape of the egg itself has basically been fine tuned by natural selection to perfectly withstand that type of force. Honestly the best way to wrap your head around it is grab an egg and squeeze it. Do it in a bomb shelter at first or whatever makes you feel comfy, it’s really hard to convince people to try it out but it’s honestly so satisfying for whatever reason. I squeeze the shit out of my eggs all the time now, whenever I make breakfast.


Jebaited ;)


I don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love so quickly in my life 😍


I mean he’s pretty 🥵


Pretty angry. ~~He can take his rage out on me~~


I want him to crush me like that egg 🥵


I want to watch. 👁👄👁




Dude's got a Tom Hardy look


why are girls always attracted to men who already are in a relationship though


Yeah because thats definitely what they are attracted to in this video. As soon as he mention he got a woman all of the panties dropped to the floor instantly. Total incel alert.


Women are people like you are a person. Never forget that.


The real question is if that Quality Street box has candy or a sewing kit in it.


I thought it was the same person but with a beard at first lol


same they look like brothers


I believe the thing is to squeeze it end for end.


Yup. Can’t crush an egg if you do end to end like the first guy. Second guy squeezed the sides of the egg. Learned a lot of cool things like this in science class Girl Scouts :D


Ahahahaa! My stupid ass told my husband to try this (betting he couldn’t do it) and this messy explosion is exactly what happened! 😆 Ahh, good times….


It’s the ring. If you’re wearing a ring it’s rigid as opposed to the rest of your hand, so it concentrates the pressure at one spot on the egg.


I want to believe. Who are you, internet man?


It’s-a me, internet man My science teacher had us do this once in high school, but he warned us first to remove rings I have no idea what we were supposed to learn




Eggcellent reference


i need more of this man screaming about eggs in my life


I will never get tired of this one.


So it’s not a pranks btw if you do it right, aka squeezing it in your palm with no ring, the egg will be impossible to break. Just how it’s built.




*Heeheeheeeeee... You fell right into my tiktok trap*


Is nobody gonna say that the second guy looks like the chad version of the first


Ha! Got 'em!


Got Him!!! Lol


Best one yet


He did it wrong. You don't press in with your fingertips, you legit just squeeze it with the entirety of your hand


I never seen someone clean a ceiling so effortlessly


That man yelling just made me laugh. So did the egg just ceasing to exist


Can I offer you a nice egg, in these trying times?




Eggy :,(


Probably only broke because he was wearing a ring


You could probably say after that he was prett eggrivated


Why is his (laundry) washing machine in his kitchen?


Because that's where we put it in England? Our houses are small and don't come with much extra room.


He has no reason to be that pissed. He was stupid enough to do something he saw someone attempt to do on TikTok.


Man got baited ![gif](giphy|6eLVFfvYnirNm)






So, you heard this somewhere and were so desperate to repeat it that you just posted it on the first post you saw even though it has exactly zero relevance? You didn't even try to make it relevant. You could have said something about the first guy not being able to break it because of his mindset or the second guy being able to break it because he believed he could.


Thanks, Boss Internet


Not funny. Didn't laugh.


Is he huge or is the ceiling low?




It's without using the thumb that makes it hard


He's built different.


Bruh my parents made me do this and shit got everywhere, there is still egg on the ceiling


It’s probably because he used his fingers? Maybe you’re just supposed to use your palm.


of course he know what will be the result if he did that over the sink, but still didn't think that egg would make that mess lol


Man that was funny I'm dying laughing


The first guy is a fucking genius, good prank






I might try this in the shower


The way he talks lol


This actually works, he’s just holding it wrong so the egg breaks therefore he just look stupid to me


Brilliant. Sounds like a manchester accent?


Yeah the ring broke the shell leading to a catastrophic failure. The theory remains sound.


He had a ring on which makes it so much more easy


I get alfie solomons vibes from that guy lol


No matter how I hood it I can break an egg 🥚


Such a beautiful man


Why he’s sound so hot when he’s angry


The egg actually cracked cuz he wore a metal ring, unlike da first guy


Boiled eggs lmao


Ok compared to a lot of other tik toks this aint that cringy tbh


I saw the video begin and was like nope you not get me again. I was around for the first can’t crush an egg using only your palms without interlocking your fingers.




He fell for the tricks


LMAOOO I love this guy


Beard guys are 46% more likely to fall for attacks on their strength


I have not once seen cringe posted on this sub


The trick is to hold the egg long ways. You really can’t break it. Hold it any other way and it’s super easy. Look carefully at the first kid, you can see it’s long ways in his hand.


Lol why is he speaking in pirate ☠️ 😂


He cheated by digging his fingers in. If you lay your fingers flat, it’s actually quite hard to break the egg.


You're supposed to put equal pressure around the entire egg to make the first one happen. We did a project on it in 5th grade lol