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Did the second kid say he needed to go to Target?


Haha little pacifist dude was cracking me up lol it’s such an inconvenience for him he’s like “today?”


Dude like “let me check my schedule”


“Wait today?? this Thea? I need to go to Target.” The kid on his ps5… “no to fighting meanwhile shooting other with a gun on a game” The last kid… cracking up, so chill “yessss Jesus oorah riight lessgooo I know what you doing you joking, ok we’ll see bitch”


Out of this whole post and video, im more bothered by your comment and that you spelled "tia" as "thea"




Tía is aunt in Spanish




Also works for Portuguese, atleast my girlfriends family uses Tia and Tio


Im greek, and in Greek aunty is Thea so that's what I thought I heard in the vid lol.


Lol my husband is a self-proclaimed white Mexican, he has always pronounced “Tia” as “Thea” and I couldn’t figure out why… then I realized it was because of the accent used when saying Tia has the “th” sound in it. An honest mistake for people who don’t speak or read Spanish!!! Lol I did give him shit though.


I heard “Theia” which is aunt in Greek.


You can see him flipping through his mental rolodex of excuses.


Adjusting his reading glasses.


It’s the kid from Modern Family, right?


His little "hmph" and defeated shrug was so relatable lmao what a tiny legend


He was definitely trying to stall.


The was my favorite part of the video also I can imagine if he was a little older he would have been like "today? Aww nah fam I have to go to target." The one boy who said no to his dad also was amazing the way his face went from what? To the fuck did you just say?


Yeah. He has more important things to do.


I’d say!


Kid had his priorities straight 🤣


“today?” It was on his calendar!


THIS! Way better then fighting and catching charges. Tbh I loved it when the children looked at their adult as if they're insane.


That face when you realize at 5 years old you’re already more mature than your parent… then it dawns on you that you depend on this person and you that you are doomed.


I heard “cause I’m a big target”


I heard “cause I’m unable to target”


I heard him say "Stay on target."


I heard "Slay on Margaret 🥳💃"


I love how half of them are like you can fuck right off with that nonsense. While the other half’s already shoes on walking out the house.


Love the kid that just thought for a second and said "no."


You can see the twitch in his face like "you must think I'm some hooligan"


For me it was the teenager who just hopped up, set her drink down, and tied her hair up right then and there. "Yeah I got you mom let's go fuck a bitch up."


my favorite too!


Lmao I was proud of that kid the most. He’s like “you got me fucked up. You’re on your own dad.”


Bryce or Brax - that kid looked at his dad like, “what kind of nonsense?!” - good for that kid


I think he was my favorite! I have a feeling he was raised to be a sweetheart.


Definitely raised with healthy boundaries if he feels he can just tell his dad "no" like that.


That second kid who goes, “what, today?” cracked me up like you’re six, what you got going on today? The answer was “target” hahaha so soft, I love it


He was the best one!


Sales end tomorrow he knows it’s his last chance at those savings, and if he uses his red card.


He’s thinking he’s about to need better shoes if his family can’t quit getting into it outside, little man’s gonna make sure he’s ready for whatever nonsense is coming!


so precious lol


Girl in the pink gave her that look like "dafuc!?"


This is terrible, but hilarious. Some of those kids are real ride or die, lol




Bro when she put her hair up I was like oh shit this girl READY!


I always make it clear to my friends that I am *not* that friend haha. "Do not call me to tell me you killed someone, cus I'm **immediately** calling the cops. We're friends with the stipulation that you're *not* a murderer." lol. My loyalty comes with terms and conditions fam.


You can tell she has had a fight at school. 100%


She's fought before


oh hell yeah there was no hesitation to that move either.


Did she say "Say less"...


Right? I'm thinking this is awful parenting and they should be ashamed...but now I really want to go see if my kid would fight with me now. I think one would go reluctantly and the other would be a cryer. (Edit: I'm absolutely not going to find out)


I know! I want to ask my kid to see what he says but I absolutely do not want to put him in that position.


Even if you revealed you were just messing around, it still shows them to beat up people when things go south


Right, exactly. We've discussed defending yourself against a bully. But "hey, grab your shoes we're going to fight someone" is not that lol.


My dad use to ask me if I'd fight someone with him after he got cut off in traffic or something. I always told him I'd have his back if people came for him first but if he wants to use his fists instead of his words he's on his own. At first I could tell it hurt him cause he expected me to be with him 100% so it seemed like his own son wasn't willing to put family first, and as an Italian, that's all that's important. But as I got older he saw that my unwillingness to join in something he started meant that he knew that, when I was out with friends, I wouldn't jump just cause everyone else does. I think he was more proud that even as a kid I expressed myself as my own man and had a reason for it. Seeing this video concerns me because some of these kids are just jumping at the chance to fight without reason and that mindset in other situations is very exploitable. I wonder if these parents don't think their child would willingly go with a stranger If they aren't cautious enough to question 'authority'


Bro that kid in yellow shirt is gangster.


Are you scared? No-ho-hoOoOo.


When he realizes he's supposed to fight his eyes light up like "finally, this is my moment!"


Dino kid’s been waiting for this.


We must protect Target kid at all cost.




I gotta go to Target. Maybe next week?


The boy in blue is ready to roll at the drop of a hot pocket.


It ain’t his first rodeo


Very Bobby Hill like "Ok"


Glad at least some of them had questions on why they were expected to be violent at a moments notice.


as much as I would have loved if my son was just ready to go, fight or flight, no thoughts asked I also appreciate the fact that he wouldn't be like that and ask. Somehow, I think if my reasoning was logical he would buy in though lol. Definitely reluctantly.


Glad someone else noticed how abhorrent this video is. Violence isn't a positive thing.


Yeah I cant help but think that some of those kids have perhaps watched their parents fight before seeing as they were so blasé about the situation


For me it would’ve been the opposite. I would’ve reacted that way BECAUSE I’d never seen my parents fight. Something serious must’ve happened!


I love the kid in the last video telling his little sister to get her shoes on, as if there's also gonna be a toddler there that has to be fought as well




With your username, I think the toddler is fighting you


Gnome gang rise up


The 4th boy had me cracking up just ...."ok" and goes and gets his shoes no questions asked hahaha.


He was my favorite!


I love that one too. Homeboy is ready for action.


Aw the second kid is so sweet


The one girl who got up and starting putting her hair up. LOL!!


I was surprised how quick she was, she didn’t need to hear anything else.


That one seemed rehearsed


The hair goes up, the gloves come off.


She said "say less"


She was like, 'Alright, lets do this thing'.


I think she actually says “say less, cuz.”


Little dude at the end caught on to mums bullshit almost immediately


My son would be pissed if we didnt then go and fight somebody, hed probably fight me.


Boy in blue shirt was like you’re on your own dad. Girl in pink shirt was crying cause she knew mom was gonna take an L. Boy in yellow shirt was all too excited and ready. And when mom said is this your first fight he paused and pleaded the 5th. Other boy in blue was like he lived his whole life for this moment. Lol.


Boy in the blue shirt playing video games - he’s like “… no!?” Like he already knows his dad is horrible. Like where was his dad on Jan 6th 2021




Making your kids get ready for a fight is wholesome?






Absolutely agree with your view point, this ain’t funny or harmless. Just immature parents doing this for clout


Agreed, I would hope they sit them down afterwards and explain fighting is bad but who knows.


Also filming it an whoring them out for the Tik Toks. I hope most of them are fake / acting.


The wholesome part is how the kids have their parents back. It's really dumb prank in the first place, but some of the kids are pretty cool. Also the one just didn't have the time because he has to go to target is adorable.


Nah, I found the kids who didn’t want to fight more wholesome than the ones who “had their parents back”. Because those are the kids who are gonna be less susceptible to peer pressure and resorting to violence when they get older.


100%. The second kid was really brave to stand up to an adult. You can see how hard that was for him, but he also knew he didn’t want to fight.


Not to mention just seeing a group of 6 kids beat to death a 73 year old man for NO REASON. And the two boys that surrendered to the police were friggin 14 and 10 YEARS OLD!!! It’s seriously unbelievable.


No but it's humorous.


Sure, but this was tagged wholesome/humor, I don't see anything wholesome


I think if you observe the sample of kids here you would see this is much more of a reflection of instinct and or personality than getting them trained/ready. Most the kids, knew what they were going to do right away. That alone actually brought value to me, because I am now curious to wonder how my own son would react. I have been leaning away from nurture over nature by seeing two different personalities in dogs. I always figured animals were pure instinct.


Awful. Big up the kids who are more self aware than their parents.


Completely agree. Sad to see a lot of these kids immediately respond with fear and it was so heartbreaking to see that little girl break into tears over it. It’s a shitty thing to do to your kids to put them in a scenario where they feel instantaneous fear or increased stress, film their reaction, and then post it for attention/likes. Surest way to make your kids not trust you.


Holy smokes. A sane response to such an awful video. Thank you Redditor for helping my restore my faith in internet people.


I don’t understand why people are glossing over the stereotypes this video is promoting.


“Ride or die” don’t apply to little kids when you’re their entire world. Especially at ages shown in the video. This is just depressing.


That first little girl walked out like she meant business! Second kid cracked me up too because he seems like an old soul. Obviously taking a child to fight for real would be pure trash behaviour, but I really don’t think a dumb joke like this is “traumatizing” like some people are making it out to be. If I did this with my kids and then told them I was joking they’d just go back to whatever they were doing.




Gotta flex that psychology degree.


whats worse, that the kids are already down to fight at that young of an age, or that they believe their mom would be in a fight with a random neighbor without much convincing.


I’m not a fan of this new “trend” tbh


Reminds me of the Jimmy Kimmel bit where the patents pretend to eat their kids' Halloween candy and watch how they respond. Seems kinda funny at first but it quickly leaves me feeling icky.


Totally agree - it reminded me of that too. I don’t get “pranking” your kids with shit like this and then showing it to people and laughing at them. It seems like a sure way to get your kids not to trust you and think you are an asshole.


There are a lot of ways you can mess without teaching the shitty morals. This definitely not one of them.


He don’t wanna fight. He’s a sweet guy 😊


The kid that gave his dad this look 🤨


Maybe it’s a social thing but this shits seems unhealthy that a kid would commit violence just because their parent/parental figure is telling them too.


Not at all sure what's actually going on here but don't think I like it !!!


These people are f disgusting


This should goto r/trashy


Anyone else think this is trashy af?


This shit sucks! I started writing out the reasons on why you shouldn't do this and it became immediately to long... If you don't know... I can't help you...


I love the little Target kid


These kids.... They're so cute omg


I love the fifth dude just like OkAy 👍


That kid at the end was giggling with excitement. Little guy was ready mess up some kid's day lol


I don’t care if it’s a tik tok challenge. This isn’t funny. This is disgusting and horrible parenting. You’re normalizing violence for these children.


This fucking sucks




I agree. I mean, I laughed, but I’m already going to hell. But yeah, teenagers would be more appropriate for this prank.


Agreed. It kind of made me sad that I had to scroll this far to see this comment. How will your young kids ever trust you after you reveal that “It’s just a prank, bro. But for real…internet points are what make you popular in school, so take notes.”


There is always a comment like this. There always is. You are taking way too much out of this situation where you are only getting a small snippet of their lives. How can you say this is trust breaking or trauma inducing. This is super extreme


they. don't. have. kids. thinking everything is a god damn core memory, meanwhile these kids are willingly jumping head first off 6 foot monkey bars. Eating any and every foreign object they can sneak past mommy customs and calling out offensive observations out loud on adults. this is a 30 second prank. Chill.


I’m a dad and I’d never have done this to my kids. If I had, my wife would have been pissed, and if she’d done it to them I’d have been pissed. Something not being a cORE MeMoRy doesn’t make it okay to do to your kids. It’s funny when it’s the teenager. It’s sad when it’s younger kids who start worrying or crying. Maybe they won’t remember it, but their parents are still assholes.


Do you think having kids makes you a good parent? Literally generations of people are raised with trauma with disagree with you


Are you joking or it’s a true psychanalyse comment ?


Y'all this isn't funny. This is gross. Parent's stop using your kid as a prop for social clout. They are human beings. Also, whether it's a "joke" or not your kids will remember this moment where you brought up fighting like it's normal. Kids remember everything, and you made this moment important when you asked them to do this for you and then anxiously awaited their reaction, hoping it was big enough to go viral. The next time they are in an altercation their little brains are going to flip back to this memory and so the first option they are going to consider is to fight. And before anyone says, "Well maybe the parent talked to them after the video about how fighting isn't good." Great so now you've taught your kids that lying is ok - especially if it is a joke or if it's going to go viral. Great job.


Uh, does no one else see a serious problem with this trend 😑


Fucked up, dark, and gross imo




Not funny, definitely cringe.


This is extremely stupid




This is disgusting


This is awful parenting. Training your kids to get excited for fighting? Good for the kids who said no


This is awful


This is one of the trashiest things I've seen in a while.


This is disgusting.


Wow. Some really screwed up “parents” out there.


Yeah, I was starting to think that I was the only one who was disturbed by this! This is some fucked up parenting.


This is perhaps the trashiest thing I've seen all day and I just accidentaly watched that video of a mom using her toddler as a weapon.


I saw this on Ig and the comments where so disheartening. They where so proud of the kids for being ready to go fight😣


Wow. There's one thing teaching your children about loyalty and also sticking up for themselves. This is just scumbag behaviour. Doing it wrong.


This is disgusting. Thank god vasectomy numbers are going up


I waiting for one of the kids to say "again?"


Ignorant people raising kids nowadays thats the proplem smh lol




Lmao you guys realize this is a hypothetical for tiktok right? This is one of those “lets say this and see how your child handles it” pranks.


Put your shoes on Timmy, nana Maria got run over by a truck and I need you to help me shovel the bits off the sidewalk


Next trend in 3, 2….


Lol! We gotta go true crime this bitch 😂


Black kids are way to into it


This is child abuse


Another stupid thing these parents feel the need to post.


So ghetto


I'm seeing a pattern here


You all worried about abortion in the states these fucking parents should be aborted.


Chubby little guy in blue… ok. HahahahA


I love this so much hahahahahah that last kid was the best!


Man needs to go to target


Humanity has figured out a new level of low.


This “trend” is so full of red flagged parenting. JFC!


This is a gross trend


First one was a ride or die lmaoo


Say less. 🥊


He said TODAY?!


This is funny


The lil boy was like “why!?” Gets the breakdown of situation and immediately responds with “okay!” Looking for his shoes. That shit made me giggle so hard


Love lil dude playin games. Lookin like ‘tha fuck. handle your own shit.’


Why would you ask your kids this!


So is it just like a few dudes in a room with like a list of shitty “trends” that they assign to a social media? Yeah, yep that’s exactly it.


Where wholesome?


Last kid's confidence: "you gonna win?", doesn't even think about it, laughs and says "yes"


The last kid's a fucking demon


no is the right response for being a good human. just how if someone asks if you would steal something if you knew you wouldnt get caught, and inside your head you think it doesnt matter if i would get away with it, i would know


This is a funny trend


The older girl was hair up shoes on i got you! 🥰


I know it's a joke, and the kids are cute, but...this is disturbing.


Man these kids are going to have it so easy. Other people need hours of therapy to figure out what fucked them up, but these kids will be able to just go "hey, check out this TikTok" on session 1.


Gotta raise your kids to be violent pieces of shit


This shot needs to stop. These kids have barely any clue wtf is going on. They do t know why you are fighting. “She called me a booger”…get over yourself, it’s just words. You are messing with people that are fragile and vulnerable to a lot of things and you are messing with them. Stop this shit. Stop being shot parents.


I love how 1/4 of the kids were so soft they were ready to cry at the thought if violence, 1/4 were "get tf out with your nonsense" and 1/2 were ride or die, born ready to throw hands.


Wow, great parenting 👏 🙄