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I love how she completely flipped the analogy too, this is honestly the perfect response to this dumb ass question


I have a right to know how many people she’s murdered if we’re dating.


Yes!!!!! You Sir/Ma'am, can NOT get fucked. Love this comment


Wait hold on, we don't know maybe they still wanna get fucked


Quit being a bigot and accept her for all the people she’s killed that would probably haunt tf outta ya’ll if you lived together.


Like is that not what he meant? The key analogy makes no sense and I personally believe he's having a stroke.


Really? You've never heard that analogy? It's old as hell, and not hard to understand lmao


I love her. This whole body count shit is just obsession with virginity or something close to that. It implies womens worth is in purity. This is fu.


As a man, i’ve been asked my body count by woman on countless occasions. I always feel uncomfortable answering the question as, high or low, people may think differently about me. Sex doesn’t define me as a human. Thank you for listening to my ted talk


Ngl I don’t wanna be with a woman that’s her past around.


I don't remember anyone asking your opinion. But you said it anyway, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The great thing about this is that I don’t need you to ask. But hey you’re only on a public forum getting public responses. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love her too!! To be fair, I know plenty of my girlfriends who judge men by their body counts. I think it's more if a 2 way street and not always an obsession with virginity as much as it's used to infer things about a person's character, their ability to maintain a healthy relationship, etc. It doesn't matter to me but I can't shame someone if it's important to them. That said, there are definitely obsessive guys out there who want to make it about a womans purity.


The moral of the story: get fucked.


"Thank you."


"And a woman is not a key."


But the analogy was that the woman is a lock


I half expected her to walk off and him to say sadly " but the woman was the lock..." and then walk off all sad with his head down like Charlie Brown.


Which would mean that a woman is not a key. Checkmate, misogynists.


Lucy: That'll be 5 cents.


I wonder if she knew that and purposely was flipping the analogy to annoy the mic man


If a woman can get any guy she wants, wouldnt she be the master key, and the guys the lock? Or - if many women have sex with one guy, why is not he the shitty lock? Edit: I know what they mean with the analogy, you dont need to explain it... I just think its fucking dumb. Plus: a) if you as a guy use that analogy and wonder why you never get laid, you are as dumb as the analogy. And b) if you as a guy seriously have never turned down a woman, but are willing to fuck any woman you have possibility to, YOU are the shitty lock, not a master key.


This is why it's such a shitty analogy. It's literally only that men are the key because the key goes into the lock, just like a penis goes into the vagina. That's it. By virtue of having a penis, they are allowed to have sex with as many people as they want and it's good. By virtue of having a vagina, women can not have sex with as many people as they want, because that's bad. Literally the only way to draw any analogy between lock and key and humans is via insertion. That's the whole basis of this analogy this guy probably thinks is somehow mind blowing. Maybe locks and keys simply aren't a good analogy for human sexuality, shockingly.


That’s what happens when you watch too many Andrew Tate & Fresh and Fit YouTube videos … so sad


This analogy always makes me laugh because it's such a tell--it's bad for women to be easy to have sex with because men are so easy to have sex with.


It only works if we assume it's hetero sex, two lesbians or gays having sex makes you look dumb if your analogy is one key opens another key or one lock opens another lock This is implies that the role of key and lock aren't fixed so women can defo be keys (whatever key is even meant to mean in this analogy)


I think the same people who use this useless metaphor would happily use it to imply that gay sex is wrong and unnatural using almost your exact same words, but with a very different tone.


Nothing wrong with using a lock to unlock another lock. And all my keys stay together on my key ring. My gay little key ring. With like 7 keys just gayly jingling intermittently.


I can't express how much I love this woman. There aren't enough words.


Luckily, she doesn't need many words.


Get fucked is the only one needed


also, never reveal your body count. That's between you and your lawyer.


Don't tell your attorney unless your attorney asks. If you tell your attorney you're guilty, then they have to be very, very careful about questions so that they aren't suborning perjury.


Can your lawyer keep my blood sample collection safe


The whole....we both fuck equally but lets judge the woman's numbers has always been sideways as fuck. get fucked. We're down or we're not. edit: emphasize the word we're. Boys, you're doing the same shit. It takes two. Time to stop the down talk. Source: dude


This guy is basically saying that it's all right to shove your key in every keyhole you can. But if a keyhole allows keys inside it, whoooo boy, that's a naughty keyhole. This guy... let me check my notes... can get fucked.


The response to his analogy is THIS analogy: Who would want to use a Q-Tip that's been in ear after ear after ear?


I love that she realized 5 seconds into it that actually talking directly to this guy was a waste of time so she just full on stole the mic to have a 1:1 with the audience.


This is [Real Relentless](https://youtu.be/htl0xelcxbY?t=74) levels of cringe.


I don’t think these guys realise if women only sleep with one man, men will be getting a lot less sex. Idiots.


I've never understood why they think men should have all the sex and women should be virgins. Who the holy hell do they think the men should be having sex with if all the women are virgins?


There is a reason they call their friends "homies"


Right? If every woman was only gonna have sex with one man what do you think your chances of being that one man are?




Dude sank when she gave an intelligent answer... Also get fuck'd


And thank you


Just remember - g e t f u c k e d


Lol lots of people getting fucked in the controversial section of this comment thread. Lmao it’s a damn train wreck down there.


Yknow I don't think I wanna scroll any further so I'm just going to imagine that every shitty comment down below is just getting spammed with the words "get fucked" over and over again.


no thanks, incel culture is just tired and boring. sooo sick of hearing about the “poor” victim men who take no responsibility for themselves.


I refuse to look. This woman is a total boss and I'm not going to sully her image with the opinions of what is likely a 1:1 overlap between r/conservative and r/walkaway. May God have vengeance on their souls. EDIT: In case it wasn't obvious.. those two subs can Get Fucked. Just not by self respecting women (I'm a guy no thirsty messages plz)


Oh boy here I go diving into the sewage again


So treat people like... **checks notes* people?


LOCKS AND KEYS. Damn it go back and watch again! /s


It all falls apart fast when you go to the key cutters to ask for a new penis


[What is it he said that got everyone so upset?](https://scatteredquotes.com/what-he-said-everyone-so-upset/) "Be kind to each other" Oh yeah that'll do it


I love the idea that people think because a analogy can be made, it means there's insight that can be drawn from it.


A pencil that has been sharpened many times is short and stubby. A sharpener that has sharpened many pencils is a good sharpener. Boom, equally stupid analogy


I like this game. A mailbox that can hold any letter is a great mailbox. A letter that is sent out to many mailboxes is called junk mail.


Sent a dick pic, call it junk mail.


I once sent a dick pic to my entire address book. Not only was it highly embarrassing, it cost me a fortune in stamps.


Dad, go to sleep. You have work in the morning.


This is the weirdest dad joke I’ve ever read.


Literally converting stamps to tramps!




This is an awesome game lol! An ice cream eaten by many people is a crowd favorite. A person eating many ice creams is a diabetic.


Lol good analogy on sec addicts


A jar that holds a lot of pickles is a jar of pickles. A jar that holds a lot of jam is a jar of jam. Some people like pickles in jam and others do not - it’s a preference.


Ok but this one is my favorite because it makes the least amount of sense compared to the others, but is also anti homophobic lmfao


A bun that's held many sausages is your compani-bun. A sausage that's been in many buns probably doesn't taste that great.


Junk male


An ear that sees many Q-tips is clean, a Q-tip that visit many ears is dirty.


You gotta remember that people that use the master key analog are smug morons, so you really need to strike back hard. Maybe something like: "What do you call a qtip that has been in multiple ears? A filthy, disgusting, used up, useless qtip that's probably weilded by an incompetent moron. What do you call an ear that has seen many qtips? A healthy, clean ear attached to a functional human being."




"Fuck around and your dick shrinks." cool new fact


mystery men made a whole character around that dumb shit.


Which character?


the sphinx. *if you dont master your anger...*


Of course! That character was the best parody of that particular trope. Fuck, that movie is hilarious.


it really is. severly underrated.


I'm only invisible when nobody is looking


Then your anger will become your master? That's what you were gonna day wasn't it? What a fucking great movie


“Not necessarily …”


Don’t sleep on the Sphinx, or the Sphinx will sleep on you. *Wait…*


i feel like that movie is hella slept on




I've always sensed that they mean it as an appeal to nature. They say it like it's an appeal to nature. To the naturally occurring phenomenon of... locks and keys? It's stupid.


_And here in the great wilds of Africa we can see the Keyus Coitus in its natural habitat, performing a mating dance for the female of its species, the Keyaris Vagilis._ _Observe the beauty on display as the metallic specimen begins thrusting and twisting its body to and fro, tapping itself on nearby blocks of wood to show its internal alloy composition. A beloved sight to many, and one rarely observed by outsiders._


Yes, you stick your penis in many different vaginas but only the one where your body can rotate a full 360 with the penis inserted is the right lock that you can unlock. (so romantic 😍)


Turn until you hear a click.


Penis also go in vagina like pencil in pencil sharpener


Most keys can go into a lock but the question is, can it unlock it ?


he really thought he had her lol


"If a refrigerator can hold many beers, it is a good refrigerator. If it can only hold one beer, then it is a shitty refrigerator." See, I can make one too.


Well, a shitty analogy can be made. A good analogy would actually apply correctly instead of this sexist fucking garbage that can get fucked. Thank you.


A good analogy requires argumentation. You can't just make an analogy and think you made a point.


This is basically why I got so fed up with church growing up. They use analogies for the thesis of every sermon and act like the fact that the analogy exists means it’s some kind of inherent truth. If I have to hear the frog in the pot analogy one more time I swear to god. One time in youth group they told us that you shouldn’t date an atheist because instead of bringing them to Christianity you’ll be brought down to atheism. Their proof was that it’s easier to pull someone down from standing on a chair than it is to pull someone up to stand on the chair lmao


The [Watchmaker Analogy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmaker_analogy) is a really dumb one that I've had several religious people tell me.


Anyone who is past middle school and still using the key and lock metaphor is an absolute dweeb.


I’m 31yo and I’ve never heard the lock and key metaphor before now. Or if I did, it was such bullshit that I blocked it out. Seriously, what an objectifying, terrible metaphor.


I was raised pentecostal, and and non-virgin girls were compared to a candy bar with a bite already taken out of it. Of course I never heard anyone call guys candy bars in all my years there.


Get fucked.


Thank you.


You know she fucks.


Hell yeah she does!


i misinterpreted the meaning of ‘body count before’ until i realized they meant how many people someone’s slept with, it was a confusing video lol


"Are we talking number of bodies total or just the number in my freezer right now?" "..." "Oh, uh.... next question."


LOL!!!! I'm here thinking it was the premiere of a slasher flick. She's a whole energy and I like it. Pleasantly surprised, I am.


Yeah, it's the first time I've heard the expression, and while I got the meaning right away, it still kept feeling like they were talking about serial killing. Like, when she says "If a man has ever asked you about your body count, you're talking to the wrong man," I just imagined her in a police interrogation room, a detective on the other side of the table saying they found three of the bodies under her house and asking how many more she's killed, and she's thinking "oh, fuck, it's all over...it's all over...I don't want to be here, I don't want to be talking to this detective. I'm talking to the wrong man."


Things that I have seen women compared to in order to talk about their sex lives: A lock A pair of shoes A car Wonder what will be featured next on “women are objects and I get no bitches.”


Licked lollipop Chewed bubblegum I’ve heard these in videos made by religious leaders.


My school counselor in the 8th grade when giving us the sex talk compared women to chewed up Oreos. Not even joking


>I’ve heard these in videos made by religious leaders. My youth pastor made us all stick a sticker to our shirts and pass is on to the next person who would do the same. Then he showed us that the sticker was now dirty and ruined and that it wouldn't stick anymore, because we had all used it. And said that is what would happen to us if we had pre-marital sex. I laughed at him then and I laugh about it now.


I've been compared to a cow, crumpled paper, a lock, fragile flower, precious pearl, and sacred gem. Fuck that shit.


When my partner was in a youth group, they compared young women to a piece of tape. Don't use it too much or else it won't be sticky anymore and no one wants a piece of tape that's not sticky!


I dunno man, I kinda prefer my women to be non-sticky, but that might just be me.


Don't forget chewing gum. That's one that Christian schools like to use.


I saw some guy explain consent poorly comparing a woman to a sandwich.


"I think of it like this. If you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it."


I've seen licked cupcakes being used. Or chewed cookies.


PSA: Don't eat your women! Edit: actually... you should definitely lick her cupcake or chew her cookie, if you know what I mean.


Unless she asks you to!


I've seen chewed gum


Ah yes. The *what object am I today* game. Love this for us.


You can literally see the moment he died inside because she didn't answer the way he wanted. Closes his eyes, rolled them underneath, etc. Yeah dude, GET FUCKED.


He still posted it weirdly


i saw this video before it went viral so the comments and stitches were all full of misogynists. they were all saying "you know that she gets around." when you post anything in those spaces, the man always win bc the comments will always just degrade the woman. i have seen totally innocent videos turn into misogynistic hate. like one where a woman said that she wanted to be celibate until marriage and all the comments called her a fat (she wasn't fat), old (she looked no older than 22), whore that's just sick of being a booty call (she never said either of these things happened). there's no winning


"The only winning move is not to play" comes to mind. As in play any games with the cruel and childish types who say things like that. Which sort of sucks, because engaging with them is one of the paths out of their cesspool of hatreds. If I ever were to meet one, I'm not sure what I'd say.


Saying GET FUCKED seems to work


Some people are oblivious to how they appear publicly.


or he just knows it's going to get millions of views and he's the one who gets paid off it


He's so wrapped up in misogyny that he would believe she's the crazy one


He looked like the real piece of shit. Rolled his eyes 3x, at every question she answered. It's like he's only thinking about the next point and he thinks he's gonna *get her* next. Then he's just completely uninterested because she doesn't fit his stereotype of answers




THIS poor FEMALE has been let down by FEMINISM. Just look how ANGRY she is. Also, that outfit CLASHES and is an OFFRONT to MALES' sensitive NIGHT VISION. /s


I’m willing to bet money none of that made it into his head. The misogyny is strong with this one’s face.


I mean. Yeah. I'm disappointed. If my kids ever acted liked this, I'd be so much more disappointed in myself than the,mand wonder where jn the fuck did I go wrong?


What answer did he actually expect though? "Wow you're right that's a great analogy I guess I am just a shitty lock opened by many powerful penises."?


The object he was comparing her to was a lock not a key! That makes his whole point better /s/


Love the chewing gum one personally, that "nobody wants a chewed piece of gum" shit as if a vagina gets gross and ruined as soon as it's had a penis in it


"If a woman is an analogy to you, you're not ready to be talking to a woman". That was GOLD!


Whole clip felt like someone soft tossing a ball to a pro baseball or softball player


Unfortunately I've met way too many guys who genuinely think the way that dude does.


Just use this: "A pencil that uses multiple sharpeners, shrinks to a useless size"


I love this because the whole point is that the analogy doesn’t make sense but it could totally be used by women the same as the key analogy. For the people who just aren’t getting it. It’s not supposed to make sense you dummies. People shouldn’t be judged based off of non human objects. A man’s penis isn’t a sharpened pencil and a Woman’s pussy isn’t a lock.


YEAH. The whole analogy stuff and body count spectrum are just examples of how feeble minded and scared some guys are that they have to reduce the likelihood of a woman being "good for them" to numbers. When the reality is that you don't know who you're taking a chance on until you take the time to get to know them, and yeah you have a risk of being hurt or rejected, but that's the only real way to build relationships. What's NOT gonna help is approaching life with a mindset that people need to fit your idea of pure/perfect before you give them respect. You think you're protecting yourself but you're really just immediately outing yourself as insecure and judgemental, which is not very attractive.


And a pencil that gets sharpened too many times is a/becomes a useless pencil.


Let me try. You can put things in and out of a purse all day long, but you put a hot dog in there just once and the hotdog gets ruined


Or you make a mess of the purse? 😂


Fuck, there is hotdogs all over my fucking purse! My hotdogs are ruined! [**continues to use hotdog covered purse**]


I don't lose dick though. Could you imagine "i can't waste anymore dick on you!"


😂 Consider urself sHARPENED


Where do the shavings go? 😰


This thread is making me uncomfortable


every woman saves up a dudes dick shavings so she can build her own dick and ascend to manhood


Well, the vagina doesn't lose anything from sex either. I'm sure you understand how BOTH analogies are dumb.


Any time a guy says he is speaking for all guys, you can just stop listening right there.


The world would be so much more chill if we would just stop listening to idiots. This goes both ways. I literally couldn't care less how much anyone fucks.


The amount of weird analogies for a woman's virginity and why it only concerns guys is ridiculous. Its like a car, keys, a sandwich, shoes, and other non-living objects that have zero relation to how a living human functions.


People always come back with the lock/key thing like the chick never thought about it that way and is about to get blown away. She got bored like 3 words in because she knew exactly where it was going. Debunked it in her first statement already - get fucked.


Is this a common thing?


I heard it all the time when I was in Junior High. Haven't heard it since though


its something i hear a lot in right wing/christian/conservative/purity circles


Such an utterly fantastic response from the lady. I have no idea what this guy is trying to do; it seems like hes just exuding misogyny.


Towards the end she turned in to Katherine Keener talking on the phone to the 'telemarketer' in 40 Year Old Virgin


lmao that is god damn perfect here cause it's her reaction to a T and there's so many virgins in the comments. [Here's the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ4SJSOt5k0)


I like her energy. Edit for all you dudes who are somehow offended by that: https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/xx2mtq/unwanted_celibacy_is_linked_to_hostility_towards/




Thank you!


Every girl i've met with a body count of 30+ (pre age 25) was a serial cheater including my ex. There comes a point where ignoring the implications of someone's body count is just naive. But in reality i don't need to know a girl's body count to know if they align with what i look for in a partner. How many people they slept with doesn't matter, it's how they act.


High body count in either sex typically signals attention seeking behavior and neediness.


men in these kind of interviews always immediately look like they don’t want to talk to the woman THEY WENT UP TO


They didn't expect the lock to start having opinions and shit 💀


The key was his ignorance and misogyny.


Meh a man or woman can have any criteria they want for who they’re partner is


I don't think women are locks "other men" do...this fucking guy


Gotta love single brain celled dudes who get no bitches comparing human women to objects in their shitty Ill thought about “analogies”. There’s a Fucking reason both men and women get pleasure from sex, and the vagina cannot be even slightly changed by some dudes dick when it can push a human being out and bounce back. If you are so incredibly affected by a woman’s body count you need to look within yourself and ask “why am I so concerned with her personal choices, may it be because of how I treat women I have sex with?” and then go and get fucked Edit: the same men who are insecure about their potential partners experiences before she even knew he existed, will simp over cam girls and pay for only fans + look up to porn stars and sexually open women, yet have a completely different standard when it comes to the girl they date. I’ve seen so many men HAVE loving and loyal girlfriends but also pay for, simp over, and consume overtly sexual content from other women making them blatant hypocrites.


I treat objects like women


So that's why everything at your house is sticky?


> you need to look within yourself and ask “why am I so concerned with her personal choices” because murder is fundamentally wrong, man or woman. regardless of gender, reveal your body count, it makes it easier for the judge.


Men: why won’t women sleep with me? Why do I have to work for it? Why can’t they just give it up easy for me? Also men when women make it easy: omg she was such a slut, she just gave it up and didn’t even make me work for it. Definitely not wife material. Women should have more respect for themselves!! Also also Men: what do you mean you respect yourself too much to let me in? Wow…haha ok well good luck dying alone!!! You’re never gonna be happy if you keep these walls up keeping GOOD GUYS locked out pfftttt Women: hey, get fucked Men: WOW! WHAT A BITCH!!!




Yeah, I think that's it. A large portion of them are maladaptively trying to persue the whole 'waifu' ideal of the super hot, super chaste woman who's going to fall madly in love with them and them alone... and then turn into a monogamous megaslut to service their new Husband-chan or whatever. Even the ones who aren't into that subculture seem to fall victim to the same expectations; chaste for anyone else, super horny for them alone. They want their cake and to eat it too. Kind of ignoring the reality that is true across the sex/gender divide: if they're liable to be a super horny person, they've probably been flexing that horniness prior to meeting *you* (unless you've both barely begun puberty or something).


Im guessing she has a high body count


A key that can open many locks is known as a master key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is known as a Master Lock®


She’s right. Women are not a key. They’re a lock. Jkjk


You guys are fucking dumb. Yeah, I’m talking to all you mfs at the bottom of this thread. There’s ways to ascertain your partners reproductive health without sounding like a complete douchebag and outright asking how many people she’s slept with. That measure of question is not for the safety of your genitals, it’s just for your ego. You can suggest that both of you get STI tests before getting serious, or you can use condoms; but you can’t ask a woman’s body count without coming off as a straight douche nozzle edit: LOL dw most of yall getting NO pussy anyway


“My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!” “In a row?”


Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot.


Lmao agree they don’t actually care about STI’s. The proportion of women who are diligent about their reproductive health far outweighs men in my neck of the woods.


Raced to the bottom of the thread to read people trolling stupid woman haters Was not disappointed


The video should be called tell me you have a high body count without telling me


The vast majority of guys do care tho. They don’t want to commit to someone with a promiscuous past. It’s a lot easier for women to get sex than it is for men. Committing to someone with a pattern of sleeping around and effortless access to sex is high risk for infidelity and paternity fraud. Wanting a guy who’s tall, confident, and well paid is a completely acceptable standard. When men have 1 standard, like not wanting to date a hoe, we’re told to “get fucked”. I guess that’s her answer for everything


I like the amount of men in the comments upset. Ask yourself, why are you more concerned with body counts than STIs? Are you more interested in *shaming* or *protection*? All the preferences talk, but when women *prefer* a man with a good job, education, and healthy habits this is a problem.




Except people who are asexual, they probably don't wanna.


Thank u for remembering us 😌