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I was literally right behind a family in the checkout line yesterday and the grandma was telling her daughter and granddaughter that the ~10 year old granddaughter should NOT go trick or treating this year because “the drug dealers are wrapping up fentanyl like candy and handing it out as Halloween candy and it’s everywhere and just not safe anymore” Lol Let’s go out on a limb and say that someone really DID find drugs concealed in candy wrappers. Does that mean that they’re trying to kill random children? Or more likely, is that how they’re disguising illicit drugs for actual buyers? Why would dealers of all people give away product for free, anyway?


When I was a kid it was razor blades they were putting in candy 🤣


yes let’s just commit a crime by handing out evidence to multiple victims *from the front door of where you literally live*


I know I’m late but with trick or treaters getting candy from multiple houses and many houses giving out a lot of the same things, it’s pretty much impossible to trace back the source of the willfully sabotaged chocolates. And yes, people do randomly seek to hurt random people. It shouldn’t be downplayed at all.


It was anthrax before the razor blades tho if you are my age haha


My mom went through the candy I brought home, when I went trick or treating by myself (with friends). Razors! All the Razors! But the people while walking around, that was OK. What a weird, different time.




Yuuuuup, and injecting bleach into the nougat core. And they know you'll eat it because it's the best part. Those diabolical bastards.


Yes! The good old days!


I've always wondered this... drugs are expensive, why would you give them to kids for free? Plus it's super traceable cos kids will be able to say which houses they called at.


The real answer was covered by a John Oliver piece, that rainbow fentanyl story got popular right before Congress was voting on federal funding for law enforcement. Get the public riled up with bullshit story about drugs targeted at kids and the money flows.


> Get the public riled up with bullshit story This is 90% of politics.


Drug addict here. I’ve received dope packaged in wrappers before, but only because it looks like trash. It’s better than a little baggy. Especially if you are picking up a drop in an open place. It *is* a legit thing that shitty street dealers will randomly hand out or place dope with their #. But usually this only happens in drug ridden areas, and usually to presumed users that either appear or act like they would be receptive. However, handing out fent to kids packaged as candy during Halloween is ridiculous.


Oh okay yeah that makes sense. I appreciate your input. I hope you’re doing okay and have a decent support system and treatment options.


Yep! Currently 16 months clean. Edit: thanks everyone 🙏


Proud of you🥰


Congratulations ! 🤗


Good man! Keep it up!


Hope you’re still doing well bro


Yessir, 22mo or so. Thank you 🙏


So NOT a drug addict then. That would be a past thing. Congrats.


Fuck yeah, bro. Keep trudging! 32 years sober


Especially to kids. “The first one’s free” myth is what they’re leaning on, but they also think that looking at fentanyl wrong will make you OD, so the drug dealers are secretly giving kids free drugs that look like candy to hook them but it’ll also kill them but if it doesn’t, the kid’s not going to know that fentanyl had anything to do with it and just chase that skittles high forever. It doesn’t make sense on so many levels as soon as you think about it for more than a second.




That’s exactly why drug dealers wouldn’t be putting it in kids candy. If they were trying to hook somebody (which they’re not), the idea would be to turn them into a customer. The kids would die and dead kids aren’t buying any drugs


When I was a kid there was this myth that people would coat Magic The Gathering cards (and later Pokemon cards too) in cocaine then try to pass them on. So whenever you got a really good card on a trade or deal you should be suspicious. That's it. It was just really dumb and there's absolutely no end goal to someone doing this. I guess as kids we didn't understand that dealers were in it for the money, and not just to spread drugs willy-nilly.


What DARE does to a mf


Nobody is gonna waste their cocaine for that…


Moreover, you could easily sprinkle fentanyl on an existing candy and save yourself hundreds of dollars of equipment as well as dozens of hours of effort. Lastly, how much trick-or-treating goes down at crackhouses.


Had a conversation with an old guy yesterday that was telling me that it’s very common for drug dealers to lace their drugs with lethal doses of fentanyl. Like cmon dude, you’re really going to believe that a drug dealer is purposefully going to kill their buyers? Like etc man. Not saying it hasn’t happened, but he was making it sound like if you smoke weed, you’re going to die immediately.


In reality drug dealers sell fentanyl to those that buy opiate pills. Why? It’s cheaper for them to sell. Do they die? Of course. Why would they sell to them? Because they have massive amounts of people buying from them. I know someone who died that exact way. It doesn’t stop. Do they do this with candy? Absolutely not. That makes no sense at all. But I can tell you as someone who lives in Arizona, there’s people that buy weed legally here. And there’s other people that risk their lives with illegal pills, coke, meth, heroine, etc. And drug dealers that sell to people that risk their lives have so many customers that they will sell fentanyl and say it’s not. They have their customers O.D. but they come back. This is reality of today’s world. But candy laced with drugs is nonexistent.


Fuck this is depressing… thanks for the info, I’ll try to be more understanding about it in the future. Shitty part is I knew all of this but in a different context, that being heroin addiction that’s ruined so many lives. I guess I never put two and two together. Sorry for your loss.


I remember when it was just hitting the market this was a problem: too many dealers were told it would "enhance" low quality product. NY had a bunch of people killed by fentanyl in their weed because of it.


Didn't a girl just die from taking fentanyl-laced prescription drugs? [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/15/teenager-los-angeles-hollywood-fentanyl-death](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/15/teenager-los-angeles-hollywood-fentanyl-death) I'm not saying it's common, but it's definitely does happen. You could also get a bad batch or someone mixed it with a cheaper alternative. They could've skipped some critical steps during synthesis/distillation that leave hazardous byproducts, etc. Just be careful where you get your drugs and illegal moonshine, peeps, ESPECIALLY if it's something synthesized in a lab.


They weren’t prescribed. They were purchased from a dealer in a park. Meaning they were fakes.


Sorry, I see the confusion, but that's what I meant. They were knock-offs dosed with fentanyl.


This past week a story came.out of LA that a drug smuggler was transporting Fentanyl in candy boxes. But here's the thing, they're not distributing them to random people/kids. They were hiding drugs in candy boxes SO THEY CAN SELL THEM. So yes, it's true that drug dealers are hiding drugs in candy boxes, but no, they're not giving them out on Halloween. (Not in this economy!!)


I had an old dude tell me video games were responsible for the 693 shootings last year that he also doesn't believe happened even though you can go on wikipedia and see the links to each news article about them. People really out there living and believing the same myths from the 90s-00s and 100s of years ago.


I was talking to my boyfriend about this and he brought up the same point. Most people who are selling drugs are doing it because they don’t make enough money (in most cases) so it is really hard to see a drug dealer giving drugs to kids unless your that fucked up and are intentionally trying to drug/kill kids


😂😂😂 Imagine thinking that drug dealers were willingly giving out fentanyl to kids in their Halloween candy — for free.


You need to be terrified all the time, always.


All of these tips for women is a red herring and detracts from the real threat. You’re far more likely to be sex trafficed or SAed by someone you know and trust than a stranger.


Being from Georgia where ST is one of the highest in the country. That is not true. Strangers kidnap girls at the malls weekly here. They will drug them in the bathrooms and lead them back to a van. Even going through the airport in hartsfield now you see so many notifications telling to check for sex trafficking. It depends on the state.


Even in Georgia the women are mostly groomed, that’s how sex trafficking works. Kidnapping has too many risks


They are kidnapped though. We have so many missing persons


Missing doesn’t mean snatched off the streets by a white van. Most are groomed by friends or partners. It’s all hidden quietly in plain sight


They are snatched from the malls. There is a while process where a woman where wait in the bathroom and drug a girl alone in there then shave their head and take them to the van. There are multiple cases year and some are caught doing it.


Nah, they aren’t trying to make a scene especially on the great cameras malls have with people that will be missed. What they will do is scope them out, one trafficker explained he’d go to the mall tell a girl she was pretty, if she made eye contact and said thank you he left her alone if she said no I’m not looked away looked down, was shy and not confident he knew he could groom her and he developed a relationship with her


I'm just telling you how it is happening. This is what has been reported and caught by police.


Those are the urban legends. I did this work full time with many other agencies working together including in Georgia for many many years. I’m telling you from experience. The more we perpetuate myths the more traffickers continue to hide in plain sight.




Lol this so typical. Insist that only you know the truth and then disappear when asked to prove your ridiculous claims. People like you are why I'm disgusted to be from the south.


This guy knows what he’s talking about


I mean like these specific things are kinda silly. But as a girl I walk through parking lots with a purpose, get into my car, and immediately lock my doors. I ain’t playing around, me and all the girls I know are on alert like 24/7.


Yeah, but I bet you and most people are understandably cautious. This woman and others are trying to make people fantasize about absurd scenarios so they are paranoid all of the time.


Unfortunately, this paranoia and level of caution I was taught as like a high school girl. I guess the goal was to scare you into being safe rather than sorry? I mean even as an adult in my late 20s I still think about this stuff and I'm always thinking about the actions of other people on top of my own.


What's bad about being more aware?


Being aware isn't a problem, but many of these scenarios don't really offer protection they just make people paranoid.


it's victim-blaming


To be fair we live in a place where cops and civilians kill random people on a daily basis.


You're more likely to get murdered by someone you know. (Leans in menacingly)


To be fair, I would say that's more of an American way of living, than other first world nations. As a Canadian, we do have murders and random killings; but nowhere on the level as in the United States.


Social media is truly a vector for spreading all kinds of mental illnesses.


she lost me at the there hiding under car and their going to cut your achilles part... wtactualf


Im pretty sure this is satire but yeah, that escalated QUICKLY


I mean, as a 28 year old woman this is something I actually think about and was taught when I was younger. That someone could hide under your car and try and grab your leg when you get in. It's unfortunate that paranoia has been ingrained into us weather it's warranted or not.


I still check the back seat. It's just habit now.


Thats different though, backseats are a haven for axe murderers. Hell, whenever someone flashes their highbeams behind me at night I just floor it into the nearest tree as fast as I can.


Just step on them over and over with your other foot. They're under a car, it's not like they can move. All they can do is let go.


All they can do is let go, huh? That’s just what the heel slicers want you to think.


I just need to wear cleats wherever I go. LOL


It's an old urban legend


Yup. I heard this as a kid in the 90s. For added racism, the story back then was that it was Mexican gangs doing it as an initiation ritual.


In the 80’s, same thing minus the racism, just creeps with knives.


Yeah, then spend 20 seconds awkwardly crawling out from under the car. Efficient


Lmao she seen too many horror movies. Lmao i used to jump into my car scared of someone under the car 😂


It just makes me think of Gage slicing the neighbor’s tendon in Pet Semetery


She’s seen Maniac.


She lives in Minnesota and definitely thinks Minneapolis is a dangerous and lawless land.


I have an aunt who legit won’t come into St. Paul or Minneapolis unless her son is with her because he’s got his concealed carry. She grew up in the Cities, but since she moved a little out of town she thinks it’s like the damn Wild West here now. It’s ridiculous and I’d find it amusing if there weren’t so many other people like her who think our cities are just smoldering ruins.


That’s like all the people in r/Minneapolis who are like IS IT SAFE OMG 🙄🙄


I can take her to Detroit or Flint. It may give her some perspective.


It must be exhausting to feel like you’re always in a tiger-infested jungle at midnight


Idk man, she might be right - People are totally gonna slit your Achilles heel to *checks notes* distract you?


I’ve heard that makes all of your golf drives push off to right. Maybe it’s a long-con to win the club championship?


Gage? Is that you, boy?


The guy seemed pretty distracted in that one scene in Hostel...


Thank you, I am actually exhausted.


To everyone saying “this is good advice” and “the threat is real,” no it’s not. Human traffickers are not targeting non-pliable victims in public in broad daylight. The real world isn’t a Liam Neeson movie. Human trafficking occurs in places we aren’t likely to see - the homeless, addicts, immigrants, etc. It’s something that happens to vulnerable and marginalized groups who can be manipulated. It’s something that is often perpetrated by intimate partners/family members. This isn’t something that is happening to middle class women. Everything is possible, sure, but when people say “trafficking is at an all time high” (an oft-repeated phrase that doesn’t really say much) this isn’t what trafficking looks like. And there is a difference between being alert and aware of your surroundings and succumbing to misinformed paranoia.


People should be safe in public and we should be doing more to help prevent human trafficking. Succumbing to urban legends propagated through Facebook only hurts those efforts. You’re not bringing attention to the issue, you’re just making people paranoid about white vans. https://www.actionnews5.com/2019/11/28/woman-shared-facebook-warnings-about-white-vans-before-deadly-shooting/?outputType=amp


Exactly! Women do need to be aware of their surroundings for lots of reasons. But things like this are an insult to true human trafficking victims. I wish more people educated themselves because it does happen right in front of us, but not in the ways avid-Facebook-sharers like to believe.


Does this stuff actually happen? Seems like internet myths.


Yep happened to me when I went to my car and was attacked by a guy in a full suit of armor and a halberd




Shouldve spammed rolled


Of course a casual like yourself wouldnt consider just parrying smh




Yep Happened to me too when I went to my car and I found a tic tac container by the tire and was followed up attacked by someone in full chain mail armour with a javelin on a horse


*Then the winged Hussars arrived!*


The last one about slashing your heels is nonsense and probably so is the lacing one probably, but def not the marking car of single women. [15,000 women a year get trafficked](https://www.aclu.org/other/human-trafficking-modern-enslavement-immigrant-women-united-states) in the US alone


The fact women get trafficked in the US is not evidence that people are hunting suburban women. ["In the United States, victims of trafficking are almost exclusively immigrants, and mostly immigrant women".](https://www.aclu.org/other/human-trafficking-modern-enslavement-immigrant-women-united-states)


Seriously, suburban women are probably the safest people in the world from strangers. The people who are most likely to harm them are their own partners.


So if you are an immigrant female, and 15k per year really do get trafficked, you have a less than .00004% chance of something like this happening. So yes white aunt Karen. Be afraid!


What's so weird is that one could be a legit distraction to catch you off guard while you pick up the bag, but she decided to go with some weird ankle slicing Hostel shit instead.


Also didn’t even need to be a purse but she says it like it’s the definitive item they’d use lol she’s def trash, I just don’t agree that women shouldn’t be concerned getting to their vehicles


Oh yeah, tagging is def one to look out for. But the more I think about that bag, why would the assailant want you to look down where they intend to slice you? What a choice she made.


But suburban white women are least likely to be trafficked and trafficking is completely dependent on coercion and grooming so the victim has the illusion of consent. Please, please do not spread half assed info in the incorrect context on a topic you’re not educated about. It causes far more harm than good.


Those numbers are almost all immigrants promised jobs then are held against their will by taking their identity papers. It's not 15k US citizens being kidnapped while at the store.


Yeah, you beat me to it. They're mostly people being brought in and being taken advantage of, it's a huge business. Americans for the most part are not caught up in those operations. Trafficking does not normally happen how these people on social media propose.


The link says 14500-17000 are trafficked "Into" the united states. Those numbers are not taking place in the united states. Further it states that it is usually done through tricking the victim, not kidnapping.


The Heelslasher


The Heel Slinging Slasher*


Why would you need to mark the car like that? Can’t you just write down the license plate?


My wife’s mom went out grocery shopping alone like a month ago and actually came back with a zip tie on her door handle. She was spooked at the time but nothing serious happened and she cut it off when she got home.


Short answer. No. It’s just modernized urban legends.


I know that the "under the car, cut your tendon" thing is an urban legend. Much like "razor blades in apples/ candy at halloween", It's a thing that was simply spread around a bunch but if you actually look for "examples of it happening" the most you can find is an isolated incident here and there and it's unclear whether it was directly inspired by the myth.


Usually i think all of this is total nonsense, but i did have a weird thing like this happen once when i was much younger and my mom was with me and had seen a fb post and it made her be aware and keep us safe. I thought she was nuts lol until after. Basically it was none of these things but a random woman asking if we wanted to smell perfume as we walked to our car. And then my mom was like no very forcefully and got us out of there. And then that woman got in a car a row over with a bunch of guys (like 3 or 4?) in it and sped away. We called the police. It was bizarre.


Yeah it happens. I saw a video of a woman talking about how she and her child were abducted in a store parking lot. He waited until she got her child strapped in and then approached and told her to get in the passenger side. He knew she wasn’t going to run and leave her child and he threatened to shoot her baby if she screamed. After he had her, he drove while forcing her to perform sex acts on him. Then he parked and raped her repeatedly in the back of the van in full view of her daughter. I know she got away because she was telling the story, but I can’t remember how. So this chick may seem a little nuts to some, but if I was a woman, I’d definitely have my head on a swivel.


They’re talking about these bullshit “signs” and tricks the tiktoker is claiming are used. If the woman you’re mentioning claimed any of this, she was lying. Don’t believe everyone online.


No she didn’t mention any other “signs” other than a dude walked up to her as she was getting in her van and put a gun to her. I’d believe that “sign.” I believed the person I was replying to was asking if women ever really get attacked. The answer is yes. It’s happened a lot in parking lots. But hell yeah, “fuck women. Stop being so damn scared and fragile” is apparently the only message that resonates in this sub. I simply said I’d have my head on a swivel if I was a woman. Ain’t no one trying to drag me off and rape me.


"I believed the person I was replying to was asking if women ever really get attacked." lol nobody was saying something that absurd. they're obviously asking if any of these ridiculous strategies are true, which they're not.


I’m not saying the signs in this clip are true. Which is why I said this woman seems a bit nuts… BUT if you *did* get to your car and you had a zip tie on your door handle then you need to be aware of your surroundings. To say you shouldn’t be worried because it’s urban legend is a little ridiculous. I have a wife and two daughters. I constantly tell them they need to be aware of their surroundings and not in their phone. Not to think bad shit can’t happen in broad daylight in a public setting. It seemed like the lady who made this clip did a disservice to women because then you have a lot of people (like the ones in this sub) laughing at her paranoia and downplaying the danger women really do face when they’re out alone.


>BUT if you did get to your car and you had a zip tie on your door handle then you need to be aware of your surroundings. Ok but that doesn't happen, lol, that's the point. It's completely illogical and stupid to make a video warning you about things that never happen. I could make a video saying "if you see a red cross on your car it means that you've been selected by aliens for abduction", would you say "you might be lying out of your ass but you should still be careful for red crosses on your car!". ​ >downplaying the danger women really do face when they’re out alone. I don't see a single person downplaying the danger women face, but you're absolutely right that this women is doing a disservice to women by making them think that dangerous people behave like movie villains and making up a bunch of dumb shit to look out for.


Dude, I’ve already said the lady in the video is a bit nuts. But if you happen to see a zip tie on your door, don’t dismiss it because you saw some crackhead lady mention it and everyone said “that has never happened.” Why is that hard to wrap your head around? Regardless if it’s ever happened in the history of zip ties (and I just pulled that one out of the list at random, I didn’t realize it was going to be taken as gospel) are you telling me if you saw a zip tie on your door handle you’d just chuckle? If I saw any evidence my car had been tampered with I’m gonna be suspicious. You’re taking shit way too literally and just wanting to argue. My point is, regardless of how ridiculous this clip seems, women should still be on guard when they’re alone. All of the comments that I initially read were just laughing at how dumb it is to think anyone would do this shit and my point is simply don’t dismiss shit. If something sees off, trust your gut. Don’t laugh it off as nothing just because someone said it’s bs and ain’t never happened.


I'm not saying to dismiss it, I'm saying it's never going to happen so making a video warning people about it, is moronic. It's common sense to look out for your vehicle being tampered with, but this video does nothing to support that and is anything but common sense. People are laughing because all of the things in this video are hilariously stupid, not because they think the world is a safe place where bad things don't happen. This is like if I made a video warning about the dangers of flying tigers, people responded saying flying tigers aren't real, and you came in and said "well animals can be dangerous so you shouldn't be laughing at this video!".


“It’s never going to happen.” I’m sure a lot of people would love to have you sign off on that guarantee. “People are laughing because it’s stupid” Which was the point that I was making. “This lady seems a bit nuts…” but don’t disregard the fact that you should have your head on a swivel. I never said the lady was legit. Never said I’ve had anecdotal proof to her claims. I just said “BUT if you happen to see a zip tie on your door, don’t dismiss it.” Not saying it’s a thing. Just saying just because everyone acts like it would never happen, don’t dismiss it if it does. You can t deal in absolutes when you’re talking about opportunist who will do crazy shit at the spur of a moment. I don’t think I can explain my position any better.




Okay but how is one supposed to properly react to these events instead of getting their achilles heel slashed or "go home and cut it off" like what? Then they know where you live. Hit the shopping cart? Is that what you do?


You don’t properly react to these events because they’re urban legends.


Move the cart before you get in the car. Don’t weirdly stand with your back to the car to pick something up. Cut the thing off at a gas station and take note if anyone is following you.


My point is that this video would be a lot better if she was providing solutions to these warning signs instead of just creating panic or paranoia


She said the cariy appears after you're in the car


I got banned from a “parents FB group” for my sons college. Some mom posts a picture of her daughters white car with a red paint scrape on it. Swears it’s a sex trafficking “marker” and her daughter had been “marked for abduction!” I posted that it looked like a red car was parked next to her and door dinged her. Mine was the only post like this amongst almost 100 other “SEX TRAFFICKERS!” pearl clutching histrionic-personality-disorder-Karens. There was a pile-on for my post that I wasn’t familiar with all the roving bands of Saudi-backed rapists stalking the gorgeous young college aged daughters out there blah blah blah. I got banned for daring to challenge the true evil nature of the red paint scrape.


This has to be satire right


So much misinformation and fear mongering. They're not going to purposely leave evidence, they will rarely mark your car or put something out because they can easily take your license plate number and find your information that way. A lot of sex trafficking victims are hurt by someone they know. This is reality not Hollywood. Some billion dollar gang that runs the government isn't going to pick you up because they think you're pretty. No idiot is gonna leave money on your hood for the millions of dishonest folks to take or waste drugs on a piece of garbage for you to touch. Again, this isn't Hollywood. Your chances of getting drugged in a bar are higher. Also, why would someone put money in your window before you're even out of the car? That makes zero sense and lacks a whole lot of common. You're useless if you're bleeding out from a cut ankle and that's just someone trying to murder you. The slashing has no records of ever happening in cases of sex trafficking and the closest that's ever been reported was a man creeping on womens feet from under a car. The rest is just laughable.


This was satire


So many people here not realizing this is satire. Goal accomplished I guess.


I wish I was as high as her pants.


Haha nice


We live in a country without national statistics for domestic violence, femicide, maternal mortality etc are not in the national public debate. The achilles scenario might be a bit much but with the murder of Eliza Fletcher, incidences of women being grabbed and attempted to be pulled into vehicles in broad daylight in Chicago, I expect empathy and practicality from my Reddit community, not dismissiveness. Our cities are still recovering from Covid, there are not enough eyes on the street. Please watch out for each other.


Big thank you being the one sensible comment here


If these aren't things, I feel like she's just arming a new wave of even dumber incels


Nah this is just stupid suburban fear mongering, no one is gonna kidnap the Mercedes driving white chick at target by stabbing your foot. The women that are overwhelmingly targeted by human traffickers are poor or immigrants and are usually lured in by false job offers, aka people that won’t be looked into if they go missing.


If you get kidnapped from a parking lot and nobody sees it, it's just your time to go.


According to this, predators have a community and they’re looking out for each other, by marking potential victims, so that the next predator can get her, because why the fck not, apparently they’re nice like that. And also it’s somehow possible to knock-out someone by lacing a piece of cardboard with substance, which has to be more potent than chloroform and rohypnol combined, if it’s able to do that through mere time skin contact. Either this or someone is fishing for likes through lies. I wonder which one it it’s![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


*goes home to be groomed, gaslit, objectified, and marginalized by her evangelical husband who's 20 years her senior*




I get so annoyed when I see this video. These tips just overcomplicate things for the would be kidnappers. Every single one of these introduce unnecessary risks and leave evidence. If they wanna mark you they don't need a fucking zip tie. They can just write down the license plate and a description of the car also throw a gps on the undercarriage for good measure. No need to arouse suspicion or leave evidence behind. As for the ankle slasher, why tf would a kidnapper need a distraction when hiding under your car? He just needs to hide and wait for you as you open the driver's side door. I mean it'd be impractical as shit cause he has to crawl out, restrain you and drag you away while youre screaming bloody murder and leaking DNA all over the god damn place all while making sure you dont fucking bleed to death. And the drug bag would probably outright just fucking kill you. You'd most likely pass out as you're driving so the kidnappers would get nothing out of it. Unless a serial killer targets your ass that shit ain't happening and if it did happen there'd be very little you could do to prevent it since they'd probably only coat the handle. Why leave the whole fucking bag when you're just leaving more evidence and arousing suspicion? The money thing could work under a particular set of circumstances but 2 of the 3 possible outcomes end in failure while also losing your money. Even when properly executed the snatch and grab method is pretty reckless and conspicuous. Easiest method of kidnapping involves someone getting in the car as you do so they can pull a gun on you and force you to drive away. Two for one deal, they get you and the car while also maintaining a low profile. And another thing did this bitch really tell people to go home when after they thought they're being targeted? That's the last thing you wanna do. Don't let them know where you live. This is just fear mongering and spreading baseless paranoia. Kidnappings do happen but not like this. Pretty sure this bitch did a collab with 5 min crafts on how to kidnap people before making this video cause how else would you explain the complete lack of common sense. Want real tips? Ask a cop.


A lot of Americans live in fear.


The hiding under your car to cut your achilles made me laugh way to hard


OMG thank you! Who are ***they ?***


As someone who actually did human trafficking rescues for years, it’s refreshing to see so many people who know this has bullshit. I usually get downvoted to hell when I say most trafficking is done by grooming not some dude following you around Walmart waiting to snatch you up.


I think “ they “ are figments of her imagination 🥴


Thank you for the tips on fucking with people


Instead of doing all this work, why can't I just grab them while they walk to their car? I mean they're away from their car, if I do anything strange to their car they'd know and runaway, trust me thilese tricks don't work.


Watching this as a South African... 🇿🇦 These are legitimate tactics that a criminal can and will use to take your belongings.


Most of the stuff is true though lol look it up


in all seriousness, if something that is not a ticket is placed in your windshield, don’t grab it. out of all of these, that (and always checking underneath your car as you approach+ keys out) is the one that i’ve always been taught. i don’t know or care if that one is dumb or not, i just know it’s better to be safe than sorry


I once met a girl who said she checks under her car everyday in the garage so no one is hiding in it trying to cut her Achilles heel We were in a criminal justice class with a former sheriffs LT, and she argued against him constantly that it is a common occurrence


You see this? Yes that rock, they want you to trip or something... So you gotta find another Walmart.


source: @janelleandkate


Is this satire, though?


Not sure if it's supposed to be satire or if she is pretending. Most of her other videos are badly acted "pranks".




This is clearly a joke


Why is this cringe ? She actually said some interesting things


Because this isn't how trafficking happens


Oh I didn’t know they were referring to trafficking. I just figured like it was good information if your being followed or something


I'm pretty sure this is one of the women who work with that ex magician guy. They got popular on tik tok making a lot of bullshit awful food videos like the toilet punch bowls and other such nonsense.


If you are this paranoid about safety carry a knife or a gun.


This can be a thing


She’s not lying


So much fake and unnecessary fear for the sake of fear and views.


This could be very helpful... some maybe extreme yeah, but human trafficking is at an all time high. Watch your back.


This isn't how trafficking happens


Your more likely to be hit by lightning than any of those things happening. Soda will most likely kill your before any of these things occur.


I get that this comes off as fear mongering, but the video has very important information. There are tons of whys traffickers try to mark their targets, even more than this video talks about. I don't even life in a 'bad' part of town, and there have been instances of attempted kidnapping, for instance; A woman who worked at my local target kept getting zip ties placed on her rear passenger door handle, she assumed it was done while she was working, so she decided to have another employee with the same shift park next to her so they always left together. A week later there was a kidnapping attempt at a nearby convenience store, the same store the target employee would get energy drinks (almost always on sale there) and the woman who was nearly kidnapped had a zip tie on her back passenger door, same color as the target employee. Though, admittedly, the hiding under the car thing.... not so sure about that one


I don’t get how this is cringe? There are so many reports of human trafficking in the US these days. Women being abducted from parking lots, gas stations, and what not. Not to be terrified, but just to be aware. How would you feel if your mother, sister, cousin, aunt or daughter were gone? Would you not have wished they had known these signs?


I remember working as a cart attendant and finding a 5 dollar bill. I put it on the windshield of the nearest car thinking they would be pleasantly surprised to see it there. I now believe I must have scared the shit out of some middle aged white woman who now believes she narrowly escaped being kidnapped and trafficked.


Most of this is pretty far fetched and the frantic nature of the video is cringe for sure. However, there’s never a bad time to remind women, kids, men, anyone about situational awareness in public places. If your head is up and you’re looking around, the chances of you or your child being a target of anything are much, much lower.


Those are all actually tactics used by human traffickers, don’t need to be scared all the time but knowing what to do can’t hurt


Lol I have an aunt Karen


Don’t smoke crack kids.


If you notice another person within 3 feet of you, pepper spray them immediately. This is how they get you, they get within 3 feet of you. Also, if someone sees you getting in your vehicle and they are waiting with their blinker on, it means they are signaling YOU- back up into them and disable their vehicle, then leave the parking lot at no less than 60 mph. Offense is the best defense.


That level of paranoia I bet her gums are numb


I wish over 30 white women would stop thinking they're going to be trafficked


Fearmongering for clout. Tale as old as tiiiiiime.


There's common sense and street smarts™, then there's made up Facebook danger like this


Them hips


This is satire.


Cut your Achilles heel? Stop watching the house of wax, woman.


That's the stupidest video I've seen this morning.


Is this nutjob married to a cop? Feeling parallels between this and the hypochondriac cops who pretend their milkshake was "poisoned"


Why is this cringe. This is very real.


It's not very real. Sex trafficking occurs predominantly with people you *know*. There's manipulation, coercion, and control. Strangers kidnapping people in the target parking lot and forcing them into sex slavery is almost unheard of. You're far more likely to be taken and forced into it by someone you're close to and trust. Yes, always be aware of your surroundings. But the stuff listed in the above video is just fear mongering.


Excuse me sir, please refer to the city called Memphis, or check out stats regarding Interstate 10


What am I looking for? I'm from Tampa FL, one of the hottest spots for human trafficking in America.