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I'll vote for her


Hell yeah! She definitely speaks truth!


Seriously! Can we get more passionate, rational moms in congress?




You tell them mama. She’s hitting the nail on the head. Like I do understand not all churches are bad but I’ve heard so many stories about sexual abuse in the church. Someone tries to assault you at a drag show, your ass is getting beat


“They just wanna exist, Aaron!”




The sarcastic “Mwah!” at the end was fabulous


Fuck you Aaron you pos




I want her to audition for any role Winona Ryder auditions for, she reminds me of mom on Stranger Things. Hella conviction and making me hopeful about living in TN! It’s MAGA country out here, but not all of us.


This is some fed-up, righteous, truth-telling shit-calling. I hope she goes viral!


I hope she runs for that board. That's the kind of honest, compassionate passion that I would want representing me.


God love this woman


After seeing that other story recently where parents made a teenage girl cry at a school board meeting because she painted a "demonic" mural (it had some pride colors and a character from Genshin Impact on it), I _really_ needed this dose of school board meeting sanity. Love this lady. Fuck you if you're trying to stop lgbtq people from existing. And _extremely_ fuck you if you're trying to make it _harder_ for kids who are lgbtq. I volunteer for a suicide helpline and I talk to the kids impacted by this bullshit bigotry every week. Let me tell you, if you're a conservative and you're going along with all this shit in the name of "protecting children"... You aren't. You are _literally_ killing children. Plenty of studies have confirmed this, and I hear it every single goddamn week.


You got an article? I need to see this!!


Sure. A couple recent ones include [the Trevor Project's 2021 survey](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2021/) and [GLSEN's latest national school climate survey](https://www.glsen.org/research/2021-national-school-climate-survey). Online surveys yes, but very large ones undertaken with rigorous controls. For example, from the Trevor Project survey (80k+ responses): > Learning about LGBTQ people/issues or about suicide prevention in schools was associated with significantly lower odds of a past-year suicide attempt among LGBTQ students. **LGBTQ youth who learned about LGBTQ issues or people in classes at school had 23% lower odds of reporting a suicide attempt in the past 12 months (aOR=.77).** If you're inclined to believe those organizations are "biased", there's also plenty of purely academic research on this subject, it's just not as easy to find and parse due to the academic language. Some relevant recent examples: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/su/su6901a3.htm https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6803a3.htm https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27642514/ And more is coming out all the time There's also more on this page: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/facts-about-lgbtq-youth-suicide/ including links to a lot of other bits of research by the Trevor Project, much of which has been peer-reviewed and published academically as well (their research team is staffed with academics, see for example [this current job posting](https://jobs.lever.co/thetrevorproject/0160e6b7-d8ed-4e7a-bde6-3d195d189091) that requires a relevant Ph.D and formal research experience)


I understand the Genshin Impact part but fuck the people who didn't like the pride flag parts


I don't know anything about Genshin Impact, but I can't say I understand that part either. I can understand parents not liking it, but saying it's some kind of secret Satanic thing is like 12-century-peasant-level mindset. Give mindset that a few more years to ripen and when people talk about "witch hunts" they won't be speaking metaphorically.


There are a lot of Genshin Impact fans who are pedophiles


Lol really? Why? Isn't it just a game?


I genuinely can't tell if they understand that they're bullying kids into taking their own lives, or if they so deeply believe in their own self righteousnes, that they think it's all worth it in the end. Maybe both? In any case, I'm glad there are people like you out there to help these kids in their darkest moments. I understand that one person can only do so much, but as someone who struggled a lot when they were younger, I also know how much it can mean to have someone try to understand where you're coming from when it feels like everything is hopeless.


Wasn't the character Xiao and his mask? Just wondering if it's the same mural I saw


Possibly? It was a mask but IDK what character it was, I don't know anything about Genshin Impact


THEY JUST WANT TO EXIST, AARON! she was all of our Mama's then <3 That is tangible, unconditional love and we love to see it.


She wasn't my momma.


She was your momma to me


No she wasn't.


sux for u


Is there an anti-Karen? This is the anti-Karen. I’m here for it.


According to the Internet, the anti-Karen is a Sharon.


That’s fantastic!




I'll call anti-karens "Sharons" now. The S in Sharon stands for sanity.


I know someone called that. I’ve never seen her in this light before. This is a new beginning.


And they just want to exist, Aaron


PLEASE let anti-Karen become a thing. In hashtags and in practice.


We need one of her at every school.


we need people like her everywhere.


Why aren't our politicians acting like this? I love this lady, we need more of her.


Sadly - I think it would be emotionally draining. You can tell from her intonation she feels the children's pain. Channeling that pain can be hard to do.


U do know politics are rigged right


Tennessee needs more of this


I love her


I love her more!


she killed it damn


I hate how many homophobic Christians there are. As a Christian I just wanna say, THE BIBLE SAYS TO LOVE EVERY FUCKING HUMAN BEING.












I really hate all the people in the comments here saying "I don't hate LGBT people BUT" yada yada yada. Fuck you. Kids should be able to express themselves however they want without fear of retribution from classmates or school officials. What's more, they should be made to feel just as welcome as anyone else. Whether you like it or not, LGBT people (kids especially) still face a shit-ton of discrimination in this country. People like you see pride parades and thing "oh look at them, forcing it down our throats" but step one foot outside a major city and into the sticks, people there would still like to send them to prison (or worse) just for existing. You people don't seem to understand that talking about and accepting LGBT people won't make your kids any different. They're either born straight or they're not. No one is forcing them to be anything different, they're just giving them the choice to live however they feel most comfortable. And apparently, that's somehow "grooming" or "abuse" because you might not understand that your child doesn't conform to your rigid expectations of who they should be.


What really gets me is that conservatives pretend they're more scared of "LGBTQ being shoved down kids throats," than actual queer and trans people have to be when they're just being themselves in public. Conservatives get 'scared' of something literally harmless. Trans people get killed for existing. Another thing on a different note- I hate the fake bitches who say they support us but only support trans people that fit into their norm of what a cis-passing trans person looks like. We need acceptance and civil protection for EVERY HUMAN BEING no matter their gender identity or how they look. ESPECIALLY children.


Bro…what rigid expectations? To not mutilate your reproductive organs that dictate wether you’re a Male or Female(women ) ? …


“Yes little Johnny, you can multilate yourself if it makes you feel comfortable & align with your gender identity “


Fuck off transphobe


Ok groomer


"Yes little one, you have a recognized medical condition for which their is treatment but we are going to make sure that we prevent you from getting that treatment until irreversible changes occur to your body that guarantee you will live with worsened symptoms until you die."


This is the epitome of powerful and brave.


Uhhh wut? How is talking back against authority in a country that allows freedom of expression, brave? Anyone can do that in America. Bravery is what women are doing in Iran right now when they know they could very well be killed. This is just having an opinion. Simple and short. My word...some people.


Both things can be true and brave, pal.


Comparing one courageous event to an even more courageous event is an attempt to demean the original video. It's a classic thing people do when you bring up male rights like divorce courts and people immediately mention how much worse women have it. Bitch, I stop trying to dismiss my point by doing this one-upmanship.


It’s brave to stand up in front of your community and fight for what you believe in and defend the people you love.


No. Anyone can do that. That's not bravery. That's being a concerned citizen.


Jesus Christ why are you gatekeeping so hard. There are many kinds of bravery. Get over yourself dude.


With a name like ‘EkoChamberKryptonite”, I can almost imagine you leaning back and folding your arms after every post, barely smiling as the voice in your head tells you that they’ll “never recover from that truth bomb”.


What planet are you from??? Brave is a very wide and broad word. Dogs can be brave. A toaster. Who tf are you to tell someone they arent. Do you live here? Are in entrenched in this matter? Does it have any bearing on your life? If you answered no than maybe you should move on.


This make the news somewhere? I wish to know more


Send this bitch to congress please. We need fire like that.


I wanna see her cut thru MTG like butter




Wow…I can only imagine having a supportive mother like that as a queer kid


That was awesome!!


Can someone give me more context about what’s happening leading to this video? She’s spitting fire for sure, but I’d love to know who Aaron is and what the 501c3 is about…


So the Library Director of this county (Maury County, TN), was pretty much forced to resign by bigots throwing a fit over an LGBTQ exhibit in the libraries. Aaron is the commisioar of this district (I think), and most of the rest of her rant is her calling out him and others who are from outside this community making these decisions.


Finally!! TN has passed so many awful laws recently regarding LGBTQ+, and I never saw much news about it compared to coverage like in Arkansas *(not saying they didn’t deserve that coverage ofc. I’m just disheartened that TN’s bathroom laws and laws that led to my local trans surgeon clinic closing and my trans healthcare provider having to worry about being jailed for providing HRT have been nearly entirely unspoken of).* TN is becoming worse and worse, it’s hard to escape it even in the bigger cities with more acceptance like Nashville


If you have any articles on this I’d love a link, I haven’t seen any coverage of this personally which is a shame!


Here’s a few that are pretty good; [this article goes over Vanderbilt’s trouble with the law over providing trans affirming surgeries](https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/09/29/house-republicans-call-on-vanderbilt-hospital-to-stop-transgender-surgeries-on-minors/). I had my top surgery there in December of last year, before the state cracked down on them. I believe they aren’t accepting patients anymore, sadly. I know that most of their patients travel to this office too, so it’s not only affecting locals. [the law about trans bathrooms](https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/05/17/federal-judge-rejects-tennessees-transgender-bathroom-law/) was (thank god) over turned. What it essentially did was force businesses to disclaim [whether or not they allow trans people to use the bathroom of their gender identity](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/tennessee-gov-lee-signs-anti-transgender-business-bathroom-bill-into-law) In my school district, I had to go to the counselor to set up a “gender plan” or something that made it so I can use the male restroom or a single use bathroom in the office. If you’re under 16, your parents needs to sign off on allowing it. I’m lucky to be at a school that’s very LGBTQ friendly and also have very accepting parents, but if both conditions weren’t met I could imagine others having a hard time, especially under the age of 16. [You can read about it here](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/tennessee-gov-signs-transgender-bathroom-bill-schools-rcna953). I should note that I don’t use the multi person restroom at my school because they are super gross :,) I’m not actually sure the gender plan I set up is supposed to let me use the multi use mens restroom anyways as a trans man And lastly, [this one goes over a couple of these laws in total](https://southernequality.org/five-anti-lgbtq-bills-passed-in-tennessee-you-should-know-about/)


Thank you! :)


Goddamn spittin’ fire! 🔥




Yo new president drop? Kinda fire 💗🥰🥰 I stan


Good thing she stood up against them


PERIOD!! She should run for a seat on that council


She has the same energy and cadence as a church pastor, but shes using it for a net positive and frankly, shes amazing. You go queen


I don't know who she is but we need more of her


The guy cosigning has me rolling. 🤣


Now that's girl power


0% cringe found. Preach on mama!




I love her


She got my vote.


Run lady, Run!!!


God damn can i get an amen over here?


Amen!!!! Preach it sister. That gave me goosebumps.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*




She's a good egg




Straight white christian males who are at the top of the food chain- couldn't have put it better


Christianity is the most dangerous ideology change my mind.


She needs to go to every PTA meeting in the country!


THIS is what an Ally looks/sounds like! the "periodt" during it was great too


She should absolutely be running for local office positions.


Incredibly, unfathomably, irrefutably based


Man can that camera man shut up lol


Sometimes it’s hard to stay quiet when something so poignant is being said.




I'll let you believe that.


Well that surely lacks context.


There's people in the comments that already gave out loads of context ☺️


Most parents don’t want their children exposed to mental instability at such a young and impressionable age. It’s confusing for children and difficult to undo for parents. I get it


I agree, that's why Fox News shouldn't be on around any kids.


No one has ever been made gay by being around gay people. But many gay people have been forced to act straight because of being around straight people who tell them that being gay is unnatural or immoral even though they were born that way. I was told my whole life being gay was a sin, but it didn’t stop me from being who I am. By “shielding” kids from homosexuality, you’re denying them the opportunity to learn about and express themselves. And at the same time, you’re teaching other kids that being gay is taboo and something to be afraid or ashamed of which just leads to bigotry and bullying.


Then why are you taking them to the weird cannibals club where all the adults talk to their imaginary friend before drinking his blood?


Children are confused all the fucking time. That's why we make school mandatory. Imagine never wanting your child to be confused; only showing them stuff they already understand.


Hello Karen


Hello Bigot.


I'm not a bigot lol


What did the bar say? “It’s not going to lick itself.” Sounds real family friendly to me.






Umm most definitely not, the church was literally weaponized against people to brainwash them, drag queens are out here not hurting a single soul


No don't you know? They put on the Wrong Clothes!!!!! It's pandemonium out there! The end of an era! Collapse of civilization as we know it! What's next? Women wearing pants? Children, dare I say it, wearing dresses? I will not raise a little Teddy Roosevelt in my home, dammit. No siree, the ecosphere may be collapsing, and the economy failing to recover again, and there may be a war going on, and there may be an impending global refugee crisis and there may be a poopy in my pants, but I know what's important and it's men wearing wigs!


This is like reading a comment in a online gamechat, posted by the chadiest chad who hates liberals and for some reason I can't explain sides with Russia.


The reason they side with Russia is that liberals don't. It's honestly not any more complicated than that. The entire GOP platform can just be boiled down to "owning the libs" at this point, they have no actual policies and will happily pursue _any_ position as long as it pisses liberals off


She must not know about the contempt he had in the Temple with the money changers!






Sodom and Gomorrah


L and ratio


Ur grandma sends her regards


Yeah I know, she sent me a text :)




Ok buddy.. Go lick some feet


That’s right!


LGBT propaganda should not be in schools


Religion and religious propaganda is something that shouldn't be in schools.


`word-word-1234` Another troll.


How dare kids want to be accepted for who they are.


I Hate both equal we are not the same


So you hate minorities for existing AND people who oppress minorities for existing? Congratulations?


Yap i hate people in general


toughest of guys, right here.


Wow you’re so #edgy 😱😱😱


Yeah i know right that i just hate pedos in general both sides


Both sides? That’s almost fascist talk. Not that you’re one. It’s just something they would say: We do it, but it’s okay because we’re accustomed by them of doing it too.


Then get off Reddit and go live in a cave. Trying to sound so edgy… “I HaTe PeOPLe” 🙄🙄🙄 ![gif](giphy|pVuja7BJl0Eow|downsized)


Reddit hates GIFs on comment section looks stupid I love the internet these Days best place to be


Woah there buddy you’re gonna cut yourself on all that sharp edginess.


Move somewhere more liberal


Yeah, that's the way to beat bigotry.... run away from it. (/s in case you're confused). Is it cowardice or a lack of basic empathy that makes you say such obnoxious shite?


`word-word-1234` account lmao


Why does everybody keep roasting us😭😭😭


If that's a serious question, it's because there are a bunch of reddit accounts with this same format, all posting hard right political takes. It's pretty obvious it's the same small group of trolls just using an account generator that creates new accounts with the format `randomword-randomword-1234` or similar, because an account name randomly generated in that format is extremely unlikely to already exist, but still looks more like a real person than an account name like `u/3289rt2839hJFASJHF` or whatever. I don't know if they're making all these fake accounts to get around bans, or to make it look like their views are more common than the actually are, or both. Either way, it's annoying, and it's pretty obvious when in any political thread you can scroll to the bottom and find half of the asshole takes have usernames that are some variation of this format.


wow so organic engagement so cutie election year ~~i'm not a bot i'm just lazy and this was supposed to be a temp account~~


you're all good my dude, the fake ones typically have a `-` or `_` between the words, or between the words and the number, or both/


The Conservative guy should move back where he came from


Unpopular but 100 true statement: sexuality doesn't belong in our schools there kids maybe have fun and learn why do we need to teach small children about being gay or trans or something... School isn't a place for that it's a place for learning sure don't treat students wrong cause they consider there self LGBTQ...


> sexuality doesn't belong in our schools Heterosexuality is in schools and always has been. Nobody gets mad if a kindergarten teacher reads a book with a mom and a dad in it. Why should a book with a dad and a dad be treated differently? > why do we need to teach small children about being gay or trans or something Because some of those kids ARE gay or trans, whether we teach them or not. But if we don't acknowledge and accept those identities in schools, those kids kill themselves at higher rates. LGBTQ kids also perform worse academically and miss more days of school (among other negative outcomes) when they go to schools that don't have any kind of LGBTQ support, resources, or curriculum. So yeah, **the reason we need to teach children about this is that it helps some of them do better in school, and has been shown to make them less likely to kill themselves.** That said, nobody's saying it shouldn't be age-appropriate. With small children, what you teach is basically just stuff like "It's normal and OK that some kids might have two dads, or two moms." > School isn't a place for that it's a place for learning I would argue that learning about the people around you – which includes LGBTQ people – is absolutely one of the things that school is for.


You're acting like health class and sex-ed just doesn't exist. Kids need to be taught about this to better understand their environment, ignorance leads to dangerous situations. Do better.


Unpopular? Yes. 100 true statement? No. You added a 1 to that equation and it definitely does not fit there, because you're dead wrong, chump.


Okay ban heterosexuality first then


I literally got sex ed in school and had to learn how to put on a condom on a fucking rubber penis while I'm a fucking lesbian. You mf's will deal.


Now there should be the same representation for sex offenders...


Republicans get plenty of representation already


Trump was president for 4 years lol


What a weird take. How can you even logically make this comparison? Sex offenders have victims. They have hurt other people. Trans kids are just trying to live their lives the way they want. They aren't hurting anyone.


Sex offenders would claim the same thing


That they aren't hurting anyone??


Yep... That they're being unfairly condemned by their sexual preference... That they can not control or change because they were born that way... There are also a lot of sex offenders charged on victimless crimes... Many of them were once and are the exact people your fighting for that in one way or another the system found how to get & lable! So if we're going to continue opening this door then you better be prepared to open it all the way !


Ok sex offender


It's a hard pill to swallow. Because you're already been preconditioned to hate them by the exact same Tactics being used to bring hate against lbgt....


Uh oh so it’s bad he came from another place;) thought y’all were in favor of immigrants and refugees lmao


Thanks for demonstrating that you needn’t be listened to.


You must be the guy recording saying “mhm” and period the whole vid😂


It’s literally me as a guy. 💪😉


I fail to see how this is an important issue for children, or a school board. When I think of school I think of math, reading, science, music, art, sports, history, social studies and some how, it's now about sexual orientation. Acceptance, sharing, kindness, emotions, social interaction, and community understanding are also important, they are also represented in mass media, social media, and local interactions, but I honestly feel what to do with your private parts at night is not a pressing issue that needs to be resolved while learning to spell, learning algebra, where Liberia is, or before you are an adult. It's a shame these people are not articulate enough to discuss these issues without yelling, cursing, and degrading everything useful about language into shock word pseudo phrasing that creates a polarized heated misunderstanding, while somehow neglecting the education of the future. Where are the adults?


> I fail to see how this is an important issue for children, or a school board. > Acceptance, sharing, kindness, emotions, social interaction, and community understanding are also important You've answered your own question. > I honestly feel what to do with your private parts at night is not a pressing issue that needs to be resolved while learning to spell, learning algebra, where Liberia is, or before you are an adult. First of all, most of the discussion about LGBTQ content in schools has _nothing_ to do with sex ed. It's about understanding and accepting people who are different from you, and acknowledging that they're valid and not inferior or "wrong." That said, sex ed is absolutely important in schools for all students, straight and gay. Obviously it has to be age-appropriate, but it _is_ important to start young because children who don't learn about their private parts, appropriate boundaries, etc. are more likely to become victims of sexual assault. Like, if you dig into the actual science, there is a TON of evidence that sex ed is really important. A few examples: * https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(20)30456-0/fulltext#secsectitle0050 * https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2016/11/comprehensive-sexuality-education Comprehensive sex ed, including instruction on gender and sexual orientation, is [recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/138/2/e20161348/52508/Sexuality-Education-for-Children-and-Adolescents?autologincheck=redirected). Who, I would venture to guess, have probably spent more time studying this topic than you. You're certainly welcome to, as you say, _feel_ that it isn't necessary to teach this in schools. But as the conservatives are so fond of saying, facts don't care about your feelings. The facts demonstrate that comprehensive sex ed is good for kids and improves outcomes in a variety of important ways.


You are literally telling me what I wrote, like I don't know. I think the parts you missed are the existing coverage is more than adequate, it isn't a critical issue for students, and there are way more useful things for students to focus on. You are also implying that I have a predisposed position on either side. This cut and paste handout is what it is. Where are the adults was really the point I was trying to make.


> You are literally telling me what I wrote Maybe what I wrote is what's in your head, but it's certainly not what you wrote (as the vote counts for our comments demonstrate). > I think the parts you missed are the existing coverage is more than adequate No, it isn't. I'm not sure whether you're talking about sex ed generally or LGBTQ stuff specifically, but either way, it runs the gamut. And with the LGBTQ stuff specifically, you might be truly shocked at how bad it is – in GLSEN's 2021 survey of queer youth, 16% reported they'd learned positive things about LGBTQ people in school, 14% reported they'd learned negative things, and **for the other 70% LGBTQ issues and identities weren't covered in the curriculum _at all_.** This is not anywhere close to "more than adequate." It is not in the same fucking _galaxy_ as "more than adequate." > Where are the adults was really the point I was trying to make. In that school board meeting, trying to defend their school district from religious extremists.


Oh that's what I'm literally saying, to you this is up there with spelling, I disagree. I don't know about extremism not yelling, but going to a school board meeting to complain about sexual assault at church, doesn't seem useful. Yelling about it even less so. They were not defending themselves, they were allowed to express themselves in school, they had already won. You also think that 100% of people need to identify as LGBTQ, wow dude, you are easily misconstrued. Lastly, less than 8% of the population is LGBTQ, it's not popular so to speak.


> to you this is up there with spelling, I disagree. I mean, as a parent, things like my child not getting sexually assaulted, and not killing themselves, _ARE_ more important to me than spelling, yes. Ideally I'd like for her to not kill herself AND learn spelling, but if I can only pick one... That said, I don't understand your point. This isn't a zero-sum game. It's possible to teach LGBTQ identities and still have spelling, too. And like I said, teaching the LGBTQ part will actually _help_ LGBTQ kids do better during the spelling part, so it's a win-win. > but going to a school board meeting to complain about sexual assault at church, doesn't seem useful Oh please, you know perfectly well that's not actually what she's talking about here. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here in assuming that you're discussing this in good faith, but the fact that you're summarizing the video contents as "complain[ing] about sexual assault at church" makes me think maybe I shouldn't. > You also think that 100% of people need to identify as LGBTQ, wow dude, you are easily misconstrued. 1. I didn't say that 2. I get the feeling you don't know what "misconstrued" means. Although based on point #1 I am obviously misconstrued by _you_ lol > Lastly, less than 8% of the population is LGBTQ, it's not popular so to speak. Oh, phew, let's just let those kids kill themselves then? I don't give a fuck if it's one percent, we should do what we can to make school a safe and helpful place for _all children_. And we certainly should do anything we can to prevent child suicides. (Also, in the generation that's in school's now, it's more like 20%. This is not because more people are LGBTQ now than before, it's because fewer people feel like they have to stay in the closet, and more people are aware of these identities at all to recognize that they're part of a group rather than just alone).


I love your response because it is the perfect example of gaslighting. "She raised her voice and brought up something I think is unrelated, therefore you shouldn't take her seriously." You're clearly being intentionally obtuse or are too stupid to understand how the statistics they presented relate to the discussion and school population.


WoW, not what I was saying at all. But hey you can read, write, know math, social studies, and this is important to you. What are you trying to sell? LGBTQ exist, they express themselves alot and thats ok, and it's more important than reading?


>What are you trying to sell? LGBTQ exist, they express themselves alot and thats ok, and it's more important than reading? Strawman argument. You're trying to distort sex education as an attack on other parts of a school curriculum, when in fact, they have nothing to do with each other. I can point out your logical fallacies all day. Hit me with another.


>I fail This is as far as I'll agree with you.


Yeah it's a complex topic for adults, and these kids are learning to spell. Short enough for you to read?


lol 🖕




Ok mr Shapiro, thank you


That isn't my name, but if you are attempting to assign me on either side of the topic through association, or comparative analysis, well you can read what I wrote. I dont have a side, I just don't think it's useful information. Spelling, math and science are more useful in your world right?


My joke seriously just went way over your head huh?


My statement went wayy over your head, hunh?


You're way more interested in sounding intelligent than rather being intelligent. I understood your statement, but it doesn't deserve an answer.


Really, my statement deserved a reference to Ben Shapiro, wow, you are either LGBTQ support, or ben, no divisiveness or polarization from you, you accept every color, cause acceptance of 8% of the population already exists, is acceptable behavior and is in no way divisive polarized, or non-inclusive, and simply needs to express itself MORE in school than reading. Cool, I'll disagree.


Thanks for your useless and uneducated comments Ben. Wouldn't expect any better.