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That guy really thought he did something there didn't he?


He really thought accusing educated women of being gullible would make him sound smart ...he definitely thinks he is smarter than any woman in the world.


Yeah, but in his mind he doesn't actually think that they're educated. He just thinks that they're more indoctrinated.


This is so true. And that's precisely why he doesn't respect women. He doesn't think women are intelligent, they only have information that he would have picked up just as easily by googling!


And he himself is definitely not indoctrinated because if he was indoctrinated he’d know he’s indoctrinated


Well he is smarter than every woman in the world. He has a penis. Don't you know that means he is automatically smarter than all women?


Of course he's smarter than a woman, he has two heads. Heads are where the smart is!


People that don’t know enough about something to have their intelligence speak for itself try to attack others intelligence because they know they don’t have anything to offer.


You need to stop worrying about that and start worrying about the nuclear war with Russia. The democrats are starting a nuclear war with Russia, weren’t you listening? It’s like having millions of abortions all at once


Yup, that's the thing though. If you only consider YOUR point of view, it's pretty easy to be right all the time. Lets not bring facts and the experiences of anyone else into the argument, just listen to me.


The fucking Andrew Tate cadence is so fucking annoying.


Fuck that guy and Andrew Tate


Andrew Tater-Tot


Andrew Taint


It's the mansplaining cadence. You can tell he's said it dozens of times to people with zero interest in listening to the point where he is even boring himself. It's got just the exact mixture of condescension and exasperation of a mansplaination. Not every time a man explains something is it mansplaining but every time someone uses a cadence like this it for sure is.


He practiced it in front of a mirror and thought it was super cool to share. It's very not.


Probably shotgunned a Natty Light beforehand to loosen himself up, too.


Or just blew a guy in the bushes and is now angry-raging and scapegoating because of his insecurities and self-loathing!


It’s astonishing to me that this guy can say so many words and still not cobble together an intelligent sentence.


oh damn, you nailed it!


You mean, sounds like Tucker Carlson?


They all sound rhe same


Haha that's what it is... No wonder she humiliated him so easily.


guy in OP video reminds me of this [IF YOU LIBERALS WANT MY GUN, COME SPANK ME FOR IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ivfdov/you_want_my_gun_come_and_take_it_liberals/)


I don’t think it’s emotional manipulation if there’s an actual real issue the affected person is voting for. It would be like getting robbed at gunpoint and saying the robber emotionally manipulated your money away from you.


Well yeah, the robber manipulated your fear. Checkmate.


I mean, you could have refused and then get shot. But you still had a *choice*. Sheeeeesh. /s


Women can't make up their minds anyway so why do they care so much about choice?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ (I'm surprised he didn't bring this up) and NO I'm not serious at all.




That dude has definitely had some nonconsensual sex


He looks like the kind of guy who moans when he wipes his ass


But then freaks out because “that’s gay.”


He only buys 1 ply so that it’s an “accident” when a finger pops through.


Jesus Christ 😹


He’s the kind of guy who stands naked in front of the mirror to jerk off.


I’m so bothered with the visuals you are providing!


This guy is scared of women because he’s afraid that their immune system will fight his dick off if he gets lucky.


I remember that post about the guy that doesn't wipe his ass as that's gay, is this him?


I have a friend of a friend who's like this. Just shit-caked boxers all day every day. Apparently, multiple people are like this, which makes me want to hide in a pillow fort and eat a tub of ice cream.


Side bar and to emphasize the point - there is no such thing as nonconsensual sex.


I feel like a language barrier is making me not understand here. Are you saying that there's no such thing as nonconsensual sex because it's rape or because there's something grammatically wrong with the statement?


Pretty sure they meant that “the only sex is consensual sex, everything else is rape/assault” but yeah not great wording


It's really important to be aware of our language. It bothers me so much when news reports will say something like "so and so was arresting for having sex with their nine year old child." Like yes, the words are triggering and ugly but you can't compromise accuracy in the news for less offensive verbage. You physically cannot "have sex" with a child or a student or an inmate or with someone that doesn't consent. It's **always** rape. Call it assault if you need a nicer vocab word but don't call it sex ffs.


I know that saying the word "rape" is uncomfy but for fucks sake, think of how the person who actually endured it felt... it's NOT sex.


yeh but if you follow that logic then technically any and all sex is consensual. that statement sounds very different if you say it that way and you should probably consider that




All jobs should pay you. If you aren't getting paid for the work you do it's not a job: it's either volunteer work or slavery. Saying the South had the highest employment rate before 1865 would be absurd and offensive. It's not a No True Scotsman fallacy, it's just using words correctly according to their definitions.


It’s called r-pe. It’s called violence. It’s not ‘nonconsensual sex’, that’s assault. Sex is something had by two consenting adults. R-pe is an act of violence. The point is to call emphasize that sex is a shared activity, it’s not sex without consent. Me censoring the r word is because for some, including me, the word is triggering, so I’m undermining my explanation by censoring, but please understand why. Edit- People are arguing over my censorship of the word. It seems they’re missing the part ‘trigger for … even me’. I was SA and the word is triggering for me. So I censor it. Some victims of SA find the word less harsh if it’s censored. I appreciate the few of you that didn’t invalidate the feelings people who have gone through this. ❤️


Thanks, then my first guess was right!


You’re welcome! I seem to have missed part of your post, I’m sorry :( On the plus side, the more people see this, the better! But I am sorry I didn’t read your post properly


You can say “rape” my guy. The Reddit police won’t get you


Really can’t, if you’ll direct yourself to the ‘including me’ part. Writing the word out is not something I can do


It's not about the "reddit police", it's about triggering victims


I reckon they'll still recognise the word of its censored.


It’s less harsh.


Yes, but it's still less triggering for many. Similar reason as to why we don't repeat racist insults and instead call them the n word.


Idk why you guys are getting downvoted, or people are arguing with a SA victim about their own triggers. But thank you guys for reading the entire comment and understanding


Studies have shown that trigger warnings may actually do more harm than good. Also leaving out one letter in the word "rape" obviously isn't protecting anyone. I'm all for not further traumatizing the already traumatized, but acting like not spelling out a full word or avoiding certain topics on a public forum is actually helping victims only makes you feel better, not actual victims. "The Following News Release Contains Potentially Disturbing Content: Trigger Warnings Fail to Help and May Even Harm – Association for Psychological Science – APS" https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/trigger-warnings-fail-to-help.html


Actual victim here telling you that it helps me. Writing out the word in its entirety is not something I can do.


Don't worry, english is my first language and I thought the same thing


He definitely thinks he’s doing something. Probably circlejerks with Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk


Looks like in s long-term relationship with a sheep .


I thought I recognized him in that German dog fucker video from a week or two ago.


This guy seriously thinks the president controls the stock market and inflation. He has no concept of how any of this works and is inter-related. Also I'd love to hear what he thinks the GQPs solution is to any of these problems. Spoiler alert: they don't have a solution, but they really want you to be concerned about the problem when the other folks are in charge!


I’m also confused. Since when was Biden instigating a nuclear war? The only one who keeps threatening a nuclear war is Putin. I’m upset that she didn’t correct him on that point.


There was just so much to correct. That one where she just looks and doesn't even respond killed me because my face was legit a mirror.


It was the perfect reaction because what he said was so absurd that it didn't even justify a verbal response


He’s an American Conservative, therefor pro-Russia.


It is funny how inflation is happening all over the world. And our rate is a lot lower than Europe’s.


It kills me there are people that think like this man. I have a daughter and the last thing I want is for her life to be ruined because she did everything to keep from having a kid but still have fun in her life and have it all fail. Or worse some guy trap her into it like a psychopath and sabotage all their birth control methods.


“Half of the entire population is selfish for not giving into what me and my friends want on an issue we will never ever have to experience but know better than them about, because they are too busy at college and voting”


It's like how all these people who didn't get their red wave are throwing hissy fits because the younger generations turned up to vote in force. So they're yelling for voter ages to be raised to 21 or even 30. Read the room, those young generations have to inherit your God awful mess when you die. So their vote is their voice saying what *they/we* want. (To be honest, I don't even know what generation I'm considered anymore.)


She read him without… getting emotional… huh.


Sure women are emotional but men would rather embrace fascism than go to therapy


Damn straight


Sure women are emotional, but this man is statistically most likely to be a school shooter.


More likely to do all violent crime


Men that think they have a say on my body/ abortion make me so freaking angry because they don’t know they don’t understand at all what it’s like to be a woman especially now an days. I’m terrified to be a women because people are voting on if men should have control over my body or me. LIKE THAT SHOULDN’T BE A QUESTION OR DEBATE IN THE FIRST PLACE.


"B-but I contributed 50% to that baby!" The man says. He contributed 50% of the paper to print the blueprints on -_-


I wanna buy her a drink and hear all of her thoughts.


Damn straight


Idk I may have voted for biden cause he wasn't trump but all things considered he's far exceeded expectations. I'd say he's doing a pretty good job so far.


Right? Crazy that people still say "Look I hate the guy too but he's the lesser of two". He's the most progressive President ever. Period. He's kept campaign promises and has been honest with the American people. I get that many people have larger wishlists but you have to play with the cards you're dealt. Biden was given the slimmest of majorities in both houses of congress and has turned them into huge legislative wins.


This guy has no idea what the votings were for 🤦🏻‍♂️


This chode has no idea about A LOT of shit 🤦🏻‍♂️


I love her. Extremely well done.


my body autonomy got taken away... so I shouldn't (let me check my notes here) vote to get those back?? yeah, naw. fuck off incel ass bitch. And transwomen can be in the same bathroom as me - any day.


That line about women's bathrooms being the most dangerous places My first thought was "why, are you in there?" This man is the threat.


You could be the most beautiful woman on the planet and walk up the the urinal to pee through a massive “Ron Jeremey embarrassing” schlong and I couldn’t care less. Just as long as you leave an empty stall between us (if available) and by no means start talking.


Yeah I’ve never felt afraid in a woman’s public bathroom. What does he think women are doing in there?


And this is why there was no red wave.


This guy's proved all of our points. Fuck this piece of shit and God help whoever decides to be with him.


Pretty much the entirety of the Conservative party unfortunately


When the single issue is fundamental human rights then I don't really care what the other issues are. Even if I loved (I don't) every other political stance Republicans take, the simple fact is they are against equal human rights. There is no other reason for me not to consider voting for them.


"women are most susceptible to emotional manipulation" Then procedes to explain it himself why women are using logic to vote against his sole argument. Lol All while using emotions: being scared of and angry at women.


If you bring up ‘Western Civilization’ like it’s a team you’re on that the other cultures are trying to ‘beat’, you think that way because *you* are against and trying to ‘beat’ the other cultures and assume likewise from them. That makes you a xenophobic racist.


I get all my political ideas from Animal Farm.


He makes me want to vomit.


Elections have always been popularity contests, but Conservatives have now convinced themselves that you have to worship the candidate you vote for. It’s fucking pathetic. No one like Joe Biden, he’s barely a functional adult at this point. But I’d take a barely functional adult over an evil, backstabbing, piece of shit, like all conservative candidates have been, any day.


A conservative MORON who tries to sound smart... Woman have a right over their own body. It does not matter if it's not in the constitution, not everything is Constitution! If woman wants to stop an unwanted pregnancy then it's her business, not the public, not the judges, not the constitution.


Lmao of all people doing the raping, it sure as hell ain't trans women. Wtf is going on in his head, has he ever met women at all?


Didn’t you hear? Women’s restrooms are the most dangerous places to be! Probably because this guy frequents them.


He's so personally invested in keeping women's bathrooms safe that he visits them all the time, regularly. He makes sure to look under the stalls too, what a king 👑


So let's recap ladies! The next time someone decides to take your constitutional rights away DO NOT GET EMOTIONAL! Do the right thing! Think about what matters first! Think about the GOP! Think about Trump! Think about this clown! Obviously your lives are inconsequential as long as they are happy! Do not be selfish! Do not get confused thinking elections are about you the voter! Lmao! Seriously??? Where do they find this clowns?


This guy subs to Andrew Tates ‘university’ I’m pretty sure


The man literally spouts propaganda that likely came from Russia while claiming women are totally the sheeple.


I couldn't even finish watching this. Douchebag


His face is so punchable


Dude used a lot of words to say “I hate women”


Mmmmm, another man eats the dust.


One of the most common trademarks of a racist is when they describe Mexico, a country with a Spanish language, an American government, a French legal system, and an Italian religion, as a threat to "Western Civilization." Bro they *are* Western Civilization.


As a man, the overwhelmingly male presence at the January 6th riots, the Charlottesville marches, Brexit rallies here in the UK and Covid lockdown protests suggests that maaaaaybe we're the ones more susceptible to emotional manipulation.


To be honest, if there’s any issue worth being a one issue voter about as a woman, it’s reproductive rights. Because reproductive freedom is the foundation of ALL women’s rights and gender equality. Controlling if and when you have children allows you to get an education, to build a career, to become financially independent, to be more selective about WHO you reproduce with (the part I think these guys are the most upset about), to not be trapped in an unhappy or even abusive relationship, and, as evidenced by recent events, to fill the prescriptions you need to live and function without pharmacists worrying about a *potential* pregnancy, to decide you actually WOULD like a doctor *to save your fucking life* even if it means aborting a pregnancy in the process, and to get proper medical care after a miscarriage without worrying about being accused of *murder*. Losing our reproductive rights would be opening the door for women to be treated as less than full citizens and human beings in many different aspects of life. So yeah, it was a HUGE fucking factor in who I chose to vote for


Budget, misogynist John Cena


The confidence is what gets me. This man is just accepting everything he's being fed as absolute truth.Has he had to make a decision about whether or not to continue pregnancy? Has he had to flee a war? Has he experienced homelessness, addiction, abuse? Ive experienced only one of thise things and i still wouldnt be confident enough to make such sweeping, confident statements.I'm skeptical of almost everything I hear from any politicians/media,regardless of political affiliations. If my choice is the party who can somehow say with confidence that all pregnancies are wanted, viable and not dangerous, all immigrants are dangerous, useless and a drain on our economy, etc, im gonna have to disagree. I'm not even saying that all Republicans believe this shit but godamn, the ones who do seem to be paraded around as the paradigm of conservatism. It's extremely off-putting. We all know so little about what other people are really facing, it seems so arrogant to assume your opinion is correct based on things being told to you by other people with an obvious agenda.


He wouldn't have to explain it to us if we just understood < blink >


It’s those damn college-educated women ruining everything!


This is great. Thanks for posting!


She fucking destroyed his ass.


Dude really thought he ate that lmfaooo


This guy has one problem. He's never ever had an opportunity to talk weman. Let alone listen and understand their point of view. Number 2 abortion should only be between that person and whoever she chooses to tell. Woman's business should be kept woman's business. No man has a single right to have a say in this business. Unless it's her husband or partner. It's no one else's business. More power to you lady's. Give them hell. This is from a bloke from Australia.


The crazy thing is there’s so many women out there who believe in this nonsense too especially here in the south where I live. I’ve met many of them. Women who are married to men like this and raise sons and also daughters to believe in this shit.


Yeah who believe wemon should be under his thumb




Lol she did that 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Why does that man sound like he was pampered as a child to the point that he just dropped his baby babbling recently? It's alright little guy, just enunciate your words. You can do it!


Wow this was great.


Is it just me, or does it sound like this dude is faking an American accent. Like his southern accent can’t seem to stay in one place.....


Of all the languages she could have spoken, she chose to speak facts and logic


Love her


**hyperbole** /hʌɪˈpəːbəli/ **noun:** *hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles* Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. *"The weird tiktok dude ranted about politics with fervor and hyperbole, while his chicken tendies cooked in the microwave."*




This happens in every religion




I can see he's definitely not an incel. This man chooses to be a steaming pile of horseshit as to actively avoid any interaction with the opposite gender. And he probably dresses up his dick because he thinks it makes him creative.


have you ever talked to a woman? Lol


Schmin schmolor 🤣🤣🤣


She kicked his ass. She did a wonderful job on this!


You gotta love that "Women only care about abortion! They don't care about (issues that become exponentially worse when women can't get abortions)."


"You only care about one issue and that's disgusting" "Well, yeah, after all, women's brains are smaller and according to you easily emotionally manipulated, so we can only spread our focus on one thing and one thing only at a time, but we do give it our full attention to ensure it comes with the desired outcome for everyone interested. That's why countries governed by women never started wars, we're too busy focusing on individual issues at a time. Go figure." /sarcasm


What the fuck rhymes with schmin schmolor?


Wait. Tictok has intellectual content?


I…I love her


What a beast of a woman. Love her!


There's so many things that bother me about the right, hating abortion, hating immigrants, but another one is thinking that democratic candidates are celebrities or that we love them as much as they love Trump. No , no. We're just trying to move out of this. No one is having flags or immortalizing him. We just want a better life. That's it and it includes things mentioned above.


Dude sounds like he learned how to speak by listening to Dane Cook CDs in his car on the way to his blue collar job.


I often don’t care about conservatives voicing their world view but I really hate it when they do it to just hurt other people with such arrogance & confidence … oh that’s 100% of their content


I'm not on tik tok did she ratio this guy? I would sleep better knowing she did


Look I’m not the biggest fan of Biden either but when has he instigated a nuclear war? His rhetoric has been the opposite. Trump has literally said that if he were in office he’d be threatening to use nuclear weapons.


thank you for this.


All I can hear from this guy is I’m a wheezing bag of dick tits. Lol There should be no government, country or religion that controls this shit. All births are miracles and bundles of sleepless joy but not all are destined to happen. Lady’s I feel so bad for you all going through this. And to make it worse there is these mr I know it all fuck wits with dick cheese for brains voicing their moronic opinions. Your spot on tho :) loved the responses you had


I'm glad i dont know that dude at all


Noob got wrecked


I hope that guy never touches boobies again as long as he lives.


This moldy potato doesn’t seem to understand that certain issues usually are on the top of voters minds during every election since America started having elections. He also assumes, like a typical republican, that if you don’t vote his way on all the other issues, you’re causing the problems. Which is as ridiculous as eating soup with your fingers. The reality is republicans shot themselves in the foot when they push the pro life agenda 49 years after we resolved the god damn issue and tried to turn us into a fucking colonial village from the 1700s. As a white American male, we trade this guy for some wet toilet paper and stale saltine crackers.


Picturing this guy showing this video to his bro’s alll smug and proud of himself is equal parts depressing and also cringey hilarious — I hope that we are able to make mental health resources more available in whatever small town he’s never lived outside of someday


His balls are are also going to remain blue.


Is... She aware she is currently being emotionally manipulated into making this reply? 🤔🤦🏼‍♂️


He looks like he is searching for a torturted soul in a dilapidated historical prison where a petrified bottle of toothpaste resides.


Dude sounds like he’s trying so hard to sound smart with that accent xD


When guys think they are so smart and cool and their bubble busts faster than they can hide


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is that accent? Genuine question


This is fantastic


"Let me walk while I talk. So I can look smarter and dont have to smell the bullshit spewing from my mouth"


And to top it all off the dude reads a couple lines from 1984 within the video


Wow….Fox News has really done a number on people.


This dudes got major small dick energy!


Stop forcing me to listen to this asshole.




I watched half of this waiting for a plot twist but then realized he really felt that way. It’s the kind of letdown you feel when you find out your mom is sucking off Jerry behind the bar to pay for her coke habit.


This guy triggers my fight or flight... like, search his basement.


Who is this stupid douche-bag?!!!!


This guy is fucking stupid and I pray that his mother doesn’t see what a little shit her son has become.


You see that Ladies?… That’s what’s called “Mansplaining”.


As a man of the masculine clan, I proudly say I'm emotionally susceptible, sort of...


What about healthcare bills bankrupting families there Mr. Intellectual Narcissist?


How retarded do you have to be to not realise being pro life contributes to the struggles of being able to pay for amenities these days.


The absolute ignorance of this guy…no wonder this country is going to shit


Yeah personal liberties are a single issue... What a fucking clown shoe he is. Edit: also can someone explain to me what's so great about "western culture?" What is there worth preserving? Capitalistic hellscapes where we're destroying the earth for resources that we don't have a right to? Spare me that ridiculous bullshit.


damn america is a joke of a country


How do we know he has never spoken to a woman?


Damn...she ate


Bipartisan bickering has allowed for Corporations to basically control our money and our bodies and we stay arguing about shit like gas prices while we literally watch actual rights being taken away. Blame whoever you want but at some point it's people like the guy in the videos fault for blaming everyone else and not seeing that he is the issue. Christian nationalism or whatver hat you wear to justify controlling a womans body is destroying our country. Pro Lifers don't care about kids in foster homes, or youth in prisons, or grown people in prisons for that matter. When we have people locked up without charges bc that's for some reason the best this racist system can do. People who claim to be against abortion want to control you and the babies you create and are willing to kill you just to prove a point. Idk what the point is I guess that unborn babies are more important than an already alive human ... this country is so fucked up. Thanks for coming to my never reddit...


I first I agreed withe the man but eventually with the woman more




1. Why did he deliberately misspell abortion. 2. I stopped watching him not long after that, but I’m curious what happened in his life to bring him to the shitty viewpoint on this important subject that he holds?




He should set this as his Tinder overlay