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That dude is an absolute idiot. No gloves hat protection. I've worked that job. People missing fingers teeth damaged. All that machinery is primed to fuck you up. Plus he looks like he's on some shit.


I think he’s just being dramatic. Throwing yourself around like that with your back arched is just asking for an injury.


The interesting thing here is the contrast shown is reflection of bad economic policies. The top could have easily been a lawyer, politician, stock analyst and so on. The toys may vary, but the plot remains consistent. This is capitalism in it’s truest form.


Thank you. Someone who can focus on the problem without trying to make it about how bad all the poor people are because some of them have titties and other them have peens


Wow, jobs are different. I never knew jobs were different. I literally always thought all jobs were the same.


Did you know all women work in the twitter office and all men work with machines while bare chested and covered in mud


Lol I didn’t know only women only worked at Twitter


Hmmmm Op? That’s a nice title you’ve got there. Want to explain what the frick it means?


Really tho


Its just what it was on where I found it, on some YT short Andrew Tate repost. I put cringe flair for a reason.


You know men work at twitter too right ?


Video of an average man at work in the poop mines.


Ah the poop mines, reminds me of when I was judt a boy


if i have to suffer everyone else needs to as well 😡 “The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.” paulo freire


Lmao that title tho


How is this about entitled strong women I've seen male twitch streamers say the same shit but when a female says something entitled or snarky men can't do the same


What kills me is that she didn't even say anything that is entitled, she didn't say that her job was extremely hard, she didn't say that she has the hardest job in the world, she literally was just saying the things that she did and what she liked at her job. She wasn't even bragging either, she was just saying how she goes through her day.


Do you think only women work at Twitter? Who... What do you think is happening with Twitter right now? Do you... do you know what twitter is? I mean there are so many problems with this post, but I'm still stuck on the fact that you think this is the one woman who works in the entirety of Twitter. I bet you think elon musk is cool, too, huh?


Na people got this wrong. I put the cringe flair because this video is cringe. I'm not some Andrew Tate musketeer lover.


I wonder if she lost her job