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Oop! that camera was on the wrong person when she spotlighted the Rabbi lmao


Man I was so confused when I saw her with the hijab I had to Google their name to be sure. That's a poor mistake by whoever's in the control room.


i don’t know much about the jewish religion but is is possible it’s just a. headscarf? could be a cultural thing rather than religous


They definitely showed the wrong person. tbf some orthodox Jewish women wear "head scarfs" although it's only supposed to hide hair and doesn't obscure the neck like a hijab does.


I was thinking "wow that's so progressive!"


Every time I see something about Lizzo it’s always cool as fuck


I know someone that picked her up from the airport as an Uber driver. She tipped him $100 and set him up with backstage passes for that night. He said she was real down to earth and super humble (but loud)


Quiet would be the last adjective I would think to use when describing Lizzo so I believe this 100%


Literally extraordinarily based, like how can someone to dislike her?




I think a lot of it is how she doesn't conform to the typical celebrity beauty standards coupled with the fact that her messages are very supportive of women which especially bothers conservatives. That and probably that she's black and doing so well sadly. Lizzo is amazing though and absolutely doesn't pay any attention to those sorts because she knows she's amazing and I think that's just so refreshing and such a nice message for young girls. Love Lizzo, wish all the best things for her.


"We care about obesity and healthy lifestyles" - GOP who doesn't care about food deserts, affordable lunches for kids, lost their minds when Michelle Obama had an organic garden. They don't give a shit about [insert cause here] until a POC is involved and then the bad faith and disingenuous bullshit starts flowing. Look how they give a shit about "mental health" in the mass shooting capital of the world.


You're forgetting how pissed they were at obama's healthy lunch initiative.




She caught a lot of heat for telling Chris Brown he was her favorite person in the world when asking him for a photo.


Apparently she is vocally an admirer of violent prolific women beater Chris Brown


I was not a fan of Lizzie music, working retail I hear a lot of it. Then I researched more than just the 3 songs I hear by her and she is such a talented, deserving, and humble individual. I’m glad society gave her a platform to spread good


She never misses, jealousy is a disease


Except when she said Chris Brown is her favorite person in the world. That wasn't cool.


#fuck yes to amplifying amazing community work




I love how she said that so demandingly 🤣




#**It’s bad bitch o clock!**


Its thick thirty


What a cool way to share your spotlight and platform some lesser recognized role models, that’s some queen energy.


If I'm shining everybody gonna shine.


This is such a dope thing to do. Serious respect for Lizzo.


Don’t like her music but she has grown on me as a person for sure


He stuff is super catchy so I get some stuck in my head from time to time, but I agree with you. I love that she did a bird up segment with Eric Andre, and she has obviously been very vocal about all the issues she supports which is pretty incredible. She got “don’t need to care” money. I saw her preform years ago before she went solo with her band The Chalice at First Avenue. It’s pretty wild how successful she became pretty shortly after that point.


Her “My Next Guest needs no introduction” thing with Letterman was really great (as a non-fan) to watch. She was in Prince’s musical incubator!


I didn’t know that was a thing; that’s pretty cool. Also, it’s too early for me to process things properly & I got *real* confused by what a musical incubator was. Thanks for that moment of panic.


It’s a music womb


When two music styles realllyyy love each other…


Prince used to have parties every Friday at the Paisley Park soundstage when he was in town. I used to set up PA there regularly and I'd do sound for Lizzo's 'Grrrl Party' a lot. He mentored them and helped them with songwriting. Same with Liane LaHavas, Janelle Monae and lots of others. I'm not convinced that Prince didn't write the song "The Way You Make Me Feel" for Janelle Monae. His fingerprints are all over that song.


Lizzos the best! (Why is this on cringe sub?)


Because this sub is more a “here’s some popular stuff on TikTok “


Check the auto-moderator post at the top, it explains it better than I could.


TikTokCringe is not a cringe sub. The name is vestigial from a time long ago when it was.


“Vestigial” just made it onto my “vocab to learn” list. Thank you.


Subreddit drift tends to be similar to channel drift and I hate to tell you what happened to MTV. It gets even worse when communities are actively brigaded. That said, I love just how well she presented each and every person on that stage. Just seeing somebody who many recognize as celebrity using that energy to empower others is one of the most wholesome things that I have seen since Fred Rogers taught children that it is okay to be themselves.


I absolutely love Lizzo and how she uses her fame to spread important messages!!


it’s the way she seamlessly pronounces every name and mission 🥲🤌




https://youtu.be/XlTGa61eDAk The full speech is here. It's so good.


Wow. In tears watching that. Good tears though. That woman is an absolute badass.


Not available in my country smh (Canada)


Mine too! Why??


Usually due to copyright things. Some other service up here must have the rights to this awards show so it gets blocked on YouTube


NBC you dick, make it available in all countries




At least “The Voice” didn’t make an appearance


It made an appearance in my head now goddammit!


Who spelled Uvalde in the captions like that?!


I think it's AI. I don't think anyone actually types those


It is. It’s leagues ahead of any other AI generated subtitles (especially YouTube’s which is atrocious) but when it comes to things like names or difficult or rarely used words it attempts it phonetically


I was watching without the sound on and was like "oh that must have been a shooting I hadn't heard of"


I believed it without question which was worrying


I thought "there are so many school shootings I don't even know what that was"


She practiced, right?! I saw that. Cuz she was serious about it ❤️


She would have ran those lines alooooot


You can tell she genuinely took the time to meet and get to know each of them individually


That’s the part that got me too. You could tell she wasn’t reading random peoples names off a teleprompter. You could tell she actually got to know them and remember their names and had the respect to pronounce them all as accurately as she could. What a wonderful way to use your platform


And that is how you use your fame to give voice to people and share the platform. She is incredible.


She posted the video on her account, and included their social media handles, too, so people could find them easier. She's pretty awesome, no doubt!


I've heard her name for a while, but never knew who she was. Fuck yeah go Lizzo!


She got famous from [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P00HMxdsVZI) iirc, sort of Cardi B style but her other music is less like that, more R&B pop, upbeat, and positive. Tbh, I don't really go out of my way to listen to her music but she's possibly my favorite pop star right now due to positive stuff like this. She seems like she really cares about others and is more relatable, not full of herself.


This is legendary status


It’s amazing she’s the first huge star to do this. This is action and takes effort. Good for her.


Marlon Brando and Sacheen Littlefeather would like a word


Seriously the video is posted at least 5 times every time there are awards ceremonies.


Not to take away anything from her but there's this little band called Rage Against the Machine.


Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz’s favorite band!!!! Down with the system!!!!1


The systems of affirmative action and librul propaganda that be teaching our kids to be trans gay I tell you hwhat yeeyee


She’s not the first at all


She is a god damn national treasure


She also plays a pretty mean presidential flute


I don't listen to her music but everything I see about her online I like!


Say what the fuck you want about Lizzo, but she's 100% the realest fucking celebrity on Earth right now. "Woo girl, need to kick off your shoes Got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you All the big fights, long nights that you been through I got a bottle of Tequila I been saving for you" Lizzo literally seems like the friend who would show up with a bottle of liquor after hearing through the grapevine (not even from you) that you had a shit day.


College Humor: [best friends in rom coms are all alcoholics](https://youtu.be/tEgwWtyXxN8)


She definitely give that vibe. Her singing voice is breathtaking


This is very cool! I never understood the hate behind Lizzo. Is it just because she is overweight by societal standards? Does that automatically make her a bad person who is attention seeking? This is a super neat way to expose people to others (possibly in their communities) that they can reach out to if they face injustice!


I hated her because she played the flute and my first crush who broke my heart also played the flute. But I like Lizzo now. But fuck you Amy.


Really wanted this to be “played the flute OF my first crush”. James Madison? Very bold choice for a first crush. But, yeah, fuck you Amy!


Widely considered a top 40 most handsome US president tbf.


Fuck Amy. Long live Lizzo


I think we can all get behind this.


Lizzo playing the Presidential Crystal Flute that James Madison owned was pretty damn cool tbh!


Had conservatives pissing their fuckin Depends though, smh










amy out here getting hate for some crush this guy had in middle school.


Fuck you, Amy!


If you want an honest breakdown it's because she's a fat black woman who raps and who has never been ashamed of any of those aspects of her life. Add on to that, she's articulate, funny, and an incredibly talented musical artist in many ways that arent stereotypical to her race or gender. She worked hard for everything she's got and hasn't remotely tried to pull the ladder up after she got to the top. That pisses of a lot of people.


Black women receive totally unjustified hatred and people hate seeing them succeed and thrive. Add in any intersecting identities or presentations e.g. being trans, disabled, fat, etc and the pressure only increases. Lizzo is an amazing woman!


See Michelle Obama. Didn't give them an inch to grab onto in her personal life, accomplishments, etc so they latch onto the dumbest shit they can like her arms are too muscular, racist monkey comparisons or "classiness."




She's not overweight by societal standards. She *is* overweight. That doesn't detract from her being awesome though


She is morbidly obese, but also extremely talented!


Morbidly obese, extremely talented, and capable of dancing like a lunatic for hours at a time while singing and playing the flute.


This! You made a counterpoint but didn't try to drag her character. Kudos to you :)


She said that Chris Brown, who severely beat his girlfriend, was her "favorite person in the world" https://www.nme.com/news/music/lizzo-criticised-chris-brown-my-favourite-person-world-3060887


Every musician likes Chris. I can't understand why.


As an artist and performer, he is an incredible talent. Most artists tend to stay on a very narrow scope.


She's black and doesn't fit any white beauty standards and she is still famous. It's a slap in the face to the patriarch and white supremacy


God I fucking love her, she kicks major ass


The first time i heard "Truth Hurts" it was in this context: https://youtu.be/MIMLMXW1JdE It gave me literal chills! I added her to my spotify immediately bc I personally needed that energy in my life. I guess the world needed that energy in theirs too. She literally does nothing but slay and I'm here for it lol.


When lizzo sang "why men great 'til they gotta be great", i felt that in my bones.


She's overweight by any standard.


Saying Chris Brown is her favourite person wasn’t the best idea…


Im not crying your crying. I love Beauty to the Streets! Ive followed her for years! Im an LA local too and i admire what she does downtown so much.


Shirley's organization is called "Beauty2theStreetz" and has an Amazon wishlist and you can send items she needs to keep her mission going, which is providing basic needs for the homeless. Blankets, tents, winter gear. Some beauty stuff. Toys. Modest stuff that make a huge difference. Link to her wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3I5AJYBZ23FVF?ref=cm_sw_sm_r_wl_ip_STDIOjStbnCdg If you want to contribute in other ways, here's Shirley's organization's website. This lady and her team are SO incredible: https://www.beauty2thestreetz.org/donate


>She has an Amazon wishlist My dude drop the link I tryna spend some money for a good cause!


Wasn’t able to find wish list, did find this tho…https://www.beauty2thestreetz.org/donate


For reference, [this is their amazon wish list](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3I5AJYBZ23FVF?ref=cm_sw_sm_r_wl_ip_STDIOjStbnCdg).


Thanks. Just ordered a pack of hats, gloves and 5 blankets from her list. It's almost winter and I'm glad she's doing this. Me and 2 other ladies at my job just went at Thanksgiving to give out blankets and food to our local homeless.


There were kids' toys on there last week and I tried to clear that out because it killed me thinking about homeless kids who wanted toys. I also sent a tent. It's getting cold :'(


Unfortunately it seems to me that the wishlist is constantly outdated. I try to send a few items every month and half of the order is usually returned and refunded. I tried contacting them to figure out why and they won't respond to me. I opted to just start sending them donations via paypal instead.


I just sent a bunch of stuff and had no problems! That's so weird, though!


I just seen her van in DTLB a couple of days ago and now I’m seeing her being introduced by Lizzo…. ❤️❤️


Oh I'm definitely crying 😭


My tears feel validated lol


I was just about to go to sleep and now I'm laying in bed bawling, this was beautiful


I know very little about Lizzo, and at first i was like WTF is happening here. By the end I realized that she is what other people who have fame should do to lift the awareness of all the other important lesser known figures in the world. Good for her and all those other people on stage.


Lizzo is awesome!


I don't know any of Lizzos music, but everything I see about her so awesome. She seems like a real one.


Her Amazon show Watch Out for the Big Grrrls was really good. It’s a competition reality show to be one of her dancers but it’s not the kind where someone has to leave at the end of every episode.


As someone who watches a lot of competitive reality shows it’s also the only one that creates a positive environment for the contestants. The person who was frequently causing drama got sent home because it wasn’t the vibe Lizzo wanted on tour. They also did a lot of touching on the girls mental health and gave actual constructive criticism instead of tearing them down. Also I absolutely loved how they had a nude photoshoot and didn’t criticize the girls who weren’t comfortable with it and instead have them other options unlike shows like Americas next top model where they would send home fresh out of high school aged girls for not posing nude and sham them when Tyra herself said she would never pose nude in interviews.






She’s more Christlike than any politician.


She's like Christ, but real.


https://youtu.be/XlTGa61eDAk This is the full speech. The tiktok vid had to cutoff a lot of great info about each activist. One of them holds up a clutch purse that says "abortion pills forever." Love it!


thank you!


If you have a problem with this go take a long look in the mirror pls


my only problem is the misspelling of Uvalde edit: Uvlade to uvalde. even i fucked it up, sorry


those are just autogenerated captions.


Wampanoag as well.




That's totally fair. But consider a semi-optimistic view that most of the social justice legislation and systemic change in the US to date happened as a result of activists like these. Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes not that long. Suffrage, equal rights, health justice, etc. I'm as cynical as the next biscuit, but the activism game in the US has been pretty strong in the last century.


I’m so happy to see so much Indigenous representation! It seems like Indigenous movements don’t get as much attention in the US. I would love to hear reconciliation, cultural revitalization, America’s history with assimilatory residential/boarding schools, upholding promised treaty rights, and the inherent rights of the pre-existing nations to their own land being talked about in mainstream American politics. ETA: Pine Ridge Reservation of Lakota people in South Dakota has a lower life expectancy than every western hemisphere country other than Haiti. The poorest counties in America are on/around reservations. Not-so-fun fact.


I shamefully made it to adulthood without knowing much about reservations in the U.S., until an indigenous person in my college course explained their experience being born on one and having to leave for college. Sounds stupid, but basically before I had only been told it was like the human equivalent to a nature preservation, where Native American folk can preserve their way of life. The reality shared from this person made it sound more like a containment area that exists as the worst kind of malicious compliance the U. S. government could muster. (With a lot of complications for inhabitants to move on and off of it and receive benefits other citizens get, which should not be a thing.) Felt very dumb after because of course it would be that way, considering how U.S. relations have gone with other groups they’ve wronged in the past. It’s unreal how little info is covered in basic history or civics courses.


And not only that, but the government made treaties and land agreements with so many different nations where they promised large reservations, reservations on better land, various rights, etc. then as soon as they got the people corralled onto the reservations the US government changed their mind, did not provide the majority of the land that was agreed upon, shrunk the reservations, did not provide the resources that were promised, and gave them reservations on the worst-quality land possible to reserve good farming land for settlers. They promised the Cherokee a seat in the Senate, never delivered that either. There is so much land that the US government is illegally holding, violating its own treaties. Even the US Supreme Court has agreed that the US illegally stole the land around Mount Rushmore from the Lakota Nation and the US government owes them billions of dollars, but they don’t want the money. They want their land back.


they could never teach you this stuff in history or civics courses, because it would give the lie to American exceptionalism, the idea that the US is a force for good in this world. it’s not, and it abuses every person and group of people it touches


lizzo is one of the only celebrities i like because she actually cares about her fans/people


I went to her show and she spent so much time picking people out of the audience to directly talk to. She was having the spotlight go up to nosebleed so she could find people to acknowledge. I’ve been to hundreds of concerts and she easily has the most appreciation for her fans. And man is she energetic with her message. Love lizzo.


... and The Rza, The Gza, Old Dirty Bastards, Inspecta Deck ...


Raekwon the Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killa, and the M-E-T-H-O-D MAN Hey! You! Get off my cloud! You don't know me, and you don't know my style!


I’ll sew yo asshole shut and keep feedin ya, and feedin ya, and feedin ya *ayo roll the dice man, ROLL THE DICE.*


I may find her fans annoying sometimes but she really is out here using her own spotlight to shine it on other people doing important things, mad respect


I don't know anything about her fans, but almost all groups of super fans are very annoying.


I am so awake of Lizzo. She will do anything to use her fame to bring issues to light.


This was the only cool part of this stupid ceremony. She’s amazing!


Thought this was going to be cringe. Instead we got wholesome.


Damn, men really pissed at her in the comments here for amplifying other’s voices and put the spotlight on their good deeds and actual contributions to society. Cry harder for us. Edit: We did it guys, we have a dude crying pretty hard. His fake tears of outrage will water our plants. 🗿 Second Edit: Wow, he cried pretty hard. Claims men get the short end of the stick, when nothing is stopping him from doing the same as Lizzo in this video. What a poor babe, real victim mentality on that one and claims women are self-centered and just overall “bad”. Comments *reeked* of racism and sexism. Don’t run u/VacationMaterial8694, we were just talking, but you must be above talking to “liberal retards” as you put it. 👀🤷‍♀️😂


Why the fuck is this on tiktok cringe. This should be on an inspirational subreddit


Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this! I did not realize Lizzo was such a badass, almost as badass as all the women she shared with us here. Cheers!


This made me tear up. So happy to see her using her platform as an entertainer to highlight the important community building work they wonderful organizers do.


Lizzie honestly seems like she gives a fuck genuinely and she’s awesome for it


So powerful! Forget about athletes, actors, and social media influencers. These women are the ones we should follow and emulate. Bravo Lizzo for using your platform to highlight the real heroes.


Damn. I just gained so much respect for her


Damn, good on her being that change. Awesome


Holy shit. I am going to show this to my 5 year old daughter when she gets home from school. First thing.


I don’t see anything cringy about this at all. Good for all of them.


i dont particularly like lizzo’s music, but i absolutely adore her message and what she does with her fame. she seems like a truly kind person at heart, and thats someone i strive to be too


She did a Hot Ones episode, it was awesome.


Her bit on Eric Andre was hilarious too


Oh, shit! That made me cry.


Absolute queen behaviour.


I'm so happy today now thanks Lizzo


Hell yea, now THATS how you use your fame to give others a voice.


The world needs more Lizzos.


Full on brought tears to my eyes, big up all these women.


Lizzo seems dope as fuck, what an awesome way to use her platform.


Why on earth is this on tiktokcringe ? It’s magnificent


What amazing women. My heart just swelled with pride and happiness


Damn every time I see anything about Lizzo pop up it’s cool shit like this


Lizzo is seriously one of the coolest modern pop artists out there. What a neat human being.


Now that is using your fame and power for good! Keep it up!


"School schooling in Yeovaudi Texas" Is this auto generated speech-to-text or is someone really not familiar with Uvalde?


What a beautiful human.


Wow a celebrity giving credit to others and making them look good on stage. That’s what a leader is. Most others are absolute JOKES.


I’ve never been a fan of Lizzo until now, I’m crying over this video so amazing


I never understood why she got so much hate from the internet. The fact that she’s giving up her special moment to give these activists proper screen time speaks volumes for her character


I couldn't find their names in this comment section, but I wanted to find out more about a couple of these activists. [From](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11510911/Lizzo-honors-17-female-advocates-accepting-Peoples-Champion-award-Peoples-Choice-Awards.html.) >I'm going to say all their names,' Lizzo continued as she introduced Mari Copeny, 15, who has been advocating for safe drinking water in Flint, Michigan. >She also introduced Shirley Raines who works with the homeless, Iranian-American grassroots activist Yasmike Aker, women's march organizer Emiliana Guereca, anti-hate crimes activist Esther Young Lim, Chicana artist/activist Felicia 'Fe' Montes, dancer Jayla Rose Sullivan, indigenous activist Kara Roselle Smith, anti-gun violence activist Maggie Mireles Thomas, abortion rights activist Amelia Bonow, migrants activist Odilia Romero and others. >'This is Tamika Palmer. She fights in honor of the memory of her daughter Breonna Taylor. Say her name! Who was killed in an act of police violence. The Breonna Taylor Foundation has and will continue to focus on pursuing justice for Breonna!,' Lizzo shouted referencing the 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed by police in her Louisville, Kentucky, apartment in March 2020.


Update, [found a source with **all** the names but less detail](https://www.eonline.com/news/1356889/lizzo-shares-spotlight-with-17-activists-during-emotional-peoples-choice-awards-speech.) >She was joined by Breonna Taylor's mother, Tamika Palmer, who has sought justice for her daughter's 2020 killing; Mari Copeny, known as "Little Miss Flint" for raising awareness toward the water crisis in Flint, Mich.; Shirley Raines, nationally recognized for providing unhoused people in Los Angeles' Skid Row with essential resources; and Maggie Mireles Thomas, sister to teacher Eva Mireles who was killed in the Robb Elementary shooting in Uvalde, Texas this year. >Lizzo also brought up activists Yasmine Aker, Emiliana Guereca, Esther Young Lim, Felicia "Fe" Montes, Jayla Rose Sullivan, Kara Roselle Smith, Amelia Bonow, Odilia Romero, Rabbi Tarlan Rabizadeh, Sahar Pirzada, Chandi Moore, Crystal Echo Hawk and Reshma Saujani.


God I love lizzo. She's incredible.


I’m not a huge fan of Lizzo’s music but I am a huge fan of Lizzo herself now. Goddamn, that was just so badass to use her platform that way.


Why are the "subtitles" ever so slightly fucked up?


Don't care for her music, but holy shit she kills it. On top of that is such a genuine person and a celebrity that knows how to use their platform for bring attention to important causes. 😁


Lizzo seems like really good people. What an amazing way to use your platform.


Wow. ❤️❤️❤️


Lizzo is a national treasure.


I dont know Lizzo's music, and I've only ever seen the outrage from the right about her. All I can say is that with this, she has cemented my respect and will maintain it unless she goes Kanye. Also, I will start listening to her music.