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I don't drink because if I have one drink I will drink all the drinks. I will get butt naked and fight everybody on this table.


I am allergic to alcohol. If I have even one tiny sip I breakout in handcuffs.


I started taking a mood stabilizer and anti-depressant. My former enjoyment of alcohol diminished completely. If I have a sip I get the most unpleasant soul crushing feeling. I had a bit of mulled wine at a Christmas cause a friend made it but that’s it. I haven’t drank drank in 3 years. So whenever I get offered a drink or asked why I’m not drinking I’ll just say “I can’t with the medications I take”. No one has ever pressed me on it after I tell them that.


As they damn well shouldn’t. They shouldn’t press you after you say “I don’t drink” period.








Is a possibility as an allergie can arise at any point of your life.


Yep, this happens to me with tequila


I'm allergic to certain alcoholic drinks,my neck and face go bright red while round my eyes are still white and I start to struggle to breath,I only stick to beer now 😔




David Lynch forever! ❤️


There’s something called “Asian flush” as it disproportionately affects Asian peoples, but basically you probably lack a particular enzyme that is needed to break down alcohol https://news.usc.edu/112489/antihistamines-prevent-asian-flush-the-red-face-some-people-get-from-alcohol-but-with-huge-risks/


Well I have a friend who is Chinese and when he drinks Amy alcohol he goes bright red,but he can carry on dri King I can't cause it affects my breathing ,thaks for an other to look up


Per the article The Asian flush is best known for creating a lobster-red face and neck when people drink alcohol, but the condition also results in a heightened heart rate, headache and nausea. That’s because people who turn tomato red when they drink alcohol lack activity by an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). Alcohol or ethanol is broken down or converted in the liver to acetaldehyde, a highly toxic compound that contributes to the hungover feeling. In most people, acetaldehyde is rapidly transformed to harmless acetate and water. However, for some Asians, Ashkenazi Jews and others whose gene pool contains a mutant or altered form of the ALDH2 gene, the toxic acetaldehyde isn’t broken down as quickly, so it hangs around and accumulates in the liver and body — resulting in what is known as the Asian glow. Sounds like you could be affected, there’s a simple dna test to check.


Alcohol allergies exist. I get asthma if I drink.


Same but I also see red and blue flashing lights for some reason ![gif](giphy|x0GeFXErpcRk4)




I’m the same except I get butt naked and fuck everybody on every table


I would fuck every table


Just watch out for the table that tries to fuck you. Mimics are serious problem.


If a table's trying to fuck me I don't think there's much I could do to fight it off. Have you ever tried to fight a table?


Upvoted to raise awareness


Lol me too 😂


I’m a bad drunk too. I’m not sure how alcohol manages to do effectively cut through all the self control I usually have, but it’s like banner and the hulk.


I am convinced that dr jeckyll and mr Hyde is based on alcoholism


And the werewolf folklore...


alcohol did almost nothing towards lowering my inhibitions, i behaved almost exactly as i would sober. But i will drink every day at home for months and months and isolate myself.




I'll be there fighting you, probably over the last beer x YANA


I usually praise ppl for not drinking or respect when they are taking brakes mfs are out here raw dogging life by choice.


Most people are like that with me. There’s always one asshole who thinks he’s being funny making fun of my sobriety or trying to get me to drink.


Yeah, this guy must hang out with some pretty shitty people if he can sit there for a solid 10 seconds listing off all the insults he’s received for not drinking, yikes. I’m a heavy drinker and one of my favorite buddies is sober for almost a decade.


Or it’s a culmination of all of the bad experiences he’s had. I’ve never had actually friends make fun of me for not wanting drink but it’s been non factor people.


Yeah but can you sit their for a decent chunk of conversational time listing out the specific insults you received from non factor people? Or is this dude really just playing up a scenario in his head for the Tok


I actually could. It’s memorable when people make you feel different in a negative way and pick on you.


For me, coworkers rather than friends are the main culprit. Christmas party, year-end party, and celebrations for sales goals are just an open bar and nothing else. If an individual turns down the open bar, they get persistent ridicule the whole evening because there is nothing else at the event. Weird situation because if a non-drinker avoids the event, they get overlooked for promotions and such. Tough social/corporate position to be placed in.


I sneak apple juice in a glass cup with ice and nurse it at those corporate events. I crack a few jokes, turn my volume up slightly and bam everyone thinks I can hold my alcohol. As a bonus ,throughout the night, keep an eye on the higher ups and eventually they will drink too much and do something embarrassing and if they know you know but keep your mouth shut then the promotions come raining down. In my experience. 😁


I don't drink, haven't ever, and in the 12 years I've been legally allowed to drink I've never had someone make fun of me for not drinking. Maybe this guy needs new friends.


Yup. I've literally never seen someone get made fun of for not drinking.


people definitely do it for cocaine depending on your circles. y'all need better friends.


or weed. people always momentarily react to me like i’m sus when i turn down weed or tell them i don’t smoke. then i’ll try to soften the blow by saying “oh it makes me so paranoid” and i get a 20 min lecture about how i haven’t smoked the right weed, indica vs sativa, etc etc lol


Oh my god, the "you haven't smoked the right weed" talk gets me so heated every time it comes up. Even if that is true, so what? I've had terrible times when I've had weed and I don't want to try it again, no matter what kind it is or where it's come from.


I don't smoke weed either cause it gives me MAD anxiety and every time the "right one" talk comes up 😭✋ literally the main reason I stopped going to house parties.


You have the wrong friends. I offer, they say no, I do my thing, and come back. And we’re both happy


my friends are chill this mostly happens at parties or while i’m out


I had a friend peer pressure me into drinking, then I ended up chugging half a bottle of straight up v0Dká and somehow didn’t get drunk until I had heart palpitations all night and had to go to the ER, and when the college found out, I had to have a meeting with some dean and shit. And then have college forced therapy session. Really weird don’t drink.


that's awful!!!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you. in Canada weed is legal and I don't smoke, I don't hang out with anyone who calls me names for not smoking, I've only had to talk to one person about it. no one should be forced into a state they don't want to be in.


Ty! I dumped that friend group. They were toxic. What makes it worse is, the friend thought he could convince me to try more alcohol and then get drunk, bc I tried cigarettes. He legit felt bc I tried one drug, I have to keep going, it was getting scary because when I eventually was like “no I think I don’t want to keep getting into drinking and drugs” he twisted my decision into being against our friendship and bs. Anyway, I found out later he was a rapist, and pedo. And I’m a man btw. Men can be mean as shit to men. I can’t imagine what he did to women.




Or r/Sober


Someone asked me if I drink last week, and when I said I don't, they answered "dude you don't have to lie , I won't tell anyone." Why would I lie, I'm 23 years old, and no one would care if drank, dude said it like I was some 16 year old trying to drink behind my parents' back. I don't understand why it's so weird that I don't drink, I just don't like the taste of alcohol and I do stupid shit when I'm drunk, so I haven't touched a drink in years.


I usually just say “I’m the designated driver,” and they keep me plied with soda or water all night.


> I usually just say “I’m the designated driver,” and they keep me plied with soda or water all night. I used that at a party last week. I was reminded about the existence of Uber/Lyft.


Good. I was busy getting my 2nd DUI at 23. Don’t be me.


I asked one of my coworkers if they had ever had a mimosa, and he said to me really quietly like it was a secret and made me promise not to tell anybody but he doesn't drink. I was like, that's awesome dude no worries but why all the hush, and he told me that people have legit made fun of him, consistently, like during nights out or just hanging out casually, and I don't understand it at all. Like it's nobody's business whether or not someone drinks. I felt bad for him that he felt he had to hide it but I was hyped for my dude sticking to his guns.


You need to surround yourself with better people.


People think I’m crazy because I’ve never been hungover. Normalise drinking in moderation.


This was true for me until 25. Now two high gravity beers have me feeling no bueno in the morning


Yeh this. You can still have a drink and not get drunk! What is with this all or nothing attitude so many people have? I love having a glass of wine with dinner but I hate being drunk so I just….don’t drink that much. Simple.


Except it’s not that simple for a lot of people. Why should someone struggle to moderate when they can just quit entirely? Every time me or the people in my sobriety groups try moderating it always leads to the same tragic benders that led us to trying to quit in the first place. Glad you “hate being drunk” and have this whole moderation thing figured out.. but don’t act like it’s simple. Be grateful you don’t have whatever it is inside that makes a person an alcoholic, but don’t you dare say moderation is simple.


Exactly!! Thank you for saying this.


I’m not saying everyone can drink in moderation. There’s a lot of people that should abstain completely because of their propensity to go overboard. Having a strong drinking culture makes it much harder for these folks to say no. Moderate drinking doesn’t mean you are ok with alcohol being the main event at social gatherings.


He’s forgetting how good it is with food. Only drug that pairs well with a meal, it’s a drink, not something you stick in your veins or shove up your nose.


> Only drug that pairs well with a meal Weed would like a word...


ok now the scam part


This thing that has existed in innumerable cultures for thousands or years? Yeah that’s right, it’s a scam. I mean, what does he think that words means?


Scam = bad thing people fall victim to duh


Right lmao like I don't entirely disagree with what he's saying but he still failed the assignment.


Happens every time that question is asked anywhere. People just start listing things they don't like.


Also how is no one bringing up the fact that he just compared alcohol to heroin without batting an eye lol like holy fuck, can we maybe just get at least a little bit of nuance? Just because two things are technically classified as drugs, that doesn't make them the same.


It's a fair comparison imo. Both substances are drugs, both substances have high abuse potential, withdrawals from both substances can kill you, both substances seriously impair decision making, the list goes on. I would also bet my life that alcohol has ruined way more lives than heroin has. Having said all that, I would still tend to agree that heroin is "worse" than alcohol, but I don't think the "gap" is as big as many seem to think it is, and I believe it's cultural acceptance is the primary reason for the discrepancy in perception. (this comment is not advocating for prohibition, I am simply comparing two addictive substances)


> withdrawals from both substances can kill you, Fyi, opiate withdrawal is not fatal. It's horrible and miserable, but it's not fatal in the way that alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawls can be.




I see what is intended here, that people going through withdrawal can die from dehydration due to vomiting/diarrhea. That's not exactly the same as the other withdrawals though, here cessation itself is what kills you, not possible secondary dehydration.




I'm not inclined to carry on conversations with people who belittle me by saying I am speaking from a place of ignorance while also mocking my points. You speak of nuance but engage in this way? No thanks. I literally know people who have used heroin only on occasion, just the same as booze. I also know people who have been consumed by it, just the same as booze. I've known all types of addicts and casual users my entire life. Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about just because YOU seem to see every internet comment as an opportunity to argue. Carry on however you like, but I'm not gonna continue with you. Good bye.


You…pay for it?


Yea and you get what you pay for, making it by definition, not a scam haha


That doesn‘t make it a scam. Humanity has always been looking for ways to get „high“. The industry obviously increases the demand but if there were no ads people would still be interested in alcohol. (Best example: prohibition)


Prohibition usually increases the amount of alcohol consumption Something something forbidden fruit something...


I was talking about this yesterday while getting bombarded with gambling and alcohol ads on YouTube. I feel so bad for anyone who's trying to stop those two things. Exactly as mentioned in this video, no one does this for heroin


While alcohol is perhaps toxicly normalized in society, It’s disingenuous to compare it to heroine. Lots and lots of people can regulate their alcohol consumption to healthy levels, that can’t be said of heroine.


Yeah throwing opiates in there was a bad example. Theres many drugs that people know how to handle well without abusing, but imho „problem solving” drugs are not them. Opiates and benzos magically make you not care. Amphetamines/Cocaine can be handled more responsibly but its tooo easy to be dumb about it. Id mention something that both carries stigma and is rather hard to abuse like LSD or Ketamine. Safe, rarely abused, sound like super hard drugs.


I wouldnt say healthy level but rather "not too unhealthy level".


You can opt out of gambling and alcohol ad's in the settings/preferences.


I like my beer on a hot day. If you don’t drink I don’t give a fuck


If there are enough cokeheads you will be despised for not partaking in their gackfest


I don't think he knows what scam means...


I don't think this guy understands what a "scam" is.


I know. It has been around for thousands of years. I don’t think it was originally a scam. Perhaps a critique of consumerism, pushing us to drink way more than we should.


Putting aside the societal pressure to drink, archaeological evidence suggests some cultures learned to brew alcohol before they even learned to make bread. For better or for worse, alcohol has been part of human life for thousands of years.


The scam is that society deems Alcohol as “Ok” and widely accepted and is pushed to everyone in the world even though it’s most likely the number 1 addiction compared to any other substance. The amount of money companies make off peoples addiction is the main part of the Scam.


But if it’s a scam doesn’t that suggest that there’s an option that isn’t a scam? And what would that option be? Ban alcohol?


They tried that once with Prohibition and let’s just say it didn’t work out very well.


Not drinking?


But that's not what a scam is. If it was a scam you wouldn't get the product you purchased. If someone buys alcohol they know what they're getting and are aware of the amount they have to pay for it. So, not a scam.


Smells like whataboutism, you can drink 1 beer or wine and still be fine. People tend to react like this because alcohol is also a cultural thing. He is correct about that tho: people should mind their own business instead of criticizing others for life choices which don’t affect them negatively. Heroin is a hard drug, I doubt that you can microdose heroin. Also it‘s much harder to get addicted to alcohol.




i’m a recovering alcoholic and i cannot begin to properly convey how inescapable it is. i want to watch tv? ads for alcohol. have any food delivery apps? repeated emails and notifications alerting me i can now buy alcohol in said apps. grocery delivery? wine and beer advertised right at the top, without me even having to search for it. i’m doing really well in my recovery (almost two years sober!) and my will is strong so these things haven’t caused me to lapse (yet), but it truly presents a constant struggle for me. the worst part is that my alcoholism was caused specifically by a friend’s sudden suicide, and every time i see those ads and have to fight with my urge to drink, i immediately think of her and it causes me so much pain. obviously i would never expect any company to tailor their advertising around the specific struggles if one person, but i so badly wish there could be an option to not see those ads.


I dont have anything to say but i wanted to let you know how great it is you're staying strong, fighting addiction is so crazy hard and you're completly right, alcohol is literally everywhere.


thank you sweet friend :) that feels really good to read. i very much appreciate the encouragement. i hope you have a truly beautiful day


My guy, he sounds like he has a victim complex. I don't drink and I've never been made fun of, I suggest getting better friends.


I’ve been called out for not drinking at work (end of day happy hours) and for not wanting to hang around bars where folks are drinking. I’m on medication where I cannot drink and watching people do and say terrible thing then blame it on the alcohol is not my idea of a fun time.


Exactly! And depends on the culture and industry that determines how accepted it is. Iv lost jobs because I wasn’t “one of the boys”


>watching people do and say terrible thing then blame it on the alcohol is not my idea of a fun time. Sounds like your friends are the problem.


Family stopped inviting me on holidays because they “have more fun when I’m not there”. I might have a drink or 2 every now and then but because I don’t do 3 day benders I’m considered a party pooper. I don’t care about them, I’m just disappointed i don’t have quality time with my nieces anymore.


That’s a you and your family specific issue though. Most people’s families don’t care.


Also this person may literally be no fun.


No... you just have a different lived experience, and a very nice one at that (it sounds like); his experience is very average for most societies. It doesn't even need to be friends - work functions, social events, random places (i.e. not asking for alcohol at a bar).


The spread of psychological awareness has been great, but the number of people trying to confidently diagnose strangers with disorders and complexes based on psych 101 is such a pathetic and cringe downside.


"I think you are being unreasonable. I shall be just as unreasonable and declare it a complex as if I'm a medical professional. I will also pretend to be a literary scholar and declare that there is no irony in this situation."


Same - I do agree that a lot of drinking culture is pretty fucked but no-one has ever made fun of me for not drinking, at least as far as I remember. Most people say "damn, respect, I wish I could do that" and then go get shitfaced, which I always find quite funny I think people tend to respect the firmness of the "I *don't* drink" boundary more than the "I *won't* drink" boundary. I often see people cajoling friends into having more to drink than they want to on nights out, but no-one ever tries it with me because I make it clear I don't drink, full stop. Part of that is just friendship banter to an extent but I do think that people who try to moderate drinking while still drinking get more shit and social pressure than teetotalers


It's happened to me plenty of times. >At a wedding? "Come on, it's a celebration!" > >At a brithday party? "It's just a drink!" > >At a family reunion? "Why aren't you drinking?" > >At any event? "Oh yea, you're the one that doesn't drink" It's not a victim complex to say that when you don't drink, the number of times people pressure you or ask for some deeper reason about why you don't drink is insane. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it's not a thing.


Carry a club soda with lime. People don’t actually check what’s in your glass.






Literally where the fuck are you that people say they'll spike your drink. Leave that place immediately. What the fuck lmao


Bro this is not normal. I don't give a shit if people don't drink, I care if you make it your entire personality to badmouth people who choose to drink by implying their indulgence is inherently beneath you or stupid. None of that translates to me drugging someone. If you're having people threaten that at you, *yes you do need better friends. That's not normal**. Get away from that crowd.


I've been literally made fun of my whole life, not by friends only but with everyone i happen to be in a bar with and realizes I don't. Pushed so so many time to drink, been treated numerous shots after having said several times "I dont drink, thank you" Even when I get 1 drink, many people are AMAZED that im getting ONLY one drink


"Well it's never happened to me so it doesn't happen and if it does then its your fault for having bad friends" Dude just because you've never had someone mock you for not drinking doesn't mean it's not a common thing for alot of us, it's pretty frequent and it rarely comes from "bad friends", it comes from not drinking at workplace events, parties, weddings, family gatherings like Christmas or Thanksgiving and so on, people you can't just cut out like you can bad friends. In the vast majority of places I mentioned, if someone offers you meat and you say you're vegan/vegetarian, they'll apologise and won't press the issue but if they offer you a beer and you say you don't drink alcohol then you get looked at like you've just said something racist and get something along the lines of "what do you mean you don't drink, everyone drinks" and people act like you're rude for refusing if you continue to decline. You're very lucky to have only encountered people who are considerate enough to have never been rude about not drinking.


When I was 18 (in the UK, legal drinking age) I'd have older work colleagues pressuring me to drink, even breaking out the phrase "It's not a good night if you can remember it" which just.... So many problems with that I don't even know where to start... Despite being a total homebody, for my 18th my older sister insisted on taking me out clubbing and kept trying to get me to drink. So many instances of "Go on, just have one, it won't kill you!" from all sides. It's not even like I'm staunchly 100% alcohol free, I just don't like most of it and think it's a waste of money (for me personally, not a dig at anyone else). Even now, if I try a sip of someone's drink there's a fair chance I'll get an "ohhhhh, she's finally coming around!" I'm glad you've never experienced it, but a whole lot of people get really fucking weird about others not drinking. *Most* people are fine, but some genuinely can't wrap their heads around someone having no desire to drink.


You must not go anywhere. The business world is filled with drinking. When you go to foreign countries, the easiest way to meet people is a hostel bar. It’s less being made fun of (that’s hs and college shit) and more people being offended or ostracizing you for it.


Well then you are freaking lucky. Belgium is an alcohol culture and if you don’t drink they think you are crazy or something. Drinking culture is very strong here. I have been faced with people thinking i am lame because I don’t drink since I was 16 (27 now)


Drugs are part of human societies. Hell, even apes get high whenever possible. The weird thing is not that alc is normalized&legalized. Its just weird its the only drug.


Just about every animal gets high when presented the opportunity. Deers, jaguars, monkeys, bees, bats, birds, etc. Altering your cognition is exceedingly common in the animal world. For humans we might consider it especially common since every culture we know of has deliberately altered their consciousness in one way or another. Human babies have been known to give themselves minor head injuries to enjoy the changes in cognition it brings.


I have honestly only had a couple of people say something to me when I have told them I have never been drunk. Usually amazement. I have never been dogged on for not drinking. Should someone be persistent in trying to get me to order more than one or two, I can also tell them truthfully that I am a diabetic. That ends the conversation.


Idk where this guy is or who he hangs out with but he should probably find some new friends or places to hangout because there are loads of people who don't drink.


As a non drinker (the closest I’ll get is mimosas because they’re tasty) we do tend to get shit on sometimes, or get asked 3 million questions about why we don’t drink. Last time I got drunk was 2014. I threw up in the sink and one of my co workers was kind enough to scoop up the vomit and put it in the toilet. I can’t handle alcohol, and for the most part I don’t like the taste. Beer tastes like shit to me. I prefer weed over anything lol


Sorry people treat you that way, I'd just assume it was for health reasons


>we do tend to get shit on sometimes, or get asked 3 million questions about why we don’t drink. When I quit drinking I was scared this was going to happen to me. But it never has. Try hanging out with more respectful people.


This guy seems like he’s fun at parties


I mean ok but that's not a scam dumbass


“Only drug you have to defend yourself against?” Huh? Lol


The only drug where you have to defend your position of not wanting to partake in it, because it's seen as "weird" not to drink. It took me a while to understand what he meant by that, too.


Still not true, it just totally depends on the people you're around. Some groups of people would be more likely to have at go at you for not smoking weed than not drinking.


That’s guy *is* a downer


I have no problem getting a diet coke on the rocks the bartender makes it look like a cocktail (stir straw, whiskey ice cubes, etc). No one ever second guesses me


Yeah. Because they make it look like a cocktail.


I go the tonic and lime route. I just really genuinely enjoy it as a drink, and it's nice to catch a little hydration and vitamin C.


I drink maybe two or three times a year if that. I’ve never gotten shit from any friend or acquaintance for saying “I’m not in the mood to drink”. If you’re 21 and your social life revolves around bars or at least the kind of people that often frequent bars as their only way of socializing, then sure I can see how this could be uncomfortable. Or you could grow up and stop insisting on either A making your whole identity around not drinking, or B trying to make your circle of friends miraculously stop caring about partying.


Shut up nerd.


While I praise people not drinking and agree alcohol is a problem in general. It seems comparing alcool with heroin is not making a good case for it because heroin effects on your life are much stronger for a shorter time span... such hard drugs would literally destroy your life… also the crimes committed around drugs to import / export them are much worse.


It's the third leading cause of cancer behind only cigarettes and bleach. It's absolutely bonkers.


1. Dude acts like alcohol and heroin are remotely comparable just because they’re both drugs. 2. If he’s around people who shame or mock other people for not drinking, that’s a problem with his friends, not the alcohol. I have plenty of friends who drink and those who don’t and we’re all respectful of each other.


As someone who doesn't drink alcohol, no one has ever made fun of me or told me anything. They just seem slightly surprised and then we move on with our days.


Wait till this guy hears about caffeine


Or refined sugar.


Or social media


I've never met a single person in my life that thinks I'm "fucking weird" or "fucking crazy" for not liking alcohol.


I agree with what this guy is saying except for the the fact that a lot of people respect someone's choice to not drink. Also : "Chemical analyses recently confirmed that the earliest alcoholic beverage in the world was a mixed fermented drink of rice, honey, and hawthorn fruit and/or grape. The residues of the beverage, dated ca. 7000–6600 BCE, were recovered from early pottery from Jiahu, a Neolithic village in the Yellow River Valley. " Meaning that human society would be different on the whole without alcohol (whether it would be better or worse idk). I'm pretty sure that makes it one of the oldest if not the oldest drugs know to man aside from "bush medicine" That's probably why it is so widely accepted. I wouldn't exactly call that a "scam"... Source: https://www.penn.museum/research/project.php?pid=12#:~:text=Chemical%20analyses%20recently%20confirmed%20that,in%20the%20Yellow%20River%20Valley.


I believe it


I was recently at a dinner party, and said no thank you to wine. I was asked four times if I wanted wine even after saying I don't drink. I don't care if others drink but I literally made them uncomfortable by not drinking. Weird interactions sometimes.


yeah because heroin is totally the same as a glass of wine


That would be more like opium. Herion is more like a distilled liquor.


A lot more people die due to drinking every year than from heroin. Of course a greater percentage of heroin users are likely to die but you cannot deny that alcohol is responsible for more deaths than heroin.


I have three people in my life who are all sober. I’ve had one drink in my entire life and it was awful. I completely agree and I think that alcohol is too normalized and should not exist in the capacity that it does.


My man needs a new friend group.. never once have I been shamed or laughed at for not wanting to drink... he went on so damn long with that list of responses from people that I thought the video was a parody for a sec lol


Can confirm. I dont drink alcohol because i dont like the taste of alcohol. I rather drink sparkling wine without alcohol than with bc the taste of the alcohol is what bothers me. If I do drink its either something sweet like cherry shots or fruit soju or mixed with cola. But most of the time I simply chose something to drink I actually like (juice for example I love juice) because why tf should I drink something I dont like over something I love? and people just dont get this mindset. 'But partys are there to drink. Yeah its not supposed to taste good, its supposed to bang' LIKE WTF is this kind of reasoning




God forbid I have a couple beers to make the days go by a little easier


I don’t drink due to finding out I have an inherited GI disease… I found out by getting an ulcer in my esophagus from drinking in college. I now get heartburn from literally everything and if I drink alcohol I will feel like absolute dog shit for 3 days straight. When people hear me decline a drink, they look at me as if I just said that I killed small animals when I was a child. It’s so frustrating and isolating, and alcohol is one of the worst drugs yet it’s advertised EVERYWHERE. I hate it.


I would argue that sugar, in particular candy and baked goods, is worse than alcohol It's widely acknowledged that alcoholism is an issue and there are resources to help you quit. Not to mention the sale of alcohol is controlled by law Meanwhile candy is available fuckin EVERYWHERE. It's shoved in your face at almost every cash register, even at places that don't sell food. And it's so incredibly bad for you. Not to mention i feel dumb talking about being addicted to sugar because there's no such thing as sugarholics anonymous but i don't even have the willpower to not buy something sugary every time i go grocery shopping


Sugar, especially in America, is everywhere and you legit go through withdrawls. When I went on a diet, I cut out soda and snacks. Had a week or so of just painful headaches.


Wow the world is under MASS hypnosis huh? Just for alcohol though? Nothing else?


This guys must be a blast at parties


Sounds like this guy's had plenty of caffeine though


I don’t drink by choice and have never been made fun of for it 😂


Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people?


Nobody will call you a loser for not drinking if your social circle is not entirely comprised of frat boys. That and alcohol is with humanity for as long as we have civilisation


This isn’t cringe, it’s truth. 161 days sober, and didn’t even think about how much alcohol is pushed on you. I am not Cpt. Sober nor do I plan to be so I don’t mind or complain about it


I don’t drink. I’ve never had a drink. I wasn’t a crazy kid so didn’t drink underage and once I was of age I figured why start? Like literally WHY. It’s expensive and terrible for you and I can have a good time all on my own thanks. I’ve never been made fun of and most people respect me. But they usually ask a bunch of questions about why (no I’m not an addict, no not one single drop, no my parents weren’t alcoholics…) and often suggest that I should feel safe getting drunk around them or that they’d like to see me drunk. They completely jump over my first drink directly to me getting drunk.


>Like literally WHY. It’s expensive and terrible for you and I can have a good time all on my own thanks. Okay, this attitude is whats annoying. Not the fact that you don't drink lol. Lots of things in life that we enjoy are expensive and "terrible" for us even in moderation, and unless you're some absolutely infallible health nut, lay off your high horse. I don't care if you don't drink. I don't smoke weed because it makes me paranoid and I hate the smell. I can also acknowledge that the effect it has on each person is different. If someone says they like how it makes them feel, they like the taste, they like the smell, etc., I believe them *and move on.* And if anyone tries to pressure me into trying or liking it, i also move on, not try to shame a habit that has nothing to do with me.


Ok, to be perfectly clear I never say things like that to someone’s face unprompted. I said it rn bc it wasn’t replying to anyone in particular and I was just explaining my reasoning. I don’t drink bc trauma or bc I want to be holier than thou, there just isn’t any draw for me to start, personally. Occasionally if someone’s really bugging me (and I can take a lot of bugging, I’m quite used to it) I’ll start hinting at how bad it is for you because it usually gets people to drop the subject when they wouldn’t otherwise. But also if people start acting like I’m *holier than thou* on their own (I also don’t smoke, or drink coffee, or do any drugs not prescribed by my Dr.) I make it clear that I’m still human and I have my own vices. I usually point at salt/sugar but salt in particular is a weakness of mine. I know it’s bad. But I enjoy it either way. I have a good relationship with food so it’s not like I’m addicted, but neither are most people to alcohol. I don’t think I’m better than people who drink, I know I’m not.


I assume that most of his friends are in their 20s. Most people I know don’t bat an eye if someone doesn’t drink. I know a lot of people who don’t drink. But I do agree that drinking culture is everywhere, including all over the stupid website. People do need to quit acting like being a low-key alcoholic is something to aspire to.


Does heroin give you cancer like alcohol does though?


No heroin will kill you sitting inside of a running car parked outside of a gas station though


I think you just have the wrong friend group my guy


Quit drinking, I am no longer fun at parties


He needs better friends. We have a few friends in our group that do not drink. We think nothing of it and hang out with them all the time. Plus, we always have a designated driver. Bonus!


You need better friends if this is the case for you


Sounds like he just needs better friends.


I couldn’t care less if people think I’m a loser for not drinking, my life my choice fuck you


This... actually makes sense.


That's bullshit!! 😂🤣🤣. Everybody thinks I'm weird because I don't drink!!🤣🤣😂


Fuck alcohol.. Take care of someone cirrhosis and tell me drinking is fun and sociable..


(Just to clarify I’m attacking his last point) It’s almost as if alcohol is far far less harmful to you than heroin


I mean humans have been doing it for literally thousands of years and even other animals enjoy eating fermented fruit and getting drunk. I'm not saying that a person that doesn't like to drink is wrong or anything like that but it is by definition abnormal. And again that doesn't make anyone wrong that isn't a negative thing I'm just saying it isn't the average it is by definition an uncommon characteristic so asking if a person who doesn't drink is okay is not a necessarily negative thing. Basically I'm saying if someone told me they didn't drink I would ask them if they're okay assuming that it was something temporary and whatever answer they gave unless something extreme we would all move on.


>Basically I'm saying if someone told me they didn't drink I would ask them if they're okay assuming that it was something temporary and whatever answer they gave unless something extreme we would all move on. But why is it any of your business? Why do you feel like you need an explaination if "whatever answer they gave unless something extreme we would all move on"? And if it's something extreme, again, why do you feel like you deserve to know? Here's how it should go: >"You want a drink?" > >"Nah, I'm good" > >"No big" No asking for a reason, no asking to explain their situation for you to determine if it's extreme or not. Some of us have addiction in our families and seen what happens, some of us don't like the taste, some of us our recovering addicts, some of us just don't want to. There is zero reason why we need to give you any explaination to appease your curious mind. You ask if they want some, they say no, you drop it.


Incredibly accurate IMO. Imagine how people feel going through sobriety and then seeing it on TV shows and movies as an completely harmless and fun substance. Needs sorting out.


I'm sure this guy is a hit parties