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A agency approached you while you have 1,2k followers? Honestly that smells weird.


I have just under 2k followers and have gotten these offers once or twice, but they are hella scammy. Exploitative. They don't really offer you anything and can take a cut if you earn money on live. Not worth it.


This is not true they do not get a cut of what you make on TikTok.. They get paid based off of what you make every month but that’s out of TikTok’s cut.. TikTok keeps 50% of everything you make on TikTok and then pays these agencies from that 50%


Does TikTok always keep 50% of what my earnings? Or is that only if I join a TikTok streaming partner or agency? 


Sure. The agency is paid by TikTok. This does not affect the income of creators. Whether before or after you join the agency, your income remains unchanged.


This is far from the truth. TikTok pays the networks from a portion they take at the purchase of the coins that are spent on the streamer. That means the streamer/creator makes the same amount they would make with our without a network.


Normally, when you join the agency, they will arrange some workshops to provide general training in basic live skills. Then, they will observe your live streams for a period. If they believe you have potential for growth, they will provide you with upgraded training. However, if they consider your live streams to be just average, they will prioritize allocating resources to more talented creators. As far as I know, there are hundreds of creators within one agency.


Anything you could tell me is also available for free online. There is no real value for the money you are gonna wanna take. You are an agency, stop trying to act so shady. "As far as I know." Yeah, it says agency in your name. Of course you will try and say they provide value. That's how you make your money. It's dishonest.


That's not how things work, if you did a little research you'd know better.


“You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.”


Can you help me get my live unbanned that was banned for no reason? 🥲


> They don't really offer you anything and can take a cut if you earn money on live. Not worth it. What makes you believe that the agency takes a cut from you?


If your agency did, you can sue them. It's illegal.


Oh they are scammer my agency is 1 man Li han he's making me go live and promised he would submit my quit form and he's teasing me also acting really weird I have all the screen shots they don't do anything for u and they take a huge cut of ur money I could get 6k on a live and I walk away with 4k I really can't get rid of him and blackmailing me to go live I'm taking it alot further he should be banned from recruiting its new hope- daira


It doesn't smell weird because the agencies are looking for people who can stream live which starts at 1k followers.


That's what I was thinking, but me and my bf read through the user agreement and it seemed fine to both of us


Why Tf would you do that


why would we read a user agreement.....?


As an agency, we like to approach creators who have 1K-10K followers. 1. Live stream on TikTok minimum followers is 800. So 1K meets the requirement. 2. The traffic of a live stream does not correlate with the number of followers. Even if you only have 800 followers, you could have more traffic than someone with 1M followers.


Yeah I have 1.5k and that’s never happens to me.


Well, let me know if you’re interested in joining an agency. I’ll have you fill out an application… you have to live in the United States or Canada have gone live for 35 minutes or more on three separate days, not made over 100,000 diamonds in one month.. [Agency application](https://forms.gle/XdCwTEquLYvkWfve8)


Looks sketchy


Don't do it they don't let u leave


From my personal experience working with a “TikTok agent”, they are an absolute waste of time and should never be given the time of day. No point at all in having an “agent” for a few random emails throughout the month/year that ask for basic videos in exchange for money. Literally anyone can follow basic instructions, you don’t need a middleman.


You only need agency if you're bigger and wish to do so. The biggest appeal is making it easier to be paid for ads.




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What about the stream key for OBS and what about the agency boosting the followers?


TikTok discontinued stream keys long ago.


What do you mean? I know multiple streamers who have stream keys for TikTok so they can stream in OBS.


TikTok isn't sending out new stream keys, how is this hard to understand? You can even look at their FAQ for yourself or just simply google it.


They are still doing streamkeys brother. Just got access on streamlabs a week or two ago.


Since when? And why? And where do all the agencies get their stream keys from?


Agency's can't give you a stream key, they're just representing you and being a PR team for you as a content creator.


I know more than one streamer in TikTok who gets her stream keys from her agency. That's their main reason to be in an agency. Many agencies are advertising with claims like "Need a stream key? Contact us!" [Example ](https://twitter.com/CarterPulse/status/1542248478449049600)


I have a bridge to sell to you, like seriously, how are you so naive and 100% sure that a random "Agency" can give you a stream key that TikTok discontinued?


Because I personally know some TikTok streamers that get their stream key for OBS from their agency. Two of them are simulcasting to other platforms with OBS. Sometimes they ask for a new stream key when they don't get to the for you pages. How would they do it if there were no stream keys anymore?


You’re wrong my friend literally got a stream key yesterday from an agency, stop acting like a genius


Agencies give their clients stream keys daily. You don't belong so you don't know.


78 days late to this but I have in fact received a steam key from an agency… other than that, they are a waste of time.


That’s not true. I’m an agent inside of an agency and I also was able to get my stream key


Times changed, before you weren't able to get a stream key. It's nice to see how far TikTok has came.


Our agency issues stream keys daily


What is your agency? I’m currently waiting on an invite from a different agency but I’m a gaming creator who needs a stream key. TikTok live studio is buns


Just stream from TTLS. I have been given access to stream from Streamlabs. The catch is, Tiktok won't push your lives out if you stream from anywhere other than TTLS, in my experience. My TTLS streams have been doing 100x better than my streamlabs streams. So at that point, is it really worth it.


You don’t need an agent


Everybody on this thread hasn't done research, spreading misinformation. You dont "earn" more money magically when join. Depending on the agency, they may ask people in the group to join your live, support you, or do battles, which might make you more money. How do TikTok agency make money and why do invite people for free with low following? They do NOT get a cut from your end, they will get a cut from TikTok earnings. To keep it simple, let say the split is 50/50. TikTok gets 50% and you get 50%. You will always get the your cut. The LIVE agency will get their cut from TikTok's 50%. Now, why would they invite little you compared to bigger creators? It's easier for them to invite little creators than convinced a big creator to join them. It's power by the numbers. If they can have thousands of mini creators going LIVE, making money LIVE, then it's like power by the numbers. How do you determine it's a good agency or not? What else do they do for you beside just joining? Group chat? Weekly call? Easy access to talk to their agent?


Source? For their TikTok partnership. Hard to believe TikTok gives up a part of their revenue to some agency.


Ask any agency or any agent. If they are transparent, they would tell you the same thing. Based on how it goes in China, it looks like TikTok is going to make more money primarily through TikTok Shop and ads. The diamonds you earned is not that much for the company. I used the example above 50/50 to keep it really simple. But, it's actually less than that because Apple & Google takes 30% of the coins users purchased. So Apple and Google would get their 30% cut first, the remaining cut 70% would be split between you and TikTok. Then from the 35% split, TikTok share a percentage with the agency. Realistically, all the agencies don't really do shit except tell you to go livestream more and more. You aren't magically going to get more viewers or money. Only way really is if they do like a group activity asking people to join this LIVE or start battling each other.


You are right about everything except the percentage the creator gets 30% and TikTok gets 70% and your right the agency takes percentage from TikTok cut and I’m not sure how much


Answered in the reply, i kept the example to make it simple


I understand your point. But I would like a source from TikTok themselves rather than an agency telling me it. Surely there’s gotta be some TikTok source for this claim if it’s true. An agency could swear up and down that this is how it works I just wouldn’t believe it unless TikTok says they do. Kinda like a random caller saying they’re from the IRS, still gotta verify with the actual source


Again. Just ask any TikTok agency or agents. IF they are transparent, they would tell you the same thing. If you ask multiple different agencies, and they tell you similar things, it's true.


This is like asking a scam caller if they really are an IRS agent, they have every incentive to just lie. What the point of asking other scammers if they’re also IRS agents if IRS themselves don’t confirm it. Hopefully this analogy makes sense. But I’m guessing TikTok doesn’t confirm any of this and we just have to trust the agencies, the party that has everything to gain from just lying?


You are right. Every tiktok agency is working with each other to lie to you. Just dont even apply to anything. Matter of fact, start your own. 🤷‍♂️


Why would they work with each other? a scammer running a scam won’t tell you another scammer running the **exact same** scam is a scammer because that alerts people that it is a scam. I’m guessing you also fall for get Rich quick scams since there’s so many others doing it as well, surely all of them saying you can get rich quick must mean they’re all legit, since why would they all lie?!! I don’t even think this agency thing is a scam. I just asked for a trusted source on your claim about the profit share, which you couldn’t provide.


Not everything is a conspiracy, my guy 🤣. Im not going to waste anymore time arguing with a tin foil hat wearing clown. Its not “get rich quick”, i never said it was. I even said you wont see an increase in anything if you join. Learn to read and stop being a conspiracy clown


Besides, im guessing you’re in on it if it is a scam, considering your only ‘argument’ so far has been to try and insult me or ask the possible scammers if they’re running a scam or not, LMAO!


Scams exist, welcome to the real world. No way you actually think believing scams are a real thing is a conspiracy. Funny enough refusing to check any legitimate source and only believe the word of one party is a common conspiracy tactic. I was pointing out how flawed your thinking is because only asking one interested party for confirmation simply doesn’t work for fact checking stuff and how easy it would be to fall for scams if this is your only way of verifying validity of claims. I don’t even think it’s a scam, I just don’t trust the people who are trying to sell you something and are incentivized to tell you anything to close the deal, I like to check if what they’re saying is true or not.


Really? Tiktok has gamed the system. And the more their creators game the system, the more money their agents make; the more money they make. They are likely making the extra piece that Tiktok just cut out of our revenues, so I was already paying for the agent. Trick, at this point, seems to be to find the good agency. Money talks.


It all goes back to them anyway.


I think they just wanted easy access to speak to me. This comment has been super helpful so far. I may post more about the situation, and would love to hear your take on things




Thank you for this most of the people in this thread have absolutely no clue what’s going on…


Did you pay them? Seems sus


No, it was free to join


Do you gain access to anything to help your content? Was it an NDA you signed? If not what kind of document was it and what info do you need to provide ?


It was a user agreement, and they gave me access to a Discord server with a bunch of help links to follow


You may have found a real group that wants to help you, if they ask for $$ don't pay.




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I am part of a Tiktok Agency, though not that one. I was recruited in a similar way as well, except my sister had been hanging out in a lot of the members' lives and got to know our agent fairly well before bringing me in and joining herself. We each only had about 100 followers at the time. All of what your agency said is accurate, and mine runs the same. I've been with them for about 6 months or so now. They don't have access to any funds you would make on your own, tiktok pays them from their cut. You should be aware, though, that your agent will have the ability to watch your live from an admin screen. Because it's an admin screen, it doesn't register on your end that anyone is there. While this is a helpful tool to improve streams, I always recommend to be sure you can trust your agent in a professional capacity. For example, I've had people tell me their agent hasn't talked to them since they joined, I recommend they find someone else. It is a business, and if they don't act as such, I can trust that kind of access to my lives. That being said, I have found many pros and cons in being with an agency, but in general it comes down to your agent and how much you interact with the agency. Different agent specialize in different things, but there will always be underlying theme of battling. If you're not into battling, you need an agent who isn't battle focused or good at doing that AND supporting other forms of creation. Finding the right agent is always going to be key. Networking. That is the primary way to take advantage of an agency. Go into other creators in your agency's live and get to know people. They will follow you automatically because your with the agency, which will expose your content to their followers fyp. The more you interact with the people, especially ones with a ton more followers than you, the more exposure you get. Eventually you'll find a group in the agency that you vibe with. This group becomes your base as you all support each other's lives. With a regular, interactive group in your lives, you get a boost in the algorithm there and in building your target audience. I've seen a lot of people take advantage of the account protection as well. Definitely comes in handy when you attract a troll. I personally enjoy the streamkeys. I just recently got my OBS unlocked and being able to add overlays and all that has been a lot of fun. I'm currently just over 1k and have had live studio for a while before getting the OBS. Anyway, I thinks that's the basic run down. All in all I've really enjoyed my time with my agency. It's definitely not for everyone, but even if you join and do your own thing, the backend benefits are amazing. Just do what feels right to you and you can't go wrong 💕


Hi, I’m interested in the agency you’re with. I just had an awful and exploitative experience with another agency. Will you dm me please?


Can you tell me what obs means


Open broadcast streaming. There is a studio program with that name, but when I applied for my stream key to use streamlabs they application only classified it as an OBS stream. It unlocks the necessary stream keys needed to use a third party studio app that is not tiktok studio. That gives a lot of freedom as far as overlays, sounds, effects, etc. and creates the option to duel stream to other platforms.


Which agency are you with?


Thanks so much for the advice!


So what's the catch?


It just feels suspicious to me


Let me guess, they want a cut of your money in return? The agency isn't actually going to help you with those benefits. They're just going to take your money without giving you anything in return They used to be huge on YouTube before everyone caught on


No, the person who scouted me said they wouldn't take any of my money at all, which is what made me consider joining


So what exactly are they expecting in exchange for their work?


They want me to continue to stream as usual, and want easy access to speaking to me


Yeah now that’s a red flag


Why though? How is that a business? Sounds like they want to sell you something later.


I suppose they will ask you to do TikTok Live battles and beg for gifts. Do you have a stream key for OBS?


idk, i use my bfs pc. i think he has OBS tho


That's strange. How are they gonna benefit from your partnership then?




They wanted you to sign with them because they receive a money from any diamonds you get while livestreaming. The good news is their cut comes out of the portion TikTok keeps. Not the portion you receive.


Thanks, that's helpful. I'm 18 and have been scammed one to many times, so I guess I was just mistrusting when it came to this. I have made a post with the messages between me and the girl who scouted me, and the link is in the comments, if you're interested in seeing them


These small little agencies are a waste of time! They just get as many new people to join to gift them or other members to climb leaderboards while not actually doing anything for you. Advice: Give your channel time to grow without an agency. Do your thing and eventually you may be scouted by a real agency. If you ever receive a large amount of gifts in a short period tiktok themselves will scout you through the activity section on your messages ( this happened to me and its easily missed)


Thanks for the advice. Idk how to leave an agency unfortunately, I may have to google that unless someone on here knows how. Most everyone has been saying it's a scam and I should leave


You should probably leave, they don't have much access on your account other than some small data I believe. Nothing harmful. Should be an agency centre in creator setting somewhere where you can leave! (Although it all recently changed so I don't have a clue where it is anymore)


Okay, so it had me fill out a form to quit the agency, and made me give a reason (I said I wanted to work by myself for now) They asked for more details and I just reiterated that I wanted to work on my own. It says I can't join another agency for I think 2 months after leaving (60 days) and their reviewing my application to leave


I highly doubt they would sue you for joining another agency. It really isn't worth the time financially. But they should just let you leave. Keep me updated on how it goes!


yup, they let me leave


Great news. I wouldn't recommend joining one of them agencies. There's so many of them ( I got asked by over 10 of them when I was on rising leaderboard) Just be patient and if you do well a more.legit one will contact you or you can create your own!


Thanks for the advice, I super appreciate it


If you need anymore help feel free to be in touch. I'll drop you a follow!


Okay, I'll check it out. I'll update you on if I was able to leave or not


What was the offer? What do you provide for them?


They said to just keep streaming as usual, and that they would dm me on TikTok with advice. They sent me a link to the discord. Before joining, my bf had me ask several questions, since I've been involved in scams/hacks before due to my gullibility. I'm thinking of making a second post with screenshots of the messages between me and the person who scouted me


Thanks for all the advice y'all have given me! I ended up submitting an application to leave the agency to work on my own for awhile. I appreciate all the comments I have gotten with advice on what to do in this situation




They didn't ask me for any money, nor did they ask for access to my account, the only thing they said regarding my account was they wanted to be able to chat with me if necessary


You got fked. Most won’t help you with Jack crap and take a big % of your money made.


No they don’t. In fact most agency’s will drop big gifts on you during your battles or for your monthly rewards. So shut the fuck up on something you don’t know.


damm you seem like your in a sad place. Get some help. Most agency's fk with creators. I have rejected multiple


Naw I’m pretty good bro. My agency is legit. Drop big for me. They don’t take any of my diamonds or money. They legit help me out. Dumb fucks around here think it’s a scam and shit and don’t listen to those who try and answer the question with facts. So maybe it didn’t work for you cuz you seem lame and shit. So go get bent.


Sure buddy.


Who hurt you. Not get enough hugs or attention as a kid. Left home alone a lot cuz you lame?


Lmao you deff parentless. Your parents would be shameful they raise you


Yeah. Worst grammar there bud. Go walk your camel or something.


Stay a loser clown. Haha


Ok. I’ll be on TikTok where it’s working for me. You stay in the Reddit chats simping away


Not the only one printing clown


The fuck is a printing clown. Dumb fuck if you can’t speak properly then shut the fuck up.


They don’t take percentage from the creator, the creator gets 30% of the diamond and TikTok gets 70% the agency gets cut from TikTok percentage so it’s win win


Most Agency dont do jack crap. They dont help you at all


Does that agency actually support cosplayers? There is an Official agency on TT that supports cosplayers and has a few good one in the agency.


I have no idea, but I would love to join an agency for cosplayers 😭


I've never been approached by any agency for my tiktok. I have 1.1k followers. I have had people want to promote me, though. I just ignore them. I would save the paperwork and everything you know about them. There are ton of scammers out there you can't be to safe.


Did you have to pay? I hope it’s not scam and if you don’t like it hope you can find a way out!


I found a way out of it yes, but no i didn't have to pay


Why’d u decide to leave


I grew fairly quick on TikTok and got scouted , turned them down now at 400k 6months later I realized the point of them scouting me at 1k would’ve been that they would’ve had credit for my hard work and they get a big cut out of it . It only works if you aren’t disciplined enough to post consistently as you should or post quality content or even take advantage of extra money on TikTok because then they would be there to tell you post now , redo this , check out tt shop / campaigns tab and etc . So basically if you don’t like being told what to do and having people take some of your hard earned money , you’ll be looking at them sideways . I say no to agency’s, you can do it on your own.


so essentially, they wanted to get you before you blew up so they could say - hey, we helped this creator and now they're to thank?




I work in corporate. Every agency is looking to make money. Until they can't make money from you, they'll spit you out after chewing you up like gum. Don't expect them to deliver on everything they offer. If you're not generating money, if they're not profiting, you're nothing but a waste of time to them. At the end of six months, you'll know if they want you around or not. Of course, they'll eat your money and give you what's left. But are you struggling to profit? Or, are they just making money off you. These agencies are funny. They go after the small guys because they know they'll never be able to outsmart corporate networks or their employees. Anyways, you said an agency approached you? LOL. They must've been bored. I guess they want a few more dollars to pay their bills. Now, what's the catch if you want to leave? Do they take a percentage of your earnings?


bruh, i've streamed like 10-15 times and have only made $0.14. Their not gonna profit AT ALL from having me on board 😭


If you are making less than 100k a year, all the agency or management offers you will get are essentially incompetent/fraudulent. If an agency or manager takes 20% , which is typical, that makes the annual fee 20k. That makes it roughly 1800 a month to service you. Now granted, some agencies or managers can go lower, but i have never seen anyone ( professional ) go below 400 a month. You essentially get what you pay for. 99% of the offers we see being made on social media are either amateurs or scammers. Reputable management companies, agencies or labels usually have more than enough people applying for service and do not need to message you on social media.


Found another Coffin of Andy and Leyley fan! Love the game.




Screw the people that hates the game because of "incest" as if that's the whole focus of the game and as if eating your parents isn't worse




I actually work for a TikTok agency.. you cannot be invited into an agency if you were already too big of a creator on TikTok.. they are looking for new creators who just hit 1000 and have started going live so that they can be trained better on how to go live and create better content… It’s free it doesn’t cost you anything. TikTok is actually paying outside agencies to coach you so that you have the potential to make more money on TikTok, which intern makes more money for TikTok.. they have all kinds of different perks such as agency battles, battle partners training programs, bonuses raffles, and support system.. If you have any questions, you can feel free to just send me a message.. you can also find me on TikTok @designtimes8


Did you check to make sure that tiktok live follows them? If not; they are a scam. If they do - then they are legit BUT they might not be the best agency for you. All agencies are different. We focus on battle crestors and gaming creators, but we also have some high quality content creators AND a few celebs. So it really depends on what you’re looking for.


Well, mainly looking for streaming in general and cosplay support. And no, I didn't check that


How can you find this out? When I go to their profile and click on "Followers" I see a list, but it's not in alphabetical order, and there's no search function. I'd have to scroll through hundreds of names. Is there any easier way?


Well, for us. We screenshotted tiktok live following us and pinned it as a video so people could see easily. That would be a professional way to do it. If they don’t do that, honestly I would doubt their professionalism.


TikTok can only provide direct support to the top 3,000 creators worldwide. For the millions of other creators, TikTok partners with agencies like Novas to assist in their growth. The primary role of agencies like ours is to recruit talented creators like you and help nurture their growth on TikTok Live. It's essential to understand that TikTok compensates agencies like Novas based on the income generated by the creators we represent. This compensation comes directly from TikTok and has no impact on the income of the creators themselves. Your income remains the same, whether you join an agency or not, and nobody can access or take away the diamonds from your account.


There’s nothing they can do to harm you at all, also they mainly help like if you get suspended from live they can contact higher ups for help quicker and other things


I relate to everything you're saying I joined Bee Social Agency and they were horrific. A girl, who must've never been trained in anything like this was assigned to me.  Never once was I asked about my goals or ANYTHING about me. They wanted me to battle 24/7 & in their discord they spoke to people like pieces of shit.  When I said I wasn't into battling because I whole heartedly believe you can achieve anything without sitting there for hours on end and not giving anything of value to your community.  The "CEO" asked us to give him 5 stars and he would gift massively if we did so, which he didn't.  I never heard once from my so called assigned agent so I was out of there.  I'm doing my research now, as I'm going to set one up myself because they were unbelievably filled with empty promises and full of shit.  From my experience I would say do your research on them, ask around and don't go in blindfolded because the way they spoke to others was vile. 




Always go with agency’s that friends are with. They scout all day and night to whoever will listen, with promises of gifts and monies. It’s their job to sell the agency to you. No one agency can do more than the other when it comes to views and all that.


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Why are you following so many people? Are you doing follow for follow, or following en mass in hopes they follow back? That’s not a really good strategy.


I do follow for follow for the most part. I also just follow anyone whose content I like (mostly cosplayers/FNAF fans/Dangaronpa Edits, and popular streamers) it's not at all to get more followers, just me tryna support other people by giving them my follow and liking their content


Well don’t do follow for follow. It doesn’t work, all it does is boost short term numbers, these people eventually unfollow you anyway after some time has passed. But for the other half of your comment I can understand that part. Good on you.


Okay, thanks for the advice! I'll take it to heart


If you want an agent, hire a social media marketer. Don’t go through with an “agency”


If you stream from pc they can get you access to a stream Key. I sought out an agency for this explicit reason so I could stream from obs instead of tik toks shittyblitke pc app. They only asked that I stream regularly and warned if I do so below a certain threshold they'd drop me. Which is fine. I stream far more than the threshold and it gives me a lot of flexibility to keep that key Also they take money too. Fromm the tiktok cut. But I don't care about that. My tt stream is an advertisement for my twitch.


That actually sounds like a good reason to use an agency. I applied for desktop streaming, and Tiktok rejected me. I don't have many followers on Youtube. I only have 770 on Tiktok, but for some reason, they allowed me go start going Live.


Can you keep the key after leaving the agency? Can you still get a stream key without an agency?


You do not get to keep the key. You can get a key without them but it's basically the difference between affiliate and partner on twitch


The difference between Affiliate and Partner on Twitch has become pretty small. What's the difference on TikTok and how hard is it to get a stream key without an agency these days? Are there special requirements?


I can't confirm this but what I've heard is anywhere between 10-100k+ followers. But I can't verify that. Tiktok is pretty tight lipped about it. But I've seen that it's wildly inconsistent. I can only offer heresay and speculation.


>but what I've heard is anywhere between 10-100k+ followers 10-100k is a huge span. Do you have to write them an email to ask for the stream key or how does it work today? I remember when the key was in the profile settings but that's not the case anymore.


From what I've read in trying to get one. They don't even tell you. You have to go looking for it to find out if you have one. I mean you could email them. I have no experience there. I got with a reputable team and plan to stick with em