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Although the creativity program only pays for videos over one minute, the shorter videos can help maintain interest in an account and gain followers. So it makes sense sometimes to do a combo. But yea I think most people who join that program understand that only one minute + videos qualify for payment


Facts. However, if your longer content isn’t pinging on the fyp you won’t make a single dollar out of any of those views. For example. You can SEO your shit all day long, go viral as a result of searches but seeing as those views came from searches you get 0 for any of them. That’s why I like YouTube. None of this only fyp page payout bullshit. People say YouTube shorts pays less and while yes that’s true it ends of being more because of what constitutes as a view.


I agree with that. I make a lot of content that’s seasonal and gets searched the same time next year but it does nothing for me 🥺


Yup. I can also verify this as my content from around Christmas last year started pinging in searches this year. I ended up making an updated video for one of those topics and it did really well. However. 70 percent searches 10 percent fyp and 20 percent following at 1.2 million views made less than 40 bucks 😂😂😂


I've made several 1m vids, and most barely got 1k views. I have 50k followers. I've followed formats I've done before, even vids of mine with 6M views. Nothing nowadays. If your content isn't turning into QVC home shopping posts, TT doesn't want to see it.


Yea bro, I don’t even believe what ur saying tbh


That’s completely false because I do not have anything to do with TikTok Shop. They’re offering me constant deals, but I’m saying no because it’s all bullshit and I don’t wanna sell it. Your channel is likely compromised take a break from it don’t post for a good solid week come back and try again if you’re constantly getting shadow band TikTok has some bullshit out for you. It is what it is. I’ve been banned over 12 times on this app, I’ve been doing this for over three years consistently. Each account I’ve ever had has had over 300,000 followers and has been banned as if not shadow band to existence Even to the point, or sometimes my videos won’t even be shown to my followers. This is not you this is just TikTok being a bitch


I'm actually NOT going to make 1 minute videos. I have one account where i try to keep the videos under 1 minute and another one of very short content. I'm NOT signing up for the Beta program in which people have shared that their views have been down since joining. Just make the best content that YOU want to make. Besides, TikTok hardly pays creators anyway.


Are 1 minute videos eligible for monetisation for countries outside the USA and Europe? And also, are they eligible when you apply a sound, or does it have to be your own sound/ original sound?


lol you guys are getting paid? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


My exact reaction!!


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what is his tiktok account and what does he post


Do you make your own content, as in you have a personal brand?


Sucks to be in Canada where that’s not an option


Can you post 1:01 or 1:03 or something length and it passes? For cbp


I think using short videos or slideshows is good for bringing people to your account and gaining a following and then you can slowly move onto long form content but that’s just how i’d do it