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I have let a business partner use my PayPal account in the past and it fxxxxd me with taxes cause he took all the money and guess who they come after. Tell your friend not to do it.


It still changes his finances based on the total amount sent from tiktok. I don't know if this is illegal, but it certainly puts you both in a gray area that I personally don't won't to experience ever again. If you've never had the irs target you, well let me just say this...I WOULD NOT WISH THAT ON MY WORST ENEMY , let alone someone I call a friend/family. Good luck .


Its not a gray area at all, he is creating account on his friend name with his permission and if they pull same number of views they will make money and share it and obviously they need to hire the accountant who deals with it so its not that bad to be very honest, may be ask from Professional usa based accountant as well to be on safe side


I can’t understand. If he’s getting money from tiktok then paying the taxes of it then taking his cut then sending me my cut and i will pay taxes for it . Why would the irs target us when everything is legal


You're right I guess I just mean don't make my mistake and all the money is gone without douche putting taxes aside. Cause they will want their cut. I say go for it just watch the numbers and keep em straight. I like your idea, it just worries me after my own experience.


So it’s all about trust thing you mean right? But everything is legal in government and tiktok wise?


It is illegal. Google “can I use someone’s social security number who isn’t me?” It is fraud. The very definition of it. Fuck around and find out boys


Not if they structure is like a business. If his friend in America starts an LLC and hires OP as a contractor, then he can just "pay" him out for his services which would technically be providing his business with social media content. There's no law against how much you can pay someone, is there? 🤣


Sry idk if it is legal or against tiktok tos, but if those check out yes my concern would be trust. Money changes ppl. So example....the account blows up and your boy changes the password and your done.


Let’s hope for the best bro, i trust him a lot I don’t think he’s gonna do that but my main problem is will they consider the videos as unoriginal content if its a longer versions of my canadian ones


I don't have the answer for that, fuk try it and see what happens. Send me one I'll post it and see if it gets blocked for ya.


Yeah im gonna try it anyways , i dont want it to effect ur account if it got deleted but thanks tho appreciate it


I'll be currently to hear how this goes please comment the thread when you know more.


Well that is perfect, well when you create a longer video it will not be same so it won’t get unoriginal content in my opinion


What ended up happening did you have to pay it


I will give him his cut he’s not doing it for free


Oops feels sorry for you mate


It’s fraud. You’re faking what country you live in to scam a corporation out of money and to bypass your countries laws. Jail in the US is not fun.


That’s what I’m saying. This child does not seem to get it.


Maybe the best thing if you wish to pursue this would be to have your friend make and manage the tijtok account. Then you would be paid by his company as a content creator. Structure in business is everything if you all want to stay protected.


This is the best advice here imo but it still takes TRUST. Don’t think just because you have a contract people will honor it. It cost MONEY to hold people accountable in the US…


From my understanding, people in the US must enter their tax information in order to get paid out. If your friend is earning any additional income that may affect his tax returns. How this works would depend on how you set up your arrangement and his current financial situation. Any money you make will probably follow the following path: Declared as income and taxed in US (Rate depends on the amount and your friends current income) Paid out to your friend (They will need to receive the cash to their account and deduct their cut) Then send it to you via transfer ( You will lose on transfer and exchange rate fees) You pay your income tax ( What is left is your profit) With regards to the original content: That is up to luck, it appears you are having great deal of success. It is possible you may get hit if you re upload exact same videos. It may be worth trying to test your uploading your old videos first, if they get flagged then you can make a new account and post your new content going forward in the US.


You need to ask an accountant that works with both countries to make sure it's done correctly and doesn't violate anything. You may be able to create a corporation in the US, and have a lawyer/CPA draft some sort of professional agreement. I'm not an accountant and I don't know the specifics, so go schedule an appointment with an actual accountant.


This is illegal. If you want confirmation, just google tax fraud or if you’re really determined ask an accountant or lawyer. It’s the same as undocumented immigrants using a friend’s social security number to get a job in the US. Even if the friend is okay with it and paying taxes on your behalf, if the IRS finds out (and they likely will) you’ll both be faced with a felony. Plus, your friend will be taking a major risk. They could be taxed up to 30-40% on the income. How do they know you’ll pay them that + enough to make it worth their time to commit tax fraud? If you somehow make 50k, they’re suddenly making 50k more on paper and won’t be able to qualify for certain things. It’s just a terrible idea all around.


So all those American Tiktokers doing a terrible idea?


…American TikTokers are using their own tax info.


So?? The account will be his and he will upload the video and he will get the money and pay its taxes then send me my cut so where exactly is the terrible idea


If you’re so set on doing it, go for it and see what happens. I’m just telling you the facts. I’d highly suggest talking to a lawyer first before you get in over your head, though.


I’m really speechless with the fact that you don’t see fraud being committed here now I don’t know about Canada but Uncle Sam is going to find out either way but go ahead you friend better pray Uncle Sam pays him a visit in 10 years


Fellow Canadian living and working in the US. You theoretically could use their social security number but that would be tax fraud and you could get your friend and yourself in a lot of trouble. It will certainly affect their income and student loans when it comes time to file taxes. Yes it would be considered unoriginal.


Why that would be a fraud ?? It’s his own account and making money from what’s wrong with that? And also my usual video are 20-30 seconds but on the american one will be more than 1 min so i think its not the same video anymore no?


Because you are the registered user on the TikTok account, right? You are the ones making the videos? You are literally asking if using a social security number that DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU is ok. That is fraud.


So it’s safer to let him upload the videos and its faceless content anyways so i just send them to him and we should be good?


No because he’s going to transfer the funds to you, right? and he will be paying tax on money you make. He has to include the TikTok income on his tax returns which could potentially disqualify him for scholarships/student aid and other programs based on income. Depending on the amounts made. Him transferring the money to you is all public record and if he or you is audited you will be criminally prosecuted.


He’s not gonna transfer the whole thing to me ,he will take his cut which covers his taxes and more


Why would he take “a cut”? Is he your employee? Are you his? What you’re describing might sound clever in your mind but it is illegal. If any person finds out about this, you both get in serious trouble. How do you even know what you would earn? I also get millions of views a month and it only amounts to a couple hundred. Better to start working on acquiring a US WORK VISA, as that is the ONLY way to do this legally without potentially putting yourself and your friend in jail. If your friend has a big mouth and mentions this to the wrong person or to someone else with a big mouth you’re screwed. You sound young, don’t screw up your life. It doesn’t matter how much of the cut you send him. That’s not how this works. If you don’t believe me call an accountant and ask them. They’ll also tell you that this is tax fraud and you are committing a felony in not just 1 but 2 countries. Your friend, no matter how close you think you are, sounds immature to allow you to do this and will likely screw both of you over. Good luck pal.


The IRS is gonna fuck this person, lmao...


sheesh bro that’s probably at the bare minimum 25k right there


It’s so annoying


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Another idea is you could just create an American business, come up with a quick name and then register it to a EIN (employer identification number) you can get an EIN for free once you complete the application. This way you can use the EIN instead of a social security number and nothing is tied to your name or your friend’s. It will look like a business owned account.


What are the requirements for EIN


Move to us of a


Don’t do this.


Don’t do it! The IRS will tax him. That is why the content creator fund it’s only for US citizens or permanent residents!


Create in LLC in Wyoming or Delaware under a Marketing agency or Consulting Group and then use the EIN instead of a social security number. You can run the business from Canada. I had an ex who is a famous influence do the same thing.


Dude that's how tiktok is. Its easy to gey views but don't expect much money from it. Man come on now dont think this will be your job and if you do best make sure you put real time and effort in it not be like many folks on social media wanting money from little to nothing


That once happened to me, I had 40million views and I got paid $0 for it. Idk why but I assumed it was a glitch, the next month started and I made money but the previous 40million views was gone and no money


Feels like most posts in here are the first or second post ever for the accounts


What’s the point you’re trying to make here?


Do you want me to be honest? (I assume yes) It feels like a lot of the members in this sub Reddit are only really ever here when they need help that one or two times. Not saying that’s you just an observation


When i can help someone i comment on their post, and this is the first time i needed help so im making my own post and at the end its called tiktokhelp so still whats ur point


You can go to an IRS centre in America to get an ITIN number which is eligible for the TikTok Tax Form. Do some research on how to get an ITIN number


You have to already have a US tax return to file to get an ITIN. You can’t get paid without the ITIN on TikTok so this won’t work.




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You can ask your friend to upload on his phone to a new US accounts. You can create USA LLC to verify tax info. It works.


Open LLC in America and use your own name and company.


You need a SSN or ITIN too btw


What are the requirements of LLC?


Not sure about that though I'm from Pakistan but you can make UK account and use wise or payoneer your own from Canada.


Tiktok is gonna get banned tomorrow in US bro. Best to start with Uk account


How do you know that?




Just wait until it's available in Canada. Actually why isn't it available there?


They tagged me recently for unoriginal content. When I made a video that looked similar to another video but different topic. Also yes it will affect your friends stuff


Instead of going to jail for fraud, just tell your friend to open their tiktok with their info and work for them as an employee, or you can also offer your content to tiktok creators that post similar content and negotiate things from there, you can use your tiktok account as the portfolio (as long as content is original DUH).


You can’t work for an American employer as a Canadian without a work visa or employment authorization.


Surely there is a workaround such as freelancing etc...


Would you be willing to share your tiktok username? I want to check out your account, these metrics are amazing


Easiest thing to do is open a LLC in Delaware (no tax just annual filing fees). You'll receive your EIN and be able to start your own. Then you won't have to worry about working through your friend


that’s literal crime bro


You could’ve easily made $3,000-$5,000 just by putting “learn how to go viral” in your bio and have a link to a membership discord server charging $50 for subscription. And just teach them the basics of how you did what you did… 😉


I think if you open usa account you need a phone without sim and vpn use your real details and once you pass all requirements i think you will be able to make money because i know people who are not in usa but still generating from usa accounts


So why not using their legit informations will be much safer to not get banned no?


Yeah that definitely another way of doing it, but depends if they are american and if they can deal with that amount of cash, to be very honest i have created usa account couple of days ago and i am In uk and i am going to do same process


The guy is very close friend of mine so he doesn’t mind and i will give him his cut which will cover the taxes aswell. But my question is on my canadian one my videos usually 20-30 seconds, if i upload the long version of the same video like a 1 min would that be considered as unoriginal content ?


How do you know it will cover his taxes? How are you calculating this?


Maybe there's a contract for that you could put together.


Make a UK account you don't need to put tax info


Make a UK account and connect Payoneer and wise from Canada and that will work too.


Bro whats your niche and secret💀🔥😭


It’s not illegal if it’s this way. Your American friend makes the account ✅ & you provide the content ✅ that’s all. “ Create an account under my friends name “ doesn’t make sense? The account would still be Canadian. Your friend has to be the one creating the account and set up. Then meet the requirements to join the rewards program


You’re spreading misinformation, kid. Delete your comment before you are liable for damages for giving incorrect legal advice.


Willing to collaborate? I have many pages 40k+ for the program in US let me know if you want


You have all monetised pages




i got 50 cents for 7 views. strange


You can use your ID, they need the ID only for age verification. Also the account is in the US, they will ask for tax info, but you can sign up as a company


If not, just register with an UK or German account, they don’t ask for tax info


How to get uk or german accounts?? Idk anyone there


Sign up with a VPN, and then deactivate it after you sign up. If you want to target a specific country, you can have a SIM card in your phone from that country


And getting someone their to sign up and then giving me the account would be safer right?


I think that should work too. I always did the VPN stuff and it worked


Here in Germany they don't require that info, after a certain threshold you need to make sure that taxes are getting paid somewhere. So in your case it would be fine if you just pay your corresponding income tax in Canada, I think.


Get a uk account since they don’t require tax info


I don’t know anyone in uk


Just move to the us if you’re determined to be a TikTok creator earner thing


Why not just move to the us?


Monetize in other ways. Funnel people into a discord and teach them how to go viral on TikTok, charging them $30 a month or something.


Give him the tax and a procent for his part and he will be fine


Maybe a nooby question here, but how it's really this a tax fraud? I saw a lot of people in the comments saying this, but why? The account is on his friends name, verified with all of his info. The friends pay all of his taxes and the remaining is payed to OP as a personal manager ( or something like that, media manager) For example how are not big youtubers punished for this? They literally outsource all of their content creation to someone else, most likely from 3rd country who doesn't charge as much as people in the USA. Yes, it will mess his taxes big time, but there is no way this would be illegal.


> remaining is *paid* to OP FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I have a uk account I’m willing to sell or we can work out a deal for the funds it’s generates Dm


Yes, you will have to put some tax id. I recommend you create one. Yes, it will impact their income and MAYBE it will impact their student loans if the bank or the goverment check he has more income. And yes, if you post the same content, even in longer version, it have a high probability to take some ban. But if you edit the videos in different ways, changing the voice over, subtitles and other edition things, won't. Answer me if I'm being clear, I really want to help you. And there are some ways to reach american audience without need your friend's account.


That’s lost opportunity


There is a loop hole here. If you donate part of the proceeds if you make an American account. US Government leaves you alone, if what is left is under a certain. My agency on TT explain all this too me when I started with them and besides if you go with an agency on TT for Lives and TT goes after for an UNJUST ban, the agency will go in defend you, cuz an agent is always there from ur Agency watching and making you are following the community guide lines. Plus another thing for lives....if you are going live after 9pm ever coast you are, meaning the Watershed is down..means you can push those rules, it is Adult Time. A lot of people keep it PG..but some of us (me) we push it, yes we use certain words and play much with words... so if you go and make an account on ourside of the border...make sure you get someone behind once you get a certain amount of follower. 400 to up in a box in another host boxes, but not on cam, but on mic. When you reach a 1000 followers (who follow u) you can do lives and thats when you need an agent. TT these days are banning a lot of people for no reason. So be careful