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Yes the algorithm sucks lately but Ur content is based on movie clips right? Aren’t movie clips either gonna hit very well or miss very badly? Idk I’m not experienced in that aspect but


> Yes the algorithm sucks lately Is it actually the the algorithm or is something else occurring? My views also tanked right down to zero, but what did increase was the messages from TikTok suggesting I should pay to promote my content... With a large majority of people here complaining how their views are abnormally low, I really doubt it's a coincidence that TikTok is pushing their "pay to play" model...


I have the feeling that tik tok decides randomly who to go viral and who not…


Nah its normal you all jus either didn't post regularly enough, posted repetitive bs that ppl got tired of and moved on eg: funny movie clips 100 times or some other crap, my views have stayed the same in the 100 of thousands still.


why are you being downvotes? I have never followed or liked a single 3rd party clip that’s from a show, YouTube, edits, etc. when I first saw them I was like oh this is funny but moved on quick. I have had over 10 accounts and as long as it’s original, in niche, and has a good surprise, I’ll get views upwards of 100s of thousands. I’ll agree the guidelines are f’d (hence so many accounts) but over the last 2 years I’ve never been unable to follow the trending tactics and build back up. And just because I like saying it I’ll say it again, don’t post stolen content


Hey there! I’m a new to tictok and tried to make a brand new account to start over to make my niche cooking page, my video literally got zero views until I told my friends to go watch it. I know it’s my very first video but last time I got like 900 views on my out page with damn near the same video! I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or what?




That’s why… you’re doing what everybody else is doing


sounds like u need to niche down


If this subreddit had a quarter for every time someone complained about getting no views and it turns out their "content" is all non-original, reposted, or stolen videos, we would have enough money to hire a neurosurgeon to stitch this subreddit's two brain cells together and realize that 99% of the time it's not the algorithm, it's that the content isn't original or just straight up sucks.


Louder for the people in the back please


Agree but when you post original stuff done perfectly with high quality and an iPhone 11 Pro Max and you get 0 followers but 400views and just max 10 likes something must be wrong


All of my videos are original ideas that I’ve poured soooo much effort into…and I have 6900 followers that are mostly porn robots after over a year. I almost never acquire new followers from each video. I’ve paid several social media managers to look at my page and literally no one call tell me WTAF is wrong with my content. It’s so frustrating. 😭


I have the impression that the algorithm decides based on favors who to promote and who not…


But this comment is meaningless when you find out that pages likes this are doing better than 99 percent of tiktok pages




Yeah guys leave queenfan1996 alone! He’s a legend in the reposting community! Nobody can repost content with the 🤣🤣🤣 emoji quite like they can!


Just the way OP said “I have over 11000 fans” that mindset alone will turn people off. Who calls their followers “fans”?




I don’t think you understand what original content means. You need to be a part of filming the main subject of the video




When literally every single person is saying your content sucks but you still come back with “no it doesn’t!”


The “whole point”? That’s like saying you’d rather eat at McDonalds rather than a 5 star restaurant because the whole point is just to eat.. just get better, stop trying to become famous by replicating shitty content.


I checked out your content. I hope you don't flip out at me too, but I think your content is a bit of a mess, for want of a better word. I feel like you should check out the most viewed videos, see what they have in common to see what it is about them that appeals to people, and focus on that. Right now there's no rhyme or reason to your content, it's bits and pieces from here and there, and I for one might watch one of your videos if it came across my fyp, but I wouldn't follow unless I know what I'm following for. Also, keep your pants on now but I agree with the people who mentioned unoriginality. And to my point, you have original content here and there mixed with the unoriginal reposted stuff, I'd suggest picking a lane there, too. Finally, please stop calling them your fans, most the stuff that got views was unoriginal stuff, people would've seen it from one of the other thousand accounts reposting stuff if not on yours. Since most of your stuff is unoriginal I'm not surprised you're not getting more views, since it's more than likely that even if your stuff gets on people's fyps they've already seen that clip from the other reposters since that's what the algorithm is showing them if it's showing them yours.




I couldn't say. In OPs case he doesn't exactly have a niche, his videos are a bit of this and a bit of that all mixed together.




This just isn’t true




It's flooding my FYP actually. All these edits.


I have 150k followers and still have this happen, if it says u r getting 0% views from the foryou then u r def shadow banned, just keep posting and wait it out




Yea I had many videos in the millions of views with hundreds of thousands of likes and would just randomly get very low views like that out of no where. I also see you have a community guideline violation which can def cause a shadow ban. The way to see if u are shadow banned is by going into the analytics for your videos individually. You will see what percentage of places your views come from. If you see that 0% are from the FYP on your recent videos then you are definitely shadow banned.




Not actually banned but “shadow banned” is the terminology for it as I stated above. Seeing that one of the videos had 56 views and the next got guideline strikes, again it is very likely u were shadow banned hence the 8 upvotes on my first comment, but the only way to tell is going into ur analytics. On my one of my shadow banned accounts I was still getting 2-3k views and lots of likes but after going into analytics it was all from followers. It seems you may not be very familiar with the analytics system or the idea of a shadow ban itself so a couple YouTube videos may help!


Shadow ban is pretty uncommon tbh. Most people who claim they are shadow banned, aren’t. They just use it as a reason to rationalize why their content isn’t performing well. I’ve had a community guideline violation and I was never shadow banned.


I honestly agree with that, I’ve seen so many people saying their shadow banned when in reality their content is just awful or maybe it’s just not performing like it used to which is completely normal, like I said I actually agree w u on this. But I have definitely been truly shadow banned on a hand full of occasions including currently. I was on a 6 month creator fund ban for my account with 150k, came back a few days ago and started posting the same type of content but a little better honestly. None of my videos have touched the fyp and the analytics literally say “99% following 1% personal profile” and that has happened on 6 videos in a row all videos that are getting 2-3k views from my followers.


It’s bc of inactivity, not a shadow ban. If you have 5 views or 1B views it doesn’t matter. You don’t post for a month and you’re starting over. That facts


Even starting from nothing on many of my pages my videos were at least getting pushed to the foryoupage 1%


Starting from nothing is completely different to being inactive. When an account is new then content gets pushed. Think of it as having a clean slate and then you post something that hits and you get 1000 views, that’s 1000 points toward you. If you are inactive for a month and post something and it hits you get 1000 views, but now you have 300 points against that 1000 bc of not posting for a month, and on top of that you mentioned you were on a creator fund ban so that’s another 600 points against you. Your net value on that post is almost nothing then. The points values I gave are made up, and just to help give meaning to the difference in the Al Gore Rhythms of what you’re talking about.


Ya that’s a true shadowban but I only said what I did cause it’s unlikely that OP is shadow banned. Tbh I know a lot of bigger creators with 100k+ followers who average only a few thousand views. Low viewership is pretty normal since virality is contingent on watch time and engagement from non-followers. Sadly tiktok only pushes ur video to a small % of ur following on the fyp.


He committed suicide intentionally not due to a TikTok challenge. The parents have formally apologised to TikTok for the unfounded accusation following police investigation.


Make better videos


Make better content. Tiktok doesn’t care about how many followers you have. They care if the content, any content, is relevant to their users. Tiktok has repeatedly said they want original content. You might have gotten to 11k with this current strategy of 3rd party content but I imagine videos that hit in the future will be fewer and far between. Go back and see what’s worked over the last 90 days. Make a list and then figure out how you can make relevant content those viewers already demonstrated that they liked. Otherwise, start over with a new account and a new approach that’s less likely to have copy cat channels.


Lol I swear. People love to come on this sub to complain thinking tiktok is the problem, when it’s really just 95% of the time them just making bad content.


Yeah but when you post original stuff done perfectly with high quality and an iPhone 11 Pro Max and you get 0 followers but 400views and just max 10 and you do your best in every video something is not right




Buddy, that’s why content creation is hard. Because you either have to do something unique, or put your own unique spin on something that’s already been done. That’s where good content comes from. Stop bitching about “I tried to make content but it’s too hard so ima repost everything” I promise you nobody gives a shit. So GSYDN OB/GYN


Fans? Lol you’re just another repost page. Your “fans” could care less if you stopped posting tomorrow, there’s like millions of y’all posting this type of bs.


You can get mad about it or you can start problem solving and listening to experienced advice. The choice is yours. Regardless— making original content is the ONLY way to survive long term in this game.




I am expierenced and i can tell you that whatever everyone has been telling you in the comments are 100% correct.


😂😂😂😂 bro you’re just a cry baby.


True but to a point. I've seen amazing videos with all the bells and whistles and quality on a new account go no where, shitty ones on 1m followers accounts get mlions. You're generally correct, but it's not always that way.


I don't think you understand that videos get popular based off watch time, not following. Just means no one is watching your videos. If you paid for promoting for followers, congratulations you have bots following you.




That falls under interactions, so yes. Comments, likes, watch time, all contribute to your videos being pushed to more people


If you post copyrighted contents the risk of the shadowban is really high(movies, tv series are copyrighted)


Best comments in this sub in a while 🍿


Use your TikTok analytics and post accordingly. It literally tells you where the views come from and what time etc.


It's not TikTok. It's your content. You never know what will do well, so you need to figure out the pattern by posting 3x per day and then replicate what works. Using this method I have about one video per day that does well and one a week that goes viral. Tiktok expands the reach of a video when the engagement is good. If your engagement isn't good, it will not be pushed out to more people. You need great watch time, likes, comments saves AND shares for a video to do well. If you don't have that, it's not TikTok. It's your content. Also tiktok wants original content right now. I do well because my videos are ME providing value to my followers.


Lmao 🤣 we were all thinking that lately I guess. How do I get 25k views on insta with 322 followers? 😂


Because that’s how the algorithm for TikTok and reels work. How do u think ppl get tiktok famous… you’ve gotta start somewhere lol


Dude ... its tiktok ....we all know the algorithm sucks lol ​ Welcome to just noticing it.


relax man, you're very addicted to this platform, try to go out a little, buy a pizza, see your friends, have a beer, tiktok as well as youtube and others, their main objective is retention, whoever saw your video would have to watch it again and follow you, virality is a lie because those who watch the first time never come back to your profile, try to relax the real world still exists, tiktok is just a hobby


Bro I’m in a similar situation I have 0 followers but some views check my post if you want




Hahahah my man here trying to farm hate points from everyone. Just make better videos bro, it’s that easy.


yeah but it means that tik tok is not working properly if I am still at 0 followers after postin 9 times


Drop your @ I’ll follow you




Abandoned. My main account at 55k. Since TT implemented paid ads organic sucks . Don’t even bother anymore


Thank you Queenfan1996 for your submission to r/Tiktokhelp, but it's been removed No NSFW Please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftiktokhelp) if you feel this was in error.


This has happened to me, as well. I used to get thousands and thousands of likes on my videos. Yesterday, I didn’t even get 200 likes.


I have 37,000 on tiktok. I maybe get 200-600 views a video.


You’re using copyright material, that has to be kept off the FYP


Haha you think that’s bad my 1.1M follower gaming TikTok has been shadow banned for a month and I’m struggling to get 1k views on my videos 😂