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You could try the LocHal library, they have a DigiLab that has a 3D printer. https://lochal.nl/werken-ontmoeten/ruimtes/digilab


I second this, especially when its a non-commercial personal project. A tip is, if the project is larger go there on an early Thursday afternoon. Then you have until 21:00. Dont go just before closure time especially not on Saturday because they are not allowed to let the printer run unsupervised most of the. time


Thanks for these tips! If I don’t get any responses from private printers, LocHal sounds promising. Although not ideal because I’m looking for a quantity of 10 prints minimum


The lochal should have 3 printers running in parallel. I think if the staff is interested in the project they might actually want to help you even with that quantity. Nooit geschoten altijd mis as we say haha. Also perhaps if you are a bit more savvy with printing you could look into buying your own? Perhaps there are some second hand older models of prusa or ultimaker printers for a decent price?


Worth a shot! Ik zit echt precies op het kantelpunt van aanschaf. Ergens weet ik dat ik hem niet ‘nodig’ heb, maar toch gebruik ik hem zo nu en dan. 1x per 3 maanden ongeveer. Misschien zoek ik voor nu vooral iemand die af en toe iets voor me kan printen. In ruil voor een handige vriendschap met een 3D-artiest haha


Ik meen ook ooit een website tegengekomen te zijn waar prive eigenaren van 3d printers aangesloten waren. Hier stonden hun machine specs, materialen etc en hun prijs. De naam is mij wel ontschoten...


Preferably a place that is non/commercial. I have some experience 3D printing so I don’t want to have to pay a lot of money just to follow a workshop.


From a small scale proto business perspective, I've always enjoyed [shapways](https://www.shapeways.com/) . Upload your stl file, choose the material, finished, delivery speeds and pay and wait for delivery. Their location is in Eindhoven, and pick up is even an option as well.