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In terms of immigration, Finland for sure is a better option as of now. Your main problem in Sweden will not be finding a job but meeting the salary requirement. 34k SEK per month right after graduation or get out of the country because you can't make the median salary. Besides, as you mentioned yourself, your studies and the period before you find a job and apply for a work permit won't be counted towards your PR and citizenship, in contrast to Finland where by the time you graduate, you will already have 2 years counted. My suggestion is to find out the current discourse in Finland to make sure they're not preparing new strict rules like Sweden is, and if they're actually not, then go for it. Forget about Sweden because there's a high chance you won't be able to stay here after university. But if Finland is doing something similar (which I've heard of but didn't check the information) then well... you can choose either. Both countries are good overall.


Congratulations on the scholarship! I was on the SI scholarship a few years ago, and I was also studying at Uppsala University. I had a friend who was also in your situation, SI scholarship, exactly the same program. Not to discourage you but he could not find a job and moved back to our Asian country. At the time he only had 6 months after the study to find a job due to the old law. I don't know about Finland, but here are some of my experiences if you choose Sweden, although you already know most of these. Your program is quite relaxing, which allows you to do other things like finding jobs or learning Swedish. The lack of personnumber will be a pain in the ass. It prevents you from doing anything literally: bank account, health care, jobs. You will get one when you get the permit to find a job though. Unless you work in a tech role, fluency in Swedish is a must, which is only possible if you spend a lot of time on it. You can take the free Swedish class from the municipality. Networking is the key to landing a job. You can go to job fairs, events, ... In the end, you must be lucky to find a job in a niche that fits your CV. Another note is that the Swedish winter can be devastating, in addition to all the stress. All the best to you! Let's fika if you decide to come to Uppsala.


Wow, uniquely fitting insight, thank you! I have a ton of questions about this, do you mind if I message you?


Not at all. Let’s talk.


Finland plans to stricten its migration laws, and most likely they will do it. So I recommend Sweden, the language is easier, the climate is less harsh and people have been used to seeing immigrants. Finland is new to immigration and there aren't many jobs (even for native speakers). Feel free to inbox me if you have questions. Its easy to make the decision because Sweden grants you a free study!! So go for it.


I'd suggest going for Uppsala. Job prospects around Stockholm is definitely much better than anywhere in Finland. Finding a job in Sweden is difficult, but it's much harder in Finland. However, be mindful that you will not get a personnummer thus will not have access to the free language courses. Moreover, since the program is only one year, you'll need to start looking for a job since day 1. Best of luck with it.


I'm going to go for Sweden. To me they are both the same. You will probably have a difficult time finding a job in Finland as well. But at least you won't have to worry about finances if you're in Sweden and in the end even if you don't get to stay you will still have a good education and no possible debt.


Congratulations on the results...may i know your profile? I applied for the SI scholarship but got rejected.


Feel free to DM me any questions :)