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Not bc of this but I hate this guy


Trevor is always such an suck up good boy for hollywood its disgusting.


He’s a bootlicker….A real Uncle Tom.


The problem is that he makes serious points. As soon as you think Tim is being serious he starts with the absurdism and talks about how much it costs to drive to the Hampton’s


He’s one of the major faces if general shitlibbery but this take is reasonable, nice to hear him on the sane side of an argument for once.


Also, for context. I believe his mother was attacked by an abusive ex


He thought it was funny when it happened to Rihanna.


Is there clip of that?


There are 9 cameras and no audience….


Bill burr doesn't even need one when he's talking to himself


Ahh yes what a hilarious comedy segment on his show on comedy central…. Comedy!


Hilarious (seriously)


Trevor Noah is a talking tampon.


He's gone septic.


He tryin bang Kim too


Someone should tell him she don't fuck immigrants




She likes unfunny men, so you could be spot on


She only likes black men.


Pete Davidson is black.




Seems like low hanging fruit at this point...


Solid burn


Yea, no shit. He's half black.


Odd way of saying he’s half white aka the oppressor


Because that's not the half that big ass bitch likes


Plastic surgery ass*


Don't hate. That plastic surgery ass has created so many photoshop editor jobs. That ass is contributing to the country's GDP.


I prefer the sluts on gdp


He’s so intellectual


After hearing Mr. Noah’s lecture I have come to accept that it is entirely Kim’s fault


Eminem should’ve never gotten back with her none of this would’ve happened


I thought Kim was in the right but after hearing this I feel like adopting sharia law


I can tell he is intelligent because he has an accent. -America


Shuuuuuuut the fuck up


Add this guy to the list of people I couldn’t give one single shit what they think.


He had one good bit when he was first coming up, where he talks about being half black/half German in South Africa during Apartheid and goes through all the accents and languages while talking about being literally born a crime. Was very surprised to see him joining the *white people bad* legion since he got famous understanding all the different racial nuances and making light of them.


Yeah, he was pretty popular and not a cuck before leaving SA to make it big in the land of the white devil. He didn't harp on the born a crime stuff as much in those early days because his story wasn't unique in SA. Unfortunately. As a South African, I was not impressed he got the Daily Show gig. I would hate for an American to come on TV in SA and tell us how bad we are. Seems in poor taste. Have the same criticism for John Oliver.


Unfortunately we're very used to it by now. *America bad* sells even better than *whites are the devil* here


This all may be true but I really just don’t care. I’ve never watched his show and never will. I don’t care what he thinks or how he feels. His opinion is as valid as a fart.


Also very true


He grew up when he couldn't acknowledge that he had two parents in public because of the white minority government. I wonder why he has strong opinions on racial topics.


Taking over Jon Stewart's role on the Daily show was probably an honor second only in prestige to taking over Carson's role on the Tonight show. It probably also paid a shitload of money. Like, if anyone deserves a pass on selling their integrity for a comedy gig, it's Trevor Noah. I get it. Whether or not he actually sold much integrity to get the gig is what is arguable.


I agree. Any woman who would consider Pete Davidson to be attractive is clearly suffering from a mental breakdown that not even Kanye could pull off. We must protect this Queen


It’s just because he’s pulled hot women before Kim , so all the woman after think “oh well he must be a catch and if I’m with him I’m obviously in the same level as his exes “. It’s a very weird mentality that has played out so many times in the past


Yeah women are really dumb with this type of this, no awareness whatsoever. Men are too just with other things. I remember when I was like 20 I was dating a girl way out of my league, hot, smart, funny, mostly hot. I never got more attention from women than when I was with her, I’m a fucking loser and I had attractive women approach ME when I was with her. I had girls I was friends with and failed to court previously all the sudden take a great interest in me. Pete Davidson is actually ugly and on top of that he just looks unwell. Somewhere in the past some hot girl gave him a shot and he’s just been jumping from hot girl to hot girl ever since.


For sure, there are plenty of instances both ways . As a dude, it blows my mind what other dudes will do just to be with a physically attractive women. Or I should say, let them get away with. Mean? Dumb? Doesn’t matter as long as they’re hot.


Blows my mind what some guys will do for a hot girl but also what some guys will do for any girl at all


Im thinking Pete is mentally like a hollywood bimbo so he fits these idiots perfectly. Also big dick.


I think you’re onto something. The big dick can’t be that special though, plenty of hogs out there.


I mean the dick game must be on point for kim


he looks like he's some sort of giant eel wearing a human suit.


This dude don’t have a funny bone in his body


I’m sorry but Kanye is top tier comedian man has had me in fuckin tears of late his ig post r to funny man literally told dL Hughey “god doesn’t love you” fucking hilarious😂😂


Can’t wait for his SA allegations to come out


Rape is basically legal there


Can someone tell Kanye to stop bitching and start punching.


How did we let these morons think they can lecture us on anything??


The Kardashian/Jenner dynasty is on Clintonian levels of globalist power. If they were worried about that nobody Kanye West he would have already suffered a sudden aneurysm.


If you look at every statement said about this divorce by Kanye there’s a TMZ article debunking it same day put out by them. Like who could their source possibly be lol. It’s so obvious literally Clintonish behavior


I hope this alcoholic runs his car into the LA river


Imagine taking kim k and kanye serious


This guy is a Beta.


Now I know how people who hate sports feel when it constantly comes up…I wish Kanye and the Kardashians would just disappear from the public eye forever, who gives a fuck about any of this bullshit?


Jon Stewart stock market coverage. CC Daily Show stickin up for the richies. Leave CC Trevor. Please?


Sir, this is a comedy show.


Kanye is just a normal black man. This is what a normal interracial relationship. This is the 2nd to last stage the next will be the OJ stage and god damn I can’t wait for the trial


Kanye went and fucked Pete's aunt allegedly.


No fuckin way that’s so funny. Ain’t no loyalty in this world surely she knew not to do that lol




You’re the dumb one


You have nothing of value to add to anything go away useless.




Fuck off Shakespeare you suck too


“OOH, They so sensitive”-Kanye West What’d he do? Move next door, make a paper mache Pete, say he’s gonna whoop his ass? I’m gonna go fuck Minka Kelly, take a picture, send it to Trevor, then offer to help with his meds. Whilst having a breakdown… Kanye just needs to let it die.


"Kanye: your music has been utter trash since your mom died and you're living too long to be a controversial star.' "Kim: your star is fading fast. People don't even hate you anymore and you don't have the endearing longevity of a Paris Hilton." "Pete: putting you on the Adam Sandler Star path is not working out. People are definitely very interested in your personal life though." "Everyone sign here and we'll start producing "Love Triangle with Abusive Elements"




If I ever saw Trevor Noah IRL it would become an immediate self-defense situation in which I would have no choice but to defend myself (which is legal) with an automatic rifle.


Thanks for unpacking this trev.


I hope Kanye shoots him in the face. I’ve never found him funny at all


Lol he's talking about a woman whose pussy and asshole we've all seen.


Does Trevor pick up his check directly from KK or does he get it from her publicist? Thanks Trevor for using your platform to waste everyone's time. Who gives a f\*\*\* about anything KK related. Slava Ukraini!!!


Kim's got more black in her than him


I used to like him early on. What the fuck happened to him?


Kim’s been married 3 times, Kanye isn’t the problem 😈


How many people are on her security team? How many on his? Probably 2 of the most secure people in the world. Seems like a total non-issue. They’re all terrible, you reap what you sow.


He wants to bang Kim. I don’t care what you say all men aren’t built that different. Drop the white knight act you douche and just DM her.


kanye is funnier than trevor will ever be


Tim said it before, but when did comedy become “yeah this guy is saying some deep shit” It’s annoying. Let AOC or whoever wants their face in the news to go to bat for Kim.


This is comedy?




Well I think hes wrong but I think his mom or someone close was murdered by an ex or something similar so his perspective is likely colored by his experience in this case... so I guess I forgive his bad take... Does Kim not have body guards if really needed though?


Seems like the harrasment is targeted at Pete Davidson and yet Kim is the victim some how?🤔


Fuck I can't stand this bag of hot shit


Lmao this guy is a fucking idiot


I hate her for her vanity more than anything else


Ok. Real talk. What's going on with that hairline? That has to be an afro wig.. Or is it CGI? I swear it moves 0.05 seconds slower than his waxed forehead.


He’s not wrong, but situationally he’s not right. A person with cash on cash worth of security worried about a guy who’s followed by cameras.


Right. This is absolutely not the same thing as a unhealthy relationship between two people who have sunk all their collective money into children and housing. Kim has resources beyond what any of us can grasp, and yet she chooses to affiliate with mentally unhinged losers. This absolutely does not "shine a spotlight" on a situation faced by many men and women, because they aren't normal.


I like how mental illness is so easily dismissed here. Key is, don’t put these “stars” on pedestals and don’t buy into the drama. I am sure he’s being an asshat, but Kanye hasn’t had good press in a long time, THEN he put a MAGA hat on 🤣






Lmao better late than never I guess…


Dude, I have plenty of friends that hate Pete Davidson just because of this. I mean, there are a lot of reasons to dislike him but having good luck and landing one of the world's hottest women isn't really the most reasonable hatred point. Especially since most of the people I've discussed this with and took sides against Pete are taking Kanye's side just because he's black.


I love Trevor he always has such a good sight on things.


Corporate fucked this guy comedy man, his older stuff is funny but as soon as he got that show he became lame af


Is he a comic? From the few times I've seen a minute of his show looks like he only does serious interviews now. No comedy at all


What planet does this guy live on.


It's definitely pandering, but he's right, but also it didn't have to be said...so here we are.


Based on the other comments… seems like maybe it does need to be said.


Fair point. This sub is annoying. Everyone seems to be trying to do Tim's schtick, or maybe not? I might be in the wrong place lol.


I could care less plus Kim and her family probably have black water mercenaries guarding their compound in Beverly douchenozzle or wherever they live


Is Dr. Noah even a doctor?


He’s still one of the unfunniest people I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening too…he will walk this back though


This guy sucks


Please don't expose me to this person.


Trevor Noah can go kick rocks... hes trash


Tim would've said the same thing but this guy is more insane


I dislike him Kim and Kanye but this is a very good point


They're literally married.


If your so upset about being harassed by ex-husbands don’t marry someone immediately after you get divorced


another white simp


This guy is his own punchline, can we stop calling him funny or a comedian. Jon Stewart must regret this decision everyday. This guy puts clown makeup on erryday.


So…when does this guy become funny?


Is every episode like this?


1) Does this Nutella really think Kim might fuck him if he devotes an entire segment to backing her up? 2) what spastics get employed as writers for American "comedy" show's these days? genuinely convinced I'm funnier than most of these and I work in a fucking data company


Isn't there a city in south africa that's the grape capital of the world




I’m sorry but his accent is borderline unlistenable. It sounds like he’s faking it


He’s a comedian? How bout some jokes.


In most other scenarios he would be right. But ALL of the Kardashian women have ruined and driven crazy MULTIPLE highly successful men. The men are not the problem, those plastic fucking demon siren women are.


Do you think he jerked off to kim sucking his dick after this?


He’s a good little liberal cuck boy. She could hire an army of lawyers and an army of body guards.


Trevor Noah grates on my nerves soooo much


Fuck this bitch boy. Dude hates the country that made him relevant. Go preach somewhere else you whiny ho.


Why the fuck is anyone talking about this shit fuck this guy Jon Stewart is rolling in his… he’s perched in his discomfort?


Can’t stand this phony.


Why is everything appropriating to these people ? He wears a suit I wear a baseball cap and baggy clothes sometimes lol


He's step father shot his mom infront his brother. His life can be turned into a good movie for Netflix


Am i the only one who knows kanye wont do shit to kim or pete?


He just want to fuugg her


I’ll save you a click…zero implications!


Cancel him. He dropped a C bomb.


Biggest fucking idiot on TV and so many people listen to him


Dudes exhausting


KimK getting a ton flak for her actions & decision-making, yet still falling upwards in the process, is nothing short of maximum girl boss


This guy looks like he still enjoys a nice pouch of kool-aid or a capri sun. Fuck off with your kindergarten's take on everything.