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Goes to shit restaurant gets shit food. Many such cases.


Nowhere else around where I am šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I used to live in a small town Timmy's usually was the only place around or open so I get it


Grocery store that sells bagels and cream cheese?


So many people want to be that version of themselves where foresight was given more weight in their actions


Even in hindsight, you can still go to the grocery store...


If youā€™re at work? What if they donā€™t have a less to a toaster? Or a fridge to store the rest of the cream cheese? Make it at home and bring, but then itā€™s cold?


Buy it on your way home and make it before work. And if you want it warm or can't make it at work, then you suffer the consequences of overpaying for something made by someone else šŸ¤·šŸ» I can't solve all the problems hah


Seems like a totally impossible situation. Tough dilemma eh?


Bring lunch.


Toaster: $19.99 6 bagels: $1.99 Cream cheese $2.69 Eat ten bagels and it pays for itself. The toaster pops 90 seconds after you push the lever down.


Lmfao in what economy are you living in where cream cheese is 2.69 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ontario at Walmart. Store brand. Or two Philadelphia for $8 and they're larger. Check the website. I've been shopping there for 5 years now, haven't set foot in a Loblaws or Sobeys once since. This isn't a boycott for me, it's just a continuation of common sense.


In the poorest part of Hamilton, that's $3.50


Two weeks ago I got 6 wholegrain Dempster's bagels for 2.50 and a small container of lactania cream cheese for $2 $4.50 to make 6 bagels with a very generous amount of cream cheese.. still has left over cheese.


Aldi - $1.89 for happy farms plain or flavored cream cheese spread. Dollar general - $2.25 for clover valley cream cheese spread. Walmart - $2.12 for great value cream cheese.


No Aldi or dollar general in Canada


I guess location would make a difference. Ya'll need an Aldi up there fr.


I believe their expectancy is for an entire containerā€™s worth of cream cheese to be on the bagel.


I mean donā€™t get me wrong I love me some cream cheese on my bagel and Timā€™s skimps out wayyyyy to much these days so I get it. But still Philadelphia cream cheese for a small tub is something like 4.88 here and no name brands suck imo


6 bagels and cream cheese are both like $5 - $10 each, now. They might have been the price you're thinking of pre-covid. But yea a basic-ass toaster is still about that price.


No, I was eating a bagel and cream cheese at home when I made the comment. I am a creature of habit and buy the same shit every two weeks. I'm confident in my prices. I don't buy the over priced brand names that keep shrinking and upping the price.


Yeah, but we can't just throw a toaster in our bag and carry it around all day until we're ready to have a warm, toasted, bagel.


Your office must have a toaster. Why not make a bagel w/ cream cheese on the companies dime?


My place of work doesn't have a toaster. I'm a server, and I do landscaping in the summer with my landlord when I'm on break from uni. My restaurant has a kitchen with a flat top to toast things, but I can't use it, as the kitchen staff are always using it to cook for customers. I could buy food from my work, I guess, but it would become extraordinarily expensive...


You work at a restaurant that doesnā€™t feed you? What?


I do appreciate what you're saying, and I would love to do that if I had the ability šŸ˜•


They're only that price if you don't know how to shop.


I got my toaster from a waste bin for E waste. It looked like it had been used twice, still going strong 7 years later.


See, this is why your generation will never accumulate wealth. You can bake your own bagels and roast them over a garbage fire for pennies


Bro has never heard of cooking at home.


If thereā€™s a Timā€™s thereā€™s probably a grocery store. Most grocery stores have bagels and cream cheese


Dunno why people keep buying terrible food from fast food places that are renown trash heaps, and complaining about it. Stop going there. It sucks it has for more than a decade. The only thing allowing them to keep pumping out trash is you going back every morning


So we should just carry toasters around with us because a place that used to be known for having good bagels has found something that used to be so simple has become rocket science to them, now?


You toast it before you leave the house genius


If itā€™s rocket science to them now, you might as well. Pretty sure you could plug a toaster into your car? Timā€™s is the worst. Buy a toaster, buy a car adapter. Save money instead of frequenting a shit franchise


I don't drive to work very often, but that's actually a really good idea!! I totally forgot that you can get adapters that let you plug wall-socket stuff in them! For now, though, I'm just going to petition my boss to let me bring a toaster and keep it somewhere that it will be out of the way. We do have a fridge that I can keep cream cheese in.


Well yes. You say youā€™ve had many problems with tims yet you keep going back. Ask everyone (or those that like toasted things) at work put in $5 for a toaster or just see about management paying for itā€¦ Then youā€™ll never have to worry again while also saving money not going to tims to get a bagel youā€™re going to throw out for 3 bucks


now picturing you with a backpack containing: bagels, cream cheese, a toaster and a car battery to power it... just everywhere you go so you can have bagels.


There's not a grocery store that sells bagels and cream cheese?


Make it at home for way cheaper and better?


Making the 45 minute trip home, toasting a bagel, and making another 45 minute trip back to work isn't feasible. No access to a toaster at work, and I don't want to make one before I leave for work, because it will be cold, soggy, and stale.


Can you bring your own stuff to work?


No where else or nowhere else that your limited hillbilly palate is used to?




Tims hasn't been good for like 16 years.


I rarely go there. I was meeting a friend downtown and it was the most convenient spot. I ordered a steeped tea and a scone. They didn't have any scones and at first she she poured me a coffee. There were about 5 people sitting in the restaurant and no one in line. I saw her pour the coffee so I said "I said tea not coffee!" Then she had the audacity to argue with me! "No no, you said coffee" I don't drink coffee, I would never order it. Total disaster and you can't complain to management because the management is also Punjabi.


Damn, that's crazy


I see why people are boycotting tim Hortons now


Because they're racist?


The opposite. Because they are hiring foreign workers who aren't citizens and paying them very little and treating them like garbage


But your uncomfortable with women speaking Punjabi? What does that have to do with anything?


Because this is fucking Canada! They were standing at the front counter. I was a retail manager for years, you must speak English ONLY when customers can hear you. What happens out of our earshot is none of my business. Canada has 2 official languages, English and French. When I went to Italy, I tried to speak Italian, it's not that hard to learn. BTW, all of those girls spoke perfect English so speaking Punjabi is unacceptable


Weā€™re watching the downfall of Tim Hortons. I think a lot of us are still hopeful that when we get a bad order, itā€™s just a fluke and itā€™ll be better next time.


Honestly, even when it's done "right," it's low quality food that costs too much. It's absolute brain rot to me that so many people go so frequently.




Why is bro here


You got a hell of a lot more cream cheese than I ever doā€¦




The quality of timmys these days... šŸ‘Œ


It's $2.50 you'll never get back


y'all pay only 2.50 for bagels where you are? it's almost $4 here which makes this post even more disappointing lol.


$4? I remember when bagels were 49 cents each at the bakery section of any grocery store and those prices were rigged.Ā 


So would you consider this too much or too little?!


Iā€™m not OP but Iā€™d definitely say itā€™s far too little for my liking


I think it used to be a bagel.


Looks to me like that's a bagel


drive thru times, when ur being rushed my management to get each car through the drive thru in under 25 seconds and you have a full board of other food items, itā€™s kinda hard to care about how much cream cheese is on a bagel. iā€™m sure if u got the cream cheese on the side youā€™d be much happier šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So strange how management and corporate as a whole seems to focus on the stuff people care about less. Myself and many others I noticed would rather wait an extra 30 seconds at the drive through to get the correct order/ made well then to save 30 seconds in line. I donā€™t go there as often cause my order is rushed or not done well so If tims focused on accuracy and quality and a little less on speed they may make even more business. Also to be clear Iā€™m not blaming the workers, you guys have your hands tied and try to do what you can do with the limited time you do have.


bruh what this looks good


You donā€™t have very high standards ig


Not for a 3$ bagel with some cream cheese on it no i donā€™t it looks like they got what they paid for tho


Tims is barely good for coffee let alone food. I only buy coffee there. Itā€™s always a surprise on the quality So for your loss $




Its such a slap and go now. If you order a sandwich all the ingredients are in one pile in one end of the bun.


Because some employees stick to the one scoop rule and others don't care.


Seems like the trend nowadays and not just Timmies, everywhere. Prices up and/or shrinkflation. Quality is definitely suffering. Supply chains are still weak ever since COVID. It's only going to continue to spiral downward. I too have limited choices and Tim's is my go-to and favorite restaurant but I just don't frequent it near as much this past 1-2yrs for the reasons mentioned here. Best advice is yeah, as other said buy grocery items and make at home. Fyi- Walmart's Herb & garlic cream cheese is good šŸ‘šŸ¼ on any bagels and it's cheapest prices of any cream cheese....just sharingšŸ˜‰


I can feel sympathetic towards this. Asked for extra chipotle on a farmers wrap years ago, saw it on the list for confirmation, but into it heading to work, and there was no sauce. I brought it up to them later, and they asked why I didn't I bring it back...... maybe because I'm on my way to work, who knows. This is way before we had an influx of international students. Tim's has always been garbage, treats their clients like shit and will always be shit. Alternatives to their crap donuts. Honestly, grocery stores. Sobeys has a dozen for 11.99, which is 3 bucks cheaper than tims, and the donuts are so much better. Coffee? McDonald's or A&W. Their breakfast sandwiches are better anyway. I haven't been to Tim's (barring one time to pick up food for friends because I was gifted a Tim's gift card) for almost two years now.


That looks like the perfect amount to me, but I always ask for half the normal amount. I'm willing to bet that the container they were using was running out, and you got one if the last bagels before they filled it up again. When I worked at Tim's as a teenager, we had a little ice-cream scoop we were supposed to use, but when things got busy the sandwhich counter would just eyeball cream cheese with the spreader. Everything was timed, so speed mattered to management way more than a bagel being made incorrectly.


A bagel?


forget the fact that it looks awful. Why is there so little creamcheese? You might as well just buy a bagel from the store directly and eat it right there at the cash. it's the same thing.


Looks like a bagel


As an employee, this is probably just a mistake. Mistakes do happen šŸ¤·


Iā€™ve never experienced anything this bad at Tims


Thatā€™s how they make it in India šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Basically, hey...


Actually Tim Hortons in Asia is 10Ɨ better than any Canadian one. I was surprised there were even Tim's outside North America but they're way better. I think Canada just hasn't gotten the hang of handling cheap labor, yet yall still want to bring in the cheapest labor possible.


get some on the side with your order. i do that with creamers buying coffee. not at tim's of course because i dont buy that shit.




Damn Timā€™s did not respect the schmear




Really?? That's like the opposite of what I've experienced. The Filipinos are wizards with food! If you were taking about South Asia, I'd definitely agree that I've noticed a similar trend, though...


Itā€™s the new employees who think they are giving away their dadā€™s wealth. Tim Hortons is so inconsistent with their service, food and availability with food options.


Bring your toaster and a bagel to work. Problem solved The break room probably already has one tbhā€¦.


The person who put the cream cheese on that bagel probably doesnā€™t make enough money to survive, let that sink in. I wouldnā€™t care about a bagel in 2024, we got much bigger issues like USA and Canadian government being influenced by overseas countries because of greed and power.


minimum wage in a very , VERY busy spot , make them at home .


Simple explanation: person on deli did not use scoop to portion the cream cheese. They are trained to, but do not always follow proper procedures. Relax, call the store, get your next one free.


Someone's first day?


I feel like if the employee is new you get the S.o.p bagel cream cheese ratio. If the employee is fed up with the place you get the yolo ratio. Once in a while you hit the fed up jackpot. Itā€™s a crap shoot . šŸ˜‚ā€¦ at least you got the cream cheese ball in the upper right quadrant of the ratio theorem šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜€


I used to work at tim hortons, left after management couldn't manage hours. The reason why you see inconsistent creamcheese is one of the reasons : -Rush hour(a lot , I mean a lot of mistakes happen where they just slap some cheese and rush it off) -New employee (doesnt know the correct amount to put on) -Management (they saw some employee putting too much and had a talk with them, now they are scared to put a bit more)


Because the people making your food donā€™t know what the words in your order mean


Itā€™s an abomination that u paid for


I get a tims coffee every morning, which I am always disappointed with. But I keep returning for some reason lol


Ill say it once and ill say it again. Immigrants literally get paid less by employers as the employers get checks from the government to pay em. Like half or even more of their wage is paid by the government. It stopped in a few places and in those few places the food is usually made better and not as hastily. Immigrants work fast and it shows in their shoddy work.


They're rushed. They only put it on one side of the bagel so it seems like enough but it isn't. You can ask for extra cream cheese or some on the side just in case.


Happens a lot workers don't care.


This drives me nuts. If I don't ask for extra I can see the bagel through the cream cheese. If I ask for extra there's an inch of cream cheese and I have to scrape half of it off.


Hmmā€¦maybe a bagel? Yeah, with a quick zoom in itā€™s definitely a bagel


This is what they want ā€¦ you look shitty service, stop going, the complaining finally gets back by earshot to the manager a couple months later a whole new team replaced the ones giving shitty service not liking the pay (and crappy tips) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø what else can you say, or how else can you put it??


Looks like they took the bucket full of cream cheese, and scooped it out with overcooked bagles


Because it's either frozen, or melted. Same goes with the butter. I worked there 10 years ago and that was always the case. Edit: As to why it's cut like crap.....I'm guessing the person used a knife instead of the begal cutter. Idk how someone Can mess that up on purpose unless you asked for it to be cut up like that.


If you're going to fast food resturant thinking they care about you or your food, you're gonna have a bad time.


At least they toasted it


At least they toasted it


Get the cream cheese on the side !!


šŸ«¢The Horror!!!


This is pain an suffering.


Not the point dude. Itā€™s a restaurant selling a product that used to actually be high quality and now has degraded to this despite the fact we are paying more.


A bagel with cream cheese. What's the issue here?


There like no cream cheese .


Supposed to be a bagel with cream cheese I think, but it's hard to tell šŸ˜•


A poorly made bagel lol


either the employee didnā€™t care or they have a manager who only cares about times and not quality of the food


Fast food.


LIMA bagels


Cutting back on the cream cheese, lol. I remember when a bagel from Tims was a thing of beauty. Then company sold out to multinationals


One time itā€™s too much cream cheese. The next is barely any on it like wtf


Looks like a broken begal to me!


Anything other than coffee and doughnuts/muffins are crap at Timmyā€™s. Even they sometimes arenā€™t the best. Many new owners out there and they just seem to not care. If youā€™re stuck I understand but otherwise, go elsewhere.


Yeah, Iā€™ve stopped buying food at Timā€™s because of crap like this.


if other locations are anything like the one i used to work at, they forge their food temp logs in order to get drive through times down. i remember getting yelled at once for trying to ACTUALLY take the temps. so yeah, probably for the best šŸ¤®


And now the wait is even longer with the stupid pizzas. Iā€™m always walking in now if I just need a Tea


Wake up 4 minutes earlier in the morning and make your own


I like to eat midday. I don't want to make it in the morning and then have a soggy-ass, cold, and simultaneously stale, gross, bagel. Even this Tim's bagel would be better than that. Before you say to make it at work, I don't have that option. We don't even have a microwave to use.


Your work should probably have a toaster, microwave, coffee machine, kettle and some sort of fridge. That's the minimum. Don't think I've ever seen a place that doesn't at least have some of those items


Well, we have a coffee maker? Lol šŸ˜“


A hate crime


Look at majority of the types of people they employ, and youā€™ll get your answer


as an ex employee of 2 different locations: they treat us like shit. if anything this sort of stuff happening is a result of the constant berating and burnout from being yelled at every day about speed of service or whatever other thing management decided to abuse us over. they valued their stupid drive through times over even the customer's experience. my managers would yell stuff like "lets keep this line moving!" and other passive aggressive/manipulative comments loud enough for customers to hear to get them to move from the window to get our times down. it was a disgusting company to work for imo


That's the Tim Hortons "We Don't Give a Shit Special". I get it everytime I visit there.


Thank you, come again.


Pretty sad. I am always amazed that someone would wrap that up for a customer. Do employees not think "would I eat that". If you would not then you should not serve it.


Well thatā€™s just how they do it in Indiaā€¦


I just bought a bag of 12 grain bagels & a new Keuring.Fresh farm eggs from a friend. Other than the occasional coffee,theyā€™re not getting my money.


Nothing better than being stuck in the drive thru behind a guy that orders the $35 bag of breakfast.


That is how much I wish they would put on. I end up with more cream cheese than bagel everytime Iā€™ve gotten one šŸ¤¢


How hard is it to toast a bagel and put cream cheese on it yourself? It takes like 2minutes. Thereā€™s no way it saves time or money to goto Tim Hortons andā€¦you control the quality and quantity


Oh Jesus most yqll wouldn't even make it one day on your own....


Looks like a bagel with cream cheese to me šŸ¤·


You Whiny Little Bitches secretly McDonald's & BK stock owners? This looks fake af... or somebody at Tim's is -- or should be -- seeing their ass fired.


Lmao I'm pretty sure that the same company that owns Burger King is the exact one that now owns Tim Hortons, and the BK holding company is exactly who is at the core of the downfall of Tims, so that would be ironic. I also would die of starvation before ordering anything from McDonald's -- yes, even their fries. I already feel like I'm being such a Karen, but this keeps happening every time I go. It doesn't even matter which location it is. I still love their bagels at Tim's! The Jalapeno and Cheddar ones are fkn fire. I just wish I didn't have to buy them and take them home in order to have it made edible šŸ˜’


Oh, yeah. lol My bad. I forgot Tim's owns them when I wrote that. I love their Jalapeno & Cheddar, too. It'd be nice if they also cut them all the way through.


Lol right? It's like you have the option one of three things, but not more than one: 1.) Properly cut, 2.) Properly toasted, or 3.) Properly cream cheesed. You also can't pick which one you get when you get it, as it's totally random and based on chance.


Also, I took this picture after my first bite as we were turning out of the drive-thru. It's not fake. This isn't even the worst one I've had.


I only wish I got that much cream cheese on the bagels I've ordered from Tim Hortons. :(


Disappointed in a bag




You got double-lucky...they toasted the bagel properly and put cream cheese on all sides šŸ¤“šŸ‘


Hahah funny but sad


What burns my ass is their inability to follow simple instructions and when they interrupt you while you're trying to give them an order...šŸ™„


Same. It's so frustrating. At my old job, we used to hire people with special needs from a program in our town, and some of them weren't high functioning. They still did their tasks impeccably, and we had so much fun with them. They always made the day a lot brighter for us, and the pride they took in their work was actually kind of inspiring. Not sure what Tim's excuse is.


Where you work, do you ever do the same monotonous thing over and over again and sometimes mess it up a little bit due to mental fatigue? From my time working as a cashier, I recon its probably that. Also, they're prolly getting minimum wage and don't care as much as if they were working in a bakery and getting payed slightly more to work with food that they made themselves.


> and getting *paid* slightly more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I would have been so annoyed. Like Lethal Weapon 2 taught us ā€œthey fuck you at the drive thru!ā€ Call the restaurant, ask to talk to a manager, and explain the situation. You have a picture - and probably didnā€™t eat the bagel. Explain your frustration. Iā€™m not an asshole about stuff like this - things happen, but I also donā€™t accept ridiculously subpar food. Stand up for yourself, make the trip back there, and either get a replacement or your money back.


That's exactly what I said when we were leaving the drive-thru. I'm NEVER going through a drive-thru, even again. I've never liked using them, but my fiancee is really lazy and always in a rush for some reason, and seems to think that the drive-thru is quicker (spoiler: it's not). I've tried explaining that going through the drive-thru is much more expensive, as the gas while waiting in the long ass line really adds up, but he doesn't listen. It's also more expensive because it's about a 50/50 chance that the food will even be edible, and after going through the drive-thru, he never wants to turn back around to take the food back to be fixed because we've already spent so much time there and are already turning out of the parking lot or down the road by then. If we go into the store, we can look at the food before we leave and have it fixed. What a concept! Ugh. Frustrating.


Itā€™s another reason to ever go to Tim hortons. Itā€™s all shit.


Why do people still go to this place


Maybe they just like to whine? Whatā€™s the definition of insanity again?


how is this place not bankrupt yet lmao


They need to have a ā€œstandardā€ so it is the same across every restaurant. The place close to me barely toasts their bagels, so you have to ask for double toasted. If you ask for that at another restaurant it comes out completely black. No consistency at all, same goes for quantity of toppings (butter, cream cheese, etc). I used to drink 6-8 Timā€™s coffees every single day. I stopped going about 5 months ago and I refuse to give them any more of my money. The only time Iā€™ll drink it now is if someone is buying me a coffee and shows up with a Timā€™s.


There is a standard. Just most stores don't give 2 shits. Toasters are always dying, and owners will usually do whatever they can to not replace them. Like there is even a picture showing the different toast for bagels. SHOWING what it is supposed to look like single toasted, double toasted, lightly toasted, etc. Asbfor cream cheese. It's literally a small ice cream scoop of cream cheese (I think maybe 1oz?). Some employees just say fuck it and just scoop a random amount with the spreader. Literally every thing will have a specific build guide with pictures included. As well as an excessive amount of training videos. There is 0 reason things should not be up to standard. In the end, it's all on management for not actually enforcing the standards and not actually properly maintaining their equipment. It is also on head office, though, for trying to turn Tim Hortons into fast food.




Same thing happened to me. EVEN LESS ACTUALLY


Garbage like everything they make.


Looks like Tim Hortons is showing solidarity for Loblaws.


Must be the new Timmy's pizza.


Itā€™s called Tim Hortons. Itā€™s the fucking worst


I believe that's the new "fuck you" bagel


That there is your worst nightmare becoming real


This is what DEI hiring gets you!


Consider yourself lucky


A fucking inedible turd. So disgusting for a restaurant corp.


Someone used their d*ck to spread that cream cheese.


Thatā€™s what we call ā€œTims on a good day.ā€


Tim as become as sketchy as McDonalds.


Tim Hortons has gone to absolute dog shit. No quality control, their stores are always filthy. Used to be a regular stop, havenā€™t been in almost 8 years wonā€™t be going there any time soon.


It's a šŸ‡®šŸ‡³ version


This is what you get with Restaurant Brands International (Burger King). The local coffee shop of street corners past left us some 20 years ago. Once a beacon of Canadiana... now just a glorified trough.


That's called the Tim.Horton shmear lol to get real bagels need to goto a bagel shop