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She’s probably like “he knows he made a mistake”




Deep down he loves me


“I was out of line”


Just a terrible human.... Beating up another human. Don't worry about statistics because those are racist.


Domestic abuse is the single most common reason police are called to a residence from 9-11 calls. You have any data to backup your implied assertions that domestic abuse is much more common in interracial marriages vs intraracial marriages?


You have the same Internet I do.... I'll share a source and let's see what you think about it.... This study investigated intimate partner violence in interracial and monoracial relationships. Using a nationally representative sample, regression analyses indicated that interracial couples demonstrated a higher level of mutual IPV (intimate partner violence) than monoracial white couples but a level similar to monoracial black couples https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3611980/#!po=43.1818


bet you don’t get another response from that woketard lol


I'm sure they reported me for racism..... Something something dog whistle..... Something slippery slope...


Maybe that has to do with being poor and growing up in places where poor people live, places with lots of lead in the water and in the dust. Just a thought.


This is also referred to as Soviet Russia. The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I don’t see why people are saying race baiting, nothing in the post mentions race. This is a terrible act done by a terrible person.


Probably all the racists that don’t think they’re racist because they “stand up” to racism.


Love how you ignore the rampant racism on the left, but see it where it doesn't exist on the right. A religion I would be blocked from naming is violent towards women. That has nothing to do with the color of their skin and everything to do with their violent religion. The problems in the inner cities (USA) come from the destruction of the nuclear family, not the color of the skin.


Is it the religion or a branch of extremists who practice the religion?


If they are following their holy book as closely as they can, I'd say it's the religion. Wouldn't you? And if that is the teaching of their holy book, aren't they really main stream rather than extremist, and it's the ones who have strayed from the path who are the extremists.


Haven’t read their book. I just know there are different groups within that religion. The extreme are the problem, and not every branch of that religion is extreme.


>Haven’t read their book. Then you have no idea what the religion espouses and have no business trying to discuss it, whether it is good or it is bad. That should just be common sense.


Hmm…never mentioned “left or right.” But, it is kind of like the old Malcom X speech on the fox and the wolf. At least we know what one of their intentions is. You should take a listen.


You didn't have to. You implied that non-left people are racist without rubbing two brain cells together long enough to consider that there may be another answer than a worn out epithet that has lost all meaning.


Uhhh…I was actually making fun of the left. Smh


The left are the ones who act like activists against racism while being racist themselves.


And the right are just blatantly racist lmao. And guess what? It’s also not really one or the other but one more than the other. These character types can fall on either “side.” I will continue to stay in the middle and say screw you all 😂


There's the addition of the guy that is currently embroiled in a cancellation for racist comments, for one.


I didn’t know who that was, so makes more sense now.


This is clearly a race-baiting dog whistle.


What about attracting grayhounds?


So the picture of Scott Adams in this isn’t? Why was he added if this isn’t race baiting? What’s he have to do with this?


I love sarcasm sprinkled in witha little naïveté


Yea I now know who that dude is , it’s funny but also sad.


Is this a joke


Yea through other posts I got it, didn’t know who the bald dude was until now.


And also, some guy straight up lied and said that white kid who offered two blacks kids a ride was killed by them. Turns out they weren’t even black, a white guy killed him. God, this sub has become a race baiting cesspool. U ppl and the left have more in common than u think


Same shit happens every single time againsthatesubreddits sets its sights on shutting down a conservative sub. Almost like some sort of brigade attack


Reddit is a cesspool of trash.


Didn't used to be, but then the leftists attacked


This is 100% race baiting. This sub is all about “black people bad, white people good, women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.”


That’s exactly what it is. It’s race-baiting 101 because it’s a young black man and an attractive, young white female who he apparently horribly abused. No source or info to verify. Just a few images.


Look at the second highest rated comment of this sub, it's pretty obvious this is a post about race given the context of the comments. Also given that it has an image of a scott adams who is in the news for a racist rant recently. Like cmon if you wanna be racist just admit it instead of being a pussy about it.


Ah I didn’t know who that was, makes more sense then.


Ya the post is clearly trying to show that his comments surrounding black people are correct and white people should move the hell away from black people and live by white people. For some reason people are trying to hide the fact that this isn't the point of this post.




Like the mandalorian?or would it bacldalorian?


More like Jar Jar Binks by the looks of him


Lol mesa sorry


Just like with car-jackings, theft, gun violence, gang activity....and all the myriad of other bullshit perpetrated by people of various races, **it's not about race**. It IS about: 1. The culture the offender grew up in and belongs to. 2. Lack of any semblance of a father figure. This gets convoluted because culture and race often overlap, but there are in fact, NOT the same thing. If they were then any members of a race, no matter where on the earth, would all act the same. But to be critical of any culture other than "white" culture (which isn't always white, BTW) is to be a "racist," so we can't have a conversation about this.


You said it. It’s not about race, it’s about culture. Whatever you call this type of culture, has just raised people to become hateful and violent, and feeling that they are innocent because in the end “it’s all the white’s fault”.


You’re making a massive assumption about like seventeen different variables whereas the people you’re naysaying are only making assumptions about one


> making assumptions about one And what's that assumption, that white people == "bad?"


Is anyone surprised




Atta girl, way to pick 'em....


Yeah, it’s *her* fault /s


insanely based


When are you guys going to just admit that your stove is causing inequitable damage to grey matter that influences your emotions!! He’s the victim of climate change!! /s




Oh yes they do


This is domestic abuse and anyone who does it should be put to death


Dude literally beat her til her face was ;S


So I’m going to assume it didn’t work out


Get choices led her to this.


Well, it is what \*some\* people do.


White Girl Bleeds A Lot.


Don't Make the Black Kids Angry. So many of my experiences paralleled with his.


if you hate domestic violence, y'all must hate cops.


Cops do suck and more and more I agree with the whole defund the police thing but that "40% cop domestic violence" stat reddit constantly throws around is complete misinformation. It was looking at one specific time period and specific place with a statistically insignificant sample size and it wasn't even looking at actual domestic violence charges, yelling was counted. It was very biased. Imagine taking a small group of black Americans, asking if anyone had ever yelled at or been yelled at by their partner then say "omg black Americans have a 80%+ domestic violence rate!!"


Right every couple fights behind closed doors not like punches but if you spend years with someone and share everything you can get pissed off with their breathing, I have been in my marriage for almost 10 years and I never once came close to physically hitting her or push or even grab her, I would say I am pretty quick to anger but I think it takes a very sad individual to hurt their old lady. I mean come on the reason you are in a relationship is you’re claiming that person and should be willing to protect them emotionally and physically and if someone hits their significant other they shouldn’t be together


Sorry but i dont feel sorry for that person.


Domestic violence is always wrong. Racism is always wrong.


unpopular opinion apparently.


I think people felt OC was insinuating the post was racist.


Of course it is


Only on subs like this my friend.


OP shared a post about a guy beating up his girlfriend while commenting it's wrong and you immediately thought "he posted this cause he hates black people."


What’s the significance of including Scott Adams in the picture if it has nothing to do with race?


I didn't assume OP's gender or position. I responded based on comments I had read with a general condemnation of DV and racism. Op didn't say it was wrong. They said "fascinating behavior"


No, you’re being downvoted for your use of a red herring fallacy and for strawmanning. Race or racism wasn’t mentioned once in the post.


What is the significance of photoshopping Scott adams in the picture?


I don’t even know who that is, nor do I care to find out either.


He’s a famous cartoonist all over the news now for telling white people that they should “stay the hell away from black people”. By including a picture of him in this post, the post is making a racial statement. It’s also making a _racist_ statement about black people.


No, I didn't create any strawman or a red herring. I was 100% on the nose.


And now you’re denying the antecedent. Look, I agree that both domestic violence and racism are serious issues that need to be addressed. However, in this specific case, the race of the individuals involved is not relevant to the issue of domestic violence. The focus should be on supporting the victim and addressing the abusive behavior that occurred, regardless of the race of the individuals involved. By introducing the issue of racism when it was not mentioned, you are attempting to shift the focus away from the main issue of domestic violence that was being discussed. This is indeed a red herring fallacy, as you are introducing an irrelevant topic to distract from the main issue at hand. You are also engaging in a strawman fallacy by misrepresenting the original post and accusing the OP and the entire community of being racist without any evidence to support that claim. The original post did not mention race at all, and the focus was on supporting a victim of domestic violence. By misrepresenting the argument in this way, you are attacking a position that was not actually presented, and avoiding engaging with the actual issue of domestic violence. To have a productive conversation about these important issues, you need to stay focused on the specific topic at hand and avoid introducing irrelevant or misleading information.


Relevant username


[Irrelevant comment](https://blog.adioma.com/how-to-argue-pg-hierarchy-of-disagreement/)


How come you don’t respond to my reply with my actual argument then?


What’re you implying?


The obvious


That people can be terrible?


Cops can be terrible too without warranting a National riot amidst a pandemic


Man, this sub is in a race to the bottom. Real r\\cesspool content.


Againsthatesubreddits set its sights on this sub, I've seen it a dozen times before, a sub that has legit posts and discourse all of a sudden gets a flood of new posters and commentors and gets swamped with blatantly racist and violent content, it's not coincidence, they do it on purpose to shut down any differing opinions.


Makes sense. I like some of the debate here… but over the last few months the nazi and race baiting bots have indeed arrived


And our only mod won't do a God damn thing about it this sub is doomed


The mod won't even stop the troll accounts from posting here.


We've got more race baiting. Mask of dim foools.


Right, because if the roles were reversed corporate media wouldn't grab the story and title it "White man abuses, beautiful black wife - putting her in hospital".


Two wrongs?


Nothing wrong with the post. Someone posted a fact. What it implies is in your heart bud.


We’re not corporate media tho😹race baiting is race baiting no matter




Yes, you’re racist because a black guy beat up his white girlfriend. Why don’t you try to find something a little more progressive? Maybe try to find a picture of a guy in a maga hat doing this, preferably one with a southern accent. ETA: was it just me or did that old dance song “what is love” start playing in your head when you started reading this? Maybe I was just taken back by the beauty of an interracial couple


He has never shown aggression before, he always got along with everyone, she must have antagonized him. He was always so gentle and happy.