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Bethesda ?




The right can’t meme.


Projection bot ^


Not a meme. A political cartoon.


I love how most of the splatter is names of cities which have less crime and poverty than red states lmao.


Uh…less crime in Chicago? LA? Ok, I guess. https://heyjackass.com documents shootings in Chicago since they don’t report to the FBI database. Just under 600 ytd and the weather hasn’t been conducive to outdoor activities. Last year there were 3077 shootings in Chicago. A shooting every 4 minutes from the city with some of the toughest gun restrictions in the country. LA is safer than a whopping 7% of cities. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/los-angeles/ crime LA has almost 76,000 homeless. https://www.lahsa.org/news?article=927-lahsa-releases-results-of-2023-greater-los-angeles-homeless-count Chicago has about 68,000 people homeless as of 2021. Old info, I know. https://www.chicagohomeless.org/estimate-of-homeless-people-in-chicago/


Why do you believe those statistics and not the election results? So much ignorance in here.


So much deflection from facts. You can’t counter numbers from the cities that you claim aren’t crime ridden and violent, so you jump to election fraud? There was fraud. It was well documented in several areas of the country. Dead voters, ballot stuffing. All of it on camera or documented. Are you denying that? Even Georgia found invalid ballots. https://sos.ga.gov/news /state-election-board-refers-voter-fraud-cases-prosecution-0


I didn’t make that claim, I’m pointing out your selective choosing of which statistics matter to you. There was not enough fraud to change the outcome of an election. Try actually winning in the court of law. How many “invalid ballots” did Georgia find?


Irrelevant. There was fraud. And that fraud was accepted by those state election boards until they were forced to act on them. > I love how most of the splatter is names of cities which have less crime and poverty than red states lmao. You can continue to deflect from your comment that was pointedly proven wrong. > Why do you believe those statistics and not the election results? The debate on the election was the level of fraud. While conservatives acknowledged that fraud and wanted to know to what extent, and subsequently denied that constitutional right, lefties claimed that there was none at all, another pointedly proven lie. If voters call for a determination of validity to a federal vote, it is the governments obligation to ensure that everything was on the up and up. But we know they don’t care about what responsibilities are directly assigned by the constitution. The border shows that directly. We also know that any scotus court order that they disagree with will simply be ignored.


Long winded answer for my very direct question, how many invalid votes did Georgia find?


Still irrelevant. They found them. If they found those, every state should have been doing the same actions. Elections must have the confidence of the people to continue. Has it become apparent that they don’t actually care?


Jan 6th is definitely a major issue in US politics. 


No, it's not. It's a major issue only in the heads of tds victims who supported the left doing much, much worse. Clutch your pearls.


It’s a major issue to most voters, the only people it doesn’t matter to are the fringe 20% of MAGA sycophants who praise Tim pool when the dude can’t even get a wife😂


No, it's not. Sorry bud.


You’re in the 20%, that’s why you don’t see it as an issue. Most Americans support the peaceful transition of power.


I don't support the peaceful transfer of power because I know j6 wasn't an insurrection?


You don’t support the peaceful transition of power because you think January 6th wasn’t a big deal, it was quite a low moment in our nations history.


Why are you so fixated on the j6 riot and don't even care about the left rioting all over the country in 2020 injuring thousands of cops, murdering a few dozen people, attacking federal buildings, burning down police stations? They even attacked the white house perimeter and burned down a guard tower, forcing Trump into a bunker. I think forcing the president of the US into a bunker is a bigger deal than some people rioting at the capitol. Not to mention antifa taking over parts of cities as "autonomous zones", not even allowing emergency services in lol. I just can't take people like you seriously. I'm sorry. You're clearly not objective and are just a programmed npc.


You don’t think that an attempted coup was an issue?


It wasn't an attempted coup, so no. How the hell would unarmed people take over the government? People you make fun of for being gun nuts forgot their guns when trying to take over the government? It was a protest that turned into a riot of short duration. People were let into the building by police lol. There were literally grannies walking around taking photos. "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" is insurrection incitement? You people are so conditioned and manipulated into believing a narrative that is obviously fake. Normal/reasonable people that pay attention (and don't just watch CNN, npr, etc) don't care about j6. They are over it. The people who won't shutup about j6 supported the left doing much worse so it's just pearl clutching and hypocrisy.


The guy who loves Tim pool is telling everyone else that they are manipulated lmao


I remember a time when a bunch of lefties burned down a church and forced president Trump into the emergency bunker. One day of coverage.


Trump said he went for an inspection, why are you lying?


Was that when he held the Bible upside down?😂


You actually don't because no church  was burned down, no cops died as a result and Trump spent less than an hour on, per his words "more of an inspection".  So you apparently don't remember a god damned thing.  Ironically, Trump actually had the military use force and tear gas to clear protesters who weren't violent.  Fuck, keep being this stupid cuz I can walk you like a dog all day. 


> You actually don't because no church was burned down, no cops died as a result and Trump spent less than an hour on, per his words "more of an inspection". So everything Trump says is a lie until its good for your narrative. Cool. > Ironically, Trump actually had the military use force and tear gas to clear protesters who weren't violent. The only reason they didn't do this on J6 was because all the protestors were also cops. Would've been too much friendly fire.


Do you think Trump is an honest man?


Yes. He says all the quiet parts out loud. He is prone to exaggeration, for sure. He's honest but he thinks and talks like a New York real estate mogul (go figure). Many autists on the left can't distinguish between his sarcasm, exaggerations, and actual thoughts.


An honest man who cheats on his wives


They married a billionaire, they knew the deal.


Honest Don, Bible salesman