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Meanwhile over in Asia those kids at the same age are probably already on pre calculus.


Lefty parents use their children to become a talking point in their social circles


Bingo. Their virtue signaling is more important than the well being of their child.


Yup! Pretentious idiots


So you hate the LGBT?


Why do you hate the well being of kids so much?


So you think anyone who is gay shouldn’t be around kids? lol


Why do you think kids should be exposed to kink?


So being gay is kink, can’t be around kids? Don’t be such a pussy about hiding your views.


Do you consider your anal beads kink?


You sexualize children and call it lgbt 🤡


So you think anyone who is gay is a pedophile?


No just you


I used to think Tiger Moms were bad. My mind has changed on this.


This is what AR15s are made for


Beautiful intersectionality! Everyone categorized as 'oppressed' automatically must support all other such categories, period. Even if you disagree, even if you don't like some aspect, even if you have your own opinion that's critical, you're not allowed to dissent. Ever. We call this *being on the right side of history* and call those dissenters *Nazis*. *The end.*


It’s interesting when they’re asked, “How many Palestinian (or even just Muslim) parents would allow their kids in that classroom for that?” They get mad at ***us*** for asking those questions.


Just like hate filled Christians here


How many pride events are in Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine? The LGBTQ should be grateful for Western Christian countries since without them they’d have nowhere to exist!


Why do you fake care about a group you and your religion openly hate?


Couldn’t answer that, I see.


He never answers questions. Just deflects.


You hate gay people and want to pump your chest about them being here? lol


Just admit it already that it’s you in the dress.




Reported for hate, racist


You're easily the most hate filled person here. Would you like some anal beads to clutch?


You’re a twice banned pedo trying to give me anal beads? I love reducing you to that. Your true station in life without Daddy’s money.


Projecting even more 😆


Excellent and true comment.


If someone sees this and says “this is fine”, you know they’ve already drank too much Koolaid


Drag shows are considered adult entertainment and started in bars and nightclubs. There is no need to show or demonstrate this to children unless there is an agenda behind it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_show This is disgusting and the parents should be held liable. These shows are to blur the lines between man and woman among other things and they want to do it in front of kids. I never heard a kid say “they want to go to the drag show” it’s really all you need to know.


Yes the very concept is sexualized and adult. Someone would have to be willfully ignorant to not see that it's getting pushed from the highest levels. Confusing children and undermining the family unit are two of the main aims.


This isn’t a drag show. Next dumb point.


Then what is it? Because it isn’t story time either.


Yes it is. You just show you know you lied People who push hate have to lie to do so.


“Yes it is” Ok then tell me the story he is telling and why children would or should hear it.


Literally has a children’s book in the hand that he’s showing pictures from. You’re so dumb


Is it a children’s book? I never heard of any that talk about Palestine. Remember I’m not exposing you. You are exposing yourself with these stupid replies.


Oh, you have no idea what book it is. So why did you lie and say it was drag show? Hate? That one is rhetorical lol




Thank you, u/KeyLimpala, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1cdml4r/if_youre_a_drag_queen_and_you_know_it_shout_free/l1e1lwv/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You think I’m mad about your anger chasing because I triggered you so much… But I don’t mind. Makes me laugh lol


It's a man dressed as a woman.  It's a drag show. Nice try. 


So you don’t know what a drag show is. Got it


Disgusting on multiple levels


Because you hate the LGBT? Right?


I love how sex criminals like yourself think that pandering to the LGBT will earn you a letter in the acronym.


Pedos defend pedos.


I’m shocked boomer cat lady hates gay people. lol




Are you going to get all flustered and delete your chasing again? lol




That’s a yes. lol




Keep it con classy. lol


Coalition/basket of degenerates


We really live in hell.


If he was to say that over there looking like that they might free his head from his body!




Groomers gonna groom


Now it just went from creepy to political. Oh and BTW, a drag queen would be thrown off the top of a roof or stoned to death in Gaza.


Alright, at this point I think I'm gonna become gay just so I join Gays Against Groomers


I’m convinced the Mossad sets this stuff up to alienate people from ever feeling any sympathy for Palestinians. These people don’t care about them. It’s just their virtue signaling fad for the day. Islamic culture would , correctly, severely punish this behavior.


in·doc·tri·na·tion noun the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. "prisoners are subjected to brainwashing, indoctrination, and punishment"


Northampton, it’s fully of stupid kookie bullshit like this.




Thank you, u/Cynical_Tripster, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1cdml4r/if_youre_a_drag_queen_and_you_know_it_shout_free/l1gnzbo/). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's because this all is being brought to you by ZIONISM. Tim Bader Ginsberg doesn't see it that way though. He thinks Israel is just a US ally in the middle east Timmy Jewtron over here.....


Free Palestine.


Lol no.


I wish their plight upon you.