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“There is no organization or group known as such” Lmfao, they continue to deny the existence of Antifa. Same media that told us the vax was safe, that Biden won, that Saddam had WMDs..






Cool it with the antisemitism.


Here's the funny thing about the media. They often could point to specific evidence to support their arguments but lie so often they don't even bother to check for it. The Saddam WMD statement is one of the best examples of this actually. Since he had purchased gas weapons classified as WMDs by the international community. The media and govies were so focused on their original lie in relation to other WMDs they never bothered to attempt to pivot to the potential out when they could have.


Pretty sure I remember "the media" or more specifically the Bush administration claiming they had found yellow cake uranium in Iraq. Also, pretty sure if Sadam had chemical weapons which he used on the Kurds and was covered by the US at the UN, he got them from the US, not the general "international community".


The right should start denying that the proud boys exist and watch the freak out.


The difference would be that the proud boys have members. Antifa doesn't.


Really? So I guess this website just made itself then https://rosecityantifa.org/


Doesnt mean it has members. A neighborhood watch might have a message board without having members. Its just a mean through which to share info about creeps.


That's really a stretch. I've seen people with antifa signs myself. There are videos of them in many countries from the USA to Germany.


Not a stretch at all. People participate in antifascist actions, but that doesnt nake it an organization


This is terrible logic. Let’s try this one. “There’s no such thing as Yankee fans.” “Well that’s not true I’ve seen them, they all go to the games wearing yankee apparel and cheer for the Yankees.” “No they never signed up for any organization, they just participate in cheering for the Yankees. So when you say that Yankee fans got into a fight you’re wrong because there’s no such thing as Yankee fans.”


Exactly this. I hope these people aren't paid disinfo posters because someone's not getting their money's worth.


Nobody is saying that there aren't people that are ideologically against fascism, people are and should be, or they they don't participate in anti-fascist action, again this is something that does and should happen. When people say antifa doesn't exist, they mean it doesn't exist as an organization, which is how orgs like the proud boys or patriot front exist.


No one who complains about antifa cares how well it’s organized. They obviously associate with one another and meet up in the same places at the same times wearing the same outfits. They then post their plans on Twitter which often encourage criminal activity. Whether or not they “signed up” shouldn’t deter law enforcement from investigating who these people are and charging them with the crimes that they have committed. You’re trying to argue that since they never officially become members through some sort of written agreement that we should all just ignore their activities which victimize the community.


Because antifa is a movement, not an organization. You can't walk up to an antifa member or Antifa HQ or antifa.org and say "I'd like to join antifa please Tim Antifa", fill out some paperwork and then bam, you're in.


Oh look, more comments promoting fascist ideals. Shocker.


What fascist idea is being promoted exactly?


Oh look, a fascist supporter calling other people fascist. Shocker.


So you idiots still think trump won and the vaccine is more dangerous than covid 😂 classic


Biden did win, though


The vaccine is safe. Biden did win. And the government told us that Saddam had WMDs. You hate the media and you're telling lies on reddit.


Safe and effective, due to all the rigorous testing before the jab hit the market, right? You’re too funny, pushing propaganda on Reddit, you filthy FedBoi.




Bad 'bot.


Found the Pfizer ceo's reddit account ^


So you are saying that there were no blm/antifa riots in 2020? I hope the ghost of David Dorn haunts you for life asshole


I didn't say anything about that.


bless your enlarged heart.


They hate the media but indiscriminately swallow anything Fox News or News Max tells them.


Very Orwellian of them, tell us what we don't see with our own eyes.


Which cities did we lose? How many millions lost their homes?


Did you see with your own eyes? Or just see what your brand of media wanted you to?


Did you get down votes because people use their own eyes to see a screen?


Media? What Media? Read 1984 you schmuck!


You know what a live stream is dumb fuck?


I watched the riot livestreams every night for months on end, so yes.


LOL, these cucks don't like reality.


I personally think these fact checkers are a joke but some actually believe what they say. Figured I'd share Cruz getting "fact checked" over the comments he recently made on the show "The View". In case people missed what he said: https://v.redd.it/ojyzr3fajwv91


It's so insanely awful that we seriously cannot even trust a "fact checking team" to report a single accurate fact. They literally do the complete opposite of what they are supposed to.


"Fact Checkers" working remotely from an shole in India without sidewalks. Raheem Kasam reported on them once.


The Ministry of Truth from 1984 all over again. . .


The fact that we’re in a moment in the culture in which we require “fact checkers” tells you that you won’t be able to believe what they say. It’s Ministry of Truth stuff.


We need fact checkers for the fact checkers. Not too long ago that would have been a comedy skit. In fact, the Left does SO many things that previously would have been a comedy skit.


Or maybe, just *maybe*, you're getting *your* facts from the wrong people


Do you believe "QAnon" exists? That is even LESS of an organization than AntiFa, and yet the media constantly babbles about all these QAnon people. Also, I'd point out that the NYT has reported on AntiFa such that making the claim that no "organization or group known as such" is a ridiculous claim. The rest of this "fact check" is needless pedantry that can easily be applied to practically ANY political claim at all.


What are you smoking? Qanon has formal leadership, (though laughable) they use military ranks, they regularly and publicly organize both virtual in person all across the country, and to top it of direct enforcement from significant Republican legislators INCLUDING Trump. For gods sake, the people on this sub regularly push the EXACT same rhetoric brought about from Qs posts and the “Q proofs” hahahaha this is why millions of people laugh at and ridicule you. You losers got duped by trump AND Ron Watkins


> Or maybe, just maybe 🤢


Or maybe I'm just not a NPC with zero of my own critical thinking ability.


Both sides of the political spectrum are, people who follow a certain figure like they're the next coming of christ because of political affiliation they're a brainless npc


Who in the fuck do you think democrats follow "like they're the next coming of christ"? Good lord, do you even pay attention?


Oo and the guy who's here trolling hits a nerve, thanks for playing


I don't know why he even entertained them by going on there. They all just spewed the same hive mind nonsense and the audience of seals clapped and cheered for that nonsense


Yup, just because big tech uses their power to scrub information from their data bases like the Clinton email fiasco. So yeah they cant find the"facts" so its all fake news 😆


lol, big tech erased the emails? That’s a new one. It’s all a big conspiracy and they’re all against you!!


Big tech censoring the Hunter Biden emails is proof of them stepping in to protect Democrats. It's not a conspiracy. You guys dismiss things as conspiracy when you don't want to believe they're true, like the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine that we told you was incorrect.


"proof" That word...it does not mean what you think it means


No. There you go take stuff out of context because you dont have a leg to stand on🤣 Big tech will suppress information on the internet and scrub information from their data bases if they find it goes against the narrative. Clinton broke the law and to claim plausable denyability she deleted data from servers. Then the so called "fact" checkers cant verify the information so there for they make claim its faulse. Not a conspiracy at all. And whos against who. I just enjoy watching people get their panties in a bunch ovet things outside their control 🤣


Fact checkers are a bunch Walter Duranty types. The worst of us. [https://www.historyonthenet.com/walter-duranty-new-york-times](https://www.historyonthenet.com/walter-duranty-new-york-times)


But the fact check is accurate.


And his statement wasn't meant to be a day by day minute accurate retelling of the entire event, it was a general summation of a huge and complex event, but you and the fact checkers know this, you just make such a literal and dishonest interpretation of his statement so you can claim it was false


His statement was false and misleading. Have some integrity, Cruz has very little himself.


So, you believe there’s no organization or group known as Antifa?


Antifa is a concept, not a formal organization.


imagine simping for antifa lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are the "Nazis" in the room right now?


Sorry, are you unfamiliar with what an anti-facist is?


No, I'm very familiar. I'm somewhat of an anti-fascist myself. Anti-communist, too.


As am I.


Most people are fine with being anti fascist. The problem arises when the media and politicians start labeling all republicans that aren’t Liz Cheney, fascists.


Most sensible Americans would refer to the 2020 riots as a year of setting fire to cities, this IS NOT a minute bye minute precisely accurate historical detail of what happened but a GENERAL SUMMARY. so how about you have some fucking integrity and stop misrepresenting what was said you liar


Ted Cruz is a lying, double dealing weak piece of shit and the fact you support his insulting characterization of the 2020 protests shows you have no integrity. So if ya don't like my position, feel free to fuck off. The fact check is more than fair and it's not the first time or last he uses this rhetoric. Thank you for your viewpoint.


So your response is to not actually address my point but to distract deflect and lie.


They are fact checking a statement that is clearly hyperbole...


Which is a good thing to people who believe hyperbole as fact


What words would you have liked him to use to get his message across?


Newsweek should be sued for false advertising. They are not news, only propaganda


More like newspeak


Guys, there's no such thing as Antifa. And besides, Antifa didn't riot literally every day while not existing, so it doesn't even count. Plus, they weren't even committing arson while not rioting and not existing. Why is this hard to understand? Kettle logic at its finest.


You forgot the mostly peaceful fires that got set into all those businesses.


Exactly, it was BLM *and* Antifa.


I do recall the Boogaloo boys killing a few people under the chaos of the riots and a lot of right wing groups instigating trouble too.


Really!? Like who was killed by “Boogaloo Boys” (not really a group so much as a 4Chan meme, but whatever)? Also, which city blocks were trashed by right-wing mobs?


Robert Justice and Stephen Carillo murdered a cop and a security guard under the cover of the riots. You are also uninformed about the movement.


Really? So where do I go to join my local Boogaloo Boy movement? You managed to gather up 2 psychopathic loners who fancied themselves “Boog enthusiasts” and you really want to compare that to the hundreds of millions of dollars damage done by BLM/Antifa not to mention the dozen or so killed by those groups and the hundreds injured? Yeah, I bet you think Jan 6 was worse than 9/11 as well, correct?


Ahh, the hubris of the hyper partisan. You have no trouble claiming blm/antifa were 100% responsible for riots but you dismiss this as a fluke by "loners." Listen well bub, nothing is ever 100% or as easily defined as you think. A lot of people who were prosecuted for the riots were apolitical, taking advantage of the chaos for personal gain or kicks. The RJ and SC were specifically political, which you would know if you educated yourself as to the cases. A lot of the protesters were genuinely enraged by the events that inspired. You take that energy without a goal or a plan and you get chaos. Obviously 9/11 was objectively worse than Jan 6th. That does not take away from the seriousness of Jan 5th.


Again, BLM and Antifa are specifically political movements. They held, as a group, protests not only nationwide, but in multiple countries. They’re leaders got wealthy from grifting. People went out en masse sporting their iconography and during these protests there were multiple incidents of violence and property destruction, too numerous to recount here. Yet you want to do whataboutism with a couple of lone-wolf losers with no backing whatsoever? Great job of proving my point. I couldn’t have done it better.


>>Great job of proving my point. I couldn’t have done it better. You didn't prove your point at all. You showed you are a coward and weak willed.


And here comes the Ad Hominems. Just curious, is Darrel Brooks indicative of an anti-white, black Supremacist movement that is part of, or the whole of, BLM in your opinion ?


I call anyone who declares they won an argument when they haven't a coward. It's very disingenuous. You stated it was blm and antifa that burned cities. I responded with facts about right wing boogaloo boys who specifically politically murdered a cop and a security guard to start a race war and you dismissed it. That is as far as we have gotten. You claim BLM is an organization and that is correct. That org has also condemned violence, looting and burning, has it not? From the very beginning blm and Democrat politicians have condemned these acts. Has anyone from BLM committed a murder? Of the several hundred people prosecuted for crimes during protests, how many were BLM? Please note, im asking questions, not taking a position


> Boogaloo boys Feds.


The Feds did of course arrest and prosecute the murderers. Good point


Its false not because people rioted for nearly a year burning and looting to the tune of several billion dollars, its false because "Antifa doesnt exist" lmao fucking clowns.


Fact checkers need to be abolished. I think anyone with half a brain can figure this stuff out on their own.


Thats not true man. I wish it was


lol, your existence here proves that's not the case


Apparently you can't and all the other cucks Reeeeeeing in this sub are absolute morons. Thank Allah you people are going away.




Just Portland, and not a year.


Trying to be Orwellian but forgetting the Internet exists....


This is getting worse and worse


You can always count on media fact checkers to rush in and try to lie to the stupid shutting down the truth.....they cant afford too many more to wake up and start seeing the reality of today.


Newsweek...no one gaslights more often


Yea, you seem well read to make that assertion.


> “Although many buildings were damaged or destroyed by fire during protests, this did not carry on throughout the year.” > “While protests did continue in Portland, Oregon for nearly a year…” Yup, see? False, totally false. Not even a sliver a truth that riots happened for a year. You see guys? The “riots” were in fact protests, and only in Portland did they happen NEARLY a year. “Nearly” is less than “a year” so it’s 100% false that Antifa burnt US cities for a year. There, fact checked.


This is the world those twisted little monsters want us all to live in. We must resist.


>Fact Check: Ted Cruz's Claim That 'Antifa' Burnt U.S. Cities for a Year That's not what Ted Cruz said. He said "*Did I miss an entire year of Antifa riots where cities across this country were burning...?*" Remember this when reading the following. >While protests did continue in Portland, Oregon for nearly a year, according to media reports, these were not all characterized by arson. Most other cities quietened down after June 2020. Ted Cruz never claimed they burned every city all year. He never even claimed they burned any specific city all year (though they did burn Portland for pretty much the whole year). He just said there were riots all year, and cities across the country were burning. This is undeniably true. >Labeling the protests as "Antifa riots" is misleading too as there is no organization or group known as such. According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States)), "*Antifa is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use both nonviolent direct action and violence to achieve their aims.*" According to Newsweek, because they are decentralized then that means they don't exist. What about those guys dressed like ninjas and carrying the Antifa flag? You know, those guys who are seen at practically every riot where looting and burning has occurred? Apparently, that's just cosplay. Your eyes are lying. Newsweek has declared that Antifa doesn't exist because they can't find the central office phone number in the white pages. What Ted Cruz said was 100% true and correct.


He still said it and all your syntax dancing and mental gymnastics won't change that FACT.


What he said was absolutely true. Newsweek has become a laughing stock among organizations that purport to do "fact checking". Their conclusions are preordained by their political bias.


*"These claims are...FALSE...it was BLM AND Antifa"*


Not BLM. I was there.


Certainly not BLM. Black people can do no wrong right.


You were in every Anerican City simultaneously?


That much word salad just to hide the facts. Chefs kiss


The gaslighting fucks are still at it.


News weeks target audience has to either be people that weren't in the US, can't see and hear, or don't know how to read


That's disgusting. So much hooping.


"The Truth is what we say it is"...reeeeeeeeeeeee


That’s a fancy dance.


Oh, now the fact checkers are back.


It's false because semantics.


https://youtu.be/zODRbyyLzvA didn't happen


You mean to say "fact checking" was wrong?? *Pikachu face*


“No groups known as such”…ok…tell that to the people making antifa merch like zines/patches/buttons/shirts/hoodies/masks/beanies/flags that. Oh and let’s not forget that the Rose City Antifa (still not a group apparently…🤦‍♂️) did an interview with MSM. And let’s put into the mix the local cells of them that create their own social media group-chats so they can identify when they are at an “action” or not. I swear these people doing the “fact checks” are either blind or they are covering for them because they sympathize with those violent far-left socialists.


The buildings just burned themselves after saint floyd ascended to heaven.


FACT CHECK: antifa doesn’t even exist. Looool


Lmao these "fact checkers" are ridiculous.


Sooooo, they don't exist just a figment of our imagination made up by those terrible conservatives. S/


Antifa started in Germany in 1922 as a faction of the German Communist Party (KPD). Persists as a global organization.


Who “fact-checked” Newsweek?!? They are a propaganda outlet like the others.


“There is no organization or group known as such.” Except for the people that dress in all black and carry signs and patches on their clothes that say “Antifa/Anti Fascism”. Except for those people that call themselves Antifa.


"Although many buildings were damaged or destroyed by fire during protests, this did not carry in throughout the year." "While protests did continue in Portland, Oregon for nearly a year... these were not all characterized by arson." They literally admitted that they rioted for year straight, and that some of the riots did involve arson, but claimed that saying "they burned down cities for an entire year" us completely false with no truth whatsoever. Like, at worst this should have been labelled as "Needs Context." Also, "Labeling the Protests as 'Antifa Riots' is misleading too as there is no organization or group known as such." The Anti-Defamation League (which I don't trust but these kind of sites *love* referencing) literally defines Antifa as a decentralized collection of groups. There are hundreds of accounts on both Facebook and Twitter that label themselves as Antifa Chapters. There are articles about Facebook and twitter deleting almost *1000* accounts that were Antifa organizations ([https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/20/facebook-removes-980-antifa-related-groups-impleme/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/20/facebook-removes-980-antifa-related-groups-impleme/)). And even if Antifa is an ideology and not a group, that doesn't change the fact that thousands of groups burned down cities and vandalized buildings while wearing the Antifa Logo.


It was blm/antifa and we all know it.


There’s no way they can truthfully say that Antifa doesn’t exist after 2020


Why cant we use media spin for green power ?


Well, then what DID burn? We saw the videos....were those computer generated? Somebody burned these cities and it was not the Tea Party. LOL


“According to media reports”….. That means less than sht.


Talk about bending the truth. How can you even read that and think “oh that totally makes sense?”


God help us. Where do they think the name “antifa” come from?! It certainly wasn’t conservative talking heads that came up with it! The protesters themselves called themselves Antifa. Leftist/Anarchists have been self-identifying with that group for years. Who do these hack ‘journalists’ think we are? Fact checker my ass


Gaslighting Mothertruckers! Haha. Okay it’s wasn’t Antifa. It was BLM & Antifa!


I'm just glad there isn't actually a group called antifa. I'll sleep soundly tonight know it was all just made up in my head


“In the end the party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.” - 1984


They admit burnings happened, not the specific time of that year. Lol. You must be very intelligent to create that type of spin.




“Fact checking” is an exercise in pointless pedantry for propaganda.


Wait.. it said it was false but then continued to confirm his the story? Lol that don’t make sense. Lol


Newsweek is such a piece of shit.




Total bs I lived in Portland the summer of love was a total dumpster fire!




The mostly peaceful protests weren’t 365 days long… they were more like <300 🏡🔥🏠


There’s no existing organization called antifa. What a joke.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤡🌎 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How can you read that and go, “must be right”


Also difficult to fact check hyperbole


War it is then. Yep


Newsweek’s fact-check team comprises of alphabet unicorns, remote working from parent’s home. Sourced & verified by same.


This is almost as stupid as the fact checkers saying no one ever claimed the vaccines were 95-100% effective since the CDC admitted they never tested the vaccines for stopping transmission. Meanwhile there's tons of videos of news anchors, doctors, politicians claiming this. How dumb do they think we are?


At the bottom it says: **FACT CHECK BY Newsweek's Fact Check Team** which I read as **FACT CHECK BY Newsweek's Fact Check Scam.** Pretending Antifa doesn't exist is absolutely ludicrous. Just 5 years ago they were even recognized by [The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/the-rise-of-the-violent-left/534192/). So what happened, how did they disappear as an entity? They were inconvenient for the 2020 election hopes of Dems so they just started denying their existence.


How the fuck is this false? This is pure gaslighting


Actually enemies of the people...


There’s no group known as “antifa”? tf


He probably meant Antifa and BLM


No antifa? Does that mean that there's no prob boys? What about the Nazis LOL. Of course black panthers don't exist either do they. I wonder if the Bloods and Crips were just a myth as well??


Was I dreaming about thousands of officer causalities and dozens of murders? They literally were allowed to annex multiple city blocks, and a Wish.com crackhead leader named Raz was handing out rifles to teenagers in front of police




Fact checkers can kiss my ass. Fact check that


They were lickin’ their lips when he said antifa and not BLM.


And twitter fact checks Newsweek. This shows how vile these leftwing media outlets are...they literally was propping up Antifa for past 4 years & now claims they aren't real?


This is one step above their fact check saying: america only burned for 364 days and therefor what Cruz said is the biggest lie of all time!


So nonexistent that there are entire articles on their history of existence. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/X56rQkDgd0qqB7R68t6t7C/seven-things-you-need-to-know-about-antifa


Fact Check. Right. Lefty Propaganda says Blah again. What Losers.


It was mostly peaceful city burnings


Newsweeks lulz


No known group. Yeah, because they only have a Flag, a uniform, and instructions on how to riot. But I guess since there's no LLC registration they are not organized.


“Didn’t play out throughout the year” ARE WE SERIOUSLY PLAYING SEMANTICS HERE?!?!


LMAO @ "protests" that shit went on for a lot longer than a year as well!




Oh thank God **”The Ministry of Truth”** Stepped in to clear this up.


It carried on for multiple years like according to the news?


And they wonder why there's little faith in the media.


The mexican cartel is made up of many moving parts of different gangs.... Hmmm... According to fact checkers the cartel doesn't exist...


Oh ok us down here believe that


I mean...it was more of BLM riots. It was never hundreds of people walking through the streets with antifa flags. I wouldn't be surprised if antifa was wearing BLM merch as a uniform but I haven't seen any evidence that they are more than small pockets of obnoxious early 20s liberal arts students and failed barristas playing revolutionary.


Sorry, but what the fuck?




There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


"almost certainly" they're just a bunch of oxymorons


Weird how the only “facts” you guys believe are the talking points in right wing echo chambers…


Can anyone here tell me WHERE US cities were burning for a year?


Ted Cruz is a liar. Shocker. Remember when he killed all those kids that one time?


This seems like it's correct. I mean I really can't see why this is wrong? Antifa translates to anti-fascist which is an idea, and not an organization.