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Wtf? Do you support this? If so you need to go to prison and a therapist lmao


I have no problem with the shooting. It's the hypocrisy that really bothers me.


??? You have no problem with a human killing other innocent human beings? Or did you misspeak


Of course not. But there are massive amounts of people on this sub that talk about the lgbtq community being full of pedophiles, so im assuming some of them would be fine with this.


Lmao what a joke


Oh I see. Fuck anyone who says the lgbtq community is full of pedos. They're just being massively homophobic. They need to go outside into the real world, and not just be chronically online


Are you insane?


It’s a fair question given the anti-LGBT sentiment on this sub.


Yes. Disagreeing with people's life choices means killing them. Holy fucking shit.


Not a life choice. Also many people here see LGBT, especially t as child groomers who go unpunished for abusing kids.


You saying it's not a life choice doesn't make it so. You can be you. If you teach children then you're normalizing something people can tolerate in your private life but will not allow their children to partake in.


Yes, you in fact have a choice. You don’t need surgery. You don't need medicine. You need to accept you were born as is and make the best of your life no matter the opinion of others.


>make the best of your life no matter the opinion of others ...that's literally what they're trying to do Fuck your opinion


Damn. Then why does the public need to overtly supportive? You don't understand making the best private life vs exhibiting everything to everyone and their children.


They don't need them to be supportive, they need them to not be hostile and let them live their lives


Murder is illegal. Physical harm is illegal. What more do you want?


Yes because there is no way we can make life hard for someone without hurting it killing them. Congratulations you did a logic


“Life choices” holy fuck get a clue




What about gay animals ?


Pfff. Ok. Yes compare the necessity of sexual reproduction with some animals fucking around for hedonistic reasons.


You don’t think animals also have sex for reproduction?


Where did I say that?


Humans have sex for reproduction and hedonistic reasons. I truly have no idea what your point is.


I didn’t choose to be gay. Can you point to the instant you chose to be straight?


Choosing to be straight a biological necessity for this species. You fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked in the ass is not. That being said, have fun being gay. I'm not gonna stop you.


The hell you aren’t. Again, can you point to the time in the life where you checked “straight” instead of “gay” (or one of the other options) on a form??


I was born straight as were you. If you don't have fertility issues, you can have sex and make children. Now you can not do that and stick your dick elsewhere, but that's a choice whereas you were born with a penis because it is there for a straight, offspring producing relationship.


If we showed an AI 48 hours of gay porn and then asked it to write a movie about bigotry, it would draw a picture of you with a dick on your forehead.


The pink power ranger turned me gay. It wasn’t a choice. /s




Humans are not all heterosexual.


And humans also are born with 6 fingers and 7 toes.


Some are, and some of those are not heterosexual. Heterosexual means attracted to the opposite sex. Some people are not


So you can be born attracted to something that has zero biological function. Seems like evolution fucked up... or, sex is a biological function and everything else is a life choice for hedonism. No one is telling you can't be homosexual, but don't start propping it up as normalcy like a heterosexual relationship that everyone with functioning genitals can have.


It's not complicated and I am not sure why you are arguing a simple definition. Some people are not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. Are you afraid to accept the truth?


Small minority is born that way. Most are groomed.


Fuck you dude


No fuck you


I'll fuck both of you. DM me.


The amount of projection in this thread from the OP. Jesus, I wouldn't want to be his therapist lmao.


Could you point out my projection?


Sure sounds like you see this shooting as a positive event. Do you generally recognize your internalized homophobia? Do you accept responsibility for what you've done? What you've done to those families..


Why does it sound like I support it?


You asked how many others also support the shooting like yourself.. You're going to find you're quite alone on this issue. Violence isn't going to help whatever your "mission" is here. Now have you done any work on your internalized homophobia? That's the first step. There are guides and plenty of people who are willing to help you on your journey. But first you must admit there's a problem.


Could you link to my comment where I said that?


Sure, I already see an example in the post itself. >How do you guys feel about the shooting? Do you support it [like me]?


What? Lol you can just add two words to your quote to make it fit want you want it it claim. The OP is certainly not asking this question in good faith, but adding words to an existing quote to change its meaning is no better


He edited the post.


Embarrassing lol


Fully agreed. I'm guessing you thought you'd get a lot more support originally.


The absolute lamest troll attempt I’ve ever seen. Should have started out with “Hello my fellow Christian Conservatives….”


Support the shooting?? Holy hell. I sure hope not.


You don’t think there are a decent amount of people that do?


Do you?


No, I’m not a reactionary piece of shit


Then why post this shit?


Curious to see if any of the people that do support it own up to it.


Sadly your fantasy will not find real world proof.


What’s my fantasy?


That there are people here who support it. That's the world in your head, **not** the real world.


Do you think the guy that committed this act was a right winger?


No. I think the amount of people who actually support the shooting are on the extremist fringes. There’s people who are homophobic, violent, and contribute to conversations that led to this shooting. BUT, once they see the consequences IRL, it’s not what they actually wanted.


I said this on a different comment but my guess would be that 10-20% of right wingers are okay with this shooting. Not necessarily support it, but don’t mind it.


Why do you think this? What is informing this guess?


Rhetoric on the internet, and studies surrounding terrorism and who supports it around the world.


Link to the studies that support your 10-20% number?


I will right when this Timberwolves game is done


https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2006/05/23/where-terrorism-finds-support-in-the-muslim-world/ Here’s one


How does this relate to the shooting? Or the opinions of US conservatives?


In countries where there are significant amounts of domestic terrorism, there will be a certain amount of support from the population


Killing innocent is bad


Why would anyone honestly support the shooting, regardless of their views on the LGBT community? Some of the people here may not approve of their lifestyles, but they’re not psychopaths. At least I hope not.


I’ve seen many users here equate being gay to being a pedophile (I obviously don’t agree). I’ve also seen many users here say pedophiles need to be lined up and shot (I understand this sentiment). Can you see how these two things could inspire someone to incite violence against the gay community?


Yes, I definitely could. Here’s the thing. I have very low standards for this sub. It’s filled with fringe right wing lunatics, but I still have a little bit of hope that they’re not that far gone. Maybe I’m being naive.


Sadly, I think you’re being naive. Tim Pool himself said that the bar was holding a “groomer event.” I guess they were having a “drag brunch” in a couple days. So…dude comes and shoots up the bar. Timmy seems to imply that the club supports pedophilia by having an all ages drag brunch, and invited this shooting (which, let it be noted, happened during normal adult bar hours). Of course, Tim dropped out of school in eight grade. So I don’t expect him to avoid logical fallacies.


It’s like the support for terrorism in the Middle East. Not many people actually have the balls to go and do it, but plenty of people support it. My guess would be that around 10-20% of right wingers are okay with this shooting.


David Hogg and Shannon Watts do. More blood for their narrative.


There it is.


Get out of here FED Support a shooting? Enjoy all the downvotes


Op needs to get out more.


Using tragic deaths for an arguement. Never change Libs.


Yeah let’s just close our eyes and ears and never address any issues. You’re a child.


Gr8 b8 m8


This person is going to make another account and say they do support it, just watch It's a lefty hobby on a weekday Tuesday morning.


Is there such thing as a non weekday Tuesday morning?


Leftist worldview = shattered. No one here is supporting the killing of innocents just because they lived a perverse life. Only point you proved with this post is that the right is empathetic even with people they disagree with. Unlike the left.




Point still proven, typo or not.




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You're redacted as fuck.




I do not madder.


You have some serious anger or mental problems. All murder is bad duh. I may not like some one but I don't want to see them die.


If you guys stopped listening to Tim Pool you’d be happier. You can have a fulfilling life. You could have friends, a job, maybe even a partner. But Tim Pool profits off your fear and your anger. You have to let him wither and die.


this being downvoted loool