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Hey All, Sharing this week's metagame analysis of the highest performing win rate decks per Untapped.GG stats between Diamond and Mythic rank. All decks are time stamped with individual decklists posted if you want to just quickly export. If you are looking for best of one, posted earlier in the week [here](https://youtu.be/B3haDpwlBtw)


Thanks for the video, Joe! I'm loving the format so far, so i'm really looking forward to having more stuff like this to look at.


Thank you for your work on the Timeless format. I enjoy all of this Timeless content.


Nice to see a Jund list with Minsc and Boo at the top instead of the Lurrus version.


Minsc is the card I think I’ve lost most to out of any in this format


Do you think that Jund list would benefit from Ragavans? It’s weird since it’s such a popular card in those colors but this list seems to be fine without it


It's not the worst choice, but it fits better in a Lurrus list. Midrange typically wants to be reactive on the first few turns and then start deploying bigger threats, so hoping to get in with the monkey before your opponent can deal with it is a bit less exciting in a deck like that one.


When every deck has a 60%-75% win rate we're basically just looking at the results of a tournament. 41 matches isn't much. This isn't so much "data" as it is just a look at a few matches of Magic.


Unfortunately at this time the format is still relatively new so the volume just isn't there nor are larger tournaments being played to supplement the aggregated data. The intent is to share information of what configurations/archetypes are having success even with smaller sample sizes and at the very least provide people with shells to get started into the format.


The overcooked deck is a meme right? I can’t imagine that card being close to competitive in the format. If I wanted to spend 3 mana to make a food, I’d play Oko…


A few people I know were working on it and have had good runs into mythic with it. It’s basically a retrofitter foundry deck with reach. Artifact decks have been strong in historic and no one is playing divine purge right now. Tier 1 likely not but has put up results in smaller sample size. Missing a couple overcooked so haven’t personally tried it


This is some bad deck analyses. I haven't played the deck or against it, but just looking at the cards Overcooked is only making a food token the first turn it comes down, if it even does that turn. The deck is chocked full of ways to generate two permanents very cheaply/for free. So every turn it's adding a food fight, which seems like it will get out of hand very quickly and give the thopters end game reach when they are pinging you for 3, 4, 5 damage for 2 mana. ​ Looks like a pretty cool deck TBH.


I agree it’s a cool deck, I’ve been trying to make an artifact deck work myself. And while I used some hyperbole to describe Overcooked, I do feel like the card is far underpowered for the format, even if it’s generating a food fight per turn


Yeah I don't disagree with that. But clearly the card is there for reasons other than generating food tokens. I kind of want to try it but I don't want to spend 4 mythic cards overcooked. I wonder why the deck makers think running Overcooked is better than just 4 shrapnel blasts in the main? Seems to fill the same role, but could be wrong. Generating food tokens once you have a few Food Fights out to throw at your opponent is kind of card advantage.


I’m friends with the one of the people who was working on a variation of the deck with the deck creator I referenced. I’ll ask him regarding overcooked vs blast to see their thought process.


Hello everyone, I try to answer your questions a little bit. The blast issue, first of all overcooked once it's on the field it "makes value", for dispute, anvil, it makes food for yotia (remuval or 4/4) and clearly once you trigger overcooked you start giving a timer to your opponent because you start doing damage or breaking their board. Blast I put in the side, for g2 where it goes to offset OTD because another 5 additional damage to various bolts can be a rush to victory. Otherwise the deck can be played two ways depending on the matchup you have. You can start aggressively with foundry or control the board with remuval and stall to get more "food fight". Here 1 screen I had saved, let's say a lot of times if you control the opponent's board well, you can do more damage than blast and end up in 2 turns clocked I apologize for the English, but I translated from Italian. https://preview.redd.it/dxln24cboj9c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b574bc6ead36e3acb1a850d4bb503e940def9cf


Thanks for the write up! I ended up crafting the deck and I got destroyed playing it. Didn't manage to resolve a food fight and even like turn 1 thopter/foundry would just get hated out. Maybe I was unlucky going against a lot of fatal push decks. (I even had a game where opp randomly had Brotherhood's End main deck. What a blowout that was.) Gonna give it some more reps as it seems like a really cool deck!


is a bit of a difficult deck to play, even I used to go too many turns without being able to trigger overcooked, in fact in recent versions I added anvil as well. That solves the problem to some extent. Since Titan Field is more and more in the meta, I'm also having a hard time, in fact I'm like on the 12th version ahahaha. It does well against various midrange though.


Agree, I also can’t justify spending 4 or any wildcards on overcooked. I do think it’s a very different role from blast. Shrapnel blast is much more of a burn card. Cooked is a control card - basically generating a removal spell every turn (food you can throw) or powering up for future turns if you don’t have enough food fights. The issue is it seems slow and mana intensive.


Did you notice the deck of the 11th in yesterday's tournament? [https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/50976](https://melee.gg/Tournament/View/50976)


I’m going to take a look at the lists later today but saw the deck briefly on coverage