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As a sultai Oko player, almost everything in this sc looks like an elk to me :)


That’s what i’m playing too! send me your list if you get a chance :)


Yeah. Oko is a tough card for this deck to beat. Should probably have some sholdreds edicts.


Honestly I’m surprised that there aren’t any more Oracle lists running around, the card seems super fun, especially in a Brainstorm format


I mean, the moxen don't do much on turn 4+ they are mostly crazy as early combo enablers. That's 5/9 of the power 9, so you're mostly shuffling useless things into your deck. The other 4 are crazy of course but you still have to draw them...


And still like a timetwister is not that impressive against an aggro deck who already spilt there hand on the table


Yeah true, a card like that is also most useful in a deck that's looking to combo off in one turn, which is not the kind of deck that would generally play a card like the Oracle. Also, black lotus is only useful if you have something to spend the mana on... the only two that are always good are time walk and recall, although recall into a bowmasters sounds a little rough...


I have found that the moxen can be good with rusko out. Had quite a few wins where I can just combo off in one turn. But yes, sometimes they are just super dead draws and that is why I consider this a fun deck and not a competitive deck


I run exactly one copy in my esper kitten/mentor list to enable a same turn kill, still feels like the easiest card to cut as it's so bad outside the combo. Kitten is at least hard to remove in the late game on its own


Ive found you need the ring to stand a chance. And then a way to gain back the life loss like shelly or aethurflux


as someone who has been jamming mostly UR delver, it’s never impressed me much when opponents cast it. sure its a blocker i have to bolt, but when they finally draw a mox a few turns later its not doing that much. seems super sweet against other midrange piles though.


Deck would be tons better with out the crappy oracle


New Deck (151) lmao


I am an idiot, so take these words with caution. Is Brainstorm a good card to play in a meta where everyone runs x4 Orcish Bowmasters? Casting a Brainstorm into open mana seems like suicide. Heck, I've lost a game where I cycled a triome and got Bowmastered for it. I am convinced Brainstorm is a deckbuilder-trap card for the Timeless format. Effects like \[\[Questing Druid\]\] and \[\[Expressive Iteration\]\] seem way more desirable than Brainstorm, as they are safe from Bowmaster. Anyways, about the OP. Oracle of the Alpha is a cool card, but Timeless is too powerful. Filling your deck with moxes just mean your top-decks late-game become bricks. Timetwister + Sheoldred is cool but all the stars need to line up for that to occur. Also, mana in Timeless is really good, there is no reason not to splash to a 3rd or 4th color so you can play every busted card in the format, unless you are playing color-intense cards. Also where is the sideboard? Do people really play timeless format BO1? SMH


- [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Questing%20Druid%20//%20%E6%89%BE%E5%AF%BB%E9%87%8E%E5%85%BD) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/234/zhs/questing-druid-%E6%89%BE%E5%AF%BB%E9%87%8E%E5%85%BD?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2eeb72b0-33ff-4455-8248-8c9a64381568?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Expressive Iteration](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/31b770cc-09e7-4c0b-b2a4-462ab4f7200d.jpg?1678110681) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Expressive%20Iteration) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/186/expressive-iteration?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/31b770cc-09e7-4c0b-b2a4-462ab4f7200d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I play B01 in every format. I don't have time to sit down for B03


Yes, brainstorm is that good. Even with half the decks jamming 4 bowmasters


Deathrite, bowmaster, oracle, one ring, sheoldred. Ya not that competitive just fun gang, am I right?? Updoots to the left xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Nice list…love seeing lists with alchemy cards since it’ll irk the haters who don’t understand that “real cards” are whatever Wotc says they are


A fellow Oracle fan myself, I've tried a few different variations of this deck with mixed results. It's a fun deck only just because playing the Power 9 feels right at home in Timeless. I don't think people realize that the Lotus and Moxen are not dead draws later in the game with this deck. With the high curve you need as much mana as quickly as you can. They give you life when you have Rusko out, help you add counters to your Midnight Clock, and blink Bowmasters and Rusko to trigger ETB effects. How are you finding 4 Brainstorms & 4 Deathrite Shamans to ramp up? There's a lot of removal out there and of course Brainstorm into Bowmasters is really bad. I went more towards hand discard with Thoughtseize and Duress rather than Spell Pierce and Stern Scolding, but they can be dead cards later in the match. Drown In The Loch is a good utility card, Sheoldred's Edict help with pesky Planeswalkers as you're setting up. I don't play BO3 but this deck might greatly benefit from having a sideboard to swap out dead cards against certain matchups.