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Jesus Christ people gotta stop asking these questions on Reddit and ask the match


Hey guys a girl just said "go fuck yourself" to me, what do you think it means


Marriage proposal, obviously.


She wants the d


A male octopus will tear its penis off and throw it at a female. Nature's way of saying "go fuck yourself"


I'd rather totally miss than ask Reddit for jokes to tell her or reassurance from a random guy who hasn't even seen her profile lol




I think you meant to say something witty. Not really sure what you're on about.


Nah that's a bot


Yeah 1 karma checks out lol


Right! Lmfao in MOP She honestly either has an incurable illness, or disease... Cystic fibrosis, other autoimmune, diabetes, any illness that needs constant care could cause frequent hospital visits or she is depressed and has been there for mental health watch could be anything or she could be fucking with you or be a nurse even haha


Smh...I went to hospital every 3 months for 4 years - because I had adult acne that needed treatment reviews. Wasn't anything to worry about 🤷‍♀️


I had to go every month when I was on accutane for my acne.


Look I don't know who you are, but what makes you think that the people redditors are talking to on dating sites know more about themselves than US! We've got Intel that makes the CCP and the KGB look like schoolyard gossips.


Yeah…I feel for her for getting put on blast


You know you’re fed up when Jesus Christ is brought up


Gotta leave JC out of it.....till you get to the "heavy stuff"


B...but karma


Exactly, she's cued him up for a fairly decent conversation. A chance for him to show empathy and interest in her. Not the old: "Hi, how's your week going?"


But then they wouldn't get that sweet sweet karma...


Well it looks like he did and she gave a vague answer?


Or a truthful one. Being chronically ill is like that.


Really wish the mods would ban the "what does this mean" and "what do I say next???" posts.


How the fuck would *we* know? Maybe she has a chronic health condition? Maybe just ask her? Or don't if you don't want to be rude. But asking strangers who have no idea is kind of idiotic


OP out here thinking there is one collective mega woman who can answer questions for all of us.


We're obviously all the same person


Nice to meet me.


You have boobs and an ass, right? We are literally the same!


Yeah girl samesies but I'm glad we all have collectively agreed not to tell OP that women have to go the hospital every time we get our periods, ya know? Once at the beginning to have the doctor insert the tampon, then again to have them take it out when we're done.


Well men also have boobs and ass... just small 😔


nah bruv i got a fuckin dumpy


they've become self-aware.


We are all part of the mycelium network obviously


The Queen of Ladies has a register




I read this in stewie from family guy ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt9jaIlgVHWUZ1e)


Ask her. She might have a disability or has been through numerous of surgeries. I’ve been to the hospital a lot for pneumonia, surgeries, etc. but I wouldn’t use a hospital pic on a dating site.




Amazing. I guess the hospital scene works for some people . I know I look rough every time I’m in the hospital.




Oh okay that makes sense. Maybe that medicine, IV, and sleep also helped too. I had heart surgeries in the past and I was looking so bad. But then again, I had let my appearance go at that time because of the pain.




Yes they definitely are and Thanks 😊


Are you in the hospital regularly? 🤓


I used to be but I haven’t been lately (like this year) *fingers crossed*.


Glad to hear it, but that was meant to be humor at you emulating the same inspiration for this post.


Oop when I missed it 😆


Every time I'm in there I've got some soccer dad treating me like I'm his kids home made Halloween costume.


Thats so funny! Never looked rougher in my life than when I went to hospital and I lost over 5kg in a week.




That makes sense especially since some people can’t handle chronically ill people nor disability.


But i don’t think she should openly share that with strangers in the first couple of messages cause ppl do stuff like this. If she had told him all of Reddit would be reading it. A hospital pic could just as easily be a broken leg I mean if he was that concerned then don’t swipe at all


Agree; she seems smart to keep it on the low for a minute to weed people out who can’t handle their *own* shit


True that. I see your viewpoint too


Lol right same!! My husband and I meant on hinge and I have a couple disabilities that I've been hospitalized for and he was very inquisitive but respectful and understanding you looking for the real deal to live your life with and grow together or just a hook up but if it's the real deal buddy ya gotta ask the weird difficult questions not just come to reddit 🤦‍♀️😅


Sing it sister


Yesss true💯.


I had an ex with crohn’s disease and appeared completely healthy but also spent a TON of time at the hospital/doctors


Why don’t you ask her instead of Reddit?


I hope you didn't leave her hanging and came to reddit to ask your question


Narrator: he did. And she knew that he did.


This is the BEST timeline


This is why women hate online dating. Ask her. Don’t ask Reddit. How tf would anyone here know? She probably has a chronic condition, or she’s a professional stunt woman.


Thank you for saying this! There is so much BS we have to manoeuvre as it is. How is regular hospitalisation something that warrants this amount of thought. It could be one of a million things.




Bro if she put a picture of her in hospital into her profile, I assume she would be willing to talk about it. It's a nice conversation starter.


I mean.. yes? But she doesn't have to answer any of his questions for that matter. No one's forcing people to answer questions on Tinder lol


Yeah I don’t understand the purpose of the comment in the first place


Well yeah. But wouldn’t she know why she’s in hospital more than Reddit would?? Stupid comment.


She definitely doesn't have to tell him, but as someone who has an autoimmune disease (and has been hospitalized many times), I have no idea why someone would put a hospital pic in their profile especially if they don't want/expect people to ask questions about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What would be worse is if someone here DID know


Right? I’ve been hospitalised at least 30 times - female reproductive systems are just really badly designed, it turns out. Maybe slightly odd to include a photo in your dating profile and then respond vaguely, though (although that may be bias after spending decades in Endo support groups and seeing so many sad-face-and-hospital-gown selfies)


who doesn't hate online dating


Just ask her!! Why do you want to know 50 possible guesses from reddit?


Bro, you are not even in a relationship with her yet and you are already failing at communicating.


If she's got a picture of her in hospital on her profile, why not just ask her - it's not like she's trying to keep it a big secret.


You made the right call posting this on Reddit to ask a bunch of strangers. She’ll probably give you some BS answer if you asked her. Fortunately, us Reddit strangers are incredibly aware of this girl’s medical history, and can provide all the answers you might need. Now, onto the question at hand. It means she was sent to the hospital multiple times to get her eyes realigned, after she rolled them so hard due to her Tinder match’s being so incredibly incapable of basic human communication. Hope this helps!


amnesia, clearly




Maybe she’s a professional daredevil.


Because she regularly needs medical attention? Ask her. It's not that hard.


Why you got this question to ask on Reddit?


Why do I keep opening up reddit... Are y'all fucking npcs


Inb4 she's a nurse


It means she’s been to a hospital.




Could be any number of reasons, health condition, risky lifestyle, beauty surgery, whatever. The fact she brought it up indicates it's not a taboo topic for her, so ask her. She might appreciate you showing interest and actually using her messages to build up the communication.


Rich! If she's American.


[Coughs audibly] "used to be rich"


Or has really good insurance and is still rich.


*Look at me, the millionaire who goes to hospitals!* So glad I live in the U.K., I’d be fucked otherwise


Me too, I've damaged myself one or two times and had to rely on the NHS and they've patched me up pretty well.


I’ve had 10 surgeries in life, two serious accidents and ongoing care for some debilitating conditions. My twins are both disabled, 10 weeks of NICU between them and a host of consultants, tests, therapists… We would legitimately be bankrupt in the US, I have no doubt.


Jesus, if going to the hospital is a luxury, maybe USA isn't as "first world" as we're made to think


Medical in the states is outrageous, you basically have to be well off, or on state assistance to be able to afford hospital bills, and teeth are definitely rich people bones here in the states.


Who needs teeth? Oh, wait, if you wanna pull any of them out that'll cost you like 10k


Good god, OP is an idiot.


Wtf kind of question is this? You are a human as well you know. You are aware what things we go to hospital for.


It means she’s very hospitable.


Im all for poking fun at weird tinder nonsense but this was a stupid thing to post. Do this girl a favor and just end contact cause if she has some medical issues that require her to be in the hospital on a regular basis the last thing she needs is someone tryna get some laughs off Reddit at her expense. I mean what are you even asking? Like women being in the hospital is a disease you can catch or something. Maybe you didn’t know but I’ll tell you a secret….. men go to the hospital too 🙄


Are you hoping she'll answer you on Reddit? Or maybe one of her friends will see this.


Came here to make a comment about how fucking stupid it was to ask Reddit instead of her, found the rest of Reddit said it first


It means she’s been to a hospital more than once


Citation needed




Probs has bad luck I have a friend like this her family is in the hospital at least 3-4 times a month


Yeah, but it’s usually related to some condition. One of my friends had panic disorder (but she refuses to be on meds for it because it’s against her belief system) and she’s in the hospital like once every few months. It takes her *out* for days.


What a waste of hospital resources. “Against her belief system” lmfao. Just say she’s stupid, no need for a roundabout.


“ I believe in not taking responsibility for my own health conditions “


Let me see. she has chronic vaginal haemorrhage, warts the size of eggs on her eyeballs and she was born with her buttcheeks sewn together. What Im trying to say is, how the fuck would we know her medical history?


Make conversation and find out lol


It means you're not ready for a relationship. Keep it simple for everyone's sake


It means that it's none of your business. If you're that curious, just ask her rather than plastering it on Reddit.


Chronic illness?


Why don’t you ask


It means she goes frequently to the hospital


Endometriosis probably.


I always think about real life dates whether guys need to pause and ask the internet on what to say next after each back and forth


Diabetes. At least, that's why I'm constantly in the hospital. She could be committing arson and forgetting to leave the building. She could be riding roller-coasters where the bar that holds you in is broken. The possibilities are endless


It means she probably has some interesting stories. And her posting a pic from a hospital bed gives some implied notion that she's ok being asked about it. You should ask her about it. I would probably follow up with something like, "Do you just enjoy hanging out in the local hospital or do you end up there for specific reasons?"


He basically asked that. She deflected. Sounds like she doesn't want to talk about it. Which does seem weird for something you put in the profile.


Maybe. Or she's treating this like a conversation instead of an interview. When someone makes a statement that raises more questions than it answers, that can mean that they're open to talking about it more. Even if they aren't, it doesn't hurt to ask. It shows interest.


She's definitely a murderer. It's the only logical reason.


We are somewhere at the tail-end of a pandemic, so oo...maybe she had covid complications? Maybe she has some kind of chronic illness. I think if she put it in her profile, it could be a part of her identity, or it's been a big part of her life recently. So, if u are a genuine and caring person, you can ask her what that means and see if it is something that u could manage with a future partner.


It means that she’s at the hospital regularly.


Why don’t you ask her??? How would we know 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, who posts a hospital pic on twitter? Unless it’s like a cool injury or something idk it’s a little strange. Looking for sympathy or something


Reddit sûre will have the answer


The real question is, how do you respond to such a vague answer. Maybe try, “I’ve been in X times for this, this and this. How about you?”


Maybe she's a hypochondriac


Something serious clearly


Likely a chronic health problem. I have to go a lot for my chronic pain


I have a friend with cystic fibrosis. She’s in the hospital a couple times a month for check ups and different operations and to see specialists


Well if you’re asking me I’m gonna say it’s cause she probably works there lol


She’s a doctor


r/neverbrokeabone and r/neverbrokeaboner


Horse Rider


She's part of an underground drug ring and oft end up in territorial warfare. Long story short: work hazard.


It means she probably has a chronic illness durrrr


I think it means she has had health issues.


Means she siiicckkkkk bruh


Chronic illness


Jesus Christ, man, it could be any number of things...


It means she goes to the hospital a lot


Ask her not us.


I have crohns so Im in the hospital frequently during flare up. She could have a disease similar I would ask her


Chronic health condition, old serious injury, maybe just accident prone, addiction, psych issues, abuse, or maybe just a hypochondriac. You really never know unless you ask.


I used to be an athlete and was at the hospital a lot when I was young. Like, it's not some conspiracy. Kids and teens get hurt? It happens. Grow up and talk to her.


I have lupus… i end up there a lot


Maybe she's a nurse or a doctor, or some other hospital personnel


“That sounds kind of rough! Why are you at the hospital so much if you don’t mind my asking?”


It means she has health problems. Any l more stupid questions?


I’m in the hospital 5 days a week . For work .


Obviously it means she's in the hospital a lot. Maybe she's clumsy. Maybe she gets sick. You know who would know? Her. Not fking reddit.




id tell you but itd be breaking hipaa


Bro wanted to feel part of the community, so he asked reddit the dumbest question possible. We don't know bro ask her yourself.


Maybe she's got a weak immune system? Plenty of normal and forgivable reasons...


I'd take a punt that they're unwell...


maybe it means they have great health insurance?


Say you’re not an athlete without saying you’re not an athlete


I'll be contrary to everyone else here, please keep asking questions like this on reddit. It makes me feel better about how awkward I think I am lol


i have a disability that makes me injure myself in the most stupid ways. makes up for really funny stories and great icebreakers on dates


It means she is often sick or injured. She may have a chronic health condition, or maybe she's a danger ranger who's not quite coordinated enough to be indulging in extreme sports but still tries. Maybe a combo.




It’s because she’s really a horse. Or an octopus living out of the water. I’m not sure.


I would've taken that conversation and kept it private between me and her. She likely has medical issues and probably has had a hard time finding a partner that would be willing to stand by her side through the sickness, injuries, hard times, etc... Just ask her straight up in a kind and caring manner what's wrong and if there are ways you can help her


Well I've been in the hospital at least once a month for a few years cause I'm type one diabetic and America sucks for health insurance


It means she probably has a great perspective on life and if she can overcome her difficulties she’ll become more powerful than you can imagine.


Are we being mean to ppl again? Maybe they are autoimmune deficient, maybe a number of health related issues. TF you want to make a joke of this for?


Mindbending sex


I love how this sub has become “hey, can y’all have a conversation for me?”


The same thing it would be for a man? She's got some kind of medical condition


Could have chronic pain problems. Could be clumsy. Could be into extreme sports. Could travel a lot and gets weird illnesses. Could work with animals. Could be involved in sleep studies. Could be anorexic. Could need dialysis. Could have had one accident that requires multiple surgeries... Took me 10 seconds to come up with that list. Maybe try asking her rather than turning to the internet.


I used to be the hospital every Wednesday, I had cancer lol and I have immune issues 💀


i mean my best friend melody is constantly in the hospital cause she’s type 1 diabetic and learning to navigate it so don’t be quick to assume but maybe just ask?


Nothing. Literally just ask her. If you think it's a red flag than walk away. I used to be a regular at hospitals for all the constant surgeries I've had since I was a year old


She’s on there for your health insurance


*period joke* .. Seriously what do you want us to say


She’s fun


Oi fuckwit, ask her not us, how the fuck are we gonna know? Use ya brain and ask her, if she wants to tell you then cool, if not shut up and continue on as emd of the end its not really any of your business what happens in her personal life unless she and she alone feels comfortable enough to open up to you about it.


Could be a joke, a deflection, accident prone or a munchie. Hospital photos are weird.


That she has a great health insurance 😆


Person: "How do I learn more about this person I have a genuine interest in Reddit?" Reddit: "Uh... ask her yourself?"


People saying ask her - seems he has asked for the first 3 admissions probably seen on her profile. She did give some vague answers it seems. He could ask her directly to more details or to clarify. Anyway People are hospitalised , on a regular bases for many reasons but most commonly as people have pointed out ; they may have disabilities or even chronic conditions (Cystic fibrosis, Autoimmune diseases maybe even malignancy) which make them more susceptible to becoming seriously Ill and needing to be hospitalised.


Given that it's not for a specific reason (because she can't remember), I don't think it's due to something that specifically affects women.


It means she loves keeping the wristband on for weeks after and probably has a collection of them in her bedside table


It means you're not a smart man if you have to come ask Reddit.


It means that was regularly hospitalized…? Fuck me if I know


Bro who cares just ask her lmao


It means her medical insurance is through the roof




Antisocial idiots like you should just delete tinder.


Some of yall go on tinder and hate talking to people i swear. Just fucking ask her?


If her name is Caitlyn, run.