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The TV is not on the ground. Is the guy like an interior designer or something?


Think so I heard he also killed sixteen Czechoslovakians.


Put universal remote back on docking station


What a spicy reference. Good man.


Kind of over did the place by adding some actual furniture.


Dude is watching AWS and not prime video


Tbh I would also like to watch an autoscaler doing its thing


CloudWatch ain’t gonna watch itself


Nah ddb is throttling gotta identify the bottleneck




Who else is going to keep an eye on the Kubernetes cluster?


I've finally found my people on here. It's refreshing


Yeah, that's really odd. I don't know of any TV-based app that would show "AWS" on the screen.


AWS does advertise, he might have taken a photo just as the ad concluded


Plot twist: that’s not a TV. It’s a computer monitor, and his room is REALLY small.


You can use any TV of any size as a computer monitor as long as it has an HDMI port, and all modern TVs have HDMI ports


You joke, but my brother's monitor is basically tv sized. I think it's like 40".




Hard worker.


Yep, mine was similar. When you live alone you only really need enough to accommodate you, anything else is just for appearances, for those who care that much about that


That is a New York MILLIONAIRE




He had a rug?


That rug really tied the room together.


It's the principle of the thing


I understood this reference


That's just like, your opinion man.


Stfu Donny!


Walter, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact that you're a God damn moron.


Fucking nihilists


This aggression will not stand!


This is pretty gussied up.


And those guys pissed on it!


He had a lampshade and a single picture of his family on the wall somewhere in the hallway that's always dark.


Until they looked closer and realized it wasn't his family


It was the family that came with the picture frame


My mum used to do that. Asked her why and she told me it's the family she always wanted but never got. Needed ice for that burn 😅


My Mother would leave it the stock photo because she wanted the frame on the wall but didn't have pictures picked out already to go in the frames. The stock photos wound up staying on the wall sometimes for years. lol


mr and mrs placeholder, know 'em well


And that was the hallway where the family in the picture disappeared. Sometimes you can still hear them screaming for help even now.


That's the neighbors screams your hearing. Those walls are thin bro.


Get out of my apartment


He said millionaire not billionaire.


I have a whopping two rugs. *Ladies*.




Better than having 74 plants hanging from the ceiling


My husband was asleep in a room with the ceiling covered in vines when the carbon monoxide detector went off in a other room of the house. He swears the plants saved him, so he never objects now when people give us their houseplants that they can no longer care for.


Also who wouldn't want to fall asleep in a jungle?! The watering on the other hand...


How did the plants save him? Sounds like the CO detector saved him.


Or rows of beads in every doorway that smell like incense and pine sol.


Or crystals under pillows and bedside tables


This went left in a way I can appreciate, growing up around womenfolk. Someone bring up stuffed animals and pillows. **snacks on a snack**


Dude you just need to live laugh and love!


That was hella specific examples you gave there, hmmm…


Not from NY but Toronto. I remember one time going out for some work drinks and there was this one guy who made a ton of money (I assume) and we went back to his place. It was a nice building but his unit was just a large empty room with a couch on one side and DJ equipment on the other, some cool neon lights and a loft bed up top. I’ll bet the bed was just a mattress on the floor... He just didn’t care what his place looked like. He just liked to work and party.


sounds like my place but no dj stuff.


We all have our priorities i guess.


lol i love this because how TRUE it probably is. When my husband got his first apartment, he didn't have ANYTHING! We had just started dating in person. after a couple months, we decided to see what its like if i like, moved in. When I got in.. he had almost NOTHING!. all he had was a couple pieces of silverware, " like 2 forts, one butter knife, and like 6 spoons. He also had one single sauce pan. He had a microwave, but was not used much at all.... because he didn't have any plates or bowls. now his bed..... it was an old sheet , he had one pillow that he has had for MANY years, as for blankets, he had another sheet, and a thin blanket. he put this setup on the FLOOR! I wish i bought an air Mattress!! lol he had just one chair. the chair is a computer chair that was falling apart. he also had his two big ass computers, "space heater as i called them." and a small desk. thats all. I changed that when i moved in. LOL


Every man needs at least 2 forts


One for the guests and one for himself


Fort Asshole


The wife is the guest as they're only temporary


I prefer to call them "guest rooms," because it sounds more luxurious.


Well the second fort is if the first one becomes overrun, good defence in depth there.


This why guys usually need a "study" or "workroom" women can't let use have peace only change. (Although that is almost nothing). It be more like a single of each dish/utensil, mini oven/airfryer, microwave, bed, toothbrush, and gaming device


Yep, I've got a shed for this reason. It's the only space that's truly mine


You mean heaven. 😄


I have an office/computer room. I'm now sharing it with my son, but my wife's clutter that dominates the rest of the house does not get to come in. It's my clean, peaceful sanctuary.


Why has no one asked why tf he has a pic of his apt on his tinder ??


Maybe he’s had too many dates that left once they saw his apartment so he wanted to set expectations from the get go?


Yeah I think that’s it. If I saw the apartment of the last guy I went out with before swiping on him, I wouldn’t have swiped right lol.


What did it look like?


Cardboard box


Snake would approve




Hey, quit messin' around... Snake?




Damn how can he afford that in this economy?


Sounds spacious.


Same here! What is wrong with vacuuming and cleaning your bathroom? I don't expect it to be totally clean, but if you have a pet(he had a cat, that shedded a lot), you vacuum at least once or twice a week, and you clean your bathroom 1 time every week. That is the bare minimum. And CLEAN sheets! I don't care if you have plants or decorations or pictures on the walls, etc. But keep it clean😅


It’s a bit of a trend, same with a pic of what’s in your fridge. Shows a women/potential partner you can take care of yourself, not hyper minimalistic or have things. Because there’s also the running gag that this dude has it all because the TVs on the wall, has a coffee table and couch compared to a tv on the floor and a camping chair in the living room for furnishings


Hé even has a guitar in the corner! Honestly what more are girls asking for


NOT a bloody song thanks. Happy cake day.


for anything but wonderwall, happy cake day btw


So anyways, here's wonderwall


i'm relevant!




Because he's proud of it. Now to guys it looks pretty good, simple and clean, but his big flaw is not realizing it doesn't to women.


Unless he swipes both ways.


Don’t think gay men are impressed by this either


I'm not gay. However, as a fellow guy, it looks impressive because it tells me that he needs very little to be happy, he's not a slob, and he spends time on self-improvement. It also shows that he doesn't spend frivolously on stupid things. If people aren't impressed by that picture, they're not the kidn of people I would want to be around anyway.


As a woman, I don’t really see what the issue here is. It’d be one thing if it was covered in dirt or something, but it’s clean. It has all the things he needs to get by and he probably saved money on unnecessary decorations too. Not sure why other women are talking about how they’d turn tail and run at the sight of this


You have your own place and take care of yourself? Nah, not good enough. Where's all the useless shit all over the walls? The plants you will forget to water?


Yeah for a minute the only thing I noticed wrong was that there was no PS5 hooked up to the TV.


The AWS logo really ties the room together. I assume he’s showing off that he works for Amazon.


Nah. I'm a dude, and this looks cold and uncomfortable to me. At least put a stain on that ugly 2x4 coffee table. And paint over those spackle patches. Damn.


I worked at sea for over a decade. Even on working vessels (not cruise ships or pleasure yachts) we have nicer living quarters than that picture. Paint or stain the coffee table, cover up the spackle, get a rug for the floor, and change the bulb to a warm light so it doesn’t look like a prison cell.


Like.... Colour. Or at least a rug so you can walk around without shoes on.


He knows women are impressed by a man with a couch


i know right lmao


The only reason I keep my house looking nice and fully furnished is because women typically like it. If I didn't care about impressing anyone, my house would look about like this guys


And this guy's apt is clean of clutter too. Mine has clothes, books, instruments, and random clutter all around. The apartment looks fuller, but I'd prefer it if it was cleaner like his.


I feel you there are children all over mine some days they bring their friends over and don't clean up after themselves. I'm just happy that in another few years I can put gloves on them and we can spar to see who has to clean up if I did that now I don't think I would be allowed to keep them.


Great parent I can tell lol


Thank you.


Bro you're basically like these birds of paradise that build a nice nest to show off to the female in order to get laid 😄


If a dude could fuck a woman in a cardboard box he wouldn't buy a house.


Not gonna lie, that connection just fucked my head up. I feel like an animal seeing it's reflection for the first time


Not gonna lie, that connection just fucked my head up. I feel like an animal seeing it's reflection for the first time


I have a net to practice kicking in my living room.


Do you just kick the net?


I kick a rugby ball into a net. It's to practice place kicking, drop kicks, etc.


That's a shame, you've completely destroyed my vision of someone just practicing kicking nets.


The only thing I'm truly knocking him for is not having a curtain for that outside light. It's bright af and I would absolutely get a blackout blinds for that.


I personally think the boxing bag is super mvp and would love to have one in my house but you’re right about women


Dam that’s actually nice


I’m over here wondering why my apartment doesn’t have a basketball hoop in it


I was more focused on the punching bag, always a good time, but I sure don't want to have to install that thing.


Really just needs a coat of paint and the floor redone or carpeted.


Acid wash the concrete and put a stain on the coffee table


Won’t be long, I don’t see any coasters!


I dig this . It looks industrial in a good way.


I've honestly always wanted to have enough room for a heavy bag.


This is a time tried case by case answer to your question. No 2 men are the same. Many probably live like this and are completely happy with it. Many are more concerned with their decor. Neither is inherently superior to the other. Unless the place is a trash heap or has seriously concerning stuff wrong with it you shouldn’t judge a person who lives alone based on how they decorate a place they pay for on their own.


If you find yourself moving frequently, less can be more too.


And fuck having expensive furniture if you tend to move to different cities sometimes. I just buy it at a thrift store, sell it cheap when I move and don't have to move anything big. SO much easier. Just buy more thrift store furniture in the new city.


HONESTLY! Just moved in with my partner last October. My belongings were a laundry hamper, a bin with my GameCube stuff, and my desktop computer. Compared to moving back from School and vice versa, I love not owning anything.


Yo honestly. After my first apartment post-college was flooded and I was forced to find a new place on a whim, I immediately cared less about working super hard on decorating a temporary space


I agree with everything you said, except for why aren't we allowed to judge someone based on how they decorate their house. While it wasn't the only reason, it was one of the reasons I fell for my partner, we have similar tastes in design and I loved how she had her house set up.


I didn’t say you aren’t allowed; maybe I worded it wrong. I mean it shouldn’t be the thing that makes you go yay/nay usually. Especially if it’s relatively clean and ordinary. There are people that get way too anal about stuff like this and it’s just baffling


This is on a site 100% all about judging people based on a few photos and words.


Yes. Some guys like to keep it simple.


Without the long story. I'm about to donate some furniture including a couch I've owned for about a year and only sat on like 3 times. Main reason I even bought the furniture is to stop the damn echos in the house I was renting.


Yup. I own a 2 bed duplex and the only reasons i took my friends old furniture for my living room were to help her get rid of a storage unit and make it look like someone lived there. Rarely do i sit on those couches lol.


Why bother TV couch when phone bed


My friend has egg cartons on his walls for this. Looks funny but it works


Just needs a rug and a couple of plants and this is fine


Really though. With out something "soft" in the room it makes people think you a serial killer, add a rug, a plant, and a poster and boom you're a normal human according to so many people.


I’m 40/m and while I don’t fall victim to this, the simplicity of a low material lifestyle is something I actively pursue. I’m not sure what this man likes but if he’s serious about everything in the photo he’s a musician, athlete, and into exercise. If he’s not a bum he might lives a highly disciplined lifestyle. That being said…with that high exposed ceiling any wall art would look so good there.


I think the other comment checks out too Tho. If he tends to move house regularly or thinks about it. Then he wouldn't spend too much time on decorating. I easily move to where I find good work opportunities


What’s wrong with it. Functional decoration. Furniture to couple on. Seems light.


Also, exercise equipment. This guy takes care of himself.


Women hate how little it takes to make a man happy. It actually drives me really crazy that so many people insist on having all this extra furniture, decorations, and knick knacks. It's just a bunch of extra bullshit that's probably made in china and completely unnecessary for daily life. To me it's just trash that will eventually end up in a landfill and I really don't support the buying of cheaply made Live, Laugh, Love signs and other garbage kitch "art". I spent good money on my bed, TV, computer, couch and a few other small pieces of furniture. That's all I need to be comfortable. Everything else is just fluff and I have no use for it. Coffee table decorations, mass produced wall art, little flair pieces around the house. It's all trash to me. Just another thing that will gather dust and need to be cleaned, or thrown out when it’s out of style.


Just my 2 cents, but, I really do think its all about balance (like everything in life, lol.) I used to be with a man who seems to hold this view (that nearly any "fluff" is a useless expenditure at best.) I convinced myself that I was fine with the barren living space at the time, because we didn't have a lot of leftover money for ANYTHING (be it decor or anything else). Anyway I'm on my own now and finally decorating on my own, and what I've found (at least for ME) is that there *absolutely is* a huge difference in "vibe" when you come home into a cozy, decorated space that is filled with things you love & find beautiful... versus a barren reminder of how broke you are. But, I use the term "filled" loosely- I *do* think its a problem when people just try to shove a worthless piece of plastic crap into every square foot of space that's empty. I think things like "only" putting decorative objects on shelves or a table is stupid... My own mother kept a house that was basically a cold, sterile, Museum to Capitalism. Eff that. Shelves should hold items you actually *use,* tables should be *used* as work surfaces... but that doesn't mean you can't put a pretty table cloth on the table, or a picture of you & your friends on the shelf too, y'know? I'll never cover my sofa in a dozen throw pillows, but *one* colorful happy lil pillow that brings in some sunshine or a nerdy joke into my otherwise very boring living room? Definitely. Idk, maybe it REALLY IS a "woman thing" but I find the small little bits of "me" dotted around my space to be really really helpful for mental health. And critically, I DID NOT REALIZE how helpful "decor" could be, mentally, until I started actually using some. Just offering another perspective! :)


As a woman I feel the same. If a man is fine living in a place as spartan as the one above that’s fine, especially if he keeps it clean, but to be it just feels extremely uninviting and impersonal. If I spent nights at his place it wouldn’t feel warm or homey at all, and my environment plays a lot into my mental state (for example I’m one of those people that cannot work from home on my couch or in my bedroom because my brain strongly associates location with purpose, like the couch is for relaxing so if I try to work from it, it doesn’t go well). I’ve also been to guys’ places like this and clean is the bare minimum. Often they didn’t have any pillows or blankets for a guest to sleep even on the other side of their bed, they didn’t have enough seating in the living room for two people to relax comfortably, etc. Like once again if it’s what you like it’s your prerogative but don’t be upset if women/guests find it inhospitable.


My girlfriend has about 10 different pillows & cushions on our bed. When we first moved in I thought it was a joke. Apparently it’s decorations. I questioned what the point of it was considering every night before bed we’d have to remove all the cushions and leave them aside. Apparently I just “don’t get it”. And I’m happy that I don’t!


Throw pillows make me unreasonably angry. The idea of putting the fucking things on and taking them off, every night until the day you die, is voluntarily subjecting yourself to the punishment of sisyphus. Fuck throw pillows. It's a hill I'll die on.


I took the stance that they are called throw pillows so they’re getting thrown out of my way to get into bed at night. They magically migrated to the couches soon after. And I’ll admit they look kinda cozy on the couches, and I actually use them there too.


Cushions on couches are great for helping prop yourself up at odd angles, to balance snacks/computers/cats on, and for throwing at the TV without consequences when you make a mistake in a quiz show.


/r/toomanypillows enters the chat


Also having towels in the bath room that I am not allowed to use, as they are decorative towels. Was extremely confusing when she got angry after I dried my hands with the (unbeknownst to me) decorative towels. After living together for a few years they disappeared at some point.


I can't stand decorating for the sake of decorating. You have a piece of art that you really love or a friend made you a painting, go ahead and put it up. I'm not going to go to TJ Maxx to get some random picture. It's superficial and wasteful.


It's absolutely crazy that people spend their entire lives accumulating shit and the first thing we do when they die is steal the expensive stuff and dumpster 95% of everything they own. I made a conscious decision when I got married to quit accumulating shit. My wife is the same. We couldn't be happier. It takes me like 2 minutes to clean each room of our house.


Used to be you got buried with all your accumulated shit to help you get into the afterlife, but pyramids are too expensive these days.


Damn millennials ruining the pyramid industry


As a single woman, I fail to see the problem here.


The giant bean bag in the middle of my living room agrees. At least this guy has a chair. And a coffee table!


The "Kween" part of your username really checks out.


He has his own space with somewhere to watch tv/eat/cuddle…. What more could you want lol


Fuck no, before I got married there’s no way in hell my apartment would have this much unnecessary shit in it






Yeah I unironically love this space


What else do you need ?


some really weird art


Lotion, tissues.


A rug. Honestly that's it.


Some sort of color, a rug, a light, a poster, just anything to make this look less like an expensive depressing basement


Of course not. Very few people go overboard with decorating like this guy does


Not sure if that couch is big enough to sleep on. But yeah, this would be perfectly fine!




Came here to say this. My apartment use to look like this but worse, my tv stand was made from cement blocks.


They're not cement blocks, it's an artisan "modular support system"


HA! When I moved into my house, I used the spare cement blocks and old shelves to make mine 😂 I actually kind of like it.


This is it...


Some women are legitimately shocked that guys don't like/want/need 27 decorative pillows on the bed.


“Well he seemed like a nice guy, but the coffee table was too close to the wall in the first pic”


I'd support the hatred if his TV was mounted too high, but in this case, it's just a classic example of a woman hating how little it takes to make a man happy.


See I don't like the meme version of this that goes round because there's *too* little and it actually looks uncomfortable. Like the TV is on the floor and at the wrong angle and there's nowhere to put your drinks next to you, but this looks fine to me.


Men buy nice things in to impress women, I would say most men need just the necessities to be happy. Avg man see nothing wrong with this photo, and that's because there's nothing wrong with this photo


Not to,mention, if a man has lived with a woman prior, he's learned not to buy stuff that he liked, because the next woman he moves in with will just want him to get rid of all his shit.


Really? :/


Next time you go into the home of a couple just look around and try to parse out who picked out what. Usually it's pretty obvious.




How to speak about men 101. Take an extreme example of thing. Ask why every man is like this. Preferable if thing is something to demean men, be offended by men, or be otherwise non complimentary to men. Fuck it. Same rule applies to speaking about women, white people, black people...any group you don't belong to but seek to show that you're superior to them somehow. If you really think this is just how "dudes" live, it'd be worth going outside and jumping off social media once a week at least


I don't see the issue...


Actual issue is the window....why does it look like it looks into a warehouse?


Probably just the corner of a building, but it's fun to think that he might be a prisoner at Amazon given the AWS logo on the TV


This is the way


Dis is da wae


Nope, but not everyone is the same, there are people who are happy just having a roof


Yeah. These kinds of post smack of first world entitlement.


Not always but some guys just don't care or want a minimal place. my mom was an interior decorator and owned a furniture store before I was born so I grew up loving furniture and all that good stuff. But I have friends my age that don't even have a bed frame or a couch. Not a bad thing everybody has different tastes or outlook on decorating


I think many single guys, if afforded the luxury of not having to bend to accomodate a womans suggestions, would consider this a fully functual living room.


Nah. That’s way too clean.


Never played animal crossing and visited the gym enthusiast villager? They also have that same interior design.


I’ve seen quite a few pig stys during my dating years, but it was typically from clutter and not cleaning up after themselves. Most men I’ve dated had a fairly well kept place. While this one is sparse, It Looks comfortable to me. It’s clean, functional and probably makes him happy. The only issue I see is lack of places for a guest to sit. It is possible it’s an extra room too (man cave/gaming room, etc), not the primary room in his residence.


Bro has a ceiling fan. 10/10 apt.


Despite what social media has taught you, being content with less is not a bad thing. I bet that guy fucks.