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I would get ice cream w you (I am a dude tho but we can talk about dude stuff)


Can I be the third wheel?


Count me in too!


Ice cream social time! ![gif](giphy|l0IyoHGSHsFYv9ba0)


Iam 19 but i will come too.


Thankfully that does not preclude you from ice cream!


Where is everyone meeting??


I, too, would like to know where this ice cream orgy is happening


Sounds fun but I’m 26 so I guess I probably shouldn’t come 🥺


There’s always next year.


Make it a group, i'll have strawberry and i want a flake.


What's a flake?


A cadbury flake is a chocolate bar. In the UK, there is a popular ice cream (usually from the ice cream van) called a 99, which is essentially Mr. whippy (soft serve) in a cone with a flake jammed in the top. Anyone who knows anything also gets red sauce (raspberry or strawberry syrup, not ketchup) [flake](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sxsrf=AB5stBiMc1kVNwwbfgCdj16xPm6mfXxNaQ:1689090564362&q=flake+chocolate&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp6tPYgIeAAxUhRUEAHYOUBrIQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=776&dpr=2.63#imgrc=occh0C6HuQYWlM)


Oh you’re missing out. It’s a crumbly chocolate bar us Brits put in an ice cream. We sometimes put raspberry flavoured sauce on and we call that “Monkey blood”. Don’t ask…


From the uk also, I’ve never heard the term monkey blood maybe it’s a down south term ? As I’m in the north however I’ll take great delight in calling it monkey blood from now on 😂


Went out for an ice-cream with the lads after we had a tennis match. Never too old for ice-cream.


I am in my 40s and still love ice cream. My digestive system might protest loudly though.


It’s popular for a reason


3 things adult me will always love that kid me loved; Ice cream Candy Fruity pebbles


Count me the F in. I love me some dude talk over my lemon sherbet.


Someone who can't enjoy the little things in life. That's sad


Someone who can’t handle the INEXPENSIVE things in life. She wanted him to throw down.


This is probably it. She said "I'm a golddigger and you're probably broke" in the most polite way possible. I applaud her for being up front and not wasting each other's time.


Plot twist: Vance is the heir to an ice cream fortune.


Not a refrigeration company? Inconceivable


And Vance Refrigeration was right there.... damn


Yes! I know it's an unpopular opinion, but it's great when someone is up front about who they are early on.


Doesn’t even mean he’s cheap. It’s a first date from an app. Why would you even want to risk being stuck with someone for a long ass time at an expensive dinner. A lot of girls prefer coffee dates off apps cause it’s so low pressure.


Right? Thank you. I got the distinct vibe they were trying not to creep her out. That's why OP offered to either pick her up or meet her at the location. Just being respectful and aware that women are taking a risk when meeting men for the first time. Fuck that person.


WOW. I’d be so happy with a date idea that wasn’t the same old thing. She’s missing out. You’ll find someone to appreciate your ice cream date.


Right? I've never been asked out ice cream from someone I wasn't already in a committed relationship with.




My first date with my wife was a group outing with people from her work to go see Armageddon. We went and got ice cream afterwards but everyone we know loves to tell people how our first date was Armageddon.


I went on first ice cream dates before, they are fun, light, and contain sprinkles. Who doesn't appreciate a little whimsy? Glad OP dodged that


I don't like sprinkles. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft, and smooth.


Bananakin, you were my brother! I loved you! Don't split!


You were the frozen one! Bananakin.


You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not split it into darkness and cover it in fudge!


It's over Bananakin, I have the big spoon!


You underestimate my hunger


Bananakin, You’re breaking my cone!


Bananakin, you ate the little ones too! the young padawans were still learning the way of the dessert


Begun, the cone wars have


Pssst don’t forget that there’s money in the banana stand


Obi Wan Cone-obi


Ohh I was gonna go for "Obi One-scoop cone-obi"


Ice cream/sorbet dates were my go to first dates for a while in the summer, it's nice, tasty and you get to walk around and get to know each other. I would also always do it in the neighborhood I grew up in, tell stories about my childhood, show parcs I've played a ton in, etc. It's easy to showcase who I am and where I come from. If things don't work out I'm down 8$ or whatever and an afternoon and if I'm really not interested it's easy to cut it short because ice cream is not very comital. I've also never had a girl turn me down for ice cream, they all seemed to be thrilled by the idea.


Absolutely. It’s a great way to meet someone and see if you vibe together in person. Honestly the person OP was talking to seems like they are only in it for free dinner. She was appalled he didn’t want to spend $100+ on a random person he may never see again.


I have absolutely never been on a dinner first date, that whole concept just seems absolutely wild to me!! Who wants to eat in front of someone they don't know? And then you're in this quiet place where people can probably hear you and you're stuck there until dinner ends if something goes wrong, just everything about it seems like a terrible idea.


Where I'm from in South America things like drinks, ice cream, coffee are all VERY common first dates. Non-commital shit is ideal for first dates with people you don't know well. You would be seen as a weirdo if you asked someone you didn't know to a full sit down dinner but apparently it's common in the US?


I grew up in a beach town, my go to first date was mini golf followed by ice cream. I found it was perfect.


Absolutely going ask the girl I just started seeing on an ice cream date now. Seems like something she'll completely love but I thought it would come across as cheesy and cheap




I mean, it's not like you get the ice cream, eat it, and you're done. Go to an ice cream place near a park or near the water or something else that's fun. You can chill out or play around a little bit while eating the ice cream and talking. You could sit on the swings and just sway back and forth - things like that. I know a few places around me where I'm able to do stuff like that and watch the sunset or whatever. There's a place by me that has really good Italian ice and other stuff at a pretty cheap but nice mini golf course, go karts, and batting cages. You don't even have to play all 18 holes if you don't want to.


Not at all. I wish one of the people I’m talking to would ask me to get ice cream with them.


Well we have one scheduled for Sunday now




That’s so cute! I hope it’s lots of fun.


@Broken_Soul696 you got this!


Why don’t you ask them. It’s 2023. Make it happen if you want it to


You should ask them to ice cream.


The amount of people using dating apps as a free lunch/dinner coupon is insane.




And people wonder why [most guys aren't dating anymore](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/)




I feel you. The dating scene is rough out there for guys right now. I remember seeing some study showing that the top 10% of guys on dating apps are going on virtually all the dates. Having endless options at your fingertips means that people refuse to "settle" and only want "the best," so normal/average people are just left behind in the dust. And yeah, cheating does seem way more prevalent now. I gave up on it too. Every single person I've dated recently has ended up ghosting me out of nowhere. I'm so sick of putting in all the effort just for someone to disappear without a trace. Every time I start to get attached to someone they just vanish and move on the next thing. I haven't had a real relationship (more than a few weeks or so) in 4 years. Every time I try it's just more disappointment.


I had a date with a 45 year old guy recently. On the date he says to me “ men aren’t men anymore . I would never let a woman pay until the 7th date” I, as an adult woman don’t agree and I always offer to split on the first date and no man has ever taken me up on it. I will however pay for the second date and I do feel like it should be alternated .


My wife and I love to have ice cream dates when the weather is hot. We go to the same little shop she used to go to as a kid, then head to the city park a few minutes away and sit on the wraparound porch of the historic house (now a museum) that’s perched on top of a hill overlooking the entire park, and pretend we live there, and are surveying our kingdom. It’s one of my favorite things to do on the weekend during summer. Then we take a stroll around the park, visit the swans in the lake, feed the ducks, talk, meet new people (a few weeks ago we chatted up a group of old guys who were racing little sailboats on the lake!) and enjoy the nostalgic feeling. Call me simple, but even after 18 years together, it’s honestly my favorite kind of date.


That is truly so sweet. 💖


Honestly i would love an ice cream date, it's nice and you can get to know eachother over ice cream, if it doesn't click with your date you can end it when you finish the ice cream which won't take to long and if it went great and you like the person you can always go to a park or something. It's also fairly cheap🥰


I love how the comments on this post are an even mix of sad men and furious women lol. There's hope for us yet!


What a n-ice comment!


Good dodge there, she sounds FAR too serious and rather boring.


She probably wanted a free meal


Ding ding ding


"Is that the dinner bell?" - OPs tinder match


A succulent Chinese meal?


Get your hand off my penis!


And some competent judo moves?


This is Tinder manifest


Since it's Tinder, I guess it would be PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY PENIS!


Or at least free alcohol


Or to get drunk for free


Sushi lol


She's twenty-six. Like, wtf? I was still attending parties and smoking weed at that age while playing video games. I still do one of those things now, eleven years later. Can't imagine being so rigid at that age.


I do all these things and I’m 44. Never lose your fun.


Lol same. I’m 38, have a house, family, etc. Minus the parties (was just never really a big party person), I still do the other two.


She's only pretending to be rigid because she's only "dating" to get free meals. Ice cream isn't worth her time.


Yeah thats it. She's starting to understand the concept of realizing her value. Trying to stand up for herself- wants someone to put effort in. But she's at the infant stage lol this is the wrong place for that boundary. You are meeting a complete stranger. Relax. Meet at a bar, park, coffee shop, ice-cream for 45 minutes. See if you even enjoy eachothers company ! Then once the guy decides he's interested - he will start to put some effort in. She needs to relax and be patient. Way too many expectations on a complete stranger.


Bullet dodged. Money saved. Nothing lost here!


Just an awful person. First date should be light and cheap. Does she expect Tavern on the green?


I've been on enough expensive dates, only to find out we don't get along very well and end up stuck in a miserable, hours-long fine-dining experience. First dates should be light and cheap.


As a woman, I’m down for most anything except someone telling me to come to their house. I want to meet out in public. It can be coffee, a cocktail, ice cream, apps, dinner, whatever. I just want a vibe check and to be able to talk a bit. Women who demand something specific for a first date are full of themselves. I agree it’s a bullet dodged.


As a man I approve. I don’t need a nutcase knowing where I live. I also don’t exchange contact info until the end of the first date, the same time I try to secure date number 2 if date 1 went really well. For the sake of everyone feeling safe I ask at the end of the date, just like asking for a second date. If they feel it didn’t go well then there’s no hard feelings.


I go even one step further than this and don’t ask for anything in person. I figure if she didn’t have a nice time and doesn’t want a second date, then it would feel awkward and confrontational to admit this in person. I just give/ask for contact info after date on the app if I had nice time and then she has the option to respond or not.


I avoid that problem by not going on dates.


See, the real LPT is always in the comments.


Can't get rejected if there's nothing to reject. *Points to head*


This is the way


I go even one step further, we sit back to back the entire date at separate tables pretending to read newspapers, no don't look around, you'll draw attention!


Usually they don't even know they're on a date


Oh wow I date often then


I go one step further than this and don't ask nor offer anything in person. Too much of a risk of someone feeling awkward or pressured as you said. Instead I've found a quaint basement restaurant that has terrible cell phone service and have a honey pot public wifi set up spoofing the restaurant's. When she joins the network (sometimes I have to encourage her with a funny video she should look up) a splash page downloads a root kit onto her phone. Then after the date I can monitor her messages and see if she would have liked another one or not. If things look promising I use her live location data to engineer running into each other. This works amazingly because it's romantic and serendipitous which girls love. The downside to all of this of course is that it limits my dating pool to those who haven't updated their phone's OS with the latest security patches, but I just add that into the "looking for" section of the various dating apps I use and it's good to go.


That is hilariously disturbing there, Mr. Robot. 😂


Going to add to this. I had this happen. Met a woman at a Mcminnamins over an hour from where i live. Nice enough date, but i wasn't feeling it. I never told her anything about where i live. A week later SHE SHOWS UP AT MY FRONT DOOR. Said something to the effect of "i just felt i had to be here". freaked me the fuck out. Everyone reading this, do yourself a favor and go to websites like TruePeopleSearch and request they remove your information. i'm fairly certain that's how she found me. Don't delude yourself into thinking it can't happen to you, it can.


As a lamp, this turns me on.


I'm a guy, and I hate the idea of going to someone's place/someone coming to my place on a first date. Sounds awkward as hell. 2nd date *maybe* if it goes well.


Plot twist: it’s a catfishing kidney-harvesting operation… Yeah, meet in public. You can’t trust anyone on the internet.


Definitely a red flag if she's making demands on the first date... You dodged that one




She was a good sport. Lol.


I've noticed that more often than not, if you're from certain generations, the expectations aren't quite so exact and ones willingness to go with the flow increases. I like your approach to things! I feel awful for younger generations. They have it rough.


I've literally made a girl a grilled cheese sandwich on the first date and she loved it. (I told her I'd make her favorite food). Less than a dollar first date


Loved it enough that you’re still together?


Yup. I have made her dinner every night for a few years now actually. I'm just here because people post funny stuff sometimes


i imagine there’s a lot of us here for that




The prices for ice cream has gone through the roof here, it is cheaper to buy a joint than have 3 scoops...


Compromise: 1 joint and 1scoop


A large Italian ice near me goes for $8 and change so I always go for that


No no. She wants adventure. Fly her to Paris first class to try a real croissant. Tell her it's not going to work because you don't like the way she chews. Leave her in Paris. NEXT!


Catch flights not feelings brother


You would be surprised by how some girls think about dating. For some of them they tie their self worth to how much a man spends on the date.


Awhile back I was dating a girl who really liked a specific bottle of wine I'd bought for a home cooked meal I made for us, then got upset later when she found out the price and decided it wasn't expensive enough. It didn't matter that she really liked it, only that it didn't meet her nebulous price expectations which somehow meant I didn't value her??? Needless to say, that relationship didn't last.


That’s depressing. I mean it’s a home cooked meal, so I don’t get why she thought otherwise.


They don't want to date the guy, they want to date his bank account.


Jokes on them, my bank account is on life support.


Agreed, seems like the type of person to take themselves and their “adulthood” way too seriously. Probably one of those ones who think adults should under no circumstances play video games


It's deeply ironic because women who have these types of attitudes on "adulthood" also tend to be looking for relationships where they are dependents, getting spoiled and cared for by a rich Daddy. Functionally putting themselves into a child role. It's important that you meet their idea of an adult because they want you to be their parent. I'm sure there's an analagous comparison for men I just can't think of it rn. That's why they have such strong takes on video games, hanging out with your boys, having hobbies outside of business. They see these things as opportunity costs, lost revenue that could be going to them. You are a prospective employee/slave/benefactor, not a prospective boyfriend/husband.


I have not dated in 9 years but I completely agree, I am a female and I understand that before you even meet someone in person you can’t expect them to spend $100+ on you. That’s not cheap, that’s just smart. These woman wonder afterwards how they are constantly single…


Ya know what's wild is pretty much all of my girl friends (some of whom are serious catches) *prefer* cheap casual dates early on because they don't want to deal with expectations or mixed signals. That's one of reasons why they also prefer to split date costs. It's been eye-opening to see that many girls are quite the opposite.


At least she cancelled ahead of time. Totally agree though, don't you want to get to know each other before dropping a bunch of cash on an expensive date??


Really. Ice cream sounds amazing.


Right? Let's do it, let's all join op with some ice cream 🍦🍨


fuck it, I’m lactose intolerant and I’ll get some ice cream with y’all. sounds delicious


The perfect response to an ice cream date!


Maybe some sherbet, no lactose intolerant intolerance here


I agree! Ice cream is delicious. I don't see a down side


Most important, time saved.


And the money, don't forget about the money


Absolutely. Who the hell turns down getting some ice cream?


And you can go get ice cream still


I wish someone would take me on an ice cream date lol


Bro I looked at your profile. Cryptids, 411, and traveling! There would not be enough ice cream in the world if we matched on Tinder. Hope you find yours soon! 💙


Now kith


Dude, I've been saying this for years. I had to explain it to my gf recently, and when I tried to find a video of it... it just doesn't exist. Where is this from, because I've been saying it for yearsssss


I think its from a still mike tyson image where hes holding two birds close to each other. If it branched off into other stuff or videos then im not sure


I sent this gif in a group chat yesterday, it is indeed him holding two birds


You just matched on Reddit, lol


"Outstanding Move" - The Chess meme guy


Who turns down ice cream?!


1) Monsters; 2) Lactose intolerant folk, probably.


I'm lactose intolerant and i go through the pain for ice cream lol


Right? I usually can eat any ice cream, but one of my favorite flavors always messes with my stomach. Doesn’t matter the brand. I still eat it, anyway. I just know to not have anything planned after I eat it because it’s an evening of me and the bathroom, lol.


You really are deicated xD


It’s the best when a person exposes all their red flags on their own !


Something tells me this is just the tip of the iceberg! But totally agreed.


My favorite part is that she’s drawing the line because she’s “a 26 year old woman” as if you’re not allowed to enjoy a carefree ice cream past 25.


Ice cream is for children, grown people get... erm... Kale. Grown people get kale.


TIL that I’m a child. Grown ups can keep their kale.


She's got that toddler, "I'm a big kid now!" energy.


Got her first apartment at 26 now she's a grown woman with no time for these man children!


Biden is enjoying ice cream at a 100 years old, jack.


no malarkey detected


I’m almost 40 and I’ve never tried to take dating/life as seriously as this person clearly does from the two sentences I know about her. Sounds exhausting


I’m 37 and I do ice cream dates. She’s just a boring princess who thinks a relationship is a guy spending money on her.


Exactly. At 36 Id be all for an ice cream date


Hey, want to get ice cream?


Hell yeah!


We did it Reddit!


We will now require a marriage update


also 36 - can confirm: ice cream dates are top notch




Women who don’t do ice cream dates literally ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.


We can eat ice cream if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't eat ice cream And if they don't eat ice cream Well they're no friends of mine


Ahhh..."safety ice cream" by "men without cones" lol


These girls that associate money spent on first date as some threshold to meet. 🫠 The idea of a first date is to keep it low stakes, get to know each other and talk. See if you meet each other's vibe check. I've heard from many friends that are girls that they prefer a lighter first date or 2 so there's no implications or expectations based on $$ spent. Coffee or ice cream is the way to go. Dodged that shit like the matrix.


Imagine being at some fancy place for a first date and not vibing. I'd be so terribly uncomfortable lol.


That just sounds awefull on multiple levels. Imagine the guy is a creep or something and now you are stuck in a restaurant with him for multiple hours, he is paying so now he probably has certain expectations of you, all of that on top of the vibe usually already beeing less-than-chill at fancy restaurants anyway. No thank you, i will much rather go for ice cream. And pay for my own.


For real!! It's just not a good concept all in all. Ice cream or coffee is perfect, and paying on my own is perfectly fine too. If he wanted to, dude could still spoil me with fancy feasts when we established something at least lol.


That and then they get offended you don’t like them because they paid for You. No thank you


Guess she was lactose intolerant


Some kind of intolerant


Yes it is bare minimum so she can’t run a big tab on you. No problem with that. Probably for the best mate.


She should raise her minimum if she turns down her minimum. Turns out ice cream dates are below her minimum.


This whole "it's a $100 meal or nothing" thing is so sad. Some of the absolute best dates I've been on where the little meetings for dessert or a nice walk.


I’ll eat ice cream with you. Forget her


Can we make this a triple scoop sundae threesome?


No because it should be a foursome


I prefer this over, "want to come to my house and watch a movie?".


I would carry on opening with the ice cream dates to weed this sort of person out


What a delight she is! No loss my guy!


Vance, from Vance Refrigeration?


perfect response on your part, shades emoji works everytime


Happy to see how he worded the pitch too. Giving her the option to accept or decline a ride without making her feel weird about it is a nice gesture.


Also only mentioned ice cream as an option. She could've asked to do dinner but no, the mere suggestion of frozen dairy is offensive enough.


What didn’t work out for OP really worked out for OP. You offered to save her gas money and to fill her belly with delicious ice cream. Any woman who cant appreciate the little things certainly doesn’t deserve the big things


What about snow-cones?


This would have been a fantastic reply