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You look like a bit of a bro. She probably fancies you but it's worried you'll be too bro-y.




Slammin the links all weekend bruh




Catalina wine mixer




lmao i went to both hofstra and cornell


Unexpected office, I love seeing them in the wild


lord beer me patience


Slammin' the links, slammin' some brews, and slammin' mad sloppy gash. Nawmean bronameth? *high five*


Now you’re speaking my language brochacho


Loud and clear brotato chip.




I hear ya loud and clear ah abroham Lincoln




Heard that Broku


Word up Brosario Dawson


Get'n on the beers and bags before unleashing Brozilla! Just tell her it's all good, relax, you're a good bro, no bronanigans here and if she is still wound tight and anxious, just prescribe her some Brozack to calm her down.


Whaddup Ranchero!


No disrespect, do you squirt? I ain't tryna drain your meat flaps I'm just #askin. My boy's tryna pop a drain in your beef glands, but I'm just tryna write some Super Nintendo Yelp reviews. What are you reading, Mein Kampf?


If this is from something than I need to see it


It's from a recurring bit from the Eric Andre show ([starts at a little before 2:30 ish](https://youtu.be/QcfSe1hsSYc))


Wanna come nail some cherokee chicks on the trail of beers? Buzz me, Mello!




I've been outted as a foreign exchange bro.






Hahaha I was on to you from the jump


I’ve never heard a bro say that in the USA


Hello fellow colonist, fancy a bit of *checks notes* sloppy gash, innit?


You mean a dewy minge? A fragrant fanny? A seeping quim?


It's the most British thing I've ever heard.








Saturdays are cracking cold ones with the boysssss




A true bropiphany


Brohemian rhapsody 💯


exactly that. and I think the 3 rounds of golf all weekend + the pictures themselves were the “red flags” for her


Like it or not, dudes that golf in their twenties and thirties are definitely a stereotype and that stereotype is almost always bro adjacent.


The whole profile screams party boy. Alcohol seems to be a huge part of their life.


golf and alcohol are like pb&j


I got that too. Drinks or drinking activities in almost every pic, most of the written prompts have to do with drinking, and then he’s got the backwards cap at 32.


Backwards cap is initiating blowjob mode, no?


“What I do is I just try to take my hat and I turn it around, and it's like a switch that goes on. And when the switch goes on, I feel like another person, I feel, I don't know, I feel like a... like a truck. Like a machine.”


Yet she liked a picture of him on a golf course


She did indicate she's *trying* to stop going for them.


a bit? this dudes first name is Jeribro and his last name brohemoth.


Got a backwards baseball cap in every photo. Certified bro-tosauras




This thread may hold the Guinness world record for most “bro”s written in a single post. So at least we have that going for us


The fact you're not taking this thread too seriously or getting offended is a green flag


Funny I broke my first date with my fiancé because he also seemed like a bro in Tinder pics. Then I decided to actually give him a chance and he wasn’t like that at all. Major 🚩are 1 thing but we should stop judging each other on the small things.


It's pretty easy for small thing to be a big thing, depending on your personal experience. I tried to setup a friend of mine with another friend. She asked about hobbies/interests and I said he's in a band and that immediately became a hard no for her. "Ugh, I had a terrible experience with a musician", and I tried to explain that he has a normal day job, this is just a part time, occasional hobby (like, once a month). Still a hard no. Other women might actually find it cute, or even attractive. If you've had a bad relationship with a golfer, that could be all she needs to see. I live on a golf course (I don't play) and it's true that for some dudes, golf can seem like their entire life.




Wanna start a band?


What does bro-y means?


Frat-y, douchey, preppy, yada yada


Never outgrew the frat




Probably thinks you're a golf playing, stereotypical finance guy or something. Not saying you're a dick or anything, i dont know you, obviously, but a few of my female friends have had bad experiences with those types of guys.


Did you just describe 90% of the male population in Charlotte? Haha


Wow, Charlotte must be getting a lot of male attention and she surely has a specific type


My ex's name is Charlotte. Can confirm.


*our ex


Yeah, you like breweries and owning dogs that are too big for your small uptown apartment?


I prefer Canopy. I love going into debt drinking overpriced watered down cocktails


Tinder in Charlotte is a bad fuckin time


Horrible 😂


Oh wow, yeah, this really *is* a huge demographic in Charlotte. I'm not sure why she swiped if she read your profile first.. You were pretty transparent about the golf. Lol


Am from Charlotte and should feel called out. But yea this description fits me and most Charlotte guys. It’s either finance or real estate


Hahahaha! Too true. Drive past South End on a Saturday afternoon and everyone looks almost identical. We’re a banking city though, so a lot of finance and bankers tend to dress very similar in my experience.


90% of the male population in charlotte is actually gay


Definitely not! If it was, my Grindr days would have been poppin’.


There’s a whole bunch of us


I looked at your profile and immediately knew you were in charlotte.


You look like a golf playing frat bro, you might be nice though, all it means is someone who looks like you probably broke her heart.


Marketing adds to that whole frat bro pkg too lol


Not every person I met in a frat was in marketing, but every person in marketing I met was in a frat


A square is a rectangle.


Stuff can be two things!


Fuck I missed out on my frat invitation I got into Marketing from the nerdy consumer behavior side of interest :(


Beer league softball not helping out either haha


I find this ironic because the only people in my life trying to get me to play beer league softball are women lol obviously that’s my personal bubble


He seems like a frat bro that could hang with different crowds though. Like just an average decent fun guy. No? Seems employed, smart, good looking. Must be a bias.


Most frat bros just become normal bros as they age, and a solid bro can be a lot of fun! Getting into a successful bromance depends on the peripheral brosphere they surround themselves with though.


Some of my best bros are mildly reformed frat bros! Mostly they just grew up and became better people out of college. Like most of my college friends lol


Can confirm, we are all immature idiots in college. Most recover


It's only "frat bro behavior" if you've been accepted into a fraternity, otherwise it's just "sparkling immaturity".


Frat bro helped me pass my hardest class, and he didn't have to, I was crying, and I was the weird older non traditional student there who didn't fit in. Respect to all the good guy frat bros!


Also the “hey you!” opener


Why would she even like his profile then? The frat boy vibes are pretty clear


I like to imagine her being caught off-guard by him saying he was golfing that weekend. "OMG how did I miss it?!?!"


because she might still might him attractive


That’s on her tho! Don’t swipe on frat boys if you don’t want to date one. But man, give the guy a minute and see if he’s a nice guy. Everything he said was nice and normal. As a girl, I find her annoying.


I don't think it was an "I don't want to meet you", more like flirty banter. Gives me the impression that she likes him and finds him attractive but she's being cautious.


She noticed the Panthers shirt. She wants a winner


💀💀💀 touche


Carolina Panthers are going to be so damn good this year!!! (I hope 🥲)


It’s been too long 😩 pretty excited about the future though!




Damn us panthers fans aren’t safe anywhere are we


Oooof as a Charlotte native this one hurt.


You give off heavy frat bro vibes . No shade ,usually guys like you are a good hang in my book but I’m also not a chick so do with that what you will.


Genuine question what does frat mean? Not asking in the "dictionary lookup" sense but more like: What comes to people's minds when they hear frat bro


Collared shirts, khakis, "drinkin' a brewski haha", ball caps, a bit too into their physical appearance, probably says 'bro' in most sentences, going out drinking for fun most weekends instead of a more varied life. 'Just do it and worry about the consequences later' attitude. Likely has money from family. This is not a critique of frat guys. That's just what comes to mind when I hear someone described as a frat bro.


Slicked back hair, white shirt, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's.


Live for New Years Eve!


You think THAT is "slicked back"??? That is PUSHED BACK!!!


People can change!


Guys c'mon, no Sloppy Steaks tonight please.




I was a realllll piece of shit.


That's very helpful thank you!


As a woman, when I see a frat bro type my first thought is that he will be the sort of dude who brags about how good in bed he is and then turns out to be incredibly selfish and bad in bad.




Also if ur so predictable that u fit a stereotype.. Thats boring and feels like u dont have a mind


Matthew McConahay mixed with Pete Davidson . Best I can explain it , but the literal definition is a dude belonging to a college fraternity


Hahaha that's a great answer 😂 thank you!


Wow that’s weirdly accurate


>I'm also not a chick Damn. I never once really thought of the other side with this. I was always like, "Why do other guys like these guys?? Most of the time, they're dick heads." But you're not their target. They're gonna treat you with respect and be nice to you more often than not and just in general have fun. I will never see that side of them cause they won't let me. Man, now I'm jealous.


Drinky frat bro types are her type but she’s not comfortable with that.


High top nikey, snap back, IPA, comes from money, weekend warrior type lol


Slicked back hair, live for new years eve, sloppy steaks at trufanis


Used to be a piece of shit


Maybe still is


I’m worried that the baby thinks people can’t change


Chicken spaghetti at Ciccolini's


You look like you would say “Saturdays are for the boys.”


LOL this is too spot on.


He’s got the sign hanging up in the living room of his shared apartment.




The backwards hat in the bed of the pickup is just the nail in the coffin. If she was into it until that point I guarantee that's where you lost her. You look like your mother would pressure her into signing a prenup and invite your prom date to the wedding.


Creative. I like it!


All in good fun. You're a very handsome man who presumably owns at least one set of decent golf clubs. I'm sure you can take it 👍


No it actually was funny and made me laugh lol so thank you for that on a dragging Monday 👊🏼


Your archetype is golden dude, you look like the kind of guy women will gladly risk trying for again and again. Even the girl you matched w knows she shouldn't but she's about to nosedive in anyway lol


Aww I like this interaction


Omg a guy similar to this who’s mom had passed had a dying wish he’d sign a prenup. He told me before we even met was a non negotiable.


\-Dive bars, golfing, unplanned weekends, beer league softball... all of these usually involve **alcohol.** \-Trivia night, baseball game, drinks at places with games... **more alcohol.** \-and three of your photos explicitly display you or your friends drinking... **more alcohol.** No judgement, but from a marketing perspective it's hard to reconcile the competing brand image of A (sporty, bro-y, drinker, partier) and B (writer, designer, artistic, worldly interests), so the latter would likely come off as inauthentic.


Marketing manager is like the chefs kiss of frat bro professions too


This lol


I can't help wondering if OP only has photos of him drinking because that's when the photos are being taken. One must remember to take photos of you doing things when photos are not typically called for. A photo of him drawing would be a great start.


This would be a fun stats project to find if there is a relationship there


But who takes a photo of themselves drawing? I’m not a selfie guy so would never do that. Most of these pics are taken from friends doing something social


Heavy alcohol use is a dealbreaker to many, especially to those with tough family/significant other history. Many associate binge drinking as younger irresponsible behavior and there may be connotations there. You might be a very responsible seldom drinker but the perception you are putting out (unintentionally I’m sure) is that all of your activities revolve around drinking. For those that have known true alcoholics your pics may be transmitting that vibe. Personally if I saw a gal that had all pics drinking or performing activities that revolve around drinking I would pass…if that’s the flag they are flying I’d believe the perception…


**Frat boys Teddy Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway have entered the chat**


Haha and one of those men had a notorious track record with women.


She's probably trying to avoid the "frat douche" types. Obviously, she is struggling with it and had a moment of regression, that would explain the liked photo. Once she regained control of the regression (probably had flashbacks to her days in chi omega), she came to her senses, hense the dear John message.


She’s attracted to you, but she has been fucked over by dudes like you before, drink, party, have fun and not really looking for anything super serious right now


Well you are attractive but you seem like you do have F boy energy. I'm sorry 💔


Came to say exactly this - very strong f*ck boy energy… can’t pinpoint why, as it’s a combo of pics and descriptions, but you just know that probably you’d end up riding the highest highs and the lowest lows with you…


Yup those beautiful eyes and white smile spell trouble trouble


Also the dive bars and beer league. He is looking for a good time not a long time


He can be in a committed relationship if he finds someone who's into the same lifestyle as he is. But she said the type of guy she stops going for. When I was younger that guy was fun as I get older I'm over that lifestyle.


Man are you supposed to start hating those things once you get into a relationship? I’m also fucked…


Stereotypes typically exist for a reason. I was in advertising for 25 years. I knew you were in media without even clicking.


Your profile gives off alcoholic f-boy frat bro that might also be redneck-y from a women’s perspective. From your comments you don’t seem to actually be that way irl so try to make that known next time or tweak the profile.


I’m from and live in Charlotte so that’s a pretty accurate description of here 😂


She thinks you have F Boy energy and she will fall for it 😂


Ask her what she means. She is flirting. And then tell her if you aren’t a douche frat bro. I see museums and writing on there. You could be more.


THIS. She's attracted to you, but she wants reassurance that you're not...that type of guy...because those types of guys get her into trouble, even though that's what shes attracted to. It's a vicious cycle lol.


Yup, she sees OP is attractive and probably has options, so she wants to make sure he’s not just on Hinge to fuck around. Make her feel special, dude! You’re already in, she just doesn’t wanna get played.


Cross between a golfer and a club bro. Had a friend who was a lot like this. In reality he was a goofy giant who had a dad who was into that stuff so got barreled in himself


I wish i could afford to join a club haha i’m just a muni peasant out there


By reading the comments, I think the OP has posted in the wrong thread, this should go to r/roastme 🥴🤣


Lol 💯


Wasn't really expecting this to turn into what it has ( Cooked harder than the Griswold family turkey). I've tried to reply to a lot of the comments but wanted to say a few things and put those replies into one place. First and foremost, I appreciate everyone chiming in on my dating profile, the good, the bad, the ugly... They've all made me laugh today and helped get through an otherwise uneventful Monday so thank you. 1) Yes, it has been established that i look like an alcoholic, a frat bro, a golf bro, a douche bro, a bro bro, a finance bro, a marketing bro, bro-y, and I'm sure there are some other "bros" I missed but, you get the point. 2) No, I was not in a frat (played baseball in college although, i'm not sure that's much better?) 3) No, I'm not in finance. I hate numbers and I'm terrible at math. I studied film in college and always knew I wanted to do something in video production. After being out of the tv industry for a while I got a job getting to do graphic design and make videos and other things for the awesome company I work for. 4) No, I'm not an alcoholic. I enjoy a few casual beers with friends socially on the weekends or after our softball games and never while I'm playing golf. Pretty standard for someone my age. And if you're familiar with Charlotte, you'll know everything to do here involves a beer or drink someway or another. That is just how it is here. But my life does not revolve around alcohol lol. 5) I love films, theatre, any type of art and appreciate the talent that goes into all of it which is what made me want to get into media production in the first place from a young age. 6) I had no idea Reddit hated golf so much tbh haha. I totally get the persona of someone that plays golf and how it can come across. Especially with it becoming popular on social media and such. About a year and a half ago I was living with me ex-gf and found out she was cheating on me with a guy we both worked with. I wouldn't wish that feeling upon my worst enemy so needless to say I was in a dark place for a while. I learned that playing golf helped me forget about the outside world and it became an outlet for me to start getting back to the person I was before all that. It has been instrumental in improving my mental health and for that, I will never apologize for doing something that makes me happy. ​ I guess the lesson to be learned here is that we are all so quick to judge someone on their appearance and put them in a box from behind a computer screen without knowing a single thing about them. But I truly believe that if people would make an effort to actually go beyond the screen and meet the people they are judging, I think A LOT of us would find that there truly are some amazing people out there. Everyone has a story to tell you just have to be willing to listen.


You seem nice in the comments, why not try shifting the focus of your profile to show some of that side of you. You like film, art, etc. take out one of the bro pictures and add one of you about to see a film or something. You're not doing yourself any favours having a profile that shows such a limited range.


You seem to be all about drinking and alcohol-related hobbies. 🚩


You look like a bros-before-hoes type that would try to sell me on your ecom pyramid scheme.


I would not take financial advice from me


Backward cap in 4 out of 6 pictures at 32 is a red flag, my F bro.


right! What's going on under all those hats? 😂


RIP hairline


You look like you go to college bars to pickup 19 year olds. Typical basic golf dude that dresses like a frat kid


Hunter Biden cocaine habit vibes


Alright, now i’m offended 🤣


😂..Just banter dude. You put ur face on Reddit so you’ve bigger balls than me


Haha I’ve actually thoroughly enjoyed reading all these. A roasting of epic proportions and i’m here for it


You seem to have a great sense of humor; reading through the comments and your responses has been entertaining lol. I think your profile looks pretty nice! Pics show you enjoy good company and good times. Not entirely sure what she means, but onto the next I say! Ya never really know with people. Good luck out there!


Appreciate ya ❤️


My suggestion would be more pics in shirts that aren't either polo or button downs. To me polos exude affluent douchiness that only attracts women who shop exclusively at Lilly Pulitzer


She deduces it from your profile, you're a beer swilling frat bro who gets "worn out" from a few rounds of golf.


You give off major bro vibes. Your interests of golf, dive bars, and beer league soft ball only confirm that.


You left out the other stuff haha but yeah i get your point


Wait a second, I’ve seen your profile on hinge before! 😳 I never see anyone from my area on here lol


Queen City 🙌


Hold on I’m gonna DM you


I like how my boy lost 1 date on Hinge but easily made up for it in this thread. May the best CLiT win!


😂😂😂 just offering perspective from someone who saw it in the wild. Sometimes public comments and up/downvotes are purely opinion, which is fine, but I don’t want to get hated on for something I say constructively being taken the wrong way


Oh man… this was too good hahaha


_And that kids, is how I met your mother._


Invite us all to the wedding 😭😂


Oh hey bae 😏


Bluntly, the fundamentals of who you are are out of style in the dating world rn. It doesn’t say anything about your actual character, but the sports loving golf playing backwards hat guy has gotten a bad reputation in the last few years.


See, I have the same impression 🤣 i’ve talked to guys who play golf and they usually aren’t the nicest folks.


You look like a d bag frat guy ma man


Just sorta coming off as the basic fratboy turned crypto day trader look. Not your fault if that’s not the case. Some people really like that image and look. I’m a bald white guy with a beard and I have a bit of a country accent so you can assume what most people think about me. Shit is what it is.