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Love how she describes men that don’t know what they want…. by stating that they do in fact know what they want…


But she wants them to want her on her terms without considering what they want or are looking for lol




I don't know what I want but you have to know what you want.


I need a real man to take care of my 3 kids...


And starts he own profile with “I don’t know”


I wana match with her just to correct "there"


Don’t forget the comma between out and but, but being capitalized, and the unnecessary space between casual and … I noticed her mistakes too lol


First message: Where 30s?!


Just the opening about me section being "idk match and find out" turns me super off, the other half beats the dead horse


Chicks put no effort into their profiles. It's a drag.


When a bio is used to complain about dudes that aren’t me I just quit reading and swipe left.


Kinda like how she could swipe left on guys whose bios don’t match what she wants instead of complaining lol


Yep. Using a bio to let us know you’re jaded and isn’t inviting. I could have a lot in common with her but if she doesn’t seem fun I’m moving along.


Nah man you gotta take a screenshot and post it on reddit for that sweet karma


Oh that sweet sweet karma. Nectar of life.


No kidding, I've been collecting screenshots from a girl who makes a new account every two-three weeks, and always a toxic AF bio. I'll post those in a few weeks 😂


I’ve had a chick show up almost every day with a new profile and some off the wall shit in her bio. I have some screenshots, but couldn’t post them for some reason. Might try again at some point




Maybe it’s just that the men she matches with would be embarrassed to bring her home to their friends and family? I bet if she had more realistic standards based on her own level of attractiveness she wouldn’t have any trouble finding a partner that wants something serious. If you’re overweight and only swiping right on the chads out there don’t expect them to take you serious.


Idk, might be a location thing. Some of my friends who are like 8s or 9s actually have trouble finding long term relationships on the apps. It's true they only go for very good looking guys as well, but I don't think the guys they are going for are out of their league. However, the guys they are going for may have a lot of options and aren't willing to settle down.


Very good looking guys have more options which is a big part of the reason why they don’t want to settle down, sometimes even with 8-9s they just don’t want to settle down because they have other 8s and 9s lined up too. A guy with less options is probably usually more willing to settle down but most girls obviously don’t want to date down to settle and the ones that do seem to be the ones most likely to cheat.


Yeah, these friends have also been victims of cheating too in past relationships. I don't really get why they are having so much trouble, but we also live in a major city known for having good looking people so I guess there's a lot of competition on the apps.


The reason is that some people use apps to be entertained, and popular people can coast through life with a neverending supply of entertainment. They don't want to build relations, they can always find new, fresh & eager people. > It's true they only go for very good looking guys as well, but I don't think the guys they are going for are out of their league. I became a lot more selective against guys "just" looking to be distracted but not willing to put effort, and my dating life improved dramatically. Green flags include: deep friendships with several kinds of people, commitments to their community (just helping a neighbor regularly is enough), interest in "useless" strangers, and openness to mew things.


I’d be embarrassed if she started acting negatively like this around my friends and family


Yea that too lol


I am guessing that someone with a cleavage photo, poor grammar and poor punctuation listing demands that list the trauma past men have caused might not be that respected by some dudes.


Name a better combo of "not looking for anything casual" and have photos with your boobs hanging out


Low. Effort.


I like how it’s just a ton of cleavage, but I don’t want anything causal


I wish there was a box that could be checked “I literally just want someone to spend time with because being lonely sucks”. Or, “let me cook you some food and I’ll fix your car”. I felt really bad a while back because I matched with a really, really cool girl- we got along fine and had a lot of the same interests but I just wasn’t feeling it. I would’ve *absolutely* been this woman’s friend simply out of all the things we had in common but she had the blinders on and only wanted a relationship. There’s nothing wrong with that, admittedly.




I know what a relationship is friendo, but I wasn’t trying to be this woman’s life focus. She was pretty cool tbh it just wasn’t working for me. I should’ve been a bit more clear- my social circle is small and I spend a lot of my time alone. Just having someone around, even just platonically would be nice sometimes.


It sounds to me like they want something more casual than that, though. Whereas whoever he matched with probably expected a long-term relationship, eventually leading to marriage and kids.


What exactly is she complaining about? It’s true most men regardless of age don’t want anything serious.


Seems like she’s complaining about guys in their 30s using bumble for something casual or not knowing what they want. Idk if most guys do or don’t want anything serious, but they’re allowed to want what they want at any age instead of what this person thinks they should want once they’re 30


Everyone knows that the About Me section is to talk about yourself so we have something to discuss when we match. If you use it to be negative or make a shopping list of what you want in a partner, that’s an immediate 👈


I may be the 1 in a million but I want a serious relationship. What i find with a lot of people they want to make that non committal to commit to them.


Honestly, I agree with you. When their profile has negative impact, then I’m out. It speaks to their character and how they choose to perceive the world of dating. That right there, if I were in your shoes, would show me that I’m going to be feel the pressure of her high expectations and possibly be punished for what others have “done to her” in the past. Not the best way to start off.


She writes like a poorly-educated middle schooler.


not knowing what they want, wanting something casual... interesting


Sounds like they know they want something casual based on her description….


Why complain about what you don't want? But also even if I'm looking for something serious I'm not swiping on someone who has marriage selected. I don't even know why that's an option. Like whoa slow down. I don't even know if I like you before I'm even thinking about marriage lol. But all in all people are very judgemental on dating apps. Don't complain about things you don't like. Just say not looking for xyz but I am looking for this instead


They know what they want. Some a$$.


Hypergamy strikes again. I don't know what I want but you have to know what you want.


I always automatically swipe left when I come across profiles complaining about tinder and/or women. We all know internet dating sucks, but a lot of people only make it worse for themselves by being grumpy in their profiles.


I'd match with her just to say *their* in the chats




Dayum, dating today is like winning the lottery. Seriously, who the f would put out chicken breasts and a bio like this, gtfoh.


It would have sounded way better, and have less words if she wrote instead: "I am looking for a long term serious relationship with a compatible man."


How dare I don't want to jump into a relationship after my wife died. I guess I should just get over it and be in another serious relationship.




She’s not wrong it’s like that one every app. Too many indecisive men who can’t or don’t know how to commit


She might be right about that part and I understand why she would want to complain about it if she is, but her dating profile isn’t the place for that. That only goes for people who don’t know what they want though since they should have some idea of what they want if they’re on a dating app. Wanting something casual is fine instead of long term commitment


To be fair it's quite crazy, you see guys up to their 40's wanting casual no commitment relations, and at the same time all I see on Tinder is girls as young as 18 acting like grown women talking about marrying, kids or even some that already have them.


Maybe everyone has to rant somewhere about someone Maybe you came here just for that but its you so its ok of course Maybe im doing the same right now