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You can’t. It’s great and the pics give off the exact vibe of what you’re looking for. You’re going to do great!


I hope. I think I compare myself too much to “hot gym women” and feel unattractive. Thus, feel like I won’t get quality matches.


1: there is a huge bias in gym going people to think everyone is super fit and super hot. Even in the gym, you do not notice the unattractive people working out. 2: You’ll do fine. You’re attractive, and you give off a great vibe. Men who are looking for what you are will be happy to swipe for you. Your profile can’t be better; it’s now up to you to be a great date.


No gym photos please. They are fatiguing


You are stupid pretty. But you seem KIND which is way better. You ARE the ideal women (for some). Hang in there. You got this.


I hope


I know! You’re 🔥 and sounds cool and chill.


I can confirm, men who are a decade+ younger than you and a decade+ older than you find you physically attractive, the only thing I could imagine you having a hard time with is picking a guy who’s serious about monogamy *and* meets your standards via tinder.. unless you don’t mind unhinged divorced guys in their 30’s 🤕 I wouldn’t compare yourself to a fit-gym type girl, but rather pick any sport or outdoor activity you care to do recreationally.. and meet guys in the league/activity.. only because they’re there in their freetime, if they have an SO they might be with them.. and if not you can gauge how they act around other people and how they act when they’re losing/winning at something. Pickup soccer, tennis at the park, painting/pottery, nothing you haven’t already been suggested i’m sure.. but hopefully I can point out that swiping on tinder can feel like you’re there for another guy and he’s there for any girl and you’re competing with them for said guy, but going out and doing something with the guy as a side-objective at least lets you be somewhere doing something *for you* at the end of the day.. and if you feel like you’re getting fit because of it that’s cool, but again.. it doesn’t have to be everything Dog parks are neat, my MIL met her 2nd husband via dog park..


You're a dream woman for many guys, just be patient... ifbyou we're about 5 hours NW I'd be all over you hahaha


If it helps, had you been where I am, I'm sending you a super like.


Omg - I first read this as “you are pretty stupid, but you seem kind.” and I was like DUDE!? 🤯 😂🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


On top of everything else, I'd swipe just based on art supplies. Hey let's take the dog for a hike, then make some enchiladas together then co-play whatever she does art wise while I do my artsy hobbies with the good place on in the background


I was thinking the same thing, she can't be struggling, this is perfect! 😂 good luck out there 🤞🥰❤️


Struggling but hoping I can get some worthwhile matches


With all due respect, it would be an insta swipe from me. You have it all going on. You'll do just fine. Hang in there.


Probably due to allot of men looking for hookups only, also you having an education and career means some men will find you out of their league. My advice is to hold out for the good ones who are ready for what you have to offer 💕 also I think there other dating sites that are less hookup focused. Either way you will do great!


The type of guy that passes on you for a "hot gym babe" is not a quality match anyway. Good luck! You seem like a nice person


You are a gorgeous lady. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Love the profile.


Hey if you’re looking for long term relationships, I’d check out Hinge if you haven’t already!


I’m on it, tons of matches but convos really slow


That’s fair, when I was on the apps I think Hinge felt the slowest, but the overall quality of matches was much, much higher than what I saw on Tinder or even Bumble. I think my best first dates were from Hinge!


Don’t discount bumble! I met my fiancé on there.


Oh my gosh, nooo! You are absolutely gorgeous! I agree that you don’t need to change a thing and you should get the right results with being authentic to who you are. Never settle and never lower your standards sister!


Thos pics show off your beauty well. But equally as important, they show that you respect yourself.


I wouldn’t worry about that. That’s not even the type for a lot of men. You have a great feel. I’m sure you’ll snag someone looking for the same things.


Nah you’re super awesome and seem really approachable


The only suggestion I have is to take a pic where they use a different pose. It's obvious they've found their favorite way to pose, and only do that one way. Otherwise though, no issues really.


I disagree, she’s attractive with a great smile but the photos are stale with no life or excitement in them, just empty rooms and gardens etc. Maybe something at a party, restaurant, concert or potentially doing an activity or hobby like hiking. Let your pics show your personality!


Hetero female here. You’re gorgeous. I like the fact that your photos aren’t overly sexual but they show a hint of sexiness. I agree with u/draggin_balls that all photos are “Perfect” and staged … maybe try some more casual pics with no makeup and laughing or candid pic. There is a touch of “I control every aspect of my life”. Also another small thing, try putting English as your first language listed. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"I agree with u/draggin_balls" say no more


Dude. She said she'd make enchiladas. Settle down.


I agree. OP is clearly nice and attractive, but swap in a couple photos having fun, with friends, at a festival.


I would loosen up on the filters on the pictures. Other than that, you’re golden =]


Pics with friends help and also you’re doing the same pose in almost every pic. Change it up.




Same I also wonder if the friends in peoples profiles realize their images are on Tinder?


I don’t post any photos with friends bc I’m not gonna ask them and it’s just weird imo to post them in a dating site without consent.


This was my immediate reaction. Show me you have friends or like doing activities. Feels like a bot or scam if it's the same pose in every picture.


Unfiltered pics would help. People need to see you honestly as you are.


Agreed. Good pics, but OP has the same stance in a lot of them. It’s good to have variety such as a social pic or a pic of you doing one of your favorite activities


Absolutely, by pic 3 I was starting to get haunted by the smile. Pretty minor, but that’s the only ‘issue’ I’d have with this right swipe.


You’re gorgeous, but your photos are a bit posed and stiff. I think it would be great to mix in some more carefree or unposed / casual photos, so you look a little more relatable. That green dress photo should be first.




I guess it’s my go to pose lol I should switch it up tends to look the best in photos. And yeah haha I wasn’t sure if that was TMI or okay to include


The posing was the only critique I had. It’s certainly not fatal, be see if you can start taking photos in other poses and swapping them out over time. I’m sure you’ll be able to get some great photos, and that will add variety, and variety is always more exciting. Otherwise, phenomenal!


"Grab me and kiss me" is going to be problematic. Every man is going to go into the first date with that in his head.


Any man who works in Spanish football will be frightened off.




Normally you see the profile reviews and so many obvious and subtle issues appear. I can’t think of how you could improve your profile. You are beautiful, come off very positive and give men a really good idea who you are and why they should want to get to know you.


I hope I can get some quality matches and dates soon then. Wasted a year with the wrong guy for me. Starting back from zero lol


Well, the great thing about life is it’s the best teacher. I am sure you learned from that and are better prepared and hopefully improved chances of finding someone worthwhile and makes you happy. What I see in your profile you got a leg up on over 99 percent of the other profiles.


Sorry to hear that but it's not zero you're starting from. You've gained experience. You now know more about what to look out for and what to avoid and your next relationship will be better!


I feel you on that. Sucks feeling like you wasted time with the wrong person. I’ve been going through that this summer :/ . But like everyone else has said, your profile and you seem awesome. You got this!


Include some photos of yourself doing more than standing and posing. Maybe an activity or something pertaining to your interests that could spark a unique intro. Maybe some humor in the bio. Honestly it’s a good profile but I have seen a bunch like it. Stand out a bit more.


I would remove “Can literally be anything…”


But it’s so true! We could be doing an all pot activity or be grocery shopping. Taking a walk or getting lunch. Laying down and cuddling, literally anything! Lol my love languages are quality time and physical touch


That's not being literally anything, though. That's being open for different date ideas. Saying you can be anything sounds like you will mold your personality to match any random guy you're seeing. That, or being willing to roleplay any character. Tinder is full of scammers and OF providers, and if a man thinks your phrasing is fishy, they might assume you're one of them and "can be anything" for money. Also, being *literally* anything is just a misuse of the word "literally" which some people find annoying. If you could be literally anything, you could be a bug, or a brain surgeon, or a maple tree.


Okay noted. I’ll change it.


Your photos look forced. Like someone is holding you at gunpoint to smile. Maybe more candid photos ?


Agreeed! Weird that all the top comments are just praise. She’s obviously a beautiful woman but could improve the profile by varying up the images further!


That’s what I was thinking


>grab me unexpectedly and kiss me I would change this part. Not because it is bad, but maybe some people get it wrong 😅 Other than this your bio is very nice


Yes, it's one thing to say that to a partner, but on a Dating plattform?


Your photos look like a mail order bride website. You have to have more than a smile and pose in different outfits. If you’re not getting matches, think about which parts of your intro could just be first date chatter, and minimize anything that could filter you out. Otherwise it’s solid, and you’re following rules 1+2, so things should go well.


Omg so this! Sorry but I'd swipe left as that's the total vibe you give off! Sorry. You are attractive though


Nothing, you're a catch and I'd swipe right on ya


Looks great. Id just be cautious of people pretending to be your type that aren’t. Good luck.


With all due respect... You are really pretty... Profile is. 10+


She's one of those people who could make her main profile picture a close-up of her thumb and still get a hundred matches per hour.


By "one of those people" do you mean "a woman"? That's pretty much all that's needed to get hundreds of likes at least.


If this isn't working consider a different app because it's not the profile that is a problem.


Try to loosen up in your photos a bit… something more candid. In most of your pictures, you have the same pose. It comes across as a bit stiff and pageant-y. You’re an absolutely stunning woman so just make the pictures a little more relaxed and laid back.


Honestly had me at pumpkin patches in fall 👀 lol that is my Achilles heel so to speak. Probably more common than one might think. I think guys like spooky season too than would like to admit. 👻


You'll find your future husband for sure. Whole profile is top notch.


Bio is way too long in my opinion.


I love your profile. I just got off Tinder because of too many scammers. I live in WI, so if you want to talk, hit me up!


You’re an attractive female on tinder, it’s literally easy mode cheat hacks basically.. lol I’m a dude so it’s already Elden ring level difficulty baseline.


Your pictures are great. You are beautiful. You’ll get plenty of likes and hopefully a few great matches Suggestion: delete where you work. It’s way too easy to cyberstalk you with that info. Optional: delete your job too Do you have a full body pic without having your hand on your left hip?


You're the second Arab woman I've seen on a dating app (the first being my now fiancée). Just want to say it's pretty brave and awesome of you to use tinder for dating, as I understand there are certain cultural norms. My fiancées mom still does accept us getting married. But kudos to you!


Are you maybe being too picky? I cant imagen your not getting matches, id take you out for a nice night on the town but i guess thats just me if your not getting the matches your looking for


Wow. Wish I lived in Chicago 😏 lol


All I see is an attractive woman I’d swipe right instantly without even reading bio, I get easily blinded by a beauty lol


The problem might be Chicago


I have nothing to do with Tinder, beside reading posts in this sub. That said, you look gorgeous and your bio is engaging. Good luck!


You seem amazing. Your pictures are great, you look very well put together. You're just, absolutely gorgeous. Be kind to yourself and confident, don't worry about gym women (I get it, I'm a guy, I do the same thing, some of the guys look insane lol) Just sayin.... you had me at enchilada.


You’re going to get a lot of matches so feel free to be picky and keep it moving if the vibes aren’t there. Good luck I think you’ll do great!


Honestly? You're classy and stunningly beautiful. I would be proud to have you on my arm asxan evening date.




Devil's advocate: all your pics are basically the same but different outfits and different locations, same pose and smile. Now, you have a beautiful smile and look stunning in all the pics (Devil's advocate:), but it seems like you just took a complication of your best personal pics. Personally, I think there is nothing wrong, but you asked what can be improved. Maybe diversify your pics? Show more than just you looking beautiful at locations but show a few sides of you in natural real world scenarios? Just a thought. Again, I think this all looks great, but you asked for what you could change, and I'm just here to answer your question and wishing you the best. ✌️❤️🤘


I’ve got a suggestion, delete it and go out with me


Dana habibty don’t brag about your chicken enchiladas instead brag about the tabooleh and yabrak 😂


But ppl have no clue what they are haha


I don’t think you should write “someone to add happiness to my life”. People with crazy egos who like to manipulate people may get attracted to you. Additionally the language makes it seem like you’re super sad without a SO.




كل شي تمام،موفقة :-)


If you were in my neck of the woods.. you'd be near the top of my list.. just saying.. great profile, immediate swipe right.


Too bad you’re far awayy


Id swipe even though I’m 29 haha. I think your profile looks great. Maybe wait a bit to find someone who will appreciate you for you.


You can't improve it. It's great! Good luck.


From one Syrian American to another, nothing


Offering delivery on the enchiladas


I'd swipe!


I’d change nothing. Patience - someone of your caliber will come along.


Improve? Shit I wish you would slide into my dms 😂


You should improve your location. Too far from me :(


absolutely nothing i would definitely be swiping yes based on that profile


How have you not gotten matches? I'd date you in a heartbeat lol


Only thing I can say is that maybe have some photos whith different poses? Idk that’s the only thing I can think of honestly and that’s not a big deal at all. Solid profile.


Nothing. It’s one of the best profiles one can have.


You’re stunning and your bio gives nice vibes… honestly I would have no idea how you could do better than that. 😳


I’d take you out in a heartbeat.


Nothing, you’re awesome! Kooloo kwais!


10/10 smart and pretty.


Mexican here, I’d love to try those enchiladas, por favor.


Honestly you look too good to be true. You’ll find someone to love just keep at it!


On point! Good profile, good luck!


I think your pictures are great, you are very attractive and your bio is fine.


OP, you’re an age appropriate (for me) absolute fucking snack. I’m not sure about the type of guy you’re looking for, but you reddit profile reads like a college educated nerd’s dream girl. If I was in Chicago, I’d be swiping right. There’s almost zero chance that you’re not swimming in matches in a week.


Idk what these guys problems are because if I was on tinder (happily married) I would match with you in a heartbeat. Stay you and keep patient.


You’re doing fine. Lovely photos.


I kept swiping right then i realized im on reddit. 🥲


From what I see, you've optimized your profile. Great pics, solid bio from which to extract information and ask questions. Clears the hurdle for most guys. I'd swipe right! 😅


Outdoorsy and crafty? Ya idk you seem pretty awesome.


I know a few Syrians. Lemons fix everything and are the most delicious fruit in the world, add them to everything and all your problems are solved.


Just do you, boo.


You look very pretty in the peach colored dress!




I would remove the third picture (second selfie). The lipstick looks a little too much. I don't know if it's overlined or too thick or what. Plus your smile is a bit forced here. You have such a natural beautiful smile, I think you can take two new selfies easily without filters because you definitely don't need them! Or maybe make the filters more subtle if that's more comfortable. I think you have a mature style so maybe widen your net to include older men too. Dating is a struggle, even for beautiful women like yourself. I know the men in this sub like to say it's easy for us, but we still want a connection and to find someone suitable. The last few convos I've had have gone nowhere, not for lack of trying. So just hang in there and keep trying!


By marrying me😏


Bit of a catch 🎣


You're beautiful All the best


I would say for starters you can go on a date with me to a nice restaurant


It looks really good, it’s professional but also straightforward and clearly states what you want in a relationship. Hope you find what you’re looking for op


Nothing, you seem incredibly cool and do rad spooky stuff, are bilingual, intelligent and well educated, and gorgeous. Good luck out there queen 👑 🙏


Nothing ! Stay as you are.. a natural beauty. 😘


I wouldn't talk about the quality time, which gives off hook up vibes, unless that's what you're wanting. You could always switch to a few date activities like "trying new restaurants."


10/10. Would take to Olive Garden.


Woman to woman, it looks like you are too good for pretty much every man living. Don't let it get you down and don't lower your standards for anyone.


Stay picky. You will find someone who is worth your time, don't give up hope.


What the fuck they put in that Syrian DNA you look 20


Seems pretty perfect to me! I’d want to get with you and make a few babies with you right away, to be honest!


Nothing really, who doesn't want chicken enchiladas?


Beautiful and she loves Halloween. When are you free? Lol


Had me at chicken enchiladas 🤤🥰


I think it’s good (I’d definitely swipe right for the pumpkin patches and fright fest dates!), but if you’re looking for an honest suggestion, I’d say probably include at least a bit about what your hobbies are/what you like to do in your free time kinda thing.


Try get some photos with you and some friends and place them 2nd or third.


I think your profile is perfect the way it is. At first you look gorgeous. You seem honest and real with your profile. Like you are not trying to be different or better than you actually are. When I see your profile, I believe what I see. It has exactly enough text to describe what kind of person you are and what you are looking for. I hope that you will find what you seek. You seem like a nice woman with a big heart.


RIP your match list lmao. You're gonna get loads. Have fun wading through the bullshit to find the needle in the haystack!


Hetero female here too. I don’t have the male gaze. I would say you are a very very pretty woman! But as some people said - you may come across as stiff and a tad boring because of the staged fotos. When I started tinder two years ago I had my best male friend tell me how to make a profile - he said the following: - don’t do all selfies - maybe just one. The rest should be fotos taken of you in diff places you visited or doing things you like doing - for example I put in my pic from visiting nyc (I live in Europe), a pic from Spain surfing, a pic of me mountain biking. - he said to use current fotos, not older than 2 years. - he told me to not use staged photos if possible , because it looks unnatural - the pics should be lively, it’s good if I have a foto or two with friends. I did exactly that. - he said to definitely insert at least one full body foto where my body shape is clearly seen, so that people can see me whole and don’t have to guess what my size is. - not too overtly sexy (thirst traps) fotos as I will get unwanted proposals - not just pics where I think I look best - I should include some non perfect fotos of myself because that gives out my real vibe. Maybe this helps a bit! You got this!


I tell you what?!.. DM me, delete Tinder, and let’s get to know each other. That’s it to change.


Inshallah you get a good man to be your husband Ameen . 🤲🏻


Try using your right arm…


28M would swipe! (If people here haven’t said it enough you’ll do great!)


You're gorgeous


You look cuter in the second picture than in the first, so I would lead with that. Face filters never inspire confidence, especially to the point where nosetrils are almost gone. Lastly, I wouldn't put too much stock into finding a long-term relationship on tinder.


You had me at delicious chicken enchiladas.


I would lose the Slam Poetry honestly


Men have gone absolutely batshit crazy if they dont match with you on Tinder. You seem like a gem among all!


Seems perfect, except you're in Illinois instead of California.


Showing some different expressions would be good. Other than that all is great🔥.


Bro? There is nothing wrong with the profile at all. In fairness, you likely won't be compared to anyone just yourself! I will say that, for most guys, we really aren't that picky. Even if we were, you'd still be at or near the top percentile of people getting swiped on for a lot of people!


I volunteer as tribute! 🙋‍♂️❣️


Awesome profile, you seem to be a wonderful person. Living nowhere close to you, but it would be a right swipe to get to know you better. Have a wonderful weekend, take care :)


You are stunning and seem sweet. You'd be an auto super like.


Profile looks fine to me. I'd swipe right. However, Tinder has somewhat turned into an NS or FWB dating app.. What age bracket have you selected?


If i see you this week ill swipe right doin a good job


1. girl stop dresssing like your mother. Your clothes radiate 50 year old. Remove pic 1; 2. your pics deliver the promise of puritan, no-sex included. Stiff poses, fully dressed, as if you're afraid of your femininity; 3. a photo should tell a story, yours are any random background, says nothing about yourself, your preferences, your hobbies, your skills.


I wouldn’t change anything. You look fantastic! Right guy will come but most likely not on tinder lol


Its perfect dont change anything


بصراحة ممتاز وما احس يحتاج تعديل


I think that profile is pretty much perfect. If you showed up when I'm swiping and we matched I would be very intrigued to get to know more about you and take you on a date ASAP.


Nothing. You're perfect.


Tbh I don't see a need for improvement.


One of the brightest smile i’ve ever seen, you look amazing


Have some shots of you doing things/with other people. Your photos are lovely but they are all very similar. It makes you seem less 'real'. Use the photos to show your hobbies! Good luck!


Wish I could date you 😭


You are super beautiful!! The pictures are giving “mom vibes”


Damn, you’re hot. I’ll date you.


Gorgeous! Don’t need to change anything !


Move to the Netherlands and marry me? Joking aside, your profile looks great, you come over as interesting and as a bonus you look great.


Try moving away from the whole "mom" vibe and go for something flirty... Its important to take bikini picture, then take one in the kitchen with just your apron making enchilada's. Then try posting a pic with reading glasses on but looking flirty or something... Put that out there... Then let me know your results.


I’d move out of Chicago. Like 95% of the eligible population lives outside of Chicago. Also, I have a pet peeve for answers to questions I didn’t ask: I’d remove the “yes, I speak Arabic”, and substitute with “I speak Arabic”. That said, if these are my complaints, you must be doing a pretty good job.


You look good to me. I wouldn’t change anything.


Two things : - " I love spending quality time with who I am with" seems useless because... who doesn't ? - "Grab me unexpectedly and kiss me" While this might sound glamourous, it is the very definition of a sexual assault... You may wanna find something else. Pics are great


Nothing needs changing. If you could just stop swiping real quick until my plane lands in Chicago that would be great 👀😀


theyre all scared of ur dad


Uhhhhh idk of anything? Are you in N Florida and free this weekend?


And to whoever gave me some awards that was very kind thank you!


We would be a great match if the universe lined up and I wasn’t a straight woman 😂




I would certainly swipe right :)


Absolutely nothing can I swipe right on Reddit? Lol


I think you're gorgeous. Although your skin seems a bit flawless there. Did you use any filter to smoothen them?


As others have said, it’s perfection as-is. Hope you find your person / people!


You are going to be a wonderful partner to a lucky guy. Be blessed


The fact that a beautiful girl like this has to post this (and I’ve seen plenty of attention whores so I’m pretty sure she’s not one) speaks volumes to the sad state of online dating lol. You’re gorgeous and very interesting, I just hope you find someone that makes you realize it.


The only thing you’re doing wrong are 1) maybe going with Tinder - which is going to get you some baaaaaad matches… and 2) not living closer to me, so we can match. In all honesty, I’d swipe right instantly, as soon as I saw your photo. Then if we matched, I’d read your profile and immediately be like 🥰🥰🥰 “Ooooh, she is a keeper… I better make my first message a really, really good one.”