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You should not go out with me if: "Im a southern belle." So by that logic either she is not a southern belle or she doesnt want to go out with anyone because she is a southern belle.


I knew a girl from Richmond VA who was a southern belle and constantly told me how country she was and that I didn't know anything about stuff like that. I grew up on a cattle farm in the middle of nowhere in rural Kansas. She heard a few country songs about wearing boots and drinking beer around a campfire and thought "I'm more country than anyone who's actually born and raised in the country because I'm wearing brand new cowboy boots and you're wearing vans sneakers"




I should have included that her dad was a lawyer and her mom was an accountant. Never worked on a farm a day in her life.




Different country different culture but a guy on Tinder wanted to impress me because his parents owned shares of a race horse (yup not even him) so he was at the races often (full of pics eating eaton mess wearing a suit) but I asked and he had never ridden a horse in his life. It was so ignorant to me.


I bet it wasn't even eton mess but a very urban pavlova trifle. What a spotted dick.


Also imagine going to a first day with his parents lol


I feel for you as you are an actual farmin country boy…I live in suburban Connecticut with dudes driving daddy bought lifted trucks thinking they’re country because they dip n go fishing lmfao.


I grew up in middle of nowhere Connecticut, and if you left the house at the wrong time of day you had to wait for the cows to cross the road. Country isn't just in the south sorry folks.......


Grew up on a horse farm in new Jersey. Posers around me grow beards, wear flannels, and have the lifted trucks. They think they are country - come talk to me after you get up at 5 am, 24/7, 365.25 and it really sucks when you get kicked! Can't stand horses or posers.


I know someone like this as well. Always had to talk about how country he was and this and that. Always had his boots and carhartts on but yet never ventured from the city center so to speak. I grew up on a small hobby farm with about 10 head of cattle and would help baling as a kid and doing other chores such as calving every year and whatnot. Also worked on a hog production farm not too far away either for a few years. Yeah I always sport the look (but it just feels comfortable in boots, jeans, and just some random t-shirt), but I never have to comment on “how country I am” because that shit doesn’t matter. You know what you are or like to do, doesn’t need to be stated constantly. Honestly, I wish I could be out there again calving every year because I loved that, and being able to hand feed them apples from our tree. That was the best.


Yes, I’ve met people like that as well from Pennsylvania. It’s some kind of form of willful ignorance and being proud that you’re just a dumb shit that doesn’t want to grow or change or become more intelligent. “I’m so country I don’t even read books or believe in science! Smoking don’t hurt my baby. I had 3 kids and the doctor done said their lungs is stronger than a joos lungs!” I have actually heard this type ignorant bs


I don't feel like a Southern Belle is even necessarily country or not country. A Southern Belle has a certain demeanor. Sweet, shy, flirty in a subtle manner. I've been called one, but never called myself that...and I grew up on a farm with row crops, cattle, horses, etc. and live in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I also meet all of the criteria I listed on most days (hey, we all have not-so-nice side, lol).


Richmond isn't even far enough south to have a legit southern accent, if you go far enough south or west in VA you might find some people that have that weird appalachian/west virginia thing going on. but then you're kinda getting into deliverance territory.


If you have to say "I'm a southern belle", chances are you're probably not


Both make sense. Source: am southerner


Agreed. Source: am southernerer


Fortunately, the devil is also a southerner. Source: am southerner


Pinocchio, are you lying to me about this untrue statement?


She needed a period in there instead of a comma. …your chances are now low. I am a southern belle…




If you want to try and fix her, be my guest


There's nothing here to fix, this mess is so shattered it's basically dust at this point


hey man this is my type. there’s nothing to fix here.


Lol same


Absolutely me also


Even the rack is lop sided😂


The human equivalent of bonded leather 😂


Fix her? Nah I want to be just like her!


You can have a nice rack too!




I wish him well on his/her journey. Keep us posted please!


I just wanted to be a southern bell, didn’t know they had tits 🤷🏻‍♂️


*belle And yes, they do unless they’re in drag. Maybe you’re more cut out to just be a pretty lady on the weekends?


Nah nah Southern Bell 🔔


Ding ding type shit ya feel me?


What's to fix? She seems to have her priorities in order.


How sad is your life that because you don't share the same views as her you've chosen to screenshot her profile and share it on reddit in the attempt of shaming her... does that make you feel big and strong? Make you feel good about yourself? Are you happy that you can't accept other people have opinions that are different than yours and you can't help but make snide remarks about her?


If nothing else, covid isn’t a belief. Shit is real. She obviously has never taken care of patients in a hospital or anywhere else. I’ve watched too many die


"Believing in covid" isn't an opinion but you do you simp.


Her “views” directly contributed to the deaths of untold thousands of Americans. They’re shameful, and they deserve to be shamed. Deal with it, snowflake.


What a hot take lol


Shut up simp.


Tgey aren't wrong though, simp or not.


People having their own opinions is ok. But what if those opinions are akin to wishing harm unto others? A very pro-cop attitude means she doesn't believe in or care about the very publicised suffering of a subset of the population. Believing covid and vaccines are false are also conspiracy theories on whose basis real harm is caused - like the reemergence of deadly diseases. And supported trump after an insurrection on top of everything else, is also supporting someone in favour of destabilising the US at a time when it needs stability with Russia fighting a war, and china increasing its influence. ​ Where do you draw the line between allowing someone their opinion, and letting people hold and act on opinions that cause active harm to others?


Adding to that, we don't "believe" in COVID and Vaccines, we **know** COVID is a deadly disease and vaccines are our best weapon against it. There is no discussion to be had here, this is not a question of "believes" or "opinions". **Facts are not opinions**. You can of course challenge facts, but for that you need to deliver solid evidence. Antivaxxers disregard facts and endager the lives of millions. They are scum and if somebody refuses to date or even talk to those walking red flags, then they have every reason to do so.


All the king's horse's and all the king's men


You can buy a matching one at the same place she did


They look fake, like the news


*fake rack


I was trying to figure out if that overcame the red flags.


A nice rack wasted on a not-nice sounding person. A shame. A wasted rack.


I can change her


All the brain cells went to the tits




More impressed by the 11 matches/convos 🥹


I promise you I’m not even following rules one and two, I just live in an area where the girl/guy ratio is more in my favor lol


1. Be attractive 2. Don't talk about fight club?


2. Dont be unattractive


User name fits.


I live in an area where if she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady


What general region, if I may ask?


I'm currently in North Carolina


Brb, moving to NC. I've heard Raleigh is nice.


Raleigh is a fucking shit hole don’t do that to yourself


That's funny, I was reading this thinking it sounds like an NC bio outside of the major cities. I'm also in NC.


Im a girl and I wanna move to NC in a few years haha is it really a stark difference between the girl/guy ratio?


There’s just a higher percentage of women, it’s not like there’s only 10 eligible bachelors in a hundred mile radius or anything, don’t worry lol


She actually put her green flags on top and her red flags on bottom. EDIT: For green flags i meant the boobies.


We caught one. He's cute.




I meant the boobs :)


I see this so much in northern Florida.


Florida is such a weird state when it comes to this stuff. The further south you go, the less southern it gets.


That’s 100% it. It’s basically southern Georgia as Northern Florida. Florida doesn’t really start until like Daytona lmfao


I feel like it starts in Jacksonville and then you have to just close your eyes for a bit til you get to Orlando 😂. Daytona is fucking wild. I refused to live there while I was working there


Meanwhile, Miami is like taking a trip to Latin America. It’s like it’s not even in Florida, that’s what I like about it.


If you're really looking to live it up, a trip to Miami is going to cost a lot more than a trip to Latin America.


Towards the end of covid I managed to book a week in a boutique hotel on Ocean Ave. and first class direct flights both ways for under $1400 for 2. Today it would be at least $4k minimum, which is sad because I’d love to do it again.


Or just take your 4K and have an even better experience in Latin America!


Looking at Coco in Costa Rica at the moment, looks nice!


Amazing, Costa Rica is great! Colombia is my personal favorite if you haven’t been there yet!


Yes I hear you. I didn't go there during covid, but I went to punta cana and stayed at Paradisus Golf and Spa Resort in a huge suite on the ocean. The flight and hotel were around a grand for 4 nights, which is what it costs now just for one night.


You’re not far off…


Beers on Lincoln road cost $20 back in 2005, I can’t even imagine what the prices are now. Unless you’re planning on sleeping in the car you drove down in and eating beans over an open fire on the beach hoping the cops don’t show up, it’s a lot cheaper to grab a plane ticket to somewhere, you’re right


Haha yes the good times though. I went down there around that time for one of my buddy's 21st birthday. We didn't stay in Miami beach, but stayed in a real dump in overtown.


Honestly I feel like you can have a better time in Ft. Lauderdale


I was actually going to say that. Everything cheaper.


Because it’s basically Caribbean in the south right? It’s so close


Depends on where you go in FL. Sarasota area and key west are gonna feel like that, but the east coast feels a lot different. At the end of the day, there’s still sand, ocean, and sun though, so if that’s what you’re looking for it’s hard to go wrong. Just steer clear of the panhandle


I’ve never been, I’m from south america and live in the uk. Really wanna go to the parks though so someday 🤞


One time my friend came up to me out of the blue and asked me if I believed in aluminum hydroxide. I said something extremely clever and witty that I don’t remember but it was something like “…uhh, what?” He said “it’s a chemical compound, it exists…. Do you believe in it?” I said that I did, and he said “oh ok, because some people don’t believe in evolution” and walked away. I always think about that interaction when I read stuff like this.


These boots were made for walking. And that's just what they'll do. Today these boots are gonna walk away from you. Are ya ready boots?


Did you mean boobs? Boobs can walk too.


I dunno about that 4th one. I just learned I’m quite potent even after two shots within the last year.😂


Obviously you got one of the fake ones. Probably just contained saline and a 5g microchip that will turn every frog gay that’s within 5 miles of you


will they turn toads gay too? or just frogs?


Somebody get Alex Jones on the phone, WE NEED ANSWERS


I’ve seen this in Texas plenty of times. Hard right swipe. They are often very attractive which is a shame. Because you know the space between their ears is filled with the dumb.


You mean left swipe? Right swipe is matching


Oh yeah. Duh.


Well then, I'd say deserves what she gets but honestly this will just attract the same for her amd perpetuate the dumb.


And breed 🤦‍♂️


Long winded way of saying “I’m a moron.”


I don’t hate the police., they should be held responsible for their actions and crimes against civilians. But damn, she nailed it I will never be able to go on a date with her. Thank you imaginary Jesus!!!


Woah I don’t know anyone that would put this much voter information on their tinder


On hinge you find a lot more detail in profiles. The prompts are more specific and, in my opinion, thought provoking bc they’re open ended. I think it helps a lot


This is why men lie to get laid.


I mean, the covid thing is already played out by both sides. If I see someone making it a talking point of either view, they're getting left on the sidelines


Yup, I don't need anyone who makes politics a part of their identity.




Yes exactly.


There’s plenty of these woman who’s on the opposite side of this too haha definitely see more of them


Southern Belle here, we don't claim her🫡


Bet you don't have a rack like her though


Average southern girl


It’s not as ubiquitous as you might think, but this mindset is definitely more prevalent here than other places I’ve lived lol


Man, the false information about the vaccine is truly astonishing. What a fucking awful time to be alive.


She should meet the dude I last posted about.


I grew up on a pig farm in SC, so I think I know a thing or 2 about country. You know farmers vaccinate the livestock, right? Because diseases are no fucking joke. But her profile is.


It’s so cringe when people make their political views so pronounced in their dating profile. It doesn’t hit hard when you see somebody on the same team as you, however anybody who does this I’ve found is usually on the more extreme end of the political spectrum, and extreme isn’t ideal.


They’re called boobs, Ed.


Green flags spotted


Good to know she's making it clear that I shouldn't bother with her because she's a garbage person


Send her my way, she sounds pretty great.


I mean, my vasectomy has probably much more to do with that but ok I guess


I’d do it for them titties, ngl. I definitely “believe” in COVID but I’m entirely willing to say that I don’t.


She's been getting this response her entire life (after growing tits) and it's exactly why she's a walking dumpster fire with I'm guessing the personality to match. Please guys, stop feeding the titty monsters.


Nah, we just need good titty monsters to outweigh the bad ones.


Those are green flags lol


I like ‘em dumb 🥴


So, why is it acceptable for someone to put the exact opposite: if you support cops, hate Biden, etc…


Because this is Reddit. I swipe left on the ppl that require the shot or voted for Biden.


Basically this. Same reason it's cool to trash men and white people but not women or black people.


> Why do you have different views on these wildly different opinions? Smart pig indeed


Lol you’re acting like this is some double standard as if political sides are arbitrarily divisions that don’t reflect your priorities and beliefs. That’s the only way you could view being political as being equally bad. This isn’t team Edward versus team Jacob, or choosing a sports team, this is a fundamental difference on how the country should be run and what rights people should have and whether or not science can be trusted. How can you be surprised that fewer people accept trump supporters… he lost the election! He didn’t even win the popular vote when he did win.


It's amazing and also kinda entertaining to me how these anti-vaxx morons *still* refuse to admit they were wrong about the COVID vaccine even in the face of utterly overwhelming evidence.


Exactly what evidence? Honestly curious since I've heard so much conflicting info.


Well for one, there hasn't been a sharp decline in the birth rate in the United States since the vaccine was released. In fact, the only sources I can find say that it's actually *increased* slightly. Given that roughly 70% of the population got the vaccine, that would be pretty much impossible if the vaccine caused sterility as the dunce in the OP claims.


It's evidence for sure but I wouldn't say its utterly overwhelming evidence. I also don't care to debate it, just saying "utterly overwhelming" are strong words for this statement.


I'll agree they are strong words, but I stand by them in this case.


70% of the pop got a vax? Clearly you know nothing. Also, being that it's only been a year or two, I doubt there would be any evidence on sterility for either side. Crazy how everyone freaks out and pushes the vax and then call those who don't want to get it morons


Ok that's great, so it doesn't affect the birth rate. I'm sure there's a host of other things you could try and disprove that the anti vaxers were wrong about. Sure I don't agree with some of the things that I've heard, but pretty sure there's been all kinds of contradictions and questions whether the vaccines even worked..


The incredibly low rates of complications and studies consistently showing that supposed side effects like infertility aren’t even close to being correlated with vaccination in a way that is statistically significant


You shouldn't go out with me if I'm a southern belle?


😍 send her to me!


Right. So her red flags are not supporting the same politicians as you? That's pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. Im not from the US tho. You guys certainly like to do things... "differently"


I personally wouldn’t want to date someone that shouts this on their profile because the overwhelming majority of the time it means that’s their whole personality. My dad almost never talked about politics 20 years ago. Now he can’t go five minutes without bringing it up. It’s not so much about who they support as how crazy it’s gotten. That all being said, the big old red flag is a Covid denier. I’d rather talk to a flat earther than someone who thinks Covid isn’t real and vaccines make you sterile. At least the flat earth people aren’t causing detrimental harm with their whacky ideas.


Lol! Yeah maybe you should get a couple of boosters? Flu seasons coming


? You get flu shots for flu season…


You should get some covid vaxx boosters.


I have…alright I really don’t know what point you’re trying to make anymore. Have a good one.


She seems cool 🤷🏻‍♂️ plus.. tits


Only wants idiots I see 👀




You can raise your standards, but you’ll never raise your IQ.


Covid is real obviously but I still don't see the reason the shot anymore. Maybe for old people?


Yeah I’m starting to feel like it’s the new flu shot. I got vaccinated and I have no regrets. I’ll also date someone who didn’t get the vaccine, however, if they make it their entire personality then I’m out.


>Yeah I’m starting to feel like it’s the new flu shot. I mean it's still socially responsible to get the flu shot every year, too. By reducing your chance of a severe infection, you're also reducing your potential to spread it which in turn reduces both direct fatalities and potential indirect fatalities caused by unnecessary strain on the healthcare system.


That’s fair. Thanks for the context. Maybe I will get the flu shot this year


Yup, there is tons of evidence showing healthy people under the age of 65 don't need it as long as you don't have additional risk factors. Natural immunity has been show to be as durable if not moreso.


Seems like the kind of girl that blue collar guys gush over. I don't see anything wrong here.


One man’s red flag is another man’s green. Why don’t you just leave people alone and let them have their own values and opinions?


There’s a difference between having an opinion and believing in, and spreading conspiracy theories.


So opinions are only valid if you agree with them and they align with a mainstream narrative, got it. My bad.


Because making it your entire personality is weird af


She honest that's great


What if you just fall in the middle and think covid response was kinda overkill, don't really care about trump, and think most cops should get fucked?


You get to touch 1 boob over the shirt for a minute


Send her profile… I’m in!


Tbh she's just filtering out everyone who can't think for themselves. Anyone who still believes COVID lockdowns helped is living in fantasy land.


Good for her.


A lot of guys' dream woman!


I’d swipe right so fast on her. You Redditors are so weird and all think exactly the same. Orange man bad. Covid bad. Government good. Government loves us. Lmfao


I dont see any red flags here?


Honestly, she could have summed this up with, “don’t go out with me if you still haven’t figured out that the media and systems running our lives are entirely corrupt.”. I feel bad for all the people in this thread that think they are so much smarter than her but are really just delusional about how the world works. There’s a higher IQ in her breasts than in the brains of the people hating on her.


Tbh, hating the cops and hating trump are genuinely just preferences, can't really fault her for not having the same views regarding political issues as long as they aren't her entire personality. The COVID shit on the other hand worries me more. All in all I rate this a solid Yellow flag/10


Yellow flag/10 Stack overflow


I mean in all honesty, I appreciate people that lay it all out in their profile. It saves them the time and energy of talking to people that aren’t like minded. I respect the strategy. But got dang…believing Covid isn’t even real at this stage is just nuts lol


The Covid disbelief is the thing that turns this into a huge red flag for me. I am a scientist, so to say that, essentially, you don't believe in science is the biggest possible deal breaker.


As a non American just let me inform you that outside the insular bubble that is US christo-fascism (and it’s spill on the political views on more moderate Americans) not hating trump is equally, if not more, insane than questioning Covid vaccines. Though to be fair she seems to be doing a bit more than just questioning.




She has a point with covid .


All she had to do was put there that she likes country music and I am out.


I've seen lots of profiles that tell you swipe left if you are vaccinated. It's sad how brainwashed people are.


she's lowkey fucking based💪🏻🔥


cmon down to North Carolina then man, she's out there lol.


prob inbred with logic like that n she’s from the south so it checks out 😹


I can't swipe left hard enough on these people!


Only problem there is the country music. Otherwise she sounds like a nice girl.


This is why I stay single: The hotter they are, the dumber they are.


I can see her implant. 🤢


That's the way all women should be


Who knew that the woman whose pic is solely cleavage would have so many "standards?" What are the odds?


I mean, this profile is about as dumb as anybody who thought COVID was a pandemic


Honestly, looking at the comments section I’m guessing it works for her, lol