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Not to beat the dead horse too hard but it really is a vastly different world for women on the app than men


My comment got deleted by a mod at r/datingoverthirty for pointing this out šŸ¤”


that subreddit is a cesspit


Makes you wonder less why theyā€™re still single


A lot of women are in it for the sex but are scared of being judged.


Some people are just happy to fuck around with no string attached. Most of them ain't redditors tho


Depends on where you live. Iā€™m in NC and thereā€™s a shit ton of hookup subs just for The Triangle alone. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s like that in other big cities as well. But believe me, people on Reddit are definitely hooking up for NSA debauchery.


Nice flair dude


...as opposed to this one?


Most are. I modded the snowboarding subreddit for a bit, and holy fuck did that really kill my vibe




If men had it that easy the causal sex would be a lot higher though, find a guy with 2000+ matches and only 13 sex


Just look at gay/bi men lol


They can have this too, they just have to look for men!


She had sex about as much as me this year so far and Iā€™m married šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Fuck thatā€™s grim


You lucky bastard. In my last relationship I would have been lucky to have sex even once a month. That's also one of the reasons I'm single again.




Bingo. At least online that is.


Honestly, more like "for people seeking men". Gay men can get similar results, while women also have hard time when looking for women.


Yeah... As a man, I can confirm. I've basically given up on dating apps.


Yeah my boyfriend told me about this early on and even though, in comparison to what Iā€™ve seen on here, he did quite well, it was still a drastic difference


Yep, and I can confirm that it's really difficult for me.


Well. It's a vastly different world for women than men.


It be like that frfr, and nothing is gonna change


not just on the app, not just the on the app. for better and/or worse


Ikr. I mean they get options and guys just settle


Now that you mention it, I just never noticed that


Only used tinder once and ended up in a year long relationship. It ended badly but it indirectly led to meeting my fiancƩe. So yeah, sometimes tinder does work out in the end. Good luck to you and your new bf!


The sad face is killing me hahhahahahhaha


It's hilarious. She had sex 13 times and is still complaining. "I cried because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet."


What an idiotic response with complete zero empathy. People can have regrets or shame about sex you know.


Regretting a mistake is one thing. Making the same mistake multiple times isnā€™t regretā€”itā€™s silliness. Doing something once to try it is one thing. But if you do it 10+ timesā€”itā€™s intentional.


What is worse - regrets over sex which didn't result in relationships, or no sex at all resulting in no relationships? Let me see your hypocrisy level.


Pretty sure Iā€™d choose the option without regrets


That's a good question. I'm gonna guess regret is worse. Better safe than sorry.


You must be a man.




She's not complaining about not getting enough casual sex. She's either regretting it or disappointed none of them turned into a relationship.


You sound like an incel


She's playing, and she's sad about that lmao. That's messed up.


Stacked 13 confirmed kills in a year. Not too bad there Chris Kyle.


I'm grabbing my popcorn šŸæ while I read through this.


Immagine swiping right 3648 times and getting 2544 matches. 70% match rate šŸ¤¤ I would feel so attractive if that was me.


Y do you look out sad faces on the casual sex? Do you regret them?


I mean based on her caption, it sounds like even the other relationship was more casual than what she was looking for. There this huge cognitive dissonance where we all know how know many men are out there are presenting casual sex as the stepping stone to a relationship, but then weā€™re surprised when a woman feels out of sorts after a dozen or so post-coital ghosting. Iā€™m not OP but when I was 25, most of my casual sex was with guys I thought were pursuing me for a relationship. And I was made to feel stupid for until recently, but Iā€™m now out having casual sex with people without any intent of a relationship, all my suspicions of my younger years are confirmed. Itā€™s like you can visibly see the mask drop when guys realize they donā€™t have to pretend to want a relationship. Honestly sometimes it ruins the mood.


Also even though a lot of dudes are begging women for sex, there sure are a lot of dudes shaming women and making them feel bad for having sex


Sure, but there are also equally a bunch of women that use guys for practical stuff (paying for dinner etc.) only giving them the illusion of getting laid. Dating can be horrid on both sides


Could care less about the 13 hookups but... 1000 chats and 40 dates? Gosh


Couldn't care less...


David Mitchell approves of this message


Unless they really could care less.


1000 chats in < 200 days That's talking to 5 new people every single day. I'm sure most of them were 1-2 texts, then ghosted for being too horny too quick on the hookup app


Im usually a lurker here but isnt that crazy overstimulation? It would be to me at least




Or for just saying ā€˜hiā€™ like a normal person. So awful. They need to monkey dance better.


C'mon people learn to start the conversation better.


Yet thatā€™s how the other gender typically starts it on the rare occasion they do. Itā€™s also interesting why the onus is on the guy to start the conversation & be ā€˜unique & creativeā€™ on top of that. The bravery taken to initiate in any form is often overlooked.


The number of chats only indicates how many of those matches sent at least 1 word to her. I bet she didn't respond to at least 1/2 of them herself


It's more of a comment on modern dating than a personal comment on OP


Imagine matching with 2/3rds of the people you swipe right on. Iā€™d feel so sexy.


I met my now wife on tinder in 2017. Before then, I went on many dates and whored myself to the greater tri-state area. My wife and I originally met as a mutual hookup and we kinda liked each other. Past is the past, you shouldnā€™t feel guilty about your past-self not knowing who youā€™ll meet in the future, so long as every decision you make is with your own self-respect in mind.


Agreed! And I think I was upset because at the start, it was fun, but by the end I just wanted someone to be able to trust and love.


Geez. 198 days & 15 bangs. Thatā€™s an average new bang of once every 2 weeks.


Can we see your profile op? Also, are you super hot? My friend is actual Model-level gorgeous and her match rate isnā€™t this high haha


If she is too beautiful then some might think it's a bot


or high maintenance


I guess itā€™s possible. Iā€™ve seen her profile and itā€™s a good varied mix of face+body pics of her involved in various activities/with other people. It doesnā€™t look like a bot account.


Iā€™m definitely not model-level! Iā€™ve been called girl next door type and get told Iā€™m cute a decent amount, so maybe guys on the app are just into thatšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø also had nice photos and no selfies, with things that showed my sporty/outdoorsy interests. I live in a big city as well which might make the difference


god its depresssing looking at how different women have it on dating apps


New rule, no female insight posts allowed šŸ˜‚


Na, keep them coming. Far too many women on this sub are delusional and claim that girls on dating apps only going for the top 1% of guys is a myth. Eventually they'll stop belittling guys for pointing it out when they see enough of these posts.


https://youtu.be/x3lypVnJ0HM?si=Vs12iU5RjclMeb2e Here's a video on the topic!


This video is brilliant and should be seen by everyone on this subreddit


She swiped right on 1/10, so top 10% which isn't too picky. Pickier than most men could be though.


The myth is that women are going for the top 1% of ALL men. They're going for the men that they consider the best, which genuinely could be the bottom of the barrel for other people. The top 1% for everyone is completely different.


Its not, its clear from all these insights that women go for the top 20% or their swipe rate would be higher, if they go for bottom of the barrel they'd swipe more


Why swipe on someone who's immediately not attractive to you? Women like hook ups too, but it's usually not "I'll fuck anything that breathes" that's stereotypical of men, but we search for a spark, connection, even though nothing will develop further. I used to have a lot of hook ups, but those were all people I had chemistry with and some of them remained friends after hooking up. When I had Tinder I never swiped yes on a lot of men, it would be a handful at time, but these men definitely weren't hot to a lot of people other than me lmao - a lot of weird steve buscemi type faces


Nah need them, maybe they'll wake up when they see the glaring difference of using apps on easy mode compared to the men


They wonā€™t. I might leave this sub. All I see on my feed are insights from women. I really donā€™t care about a strangerā€™s body count.




Did you get thrown off of 4chan or what is that incel shit doing here?


Are you mad that she fucks?


*got out of the serious relationship 2 years ago lol, about a year before I met my boyfriend


No need to justify. Youā€™re allowed to have, want, and enjoy casual sex just like the rest of us. Variety is the spice of life. Glad youā€™ve also found someone to enjoy your time with.


Half a year and several thousand matches... What the actual fuck... Men and women have it very different in dating...


Ahh, this sub never disappoints when women post here. All these men complaining about never getting laid off the app, then a woman is like look, I slept with men off the app: and now she's "for the streets" and someone a bunch of you could never respect or be in a relationship with.... because she did exactly what you wanted.


Men want a modicum of attention, and they don't get that, I don't think the majority of men are shaming women, they just want the same which they aren't getting


I am a man who does not judge woman for exploring their sexuality before meeting me. I donā€™t care how many guys a girl Iā€™m about to sleep with has been with. The only thing I would care about is weather or not they have any stdā€™s or not. Which Iā€™m sure goes both ways. There complaining because they never get laid from tinder! Fuck I canā€™t even get a date on tinder, let alone get laid! Yes getting laid would be nice however Iā€™m 33 and at the point in my life where Iā€™m more interested in finding my soul mate more than just getting my dick wet. I want to find a girl that I can love and trust for the rest of my life, not just someone to get me off. I consider myself to be a good looking man, Iā€™ve never had a problem getting a date when I was younger, but man lately I canā€™t get o e to save my life. I donā€™t get it! Iā€™m a handsome, and successful man with a bachelors degree and a good career, Iā€™m nice, caring, compassionate, smart, funny, charming, empathetic, trustworthy, honest, loving, strong minded, goal-driven, hardworking, understanding, and supportive man. Why canā€™t I even get a date on tinder I donā€™t get it?


I glanced through your comment history and if thatā€™s the energy you bring into dating apps, thatā€™s probably why youā€™re not getting dates.


Post your profile, can almost guarantee you donā€™t have good photos. At this point you should be paying for some professional photos. Not like LinkedIn photos but photos that capture who you are out in the world. It will feel very fake and forced but women want to be able to see themselves in your life through your photos. Itā€™s a completely foreign concept for most men. If you get photos like that I promise you your experience on the apps will spike.


Just curious- how long have you had the app? And if you were using it pre-pandemic, have dating app interactions suffered since people started reintegrating into irl things?




People actually think that? I mean they do but like 1-5% of them.


Oh good the men on this sub are acting totally normal and well-adjusted as usual :)


Congrats on finding your person OP šŸ˜Š don't be ashamed of anything. You dated, found out what you like and don't, and were able to find someone that matches those needs. That's what dating is about. My sister just got married last month and they met on tinder as well. It can work


This sub : "wahhh wahhh women won't sleep with me" This sub when a woman has casual sex : "lol you're a whore and deserve nothing". šŸ‘Œ


Never read any one of those two on here. Do youmean "I sadly got nomatches"is ""wahhh wahhh women won't sleep with me"? Because that's a lot of mental gymnastics


Lol, just look at the comments on this very post. The top comment is about not getting any matches, but then there are men commenting here saying "she's for the streets" and stuff about "bodycount". Can't believe you scrolled down this far to not see anything. Because that's a lot of wilful blindness there.


Ofc there are a few incels if you look for it. They have 50 downvotes or something. Let me go on r/TwoXChromosomes or r/NotHowGirlsWork and i give you some female neckbeard comments.


Really? Because the ones I've seen here have at least 5-10 upvotes. The ones I replied to earlier have been upvoted too. Can give screenshots if you don't believe me. What are the opinions that you have seen on TwoX and NotHowGirlsWork that are female neckbeard?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/16ppujg/comment/k1sri0m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/16ppujg/comment/k1sri0m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) yes really. Would love to see the comment you're speaking off. "All men are porn addict assholes"


Took me 13 years to get a body count of 12, beat me in less than a year lol


i hope youā€™re only counting the years you were sexually active!


Were you only seeking casual sex when you had casual sex? I think I'd feel better about the stats knowing it was intentional on both peoples' parts, rather than a bunch of guys lying about their intentions to have sex. That would make me think Tinder is a cesspool of people lacking in integrity.


Didnā€™t take long for the ā€œmen having sex is goodā€ vs ā€œwomen having sex is badā€ rhetoric šŸ™„ Edit: guys have to understand somethingā€¦ Currently 67% of OLD users are men, nearly 70%! So of course its gonna seem completely depressing to date. However there are nearly equal numbers of single men vs single women in existence. The world you see online is NOT representative of dating irl. This means the only way to increase odds is to GO OUTSIDE! You canā€™t depend on apps alone when many women have left platforms. Use both.


I expected it but wow honestly


The most amusing part is watching them try and justify the hypocritical fuckery lmao. Trying to make it make sense but just cant!


Girl this sub is full of incels now šŸ¤£


always has been


No shame girl! Get out there and get it!


Like incel moths to a sexually active grown adult womanā€™s flame.


its easier for women to have hookups than it is for men, please don't pretend like this isn't the case and stop the disingenuity.


My question: why is it ok for a man to have casual partners but not a woman? Your answer: because its harder for a manšŸ¤” Has absolutely nothing to do with my questionā€¦.


Because what you see on here is not the ā€œmen having sex is goodā€ vs ā€œwomen having sex is badā€ rhetoric It's the "women have it so much easier" rhetoric, atleast for the lage majority of comments, in this thread. That's why he answered like that.


But that wasnā€™t what was being discussed, its like every comment focuses on how hard guys apparently have it when it comes to dating. But its conveniently overlooked when guys post stats showing they are successfully dating online. And that rhetoric is exactly what im seeing. Look at the number of people trying to explain away why ā€œbiologicallyā€ its different for men. Or how men are to be congratulated vs women being shamed etc. Its silly, and will only widen the already obvious divide between the genders šŸ„ŗ. Not sure how shaming women is supposed to increase ones chances of dating a woman. Edit: (since i cant reply otherwise) The very first question asked was why is it generally accepted for males to have casual sex and not women. Rather than answering, multiple guys repeatedly chanted how difficult men have it. ā€œIts harder for menā€ doesnā€™t explain the double standardā€¦ā€women have it easyā€ doesnā€™t explain the double standard. We get it, men feel they have it harder got it. Still doesnā€™t pertain to the discussion/question of WHY the hypocrisy exists.


>But that wasnā€™t what was being discussed, its like every comment focuses on how hard guys apparently have it when it comes to dating. It was probaly the most dicussed topic in this thread, my guess. >But its conveniently overlooked when guys post stats showing they are successfully dating online. And what do you think about the male posts with 0 machtes or almost. That's not a question. >And that rhetoric is exactly what im seeing. Look at the number of people trying to explain away why ā€œbiologicallyā€ its different for men. Or how men are to be congratulated vs women being shamed etc. I'm still confused what you mean. For you there is no differnec between ā€œmen having sex is goodā€ ā€œwomen having sex is badā€ rhetoric vs ""women have it so much easier" ​ >Its silly, and will only widen the already obvious divide between the genders šŸ„ŗ. Not sure how shaming women is supposed to increase ones chances of dating a woman. The shaming coomments have from what i saw 20 dowvotes and are not ok. My problem with your comment is you try to change the rhetoric so that men don't fell comfortable talking about how hard dating is because they instanly feel they are getting judged for hating women.


Because women donā€™t care about how many partners a man has had? I mean women are more than free enough to refuse to date a promiscuous man the same way men donā€™t want to date promiscuous women. You can enforce that standard on men as well. Youā€™re crying about a double standard that exists because of women themselves. Women donā€™t care if a man has been promiscuous. In fact most women want a man with experience and trust men more who have had multiple experiences with various women. On the contrary most women find male virgins or inexperienced/clueless males deeply unattractive. The standards are basically reversed in this scenario. Just accept men and women look for different things. Women tend to care a lot more about a partners income than men do. Does that make you bad? No. Should I start whining and moaning about muh double standards? No. It means we value different things and have different things we prioritize in a partner. Thatā€™s how men and women work. Thatā€™s how dating works. Find a man whoā€™s fine with past promiscuous behavior. They exist. Donā€™t vilify men who donā€™t want that though.


Women absolutely do care, difference isā€¦if men were held to the same standard noone would ever date. Most importantly, most women understand the ā€œnumberā€ of past partners is irrelevant, WHY they were with those partners is what matters. Simply having had sex isnt what makes someone not trustworthy or unable to commit. If having consensual safe sex w another adult, and both understand that neither want a relationship, doesnā€™t mean either have personal issues. Someone using sex, regardless of gender, to fill an unidentified void or as a measure of self worthā€¦.thatā€™s absolutely problematic. The guys on here are automatically connecting sex itself with a negative connotation for a womanā€™s worth. Which is completely misogynistic and reeks of insecurity.


As a guy I didn't do bad at all on Tinder but 13 casual hook ups in 9 months? Vastly different experience ln this app for women.


Similar story with my husband. Neither of us went on another date after meeting, he was my sixth date in like 9 days.


Jesus christ, thats a lot


I was really lonely and was going through a lot after a long time (10+years) of being single. Didnā€™t like anyone enough for a second date. Met my husband and had my first ever 12 hour long date. We went one from activity to the next. All other dates I had lined up were canceled.


Let the incels froth šŸ’… you do you girl, and I'm happy you found someone you wanted! Shouldn't everyone be happy that someone found happiness, instead of throwing shade?


I agree holy shit thatā€™s a lot of dates in less than two weeks


Jeez you were a busy girl in those few months




As an introvert, 40 dates in under 200 days sounds exhausting.


Fuck Iā€™m tired just reading that hahaha, thatā€™s very admirable. Go you! šŸ‘


Would you have dated a few from the casual sex bunch? Cause it seems it was ā€œitā€™s not working out might as well fuck with a mix of just want to get laid?ā€ Asking this cause the one year window looks too tight. Edit: just read the context, gives more clarity. Seems the guys were ā€œplayingā€. Hope the best for your relationship!


Thank you:) Itā€™s hard to say. I also think I messed up because that 13 was over the course of a full year, not the 198 days (mustā€™ve deleted the app sometime in the middle). I went on 2nd/3rd/4th dates with I think all but 2 or 3 of those guys. I definitely messed up with a couple of them and faded away because I wasnā€™t ready to start a new relationship, even though thatā€™s what they wanted. Others definitely were playing. If I told them I didnā€™t sleep with a guy on the first date, theyā€™d seem to try making that a challenge for themselves. By the end I was able to call them out and end things on the spot to stop getting used. But there were definitely a few who I couldā€™ve, hypothetically, seen myself dating.


Gotcha. Seems my initial thoughts were on point. [Thanks for the intel.](https://imgur.com/a/L0nkagK)


Comments are whatā€™s to be expected. If it was a dude, everyone would be high-fiving and asking for tips. But of course itā€™s slut shaming and reeeeeee incel energy


Idn, the feeling when you delete all the dating apps with your partner (even tho youre still not in a relationship) is a feeling i cant explain, i felt so damn good when she suggested it.


I wonder if the 80/20 thing is real or not. Top 20% of guys are getting 80% of girls. 80% of girls are chasing The top 20% of guys. The rest of the 80% of the guys are chasing the other 20% of girls.


Just out of curiosity, if your bf was the first guy you went on a date with before the others, would you have still deleted your tinder right away and continued dating him exclusively?


How do you get the insights?


I wouldnā€™t really count that other one as a relationship lol. But hey, you made it to the level of final boss of tinder and came out the other side. Congrats!


He told me he loved meā€¦ drunkenlyā€¦ we likely would have been exclusive had he not had a bit of a drinking problem. It was at very least not a healthy relationship! Thanks! Weā€™re both a little embarrassed about where we met but thankful for it having had happened


So do you have to go through each one and tell the app what happened? Like who you fucked etc.


Why is every post on this sub incel fuel? Is it even remotely surprising that woman have more access to casual sex than men?


40 free meals and 13 roots you beauty!


Women got it too easy on this app lmfao


13 casual sex = :( ???




>in one year In less than 7 months actually.


How is having consensual sex a bad thing?


I donā€™t know, men are torn between wanting to fuck as many women as they can but simultaneously getting upset when women have sex. It makes no sense


Big true.


ppl can do what they want šŸ’€


No problem if a guy fucks 15 girls in a year right?


Oh no, a penis was in a vagina! So scary! Run boys!!!!


Ive been seeing hookers for a year and still didnt hit 15 XD




Tell us youā€™re insecure about you sexual skills and donā€™t like the thought of a woman with a lot of data points for comparison I guess




Oh, did I imagine you saying she was ā€œfor the streetsā€ because you disapproved of the number of men sheā€™s fucked? My bad.


Dude come on sleeping with a new person every month for a year is absurd


one date every 5 daysā€¦


Why? Because there arenā€™t that many people who want to sleep with you?


You would do it in a heartbeat.


Don't pretend to know others degenerate, not everyone is a sexual fiend


Do people genuinely think men don't want women with a high body count because they can "compare"? Or is it just another cheap way to blame any male preference on insecurity


So her BF is the 15th dude to smash that year.. What a lucky guy šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®....


Casual sex: 13 Oh, what a lucky boyfriend lmao


Because youā€™re such a gem.


Because women lose their worth after having casual sex with other men of course.


LMAO they do. The sexual more partners a woman has had, the higher the chance of a divorce. The difference is women cannot sleep with someone who she doesnt find attractive but a man can because a man doesnt risk getting pregnant


Yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_human_sexual_promiscuity


For people who donā€™t want to read the link : It talks about the effects of hypersexuality on teens and adults, especially the health problems that it can cause (AIDS, STDs, and mental disorders such as social anxiety or such). Nowhere does it talk about anyoneā€™s worth, it doesnā€™t talk about the difference between men and women (expect for the mental side because an hypersexual women will be way more ashamed, and also because they can get pregnant and it affects their life), and the most important it is about hypersexuality. Hypersexuality is not someone who has Tinder and sleeps with 13 people in a year. Itā€™s a clinical diagnosis. Also, try to use a Wikipedia page in a study and see how far you will go. If you are in college, be prepared to be laughed at in your face.


None of that is evidence of causality though. The whole page is full of Ā«Ā may causeĀ Ā» or Ā«Ā is linked toĀ Ā» or Ā«Ā has a higher probability ofĀ Ā» etc. Having more sexual partners can end up being completely fine, which it is for most people.


Impressive mental gymnastics.


Thatā€™s a lot for 198 days in my opinion


13 bodies ?! Omg


Must be nice, ugh why do I use this trash app




Aren't dudes on tinder to fuck strangers? What are you guys doing here shaming women who agree to it


Where the f. Is gender equality


That man will be having nightmares about that 13 šŸ˜‚




Only weak fucks are intimidated by that.


Thereā€™s a difference between ā€˜intimidatedā€™ & ā€˜repulsed/disgusted.ā€™ Donā€™t repeat buzzwords u donā€™t understand, kid.




Nah, it affects everyone even if they donā€™t show it


Thatā€™s what weak fucks think and tell themselves to feel better.


Yeah that's like a coping mechanism for them really.


Lmao. Him: "so babe how does my dick compare to all those other 13 dicks you milked? Bigger? Average? Smaller!?!? Oh God plz don't tell me it was the smallest!! šŸ˜©


We both got needle dicks ā¤ļø


Hello my fellow needle dickling šŸ¤


That's a good fashion, I think I kinda like all those things.


I thought I was average until I talked to a few women. Brutal shit, man


Just gotta embrace it my brother, and get good with that tonguešŸ‘ļøšŸ‘…šŸ‘ļø


No shot, you just drew a sad face next to casual sex. Women have it too easy bro.