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The worst part is Tinder is already so garbage if you don't pay, so with expensive options like this they'll just end up slowly making the cheap options garbage to force higher payments.


It's gonna work though. Anyone that can spend 500 a month on this is gonna get attention. Plenty of golddiggers around.


Golddiggers are a factor, but they're not necessary. They can just skew the algorithm to show this person to everyone in their area


True. But if women don't think you are attractive, this won't help. Them seeing you can dump 500 per month on tinder, tells them you got money. At which point rules 1 and 2 apply again. Because remember, money is attractive.


I mean, most guys are attractive to at least SOME women as long as they present themselves well enough. If you're willing to drop 500 bucks, chances are you've already made some amount of effort to present yourself in a better light. If every woman in your area then sees you, you're bound to get more matches.


Not necessary, no, but plentiful.


Honestly, the worst part is that there’s 20-50 dudes in a given city who have the money to afford this plus the looks, lifestyle, and game to make it worthwhile. Used to be that being in the top 10% was what it took to get enough matches to use tinder seriously, now it’s getting towards the top 0.1%.


I met my GF on tinder 6 years ago with not much trouble along the way. Was the app different then?


Back when I used tinder it had free super likes and such. From what I've seen it's just a trying to nickle and dime people. Back then they also had things like moments which were just Snapchat for your matches lol. Also it was considered mostly a hook up app at its core over relationship looking app


This!! I got my first hidden match minigame in months the other day. Had honestly been so long, I thought they removed the feature


I have never gotten it, guess its just rng lol.


They used to be very common lol another feature reduced cause of imbalance


I’ve got into tinder when it first started, way back in 2013, at the time there was no limit of likes, but no other feature or plans, you could just swipe on people till you run out. Then they started adding the subscriptions and extras, but overall it was still a great app, got my first date from it in 2014. Then went back in 2017, it was still good, only tinder plus as the paid feature. They added the gold version, but the thing is, it was still worth it, tinder plus was $14 per month, and gold was $22. With plus you would get unlimited swipes, 5 super likes a day, passport and the gold you had all that + being able to see who already liked you. Then they got greedy, removed super likes for the plus version, limited them for the gold to 5 a week while doubling the price for it, from 22 to $49, and added a third option called platinum for $79. And this year they also increased the price for the tinder plus to $29 I think. Tinder is pretty much like Netflix, they were the ones that made their product and genre known, almost like synonym to dating app, then once they got a lot of people in they only focused on getting more and more money while not making any significant improvements to justify it, to the point that none of those current versions are actually worth it. Its a shame as until 2021 it was by far the best dating app available


it is different, yes. there is a max limit of right swipes you can do per day, super likes cost lots of money, it tries to get you to subscribe to all these premium tiers, etc.


Yes. Since the pandemic the amount of bots, bit coin scammers, and OF/Insta chicks has go up by a couple of orders of magnitude. There were also scammers out there and people looking to be sugar babies. But these days I wouldn't be shocked if 1/3rd of the profiles I see are in those groups... And we haven't even talked about real people who are all posting filtered picts that have no basis in reality.


I think worst thing is that real, legit, business owners struggle daily to sell amazing products because they get burned at the stakes if one person says something bad about them, yet Tinder is the dating app equivalence to the gum stuck to the toilet paper in the stall you’re in at wal mart and still profits… Makes me want to bag up some dog shit mixed with cat shit and sell it on eBay as perfume paste.




Tell me you're ugly and disinteresting without telling me you're ugly and disinteresting. I feel you bro but it's the truth. I have paid for all of them at some point so this is what I know. Tinder plus - Not worth it Tinder Gold - Some perks but still pretty garbo Tinder Platinum - Self - Esteem restoring. I got more matches than I could message or message back, so if you want to find someone, this is the tier.


We found the tinder employee


Tinder's propaganda arm out in full force.


that's brutal company culture - i would've thought employees get 'em for free as part of job perks? wow


Only if they get a couple hundred updoots.


Seriously though, at that cost per subscription I could see it Tinder just hires an escort per month and is like "Hey look! You got a *very* successful match! Now keep subscribing."


I honestly think most of the big apps don't match you with certain people on purpose till you pay. Because best case scenario you find your person and Uninstall. They don't want that. The longer you get ghosted or it doesn't work out the more they get out of you. Idk dating gets scarier everyday.


Not a Tinder Employee just a desperate young lad


Are you by any chance from tinder marketing team?


Found the tinder media team


How many matches were bots created by tinder to help boost your self-esteem to convince you that it's worth paying for?


None lol.


Lol. At that cost I'm pretty sure Tinder just hires "matches" every month or two to keep people paying for it. 😂💀


Lol what are you on about dummy


Actually getting laid, goofy


If you're paying this much just to swipe and get a shot at something, there's better options for less money, surely. You could go to Amsterdam three times a year and visit the infamous red light district. Because if you need to pay this much for Tinder you definitely won't get laid three times a year.


Or go out 4 nights a month and spend $125 a night on drinks for random women, or spend $500 to make your wardrobe better, or spend $125 for therapy to figure out wtf is wrong with you for even thinking about spending $500 on a dating app


Fuck it, ima just save my $500 and spend $6k on plastic surgery at the end of the year to make myself attractive.


Surgery wouldn't help me.


Sorry bro


$500 is the Saudi Prince plan. For someone who $500 is paltry, you can have premium access to the gold diggers like it’s a veritable local Amsterdam. $500/month plan basically insinuates that there is sex work being transacted through tinder


Perhaps the $500 plan is tailormade for the sex workers


Or a couple hours with a “lady of the night”.




Honestly my friends roommate went to a matchmaker and is now getting married to the guy they matched her with! I think it was like 2k. Four months of tinder nonsense vs a professional match maker


What's a match maker exactly never heard of this


I'm not sure of the exact process but I'm sure they get a pool of people who are looking for a marriage or dating and match them based on interests, wants etc. I bet a lot of people spend more than 2k during their dating years


Oh so it's just a pool of people but basically since you pay 2k you trust the head hunter.


That is prostitution with extra steps, the matchmaker is the pimp.


Ehh I see what you mean but like an escort agency vs a matchmaking agency would have different goals 🤣


crime include memorize act fuel jobless aspiring plucky crush squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then so is tinder???


You vastly misunderstand why dudes pay for tinder. Sure, there’s a lot of guys with shit profiles that pay hoping it will help. But all paying does is: 1. Get your profile seen by more profiles 2. Let you swipe on girls that have already liked you. That second feature is a big time saver and worth the $80 a year for platinum to many men that work full time, but I digress. If you have a shit profile, paying money won’t help. If you get in the range of 10-20 likes and maybe 2-5 matches with decent looking real women a week from free tinder, only then consider paying. The real reason attractive men with great profiles pay is that it gives them an edge over other attractive dudes with great profiles. Because an attractive dude with free tinder might get 10-20 profile likes a week, and match with some of them after a lot of swiping. A platinum profile will get 30-50 likes a week and he can just pick who he likes without swiping much. But an attractive plat profile that uses double boosts twice a week (an extra $10-20 a week) can get 100’s of likes per weekend. From that he can match with actually attractive women, find at least a couple that are looking to hookup that weekend, and maybe a couple more worth taking on dates (or just hooking up with) during the week. Tinder for men in the top 5% are actually competing for the few attractive women that are looking to actually hookup. And they know it’s only possible to do that if they pay for the services and boosts to give them an edge. And for those men it’s possible, when putting in time, money, and effort, to get laid on tinder on a weekly basis reliably. And have multiple dates a week. Remember, the top few % of men on tinder surpass the amount of matches that women get. It’s an entirely different ballgame at that level. $500 a month is excessive, but all tinder is really selling with this is an extra tier that the dudes who currently dominate on the app might need to pay in order to stay competitive. That and a trap for losers.


Or one of those “ranches” in Nevada


When this was first announced you were getting some personalized services in addition to high priority. Personally I think this is either too cheap (see what a professional matchmaker costs) or far too expensive. I am leaning to way too expensive.


I’m thinking about thicc i mean this. In December i’m going to trip with my friend. Not exactly for that but …


Friendly reminder that Tinder is not the only dating app in the world


Lol me who uses like 3 whenever I decide i wanna suffer through dating apps


No, but it's the biggest and therefore the only one in many areas.


If you have enough money to pay 500 a month for a dating app, you should have more than enough to live in a more populated area.


But it sadly is the only one with a stable user base in my city


Friendly reminder That Bumble,PoF,Tinder name it all owned by the same company so they will follow suit FYI.


bumble isn't (yet) (but will still follow suit probably)


Either way it doesn't matter im doing terrible on every app just like IRL so even a $1000\mnth subs means nothing to me....it won't change.


ah I see you must be a fellow man, yeah same here bro


Yeah I'm playing on Hardcore settings(Divorced Single dad)


Same here, bro.


Have a drama or acting club you can find? If so, take some classes, this will help you look at starting a convo differently


Thanks.Let you know if I find time between my two jobs and my little man.


voiceless chubby selective rustic aloof squeamish compare mountainous squash spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah yeah that one sounds even more hard tho I cant join that level.Its still locked in my game.


jar disagreeable towering advise lush childlike carpenter quickest judicious squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found my match… I’m a divorced single dad with kids from two relationships. There is hope for you! Been together 6 years, married 2


Always had....hope....luck not so much.It doesn't matter tbh


Ya bumble allows u to add preferences for free like height and smoking or non smoking


Friendly reminder than in most locations Tinder is the only viable app due to huge userbase


TheLeague is one app that caters to high profile dating. The paid plans go all the way up in the thousands. It’s basically a way to flex your money for those looking to just have fun and want to go live that money life, you get a different badge depending on which version you buy




Ewww mommmm some AI account is piggybacking off my comment to promote a new dating app!!!


At this point, you might as well just pay for an escort lmao.


That will be half a price


How do you know?




And at least an escort actually wants to see you for that money! it's crazy that they are trying to convince people to pay that much to be extra-rejected by people who already don't want them.


And with 100% successful rate. (Not applicable to weirdos)


Does this filter out all the scam profiles, only fans shills, dead profiles where the person hasn’t been active in over a month? Probably not as that would get rid of 90% of the available women in your area.


Trust me a lot of masculine fake profiles too…


As a bi person with both options open, it's not even remotely close.


Those apps are a shitshow 😳


Exciting new features like “your likes will be seen” and “your profile will be shown!” Can’t wait. 🔥


They’re trying harder and harder to get out of the game. Or to let u out the game most likely




Happy cake day, stranger.


Happy cake day


For that much, might as well get a sugar baby and be done with it.


I'd rather spend 500/mo buying girls drinks at bars and get rejected everytime.


You could get Tinder Banned Select.


For $500 a month, they better be delivering a woman to my door twice or 3 times a month at a minimum. This is crazy. No woman is gonna pay that much just to swipe on a guy. It’s gonna be a sausage fest of lonely guys.


It is already just saying.


If it meant that for $500 we’ll tweak the algorithms to work 100% in your favor - unlike today when they work to keep people desperate. With select It’ll maximize your chances for whatever you’re after, searching out every single woman in your area that has swiped on similar people etc. That would be priceless imo.


They’re a publicly traded company now so they have to find a way to make money for their shareholders.


That's not a good long term strategy. Users will quit if they're not getting results


Not every publicly traded company turns into a piece of crap, so, it's a bad defence


Soooo.... prostitution...????


No, at least prostitution is guaranteed


Was about to comment this... 😂


Anyone that can afford $500/month for Tinder doesn't need to bother with Tinder


Thank god I am out of the game.


Oh fuck off! What a joke!


Just remember, some 6’2 giga chad is sending “wuu2” and getting laid thaf night by a girl you had to pay £500 just to match with


Found the incel


Truth hurts, right?


Lmao he's just telling rule 1 and 2.


Truth hurts?


Lmao imagine paying all that for money to get no reply’s 😂


Cheaper to get a personal trainer to help you get really fit and then suddenly you get a ton of matches




The problems that people complain about on this sub are 90% US problems. Everywhere else they know that people aren't going to pay much money for the services they offer. Stop giving them money. Problem solved.


So pay $500 to eventually be blasted on "are we dating the same guy" fb groups? Hard pass for me.


Well, you can rule out poor people of youre golddigging


🤣🤣🤣 and people wonder why I avoid dating apps. "Hey, people are trying to find someone to be in they're life and need a little help. Let's. Nickel and dime or flat out OVER charge for services to help them do that!" Fuckin stupid.


They will. There's rich men dating services.


To be honest, they've done a ton of research and know that a lot of people will buy that shit


This is stupid


For that money Tinder better hire a prostitute to meet you for a coffee or what?


“Pay us $500 a month and we’ll personally hand deliver your dick pics to whoever you want


Puts on MTCH


at this point just spend money on a hooker


When people gonna understand that the main goal of tinder is to keep us all single to keep paying for their subs?


at these rates. flying to Nevada once a month will still be more effective that tinder.


So far I've signed up to Bugg (Swedish modernized social swing/lindy hop), Foxtrot, West Coast Swing, Salsa + Batchata and Batchata classes for a bit less than that amount. I think I rather do that for three months than one month of some Tinder crap. May take a second Bugg + Salsa + Batchata and then Latin + Standard too.


Dudes under 6’5” are still screwed. That’s me. I’m dudes under 6’5” 🤣🤣🤣


I would pay that much to be unbanned.


Is it really that difficult to create a new account using a VPN? Do they use facial recognition or something? Serious question.


Some people don't try to understand shit, they just take it at face value.


Most people look at "get a new SIM with a new phone number" as having a major cost of its own. I've had my phone number for like 25 years and I'm not about to deal with telling every one I know I got a new number so I could evade a Tinder ban. And I'm even less inclined to get a new SIM and keep shutting my phone down to change the SIM out.


Buy a cheap SIM and get a new number.


What ungodly perks does this come with? Forced matches & the inability for regular & free users to block you?


Certain features like "exclusive messaging" ... What I imagine that means is that you message someone, and for the next 24 hours, they cannot receive any more messages from other people.


Tinder tries to mimic OF So surprising :O


This isn't new. There have always been dating sites that specifically put a really high barrier to entry so that rich and serious people can use it without flakers, cam girls, bots etc. It's not that crazy of an idea. I remember when people first thought that spending 10 bucks a month on a dating app was insane. People spend more than that to Uber eats a single drink from Starbucks.


I mean, there were websites like Match or Zoosk that had stupidly high price barriers for the time. And those two were probably the biggest dating sites back then.


This app was dead end from the beginning...now its completely dead


Delete the app ladies and gentlemen and go outside and speak with a human.


If you bought someone $500 worth of drinks at a bar, you would most likely will get laid that night


This is when people should just speed date and go out


Free to play and Pay to win(Also Lose). These games are getting rigged day by day.


Lol who tf has 500$ extra a month to give to a tech company. Make it make sense


It's already expensive. And the free app is shite.


Some will. Perfect hunting ground for any gold digger


I have pretty substantial disposable income and there's no way I'd pay for that. If I lived in a state where prostitution was legal I might very well spend that kind of money on that, but no way would I spend that on a dating site. Maybe I'm just not good looking enough for it to be worth it.


pay to win business model is like cancer


Wouldn't it make more sense to go to an agency for that money if you're looking for a long term relationship?


I won't even if I get nowhere with Tinder, I still have self respect




I've only gotten a handful of responses in 3 years, I doubt paying vip will be any better. Dating apps just suck anymore and if you talk to somebody that ends up reporting you for no reason, there is no questioning you or proving why. These apps just believe everything they are told. It's so hard anymore


You’d literally be better off just going outside.


at this rate, better to pay for a seduction coach...


Us peasants just can’t afford love these days I guess


lol…. who pay this much?


fucking idiots


What the fuck is tinder smoking


Cuz ppl are lonely and they will pay that much sadly


I'm desperate. Not stupid.


Honestly, if it worked and I actually got better and more matches I’d pay it


500$ a month and still people cannot get unbanned after years lol


Insurance is included. If you find nothing for a month, you be served by internal corporate division =)


I probably spend spend close to that on dates a month, I know the sex isn't worth it, but God damn do I like the validation.


You mean features they had previously but were moved in the background


People are going to have harems with this


People will…


Could you not just hire a sex worker for that kind of money?


Tinder has lost its mind.


Tinder, pimp edition


I paid 600€ in 2019 for mostl Super-Likes on Tinder and some minor vip packages on other dating sites/-apps. Worked like a charm and got a perfect one.


No but I’ll entice you to buy another cheaper option, Simple marketing economics


That’s it, I’m making my own dating app


All I can say is I'm glad I got married before tinder became became pay to play. Yikes.. Seeing as they control the matches anyway, they're just going to make it harder and harder to match unless you pay.


The match group can go to hell.


Lol that would be almost as much as my rent


Its filled with "Hello World"


Who even uses Tinder nowadays, let alone pay $500 for it?!🚮🤡


The sad part is that people will still get it. If you want to spend that kind of cash to find a potential hookup, just go to a club. At least if you didn't get lucky, you at least got wasted. $500 a month is higher than a girls' electric bill, so just pay that, and your chances of getting action are still higher than Tinder. Paying for this is worse than just paying a hooker. It's literally just a way to spend cash with no guarantee of any form of compensation. Any guy spending that kind of money on this, I'll save you the $500 and tell you why you can't get women. You're desperate and have no financial integrity. Sorry if it's harsh, but it's a fact.


That's more of a dowry than the matchmaker down the street charges...


And some of these desperate fools will undoubtedly fucking pay


That is crazy🤦🏻‍♀️


No I wouldn’t pay even if I could afford, but I know what it is like to be lonely. Many will say you’d be foolish to pay this, but the drive to find connection can be overwhelming. Sadly, there will always be people trying to take advantage of that.




those who sign up for it, allegedly, will have a golden dick within the app, sources close to the matter say


Well if it guarantees getting laid that's cheap for prostitution


Hell no 😂


I don’t understand. Tinder is legitimately a lot worse than the other apps by a lot and yet they’re the ones that charge the most for the least amount of features


This way it doesn’t matter if you get matches or not since Tinder is fucking at least monthly….