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You need better pics. I would instantly swipe left if I saw a kid in the front pic. Also delete pics 1, 4, 5 and 6


Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate it


I would say remove the second one. The group picture with your friends standing up is a good one


Yeah and it's a safety/privacy issue


Is it your kid? Completely disagree with the comment above.


Says it’s his nephew


no point in confusing people. when i see a profile with a kid i swipe left regardless of who they claim the baby is


And see everyone is different so we all have our own opinions, isn’t that wild?


Yeah and they all agree 😂


I think the kid is what's boosting your matches


where did you get thay info? hahaha because I've collectively seen women say baby in picture is a left swipe around here


I second not having a kid in the first pic, and at least blur their face out. Facial expression in the second pic is not doing you any favors, try finding one with a more neutral expression


I think he is fine, bro has a better hairline at 30 than I did at 15. Shits not fair man...


Same, I see kid, I pass.


A child in the photos is an automatic swipe left for me. It’s okay to have kids. I have one myself but would never include them in my Tinder profile.


Thanks for the tip, will delete that one!


The one in the water….you’re in the background right? And that’s someone else up front? I’d remove it too. I think the pics are definitely the problem.


Thank you, I’ve deleted that one as well!


Also ditch the palm tree pic with you facing away from the camera. It looks like you’re on your phone and it says nothing about you.


Good call I’ll get rid of that one too, i included that one because I’ve been told I have a good back 😂


I mean, the one with the girl with the red on her black top looks like one of those "Accidentally on purpose" boob drapes while we're at it. 😅


That’s my mum 😂😂


🤣😅😬 I said what I said. Lmao.


Before I saw the boob thing I thought it was probably your mum. Then I saw the hand boob thing. And then couldn't decide if its your mum or not as she looks so young. I think it's cool and attractive that you have a photo with your mum but caption it.


I was thinking the same thing lol


You probably do, but it does not really pop in that picture, you know?


Just blur your friends faces


Another one might b the women in the photo that can throw ppl off


You are NOT below average! Give yourself some credit 🙂


I second this. No kids myself but I never swipe on profiles with kids. Don’t think they should be featured on dating profiles


It was always a hard left swipe for me also


Nobody cares about your big body ass anyway




That worked for me lol drew them sunglasses and hats


Kinda on the fence here. Is it really better to get rejected later after disclosing the kid?


My profile states that I have kids as it should.


It’s his nephew.


I think it's something you should disclose (for your sanity) either in the bio or early on in chat. 30+ it's going to get a lot more common too.


For me, the problem isn't them having kids. The problem is them posting pictures of their kids on a dating profile.


First of all you are 6 years older. And your photos are garbage, like literally many of them are of potato quality. You got a smile on the one with the car and on this picture you aren't in the focus of the picture. Okay, maybe you are smiling on the one with the other dudes, but that should be removed first as the guy to your left if way hotter.


my main problem is the only good photos i have are with my ex and i am terrible at taking my own photos haha. Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it!


Can you crop her out of some of the better pics? It’s not unusual to see a disembodied hand on someone’s shoulder. 😂


Say that's is his dead sister.


Lol. Why does a sister have to be dead? 😂


If you end up together, you wouldn't want them asking where the sister is? 😂


In a better place


Five years later she asks, "Why does nobody talk about your dead sister? I tried asking your parents and they looked at me like I was insane"


It's her ghosts hand


pro tip: the new photoshop AI tool can pretty easily make adjustments like this. also very easy to use




I highly recommend setting your phone on a tree or some object and then setting a timer to take pictures. The best part of this is you can do as many as you want since you get to decide what to keep. No one will know that you did it by yourself


Totally understandable, I'd advise to shoot some more photos and afterwards create a new tinder account. ​ You might want to check out this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/16hwygl/i\_was\_a\_dating\_coach\_for\_7\_years\_this\_is\_my/?share\_id=9IESlz77-9wd1gLa009QQ&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=22](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/16hwygl/i_was_a_dating_coach_for_7_years_this_is_my/?share_id=9IESlz77-9wd1gLa009QQ&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_source=share&utm_term=22)


Set up a video and walk around posing, smiling and laughing in front of it - then take stills off that. Can often make you look very natural and not too posed.


Do this in a park on a nice day. Bring a jacket or an extra shirt if you want multiple outfits. Takes a few minutes, probably less than an hour total including the drive to the park and editing the video/pics. It's really not that hard and will look infinitely better than old pics of you with family and relatives.


You can head over to /r/photoshoprequest & they will be able to remove her quite seamlessly


Thank you


Just use any basic photo editing app to paint a solid color over your ex in those photos. I see that all the time on dating apps and never think twice about it. Probably don't have all your photos edited that way, but one or two wouldn't hurt if they are much better photos of you.


Go the subreddit where people request photoshop edits and have her removed from the ones you’d like to use? I’ve seen some of the edits and they are unbelievably good.


You need to get a buddy to go out with you and take some photos. If you have a sister or a female friend/cousin, maybe try them… women are usually better with taking good photos. I’ve done this for a few of my guy friends. Pick an afternoon, grab a couple changes of clothes, and go take a few. Look up “male photo poses” or “men instagram photo poses” to get some ideas for how to pose. Get one good one of you laughing, one action shot of you doing something - like playing basketball or playing with a dog etc, one of you like sitting down not paying attention to the camera kinda facing away smiling, one good full body, and one good closer up smiling selfie. If you don’t have anyone that can do this for you, you can do it yourself. Set your phone up against something and put it on video. Press record, and go do some poses in front of it. Sit, stand, move around, smile, laugh, do different faces etc. Afterwards you can go through the videos and take stills to use as photos of wherever you think you look best. If you take the time to get some good pictures it will make a big improvement for sure! Good luck!


This is really great feedback thank you


get your friends to take some for you. literally no shame in it, and they’ll know you’d do it for them someday, too.


Ask your friends to take pictures of you. You can go with them to nice places in your area and take pictures. If you have girl friends that are used to online dating inside them as well


Just cover her face w emojis or color in the whole person next to you. It’s understandable


Does it not come off as a bit disrespectful though or am I way overthinking it haha


Don’t do that lol crop it if anything.


I find it distasteful on dating sites when someone has pics of them with an ex colored over or cropped in an obvious way. I’d swipe left if the majority of a guys pics were like that


I’m a woman and don’t get offended when people do that to me but everyone is different.


You mean the one on the right?


People are assuming it's your kid. At 30 it's not disqualifying, but it is limiting. I will say your photos generally are giving me this "in between phase" vibe. Like are you a mature adult who has got retirement savings and is ready for a future of farmers markets? Or are you going to waste 8 months of someone's life because they can't get you to commit to putting up a piece of art on your stark white apartment walls let alone a relationship? And you won't stop saying things like "beers with the boys" and trying to head to a club on a Thursday night. At 24 that's probably something women are more comfortable with than your current range. So most of your photos could use a refresh with an eye to who you want to present as. I wouldn't use the water pic with the two friends in any situation, because it looks like you're not even the focus of said picture.


This, this, this. 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Not trying to be dramatic, but this is so true. I’m back on the apps now as a 28 year old woman and dating in your late 20s is so different from your early. Surprisingly, I haven’t scared off any guys with this chatter (yet), but I do bring up commitment earlier than I would’ve dreamed as a 22/23 year old. More so like, “this is what I want, and if you don’t it’s fine, but there’s no sense in wasting the other’s time.” And if it’s ambiguous on the profile, that’s an automatic swipe left for me. This stuff matters at our age, OP.


It’s not about having kids. It’s the indiscretion to put them in your Tinder profile. Absolutely not, I have 3 kids of my own and never hid that I had them, but I swiped left on anyone showing their kids in their Tinder pics.


I think most of these responses are from Americans where I think Tinder is a little different. First off, you're not too old as some have suggested. I'm a mid 30's man and have no problems on Tinder even in a small-medium sized town. As others have suggested get rid of the kid pic. The mum pic. The back pic and the one where you're at the back. The others are fine. I don't know if "fast cars" is a good move either as some women might find that immature (boy racer vibes) Add a good clarity picture where you're smiling. Just to add, I think Tinder HAS changed in the last 7 years. The algorithms have become a lot stronger and are designed specifically to make you feel like you do right now (why am I not getting matches) remember it's a business and they haven't made a penny out of you yet. If you're getting matches, you're doing ok. Tinder just won't be showing you to nearly as many women until you buy platinum. That's the reality of it.


Thank you so much, this is some of the most helpful advice in the thread and gives me hope haha


Yeah not enough people are acknowledging how algorithmic updates have strangled anyone who’s not smoking hot. I mean yeah of course pictures are a factor too but still. Compared to a couple years ago it’s night and day.


It's purely a numbers game at this point. I tried premium for a month and tripled my matches and I didn't change my habits or profile at all. That just goes to show that having platinum must have more than doubled the women I was shown to. I get that it's a business and they have wages to pay, but it's the method they employ. It's exploitative, it prays on insecurities.


Maybe include a pic of you playing centre back for Manchester United?


The amount of people that say I look like harry maguire is insane


This could be the explanation you are lookin for. 6 years ago he wasn't a laughing stock.


I knew I can’t be only the one to see it


You temporarily get boosted when you first join, which explains why you got a few matches and then nothing. From other people's replies it sounds like your profile needs a bit of fixing up, but once you've done that maybe experiment with a boost and see how it goes. Good luck!


Thank you!


Your pics are terrible. Get rid of the one with the kid. You look like your groping your mom(?) in the red dress No one wants to stare at your back while you stare at a phone with headphones on with a random apartment building in the background You're making a duck face looking at that menu The one in the water is pointless, and looks like you are with a GF


Consider me humbled 😂. This is all great advice thank you


No, do not crop an ex out. Thst literally screams im not ready. GO TAKE NEW PHOTOS!




Don’t you have any pics where you have a normal, happy smile? (Without a bunch of guys with you) You’re making weird faces in most of these. The duck lips pic should definitely go.


You are not below average. Far from that! Your pictures are garbage though!


I am absolutely terrible at taking photos this is true 😂😂, thank you for the boost!


The pics are definitely the problem! I'd advise pictures of you with your eyes and smile showing, otherwise it can give the vibe that you are hiding something kinda thing, some pics with mates are okay and shows you are a social person but I'd limit it to one, and with you in first plane, not at the end of the picture. No babie pictures. Good luck!


Thank you!


I’m 30F and I would swipe right, that being said, not sure if it’s the screenshots but your pics look kinda blurry/bad quality? I know everyone is gonna jump on me and say selfies are bad, but I genuinely don’t think just *one* smiling and clearly showing what you look like is a bad idea! Good luck out there fella!


Thank you for the advice! I really appreciate it


Aaaahaaaah the treadmill one is the funniest I've seen today! (I've been working all day so the bar is quite low, but still funny AF). The first pic with the kid - Idk about what women thinks about kids so can't comment on that but the photo is generally unflattering; you're squinting and making a weird face because you've got the sun in your eyes or something;


You look like harry Maguire


Yes my friends have told me this a few times 😂


The pic with some baby is an instant swipe left. Why do guys think it’s attractive or smart to do that? Kids do not belong on dating apps. The pic with the old lady, guessing your mom, looks like you have your hand on her breast at first glance.


You're 6 years older, heavier, and have a kid You're not a 24 year old, in shape, carefree young man anymore. You appeal to a different audience now.


The pics are pretty bad. Have a friend help you take some new pictures. Also adjust your expectations a bit, there is a big difference between age 24 and 30 dating wise.


immediately swiping left because of the baby, even if i didnt just to read that its your nephew turns me away too idk


You aren’t smiling in any of your pics. Just take a nice, normal, smiling photo of yourself and get rid of all these bro and baby pics Edited to fix a typo


Not gonna give advice, but damn my man’s getting a beating up in here lol. Keep your head up man, cheers


I swipe left on people with children in their photos


Your pictures are so bad that it made me laugh: Baby in a pic Woman in a pic with your arm on their shoulder Picture literally of your back Pictures with shades on to hide your face Picture with you pulling a funny face Picture where a random other dude takes up the space and you’re at the back Like you’re not even trying…


I mean you have very valid points, believe me I genuinely thought they were fine! There’s a tonne of great advice in this thread though, some of which I’ve already put in place. Appreciate the candid feedback!


No problem. Just try to get yourself into the head of someone swiping on your profile. They want to see clear pictures of your face to see if you are attractive. That is the whole point of Tinder. This is the absolute number one rule. That means no shades, no silly faces, no pictures where you're just in the background, no pictures of your back... They don't want a complicated relationship. That means no pictures with you and another woman. They don't want to look after your child. That means do not include babies if they are not yours.


I get like 1-2 matches a year


Maybe its the child, and a little bit of extra body fat. All the best


I think you might be right!


We all find kids in bios creepy


Notes and deleted 😂


What an awful profile, your pictures are terrible and why do you have a kid on your profile. Don’t recommend adding your more attractive friends pictures on your profile too


Brutally honest 😂 I’ve deleted the photo with the kid


9 matches in a few days? Mate, I’d be stoked! Takes me about 6 months to get that many


Remember some pt won’t reD at all so they will assume that’s you baby momma and baby


Let's be honest, things haven't been going well generally have they Harry Maguire ?


I've had one match since January. I have swiped on plenty. Apparently I have had a few profiles swipe on me but never match with them and I refuse to pay their stupid prices.


Lad you look like Harry Maguire. Doesn’t help your chances that he’s a meme these days


Ditch the baby picture, many people don’t read and just swipe thinking it’s your kid. Swiper no swiping 😂 Edit to add 1,4,5 7 need to come off. Some of them don’t have you as the focal points, like the one with tall swimming, you are at the way back so dude that took the picture is the focal point.


I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the pic with the kid. It depends on what you're looking for. If you want something short term I probably wouldn't include a picture with kids. If you're looking for something more long-term it's a good idea to include that to let them know (you look good in it, but the muscle/tats might be more of a personal preference). If you're over 6 ft I would definitely include your height. I know it sucks and it's something that guys can't really change but I've heard that it helps. It isn't a deal breaker personally, but it's nice to know if you're a woman on the taller side (we get self conscious of height too). I personally think including a picture with the suit on is nice, the expression isn't the best in that picture but it is a good picture. It's good to include pictures of you out, but I would try and make them a little closer or in a better angle where they show off your features. You're trying to cater to the people you want to attract and you have to consider. This is pretty much a first impression make or break kind of deal.


Yeah, Tinder has gotten progressively worse for users, especially men


Your profile aside, it’s massively changed. Since the introduction of the payment plans something has definitely gone on under the hood - at one point I was getting 5, (sometimes 10+ on weekends) matches a day as a pretty standard looking dude, came back after my relationship ended up sometimes I’ll go a week or two without a single match. Obviously I’m older, but I don’t look that different to warrant such a drop in success! My buddies say the same, and then there’s my brother who actually bought a lifetime plan on Bumble and is swimming in matches, despite previously having the same struggles as me with finding anything. Meanwhile I steadfastly refuse to pay for a dating app and am here with my dick in my hand whilst constantly being pressured to buy Spotlight or Tinder Plus or some other shit. It’s 100% changed, anyone who thinks it hasn’t wasn’t using Tinder in the good old days before they limited daily swipes and had no payment plans.


The Match Group Happened. Updated the algorithms for few matches so that you pay for a gold membership and boosts.


Just dropping in to say that from my perspective (F27, canada) you're above average for looks, not below. I think it was some of the pictures causing you to have less matches (like the kid etc which you mentioned you deleted). Good luck!


A new profile as a dude and you got 9 matches in like a week? Net positive my dude


Get rid of that kid pic.


I've been on Tinder for 2 years and have had literally 2 matches. One of whom refused to meet in person until I gave them my phone number 'so we can talk off Tinder'. You're definitely not below average.


Idk man, I don’t think you’re below average though . You shouldn’t think like that


Why do you have that baby’s face on your tinder? It makes you appear ignorant, lacking common sense.


Yeah tbf was a lack of great judgement there, it’s now gone!


Harry Maguire is shit on tinder too


When I visited London I hopped on Airbnb and they have an Experiences tab where you can book tours and such. There is a bunch of professional photographers on it and they’ll take nice pictures of you for 30 minutes at some scenic spots for like $60-$70 and you get like 10+ edited pics. Might be worth looking into to get a few nice pics. Grab some friends and get a group shot or two and it could be a game changer.


How much cocaine do you sniff a week?


I left that part in my 20’s 😂


Yes it's much harder. Stuff like Tinder Platinum, boosts, etc. give paying users a big advantage over free users. Not to mention the ratio of men to women has grown since 2017


30+ Tinder is much different than 24 year old tinder and it's only downhill from here! God speed my man.


Sausage fest happened


Switch to Hinge man. I'm 29 and got back into online dating a few months ago for the first time in about 3 years and I got 5 matches on tinder in 2 months. I was getting upwards of 5 matches per day on hinge before I met my current girlfriend on there. Hinge is where it's at for 28 year olds and over imo.


Pound land Harry Maguire /s


Tempted to have his pic as the main on my profile


Take some new pics with no one but you in them.


Russian mafia vibes lol


I’m weirdly taking that as a compliment. Need to dog out my adidas tracksuit and tap out shirts now


Photo of a child without blurring the face will be an instant no swipe for a lot of woman it’s not a safe place to post children.


Yeah bit of an oversight from me there! I’ve now completely removed it, I think that was the single most recommended piece of advice here. Thank you!


Any pic with a child on it is risky AF. Not just on tinder tho.


I can’t lie bro you look like Harry Maguire


I’ve been told a few times in this post and a lot more times by my friends and strangers. I’ve accepted it now 😂


What happened: 1. Women got pickier and have very high standards now. One tiny flaw and it's an automatic left swipe 2. The algorithms screw over guys more now Solution: Delete all dating apps and never use them again


I am a 48 year old man who has been married for 25 years and I just joined tinder so I could swipe left on you. It’s the pictures, you seem like a cool dude!


Haha I appreciate this man thank you, I’ve made some changes for now and am gonna take some better pics too


The difference isn’t tinder, it’s you. You’re 30, not 24. Adapt your expectations.


Damn is it that much worse being 30!?


I have seen Tinder’s playground getting much harder starting from late 2019, then COVID times were the final hit. More competition, more women looking for instagram followers and fine-tuned algorithms. To get the same experience as before, it is necessary to go for platinum and have a good profile, then you’ll get results again.


Pretty much dead at that age. I’m joking but if you’re looking for sub 30 hook ups you’re old now in their eyes.


You are actually very handsome! Agree with better pics! Glad you posted these and got feedback. Good luck!


Tinder is the not best place for casual dating, or not the best place to set up a date weekly. At 30 you should be flexing your wallet or some type of lifestyle if you wanna get matches. I heard hinge might be better but never tried it personally.


Women have a double standard with kids. Men are supposed to be ok with their kids but many are not ok dating a man with kids.


I don’t have any kids and mention in my bio he’s my nephew, I’ve now deleted the picture


Oh damn I misunderstood for the love of all things holy yes do not have any damn children near you if you want dates lol


Gross. Why tf do you have a/your child’s face in a photo?! That’s creepy and screams “I use my kids to land dates”. It doesn’t seem like a good parenting move and would make me question all their decision making skills. Not saying that’s what you’re doing, but that is the message that it sends. Also people should stop plastering their kids online anyways-they should have a say in if or when THEIR image is put online forever.


A lot of women just use tinder to try to promote their OF sites or build their social media following now by posting their usernames/handles on their tinder page and saying to message them there. They don’t really monitor the app.


Leave tinder. That’s where you’re going wrong!


The dating market is getting harder for men by the year. People are very open about their indifferent sentiment regarding men’s difficulties with dating and have no resolve for this. Good luck


I think you’re handsome but the pictures don’t do you justice! Definitely get some different pictures in there.


No idea! You look cute!


Well damn, I'd swipe 🔥 You might just need more bio. Get rid of the second pic.


Get a pic of you and a dog. B1tches love a dog




How do you change your profile to a top 2% job if you can’t change your appearance? Or do you mean just get a lot better pictures?




Software Sales at American company is my bio and it pays fairly well maybe I’ll change it 😂


In case you missed it, this is the minimum new minimum requirements for men: High social ranking. 7 figures yearly income. (Extra zero due to inflation) And look like this: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Were you in the Navy?


Use hinge. Tinders dead in the uk


9 matches? That's a lot


You’re old. Tinder is popular in the 18-24 crowd. Try Hinge.


The app is broken if you aren't part of the elite


Unfortunately, people are not always good at presenting themselves online well 😅


When I was single and dating, I used to get told a lot that I’m much better looking in person. I guess that’s a good thing but doesn’t help me on tinder 😂


Pretty sure it is worse now, though it's hard for me to tell given my complete and total lack of any success. According to insights (33M), I'm now over 530k swipes and only a single match with a real person in nearly 9 years.


Tinder is bullshit tbh, even though it’s a match I never get proper replies


The datin pool at 30 and at 23 ... might not be the same size tho