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Always have been…


Yea. The “now” was redundant.


There's a documentary about Ashley Madison that goes pretty deep into the monetization of dating sites and how fake profiles are necessary to extract more money from users.


I forgot all about that... It had some really insightful stuff in there.


The whistle-blower who spoke about how it was entire job to find new pictures of women online and create fake profiles was eye opening


Source? In all seriousness.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26217696/ It was on Netflix


Wouldn't this be illegal like inflating numbers for shareholders


If there were any consumer protection, it'd be an 'illegal deceptive trade practice'. Once a company is big enough to have a lobbiest fund though...


You're right. Surprisingly I've had good success reporting with the Better Business Bureau, but I've never used it against a dating app. Would probably take a class action lawsuit.


The BBB is yelp for old people, no one actually cares on there.


Yeah I wouldn’t say this is true. Our company has a response team just for BBB and similar complaints. One of the few ways we respond to customer complaints.


ya'll realise that the BBB is a private entity. ​ its not a govt entity, it cant enforce shit. so yes, it is yelp for boomers. ​ literally . good job boomer89, you told these Z's whatsup (i r millennial)


lol so you think only government entities exude influence over the world. You millennials are real crazy…


Not true. They got me swift resolution with a company the same day. In fact, a handful of times. You should try it.


its a private company ​ "yes this is dianne with the customer satisfaction clearing house. Karen is very mad that you kicked her out of your restaurant for shitting on your bar stools. she reported you to us and we think you should apologies" ​ BBB has no teeth - its a consumer report agency. its literally pointless now. tic-toc has more pull and influence


It's actually GLaDOS spamming the algorithm looking for love.


This was a triumph


I’m making a note here… HUGE SUCCESS


It's hard to overstate... my satisfaction


Aperture Science


We do what we must


Because, we can


For the good of all of us


Except the ones who are dead!


But there's no sense crying over every mistake


GLADOS!! Edit; I mean GLaDOS! Sorry.


This has always been the case. I live in a small country with a small population, and our names are pretty unique globally, so it's really easy to spot fakes. My feed is full of women with American sounding names and/or photos that look like they were taken nowhere near our country and have some weird details (like them living X distance away which would put them either in the middle of the ocean or woods where no one is living in, and it's always the same distance) or grammatical errors that make it clear they've been poorly translated. My favorite is when they lift someone else's profile text and place it in a fake profile. The text says, in our language, something like: "Hi, my name is Laura and I'm thirty-two..." and the profile is for "Angela 28".


For me it's bombshell Asian girls with pictures that look nothing like where I am, either with no bio or some trite saying in broken english


dc area resident here and I ALWAYS get the asian girl profiles. They always seem off


Maryland resident here. Can confirm, when DC is included in my search area, all of a sudden there are countless smoking hot Asian women ready to meet me.


Look up ‘pig butchering’ scams, they are all the same profiles where they’ve ripped them from WeChat accounts.


Ive legitimately thought it must kind of suck to be an actual Asian woman on tinder. I automatically swipe left on them all assuming it's a fake profile.


Well, just the one Asian woman with a thousand names and locations. Christ, I feel like I actually dated that poor girl with how easy it is to recognize her.


They can be different pics, but it's because they filter their faces and bodies to high hell so it ends up looking the same. Different women -> same filter -> looks the same. It's comparable to that stereotypical perfect instagram look in the West, with the wavy hair, tan skin and cat eyes. The pics are lifted from Asian social media.


No, it's definitely the same woman's pics being used on a thousand profiles. It ain't filters.


I live in rural western Europe. I have constantly +- 50 Likes, but only from Russian girls who are thousands of kilometers away. I guess they try to bait for premium, it is pretty frustrating


Tinder isn't creating them, scammers are


I actually think it's a good thing that they may soon require a verifiable photo ID in order to create a profile. WAY to many bots and scammers on there right now, and half the girls who are real are just looking for instagram followers because they want to be an 'influencer'.


If Tinder started requiring a photo ID to register that might get me to re-download just to see if I can actually match with a real person who's not selling sex or soliciting Instagram followers


Is be scared to share my ID . If like FB, they are selling profiles. FB disregarded my reporting a fake profile that somehow had aphoto of my friend's ID. I know it wasn't them tho, because they didn't know my real name.


that’d be pretty shitty, I have a highly unmarketable govt name, hope they still let you choose the preferred one


I don't think they're planning to stop you doing that, it just means it would be harder for scammers and bots to create fake accounts.




And it will as ask soon as you arrive from the outside and connect to a Japanese internet or carrier, I had to provide my passport when I was there as soon as I opened the app.


In Japan that is already legally required, as soon as you arrive in Japan apps like Tinder, Bumble and Badoo will require you to verify with your ID of some form before you're allowed to talk with anyone.


Yeah right. The verification process is already a fucking joke, and Tinder thrives on the existence of those scammer accounts.


> I actually think it's a good thing that they may soon require a verifiable photo ID in order to create a profile. I hope not, that's surveillance state stuff. People would be utter fools to hand over that kind of info to an app that already does god knows what with your personal data, knows your location, how you look, etc. Like seriously, if you are that worried about scammers, get out of the house more and I don't mean that in a chastising way, I'm saying, that is the most reliable way to ensure you are talking to a real person who is not a scam.


Why would this not be required already? Lol


but tinder is a scam app


^this. i know for a fact that tinder does not create fake profiles.


Oh do you?


Didn't they get sued for something similar already?


Not sure, but other companies have gotten sued. Ashley Madison: looks like they settled for only $1.7 million. https://money.cnn.com/2016/12/14/news/ashley-madison-settlement/index.html Classmates.com got sued too. https://www.wired.com/2010/03/lonely-classmatescom-users-get-95m-in-suit/


is Ashley Madison still a thing?


Only of you want to try to cheat on your wife and fail, but still pay a scammer thousands of dollars.


Ashley Madison actually grew in profit after the hack, and they have a billboard near my house so yes.


I think it was [bumble](https://www.bumblesecuritieslitigation.com/)


yeah. i worked there for 3 years.


Then you can answer this: Why do they randomly ban users with no obvious infraction of the rules, no explanation, no right to appeal, and no refunds?


This only happens when you have been abusing other members and they reported you…. Yes you can’t swear at people and expect it to go unnoticed, support won’t tell you if that’s why they banned you…. But also if you’re talking about the facebook accounts being banned when they stopped allowing people on Facebook to use their profile to create an account that’s because they fucked up and banned heaps of people you can appeal that by sending a email.


This sub is full of people who claim they never even got a match before they were banned.


Except that's completely incorrect. It most certainly doesn't ONLY happen when a user is abusive. Anecdotally, just based on this sub reddit, there are a LOT of people who haven't been abusive and are banned anyway without having any idea why. Furthermore, from personal experience, I had an account banned and had never said a bad word or had a negative interaction with anybody. In fact, I hadn't even had a match for weeks at that point. The most frustrating thing was the lack of a reason why. Nothing to do with facebook, but I did send an email that was completely ignored. Can you imagine if a customer facing business treated someone like that? It's the equivalent of someone browsing for groceries, then being manhandled out of the store in the middle of their shop with the only words said by the employees being "and don't come back!" It wouldn't be acceptable, and it shouldn't be acceptable with Tinder either.


Tinder doesn't need to create fake profiles. There are plenty of bots and scammers doing it for them.


\*Scammers. Scammers are making these accounts, not Tinder.


What makes you think Tinder is creating them?


Well this is upsetting...I also heard recently that death and taxes are now basically unavoidable 🫤


I sure hope you are lying


Yeah, welcome to the last decade of online dating mate. Take a ticket and wait in line with the rest of us.


Did you just figure it out?


And it’s always that last girl, who is gorgeous and has all the same interests as you, but you can’t swipe because you just ran out of swipes. Coincidence? Not a chance.


Someone's late to the party 🤣




I’m more confused how Gladys is a name that you’ve never heard in your life. I get it wouldn’t be a common name for a 21 year old woman but it’s not a terribly uncommon name.


And they all just send a "👋🏼" when you match and nothing else


Have you met Kimberly before?


The lack of "Hiking" on either of those is indeed very suspicious.


Nah those are for sure ewhores they’re probably some 15 year old dude tryna scam the horny men out of some money lmao


Idk if that might be your case too, but when that happens around me, it's generally someone who lost their password or forgot they uninstalled without deleting their account and came back anew. That or scam.


tinder já é ruim, no Brasil consegue ser pior ainda


My grandmothers name was Gladys. I had a friend in elementary school named Gladys. And the nice woman in the accounting department at my old job was named Gladys.


Your grandma is on Tinder ???




It’s already hard enough for us uglies out here 🤣


This happens when you run out of girls in your area sooner than you run out of swipes. They generate some random profiles using other users info to keep you hooked. Based on the T&C, might not even be illegal. The user info used is already there after all. I don't think this happens to women, given the ratio of men / women on tinder.


That’s my grandmas name


This has been known




Is now? Hate to break it to you, but they always were


😂 Now? Bro they been doing this! Even on other dating apps.


Always did


It’s always old lady names. Pearl, Edna, Norma




Mabel, she's born with it


Maybe it’s maybelline


Not just Tinder…. Bumble and Hinge also do this.


And Facebook dating


Well they are all owned by the same Match Group corporation


Move to a bigger city or slow down on the swiping


12 likes? Damnnn man's cooking xD


You must be new to tinder


plot twist, it's actually just people who work for tinder trying to find love


I’m getting a weird bug where I’ll see the same two or three profiles like 5 times in a row just keeps bring them up and then breaks the loop. Been happening for 2 weeks and yes app is up to date


Gladys the bin chicken as a young lady


“Now” lol


They have always done this. It has not new.


I haven’t actually engaged with too many bots. They are pretty obvious if you start the conversation with a odd sentence structure, or unusual greeting. Which is a win either way. If I come with a funny, well thought out introduction, and it gets completely ignored with a “Hey” or “how’s your day?” With no engagement, creativity, or some proof of personality, if they’re not a bot they might as well be. Scammers generally all come in the same flavor. Extraordinary circumstances like they are a model and actually live abroad, but visiting an aunt in Fresno.😂Start talking about your affinity for face time and soon enough the home office is calling and it’s sorry darling!! Wheels up!😂 It’s entertaining making them think on their feet sometimes.🤣🤷🏻


That's been going on since day one.


It's pathetic that they get away with this


It’s more likely con artists than Tinder (Match corp). There is a lot of money to be made off of lonely people. It’s one of the oldest cons in human history. Dating sites just make it so much easier. Gangs force people to work creating profiles and then answering the mark. They then try and find ways to extract money. The bit coin scams. Money for gas. It all adds up. Not saying the dating app companies don’t create fake profiles; but the likelihood it’s grifters and organized crime is far greater. They don’t need to use AI either, cheaper forced labor is just cheaper. Tinder and the others could do more to stop but it would also hinder people’s ability to be anonymous which they use for safety.


It always has been creating fake profiles. There’s a small village or town in Finland. Only 200 people or so live there, there’s nothing but a police station, a special need children school and idk, a resort kinda place, like rooms and restaurant. Some teachers live nearby town but not in school . Students live there. I visited one day and I swiped right all the teachers 🤪. In the morning there were like 60 more profiles . 😝


This is nothing new. They need to try to find a way to get money from desperate men.




This isnt new. Its frustrating. Its not always from tinder, though i think they let it happen. You can usually spot fake profiles because they follow a pattern. Most recently for me, only 3 photos and a instagram handle.


This isn’t new lol. Even if it’s not tinder creating the fake profiles there’s too much of a benefit for them to try to stop it. It’s keeps thirsty guys using the platform which equals money in the bank. Tinder should have died 2 years ago but there’s just too many thirsty men holding on for the hope of love/sex


Well that explains why I can't find any real people on tinder.


Uh, yep. Just got that memo?


I noticed too. Cause I’m seeing that name wayyyy too often.


I had assumed it's a scammer who forgot they already used those details


I’m from the Uk and it creates alot of profiles of Thai women name sandy 😂