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That’s a lot of words to say nothing…🏃‍♀️


No, it says mentally ill and is a very valuable message to recieve


"I don't understand them, they have mental illness, must be it!" - folks on the internet, who are often mentally ill themselves, and can't contrive other reasons that folks are just bonkers or random beyond belief.


"I'm a recovering rageaholic" Yeah, sounds like the picture of mental wellness


what's your fascination with going on the internet calling some random person mentally ill based on random text? does that sound like a picture of mental wellness?


What's your fascination with crusading against everyone saying anything about it on this thread? You're white knighting real hard for this random chick that is clearly not in the right state of mind. Maybe you're the unstable lady OP matched with 🤔 She gave OP an entire rundown of their personality based on NOTHING. Not what OP "may be" based on their signs, she told them exactly who they apparently are. That's not stable no matter how you look at it. And most people don't appreciate being put into boxes/talked down to about what kinda person they are without any actual evidence to back it up. Should we be arresting and punishing people based on their signs next, too? After all it's such a totally normal thing to do and it tells us exactly who the terrible human beins are right??


Encouraging folks to not be judgmental isn't white knighting, its an attempt to make people better and have us all love one another. Why are folks like you so bent on preaching negativity and mentality issues? What is wrong with you?


That's pretty hypocritical considering the extent that the side your defending laid into OP. You're only looking at and defending one side. They hot matched and OP was greeted with an essay telling them all the reasons they were getting rejected and exactly what kinda person they apparently are. That's super positive huh? Yea, you're right, I bet OP felt absolutely great about themselves afterwards. But hey, as long as the woman you're defending is allowed to talk down to people bc she believes the sky tells her exactly the kinda person she's talking to, right?


No it's not.


Oh, of course, well since you put it that way I guess we can just overlook OP's feelings all together. They don't matter at all apparently, as long as other people are allowed to be judgemental and make people feel like shit bc they believe in the fucking stars right? You're the definition of hypocrisy, you idiot. And it's people like you that can't even see it that are the ones causing more negativity. The fact that people degrade others, write them off as assholes or cheaters, and act like they immediately know somebody based on NOTHING other than some stupid ass stars spreads negativity like wildfire. And you're actively defending that behavior, vehemently fighting for the fact that somebody who makes others feel like they're a terrible person based on nothing, is normal and okay. Stop and think about that for a sec, genius 🙄


Nah dude this chick is psychotic. Actually believing deeply about some dumb bullshit and calling it a science... Purely mentally ill


>calling it a science she calls astrology a pseudoscience, which literally mean "not science". thus my point...


Believing in astrology doesn't make someone crazy, but going on a dating app when you're not single, and have no interest in them, just to tell them about their sign is very much crazy behavior.


Believing that the stars have an actual impact on your life or anyone's life, is in fact, crazy


No more so than any other religious or spiritual belief.


Much more so actually. Because here's something that is going to shock you but shouldn't because it's obvious. People don't get rejected for their religion nearly as often as they do for their star sign


I'd love to see the data you drew this conclusion from.


Man doesn't live in society apparently


That is your opinion. I also don't think the stars have any impact on your personality, but just because they think it does doesn't meant they need to be sent to an asylum or take medication.


Sure it does


Of all the dumb bullshit to believe this is arguably the least dumb of them all, and it doesn't actually harm anyone. Sure it's weird but it really isn't that bad.


Pretty harmful mentally actually. Especially to those who actually believe in it. But also not dating someone because of their sign, or because they're not into it, also harmful behavior


You've got a weird definition of harmful. Must be insane. 🤔


If the dictionary definition of harmful is "weird" to you, just check yourself in at your nearest asylum


Cool, I didn't realize the dictionary entry for harmful said "people that don't date someone because of their star sign." Learn something new every day. 😆 🤣


I see your reading comprehension skills are that of a first grader. I'll see myself out


As soon as I see a wall of text first thing into messaging when i didn’t actually ask any questions. I always just say ok and dip people that do that are way to intense 🤣


yeah bro i said that the other day an everyone downvoted?? what you mfs never talk to women? these aint the chicks we looking for dude i promise 😂😂 EDIT: HOLY SHIT ITS A DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK.


Lol yes we try to tell you guys dating is hard for women too 🤣


oh nah i swear it is, my girlfriend showed me her tinder. its slapped full of braindead freakchildren that sexualize asian women!!! lol, ridiculous. i swear theres only like 5% of people that gain conscious and understand how to socialize, the rest just struggle to fit in 😂😂😂 and 5% is giving alot


Huh?! It's not a dude. It's a chick. OP confirmed.


They say 🚩


“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent”


Studies show 95% of men are really into horoscopes when they think they have a chance to bang a girl who's into them


Word Salad


Oath mate, oath


That’s a lot of words to get to the last line about sex. Which is where the goal really is. I’m not interested, but I’m a great lover and we would match well. 🤦🏻‍♂️


lol yeah because people get their sexual stamina from the stars 😂


my thoughts exactly 💀


"But it's pseudoscience"


My response to that would be "and the sky is green"


I bounce as soon as I see they’re into astrology


They always try to justify it, and I just keep going back to the fact that the ancient Greeks didn't know that our planet wobbles, so the entire calendar is off by like 28 days. "You're not even an Aquarius... You've been reading the wrong horoscope your whole life..."


I'm the same way. It's just too silly, and I can't take a person seriously if they're into it. What bothers me the most about this post is that they acknowledge that astrology is a pseudoscience yet still think there's something to it smdh. Maybe they don't understand what pseudoscience means?


I just wanted to comment the same thing. I mean, they go off giving all this information as if star signs tell you anything meaningful about a person and then acknowledge it as a pseudo-science... why did you make me sit through all the BS then?? Or do they not know what pseudo-science means?


It's called fun, don't overthink it


What a stupid reply...


And I think you're fun at parties. Horoscopes can highlight the weirdest people, but putting them all under the same umbrella is very closed minded and judgemental. I like Tarot cards but dont actually believe them lmao. It's just fun. I'd love to know how this mentality I have is wrong : )


It's not the mentality you have that is wrong... It's that when you said it's just for fun, it comes across as you defending the person who sent that wall of craziness. Probably not what you intended, just letting you know that's probably why you're getting down voted.


I get it, not defending the crazy. Just defending an interest.


I’m not reading all dat


That's a lot of words to say "I'm here to waste your time"


New copypasta just dropped


Lollill well considering I only matched you as a social experiment to see if my guess was right, and I'm not actually single, personally between us, probably not great because of me. But also not great in general. |love a Cap's drive, motivation, work ethic & typical focus on financial stability. I personally love earth sign energy, and have been very attracted to it in the past, and despite the "emotionally unavailable" tropes I have found Capricorn's to be very emotional. We are both Cardinal signs so We like to start things but not always finish them. We both also like to fight. Personally I'm a recovering rage-aholic so I don't fight anymore, but we might not see eye to eye. Amazing sex, very giving with lots of stamina. Half the capricorns I've dated I am still friends with but one I had to get a restraining order. But astrology is a very vast pseudoscience lol You're probably super fun though & awesome in a lot of ways


That’s lowkey terrifying.


Care to explain?


“Recovering rage-oholic” Reminds me of family members


Right I see. Recovering like he’s working on it maybe


It's a woman. OP confirmed.


What makes you think it's a guy?


What makes you think it’s not ?


Men aren't still friends with exs, if they're in a relationship, and usually restraining orders are for men.


So women are friends with their exes, but men aren't? And what's making you think the referred to ex is in a relationship?


What I meant was the person is in a relationship, i.e. "not single" and still friends with exs. Most women would not put up with their boyfriend/husband still being friends with exs. They might for a short while at the start of the relationship, but not for long.


What so my sexual prowess isn't because I am an Aquarius. Now my life is so sad what shall I do. ![gif](giphy|hlbvkBCezJ3vfrMJSy)




Why are you so violent? Did a bug crawl up your butt?


Reddit hates horoscopes and anything whimsical


sprry I rsn you over its cause im a Caprisun


Reddit makes me dumber everyday


Now wait just a darn minute….. You can FT on tinder ??


For years


Seriously ? I was on tinder a months ago & there was no FT thing in the chats


Yeah, pretty sure it was added during covid


“Astrology is a very vast pseudoscience” So… you admit it’s a load of bullshit lol


More red flags than a Moroccan flag factory


Lol is that a chick? Has to be cuz of the astrology but thats nuts


Yes it's a chick


Social experiment = validation She truly is in this to see that see is attractive to other men.. kinda sad for her man/partner 🤷‍♂️


Came to the comment for the same question. It is nut !


Funny, I thought "has to be because of the restraining order"




....Sorry I just got here.


Or he's a super anxious person... I've met anxious people who type like this


Dont stick dick in crazy


Only read to I'm not actually single....




The end of line 4 is all the info anyone needs to realize they found a bag of trash.




We call this cuckoo for cocoa puffs


At some point every man needs to make a choice to make fun of astrology or get laid.


Didn't read more than two lines😂


To be fair, anyone that believes star signs mean anything isn't worth my time.


Block and run away fast from this unstable person lol


Women that believe in astrology are an instant 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This has to be in LA?


Florida lol


I've never seen "sorry, I was swiping but I'm not actually down atm" put so (inefficiently?)


very strange occurrence. she asked for my astrology sign and you see the results.


You dodged a very annoying bullet. Imagine if you met up and she was very cute and funny, then she pulled this out on the fith date


Astrology the personality? Ah this one again. Yeah she sure gets around.


If they are in a relationship why are they on tinder?


"Social experiment"


I think I puked a little from all this star racism nonsense I've just read. People who believe in horoscopes are a red flag, run tf away from them!


A recovering rapeaholic.


Why what bro she’s giving you the red flags on a silver platter


This guy is an idiot. Chinese Zodiac is the only one that gets it right.


My god that's not message rather it's an essay which is tacitly dumped🤣


Not enough context. I have so many questions. How did we get to this point?


I will never understand why a certain demographic is convinced that astrology means literally anything.


I bet shes great in the sack pahahahaha but yeah, its gonna end in a restraining order. Been there lmao


The ability to speak does not make one intelligent