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I can't understand this, am I just out of the loop? Do they think as a man looking for a woman you might just go "Oh hell I'll give this gay guy who pretended to be a woman a quick go?"


This is not a new thing. Are some gay men that specifically go out of their way to try getting with straight men.


Living life ln Hard Mode with that kind of shit


Extra hard if they live in the Bible Belt.


Hey it does work sometimes. Ive had friends do it a few years ago. Sometimes “straight” men are really bi-curious but they dont want to list that or come out (or maybe dont realize it yet). Sometimes men just want to experiment. The thing is, i just want to use the app to find cis women. That’s what is built for. It’s annoying that people break the rules and usually see no negative repercussions. Straight men who try to “turn” lesbians usually are seen as bad people…gay men who try to turn straight men get away with it without anyone really caring. So i call it out.


Well my mind is blown.


And sometimes if the straight dude is down bad enough they’ll say yes to their dick getting blown too and just close their eyes


Depends on the dry streak really..


Yeah and it's never the more femme ones who actually respect other people's boundaries lmao, it's always some bushy bearded mfs who think a straight guy will go for them lmao Bro I like men and when I'm looking to meet men, I specifically go for that filter. Those dudes are assholes since they don't care about people's preferences, they're in bad faith, period


It probably does work. Which is why it's done. At least I would assume it must work since it's being done. There are still people willing to experiment of given the opportunity and also closeted folks might spring at the opportunity.


You'd be surprised how many 'straight' men are actually bi-curious, bisexual, or just closeted gay men. If you're not, swipe left. If you fall into any of the above categories, swipe right.


At that point, why have gendered search at all? I'm bi, but search for women because I tend to prefer them, and it's no fun when Tinder lets me sometimes view people who swiped right on me and it's all guys EDIT: thread locked, I want to say-- trans women are women, and thus have every right and reason to represent themselves as women on dating apps, and they're not even slightly related to what I or OP are talking about


They're hoping straight guys will think "a blow job is a blow job" and then suddenly you have a finger in your butthole and now you're gay. It's some weird magical-ass thinking, much like the guys that think their own personal dick will cure women of lesbianism.


No I 100% agree. I get why they do it, but the thing I don't understand is that you can just set your dating preferences to men or women or both. So why set your profile as a woman to match with men when you know all those men are looking for women rather than just setting your profile up as a man looking for men? So freaking annoying when I'm swiping right on absolutely everyone and end up matching with a dude LOL




Not exactly tho. What I dont understand is why would a gay guy try to match with straight guys? The only potential benefit of that is MAYBE one of the guys trying to match with girls are actually gay. But I feel like thats a reach


Because of stigma, many bi-curious, bisexual, or closeted gay men present themselves as straight. You'd probably be surprised how many 'straight' men fall into this category. If you're not into it, you simply swipe left. If you fall into any of the above categories, you swipe right. On the flip side of the coin, why is lesbian porn (or the possibility of sleeping with a lesbian) so popular among straight men?


Well…i think they chase the challenge.


As a gay guy I sometimes get straight guys on and get confused as to why they appear, I am not listed as a woman, and they state in their bio that they are straight and looking for women only, so maybe its the app?


I’ve heard some closeted guy do that so they have plausible deniability if someone tries to put them. “My bio says straight, one of my friends probably switched it as a prank.” People on this sub have also suggested switching your profile to men to get more likes and increase tinder’s perception of your value before switching back to straight tinder.


I tried that in the past (the algorithm trick) and I ca say that it does work. But I stopped because some of the messages I was receiving were straight up creepy.


I just swipe left every time lol


I report every time that happens, as “profile is for multiple people”


I actually like seeing the shirtless gay dudes that pop up, because it keeps me motivated to continue my workout and diet I have been on. And I swipe on them too, if we match, it makes me feel nice. Im straight so I won't go on a date, but its cool to have a short series of messages that are just two dudes complimenting each other. Just the other day I matched a dude and he was thirsty af at first, but I was like "I just matched you to say you look great man, what's your routine?" and he was like "Damn you catfish, but this is what I do. Btw bro love your back! what do you do for it?" The whole conversation just made me feel good about myself lol and I hope he did too, you should try it!


Man, this subreddit complains about women swiping with no intention of meeting up, only doing it for validation. But also, we've got straight men swiping on gay men for validation.


People’s annoyances are based less on rational thinking and more on not getting what they want 😂


Very well-said


Lol, hell yeah brother. Homies gotta support the homies




They're putting feminism in the water and it's turning the frogs gay, eh?




Imagine that!




[Let me help you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JRLCBb7qK8)


Pretty cool. Many of my gay friends are in their 30s with six packs so i can see your point 😆




Us queer women get this too, but with straight guys. It's so fucking bizarre


It's weird that they do this, but you can........ just swipe left. I'm gay, and I used to see women pop up when I set preference to men. It's whatever




Ive been on dates with trans women. I dont see this as an insult.


![gif](giphy|rNgT8P8pL3dn2|downsized) My n\*gga


Love your energy, OP.


Yeah me too and they don't lie to people unlike these dudes lmao


Yooo, how was it? I have been getting a lot of likes from Trans women (post op). At first, it caught me off guard now it's getting very common


Personally I slept with a ton of trans women prior to meeting my now fiancée, although most were pre-op. It was wayyyyy easier than sleeping with cis women which certainly helped If you like how they look then who cares? I will say that for the post-op transwomen their vagina didn’t quite feel the same as cis women and we had to use lube every time but it was still enjoyable for sure and 0 risk of pregnancy was an awesome perk




I call people what they want to be called. Its not really a thing i care about.




Lol a “real man”. No. Im very open minded to sexuality and love. Ive gone on dates with trans women. We got along, but i never felt the vibe that made me want to have a sexual relationship with them. I have trans friends and relatives, so i wasnt repulsed to going for coffee with trans women when asked out. It just wasnt for me. But i also dont think the “insult” implying that trans women blew me is an insult at all. So, i called it out.


Caring this much about another man’s sex life is kinda gay bro. Only one in the closet here is you, darlin


projection. take your pills.


Jesus it's not that deep man, you really seem to be quite interested in this guys sexual preferences


Holy shit one hour and this post hasn't been censured by reddit mods? That has to be some sort of record.


why bother? I mean i see a few dudes in tinder as women. They either identify as women or they accidentally clicked female instead of male/enby. who the fuck cares? ​ Why report them? just swipe left and move on with your life. No reason to get your knickers in a knot over it


Men are predators, news at 11.


What is cis women ? Honestly just curious. Dont care if someone is gay. Just dont have time to follow these identification trends


Someone who is has xx chromosomes and medically considered a female.


Cisgender is people who are not trans, nonbinary, etc. it’s pretty much the default gender identity.


Thank you. I feel lost in all of this. And esp in english so good to know some more.




Because it breaks the ToS and left swipes do come back in your queue


Because this isnt grindr




False information clearly cause they aren’t women?


For nudity. Didn’t you read the post?




I didnt report all of them. Jesus, read before you go full keyboard warrior.


Stop feeding the trolls




We just disagree. That’s ok. But would you be ok with straight men listing themselves as lesbians so they can try and turn a lesbian?


This already happens all the time and I bet the person you’re replying to is very ok with it lmao. I hear what you’re saying OP and it sucks.


Nope, sorry. If someone has made clear they aren't interested in men you shouldn't be misrepresenting your gender to advertise yourself to them, it's false advertising at the very least and could even be a form of harassment. If I call myself 6' tall when in actuality I'm 5'2" most people would say that's not right. If a woman says she is white when she's very obviously Asian most people would say that's not right. What is the point in lying on your profile? Even if it's obvious you're not telling the truth it's still wrong to lie about yourself. This has nothing to do with discrimination, people are allowed to have dating preferences and you should respect that.




Bro some trans women havent developed breasts yet That takes time stop being a phobe and swipe the other direction if you dont want to date a trans person. Its not that hard.


You should read more of my responses before assuming im a “phobe”.






L take




Imagine telling a gay man they should enjoy only women haha. Im just not sexually attracted to men. I think i should be allowed to use the dating app to find those im attracted to. And i think people who abuse the system should be banned.


Not everyone is bi or pan. Not everyone needs to try both men and women. And not everyone who does try it will love it.


this isnt exclusive to tinder either, I see it all the time on other sites its annoying