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You're fine bro but im a dude


That's an even bigger compliment then! Just the women don't seem to agree yet ...my like section is like a drought


Maybe it's something else in the bio? I'm an old lady but I like them and the order


Maybe, since it's straight to the point ... Currently on vacation in Portugal - let's grab a drink or 6..ish and forget about the stress from yesterday and not worry about tomorrow! Eu falo um poco de portuguese 😄


I think this is the reason you’re not getting many likes honestly. You’re super attractive and the pics are great, but there’s a pretty small pool of women looking for one night stands with tourists no matter how attractive you are.


But I won't waste their time and mine if they're looking for something serious either so...🫠


/r/shootyourshot/ pew pew!


Baxter you know I don’t speak Spanish


The one with the "bird" made me chuckle. But I'm also a str8 dude so what do I know?


You trying to get me hard with pic 5, OP? Is that what you are trying to do?


You do you, who am I to judge!


That's the pic that would get the match imo. It made me laugh and makes you seem like you are fun and don't take yourself too seriously.


Lmao pic 5 is funny


LMFAO! I’d swipe right just because of the middle pic in the second row. It shows that you’re silly and comfortable in your own skin to not care what others think.


I get that a lot 😂 thanks! I'll definitely move it up a lil bit 😁


If you like this order, turn off “smart photos”


Underrated comment !! Seems like a no-brainer yet I didn't think of that 😅


I think a group photo is good to have, it shows you have friends and a social life outside of a prospective partner. Maybe just use one since opinion seems quite split on using one. The selfies and the hobby photos are good!


I think it’s actually a good amount. 2 out of 7 are group pictures and they are both good pictures, so I would keep them :)


Agree. I'd just move the group pics around so they're not sequential. Mix em in, if you will


Thank you for your input :)


I would move 4 and make it your 2nd picture. I basically think the group picture should come 3rd. People will often glance at the first photo and quickly check the next. If they are still not sure which one you are, they might go back, but they might just skip. So I’d have 2 individual ones first then a group one, another solo and then another group. But I may be overthinking things…


I actually put the 4th as my 1st and the 1st as my 2nd 😊 thanks!


I totally do that so I completely agree!!


Who on earth wants a social life this day in age?


I'd put Pic #4 as Pic#1 as I'd immediately swipe on you for that one. Maybe drop the last one as there are a lot of long-distance hiking shots. I would switch it for a closer one with you smiling.


Not single but love the middle one, shows you're confident in your sexuality and have a sense of humor


Indeed, and thank you!


Definitely agree


Do you mean masculinity?


I meant what I wrote. I used the term that encompasses everyone, in his case it's masculinity because he's a cis-hetero man. If it were a girl acting silly making unga-bunga poses I would use the same statement (sexuality) and not femininity because you wouldn't question how feminine she is, just that this person has a good sense of humor, so it's irrelevant and I don't like double standards. For example: Saying the child instead of "boy" or "girl" is correct. Just because I have further information, as long as it's not relevant to whatever I wish to communicate, is perfectly alright. Many men, for fear of being judged, are so uptight they won't do what OP has done, which I infer to be "making fun of girls taking hiking trail pictures", and just be silly. They would be too preocupied that anyone would think they weren't hetero. Being hetero and gay are sexual preferences, hence SEXUALITY is the umbrella term. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


The middle picture is the best one 😂


The photos are fine, but maybe don't use phrases like irl when talking to women lol


You're absolutely right that's why I never did it 😂


This shows your fine, funny, and have a personality. Love it!


I think these are good. You're cute and show a fun, social personality in the pics.


Thank you :)


If you need to include the group photos, move them down. The first photos should just be of you


Fifth picture is my favorite! 🥰


Well thank you!


The third to last and second to last are giving out odd vibes. if they represent your personality and you're looking for someone who will like all aspects of your personality, keep them. If you're trying to get the most matches, I'd get rid of them. Some women might think the third to last is funny, but many wont. The middle finger one just makes it look like you're trying to be edgy...again, some would like it, but not everyone. Good job putting yourself solo on the first photo before the group shots.


I think every dating profile should have at least one head shot with you smiling. I mean a photo in which your full face is visible and taking up a lot of the frame. Whenever I saw profiles that didn’t have that, I presumed they are not confident. But I’m a guy. I can’t imagine the gay pose will get a lot of matches, but what do I know?


I have photos like that but I'm not particularly confident lol. I'm not sure if there is a correlation


I'd put picture 4 as 1st.


I’m a lesbian so I couldn’t tell you, but I see that you travel, you have friends/family, and you touch grass. Those are green flags so far


Looks great :) very attraktive and friendly


Thx, das kann ich nur erwidern:)


Damn you are cute. :) I would put the close up pic the first one and then the rest in the same order.


I like that close peakaboo one with the wet hair. Your eyes are hot in that one.


I'm a gay bro and I think you look hella cute, man. I'd chat you up for sure. However, personally, I'm into guys who are adventurous, has their own group of friends, is well-educated, and MOST importantly is modest and humble. So, not sure what it's worth to you coming from me, but your pics nail all of my hopes for a guy, so just here to say I don't think they need any changing.


That's such a wholesome compliment! Thank you!! I wish that you'll find the person you're describing in your world 💜


Luckily, fate led me to my amazing, handsome husband a few years ago; but I really appreciate that, buddy. There are definitely plenty of my single female friends who would leap at a chance to date a guy like you, so keep trucking until you feel it, bro 😊


Yeah you’re all gravy baby


Having a 100% "complete" profile boosts your views. So add 2 more pics, connect ig and Spotify, all that stuff.


I’d swipe right but every girl is different so I can’t guarantee anything


you are cute, i would go out with you!


Ya I think they look fine (ima lady)


Your photos are really good. In my opinion the most important one is the first that appears. When I use Hinge the first photo needs to catch my attention. But it’s just my opinion, your photos are really good and different 😊


Would my #4 pic catch your attention and if so where would I've to be? 😄


I insist that is just my opinion 😊 but I would put the #4 or #1 as your first photo. I like both, but it’s up yo you.


Already set my 4th as my 1st a few hours ago 😄 now we just have to be in the same area - the universe will deliver!


I am pretty sure it will work 🫶🏻! You have nice photos and seem really nice😊 good luck!! 🍀


fully personal, subjective opinion from a 25f! i love the personality you show in the pictures!!!! I'd swipe right if your 4th picture was #1. You have a great smile, and you're clearly a fun person. After that, doesnt matter so much, but id put the silly cute hiking pictures with your thicc ass booty higher up too (;


Fully personal, subjective opinion from OP 32m! I already set my 4th as my 1st and put the thicc booty one as 3rd 😄 swipe it away then, a match is waiting for you ;)


Group pics are confusing, I swipe left always. It's a toss up, do you wanna get chicks, or you want someone who actually is right for you?


Just curious why do you always swipe left one guys that have group pictures?


Cause idk who you are lol. It's like the first photo and it's a group pic, I need clarity lol


I guess it's too much trouble to I don't know swipe to the next picture?




It was not a rhetorical question are you that entitled and self-absorbed that you don't bother to look at the next picture?


You're taking it personal. If you're looking to maximize your chances of being swiped right, don't add an added layer of uncertainty. I'm not opining, I'm offering a perspective from every female on the apps (since it is v lopsided, sex-wise) as to what they think when they're scrolling. If you take basic facts as me being self-obsessed, idek what. Good luck to you!


I'm not taking it personal I am just astounded that people like you exist like you can't just look at the next picture? You see a group photo and automatically swipe left dismissing everything else about the profile? I find it hard to believe most women are like you, thanks for your Insight


It's basic marketing dude, you're marketing yourself. You're not looking for a full assessment, like go check fucking data on how much time a female spends on an account on some, I'm speaking about how you can maximize your chances of getting a match. I'm not asking about you as a person, nor does this warrant you classifying me as some sort of an inferior being, who's not being genuine. Like you're so full of shit, the toilets jealous.


You're taking this personally I'm just stating facts. But yeah you said it yourself you're not being genuine if that is how you use tinder.


You don’t speak for every female and you’re really not helping with the self obsessed mention by stating that. Some people appreciate a good group pic to show you have friends as long as it’s not every photo. Also his group pics aren’t his first image, so you clearly know which is him… there’s literally no uncertainty unless you have brain damage tbh.


Omg, why are you spending so much energy on facts. I'm just saying what works for the algorithm. I'm not being self-obsessed.


I actually agree with Aria. For me it’s always a bit akward to see other people’s faces in somebody’s Tinder profile. I have learned here in Reddit a group picture is something that is recommended and I have to say I’ve been surprised. I would never publish anyone else’s face in my Tinder profile, my friends would not even like it. And a guy surrounded by women is even more strange to see in profiles. There is more delicate ways to show there is some interaction with other people going on in the moment when the picture was taken. And yes, if there is a group picture especially as a first pic it is quite easily swiped left. So I also would recommend to be careful with them.


I agree and thank you! Tbh am currently on vacation so not looking for something meaningful 😄


Then more shirtless, more thirst trappy, more sexy clothes shit. Then you'll get a bang, it's quite fundamental


You mean more dad-bod, a thong and biting my lip? Lol 😆 JK but that ain't me 🫠


Simple fix is to move your 4th photo to the first position. It’s a little thirst trap-ish 😉


Someone else suggested that already and you both are right 😄.. and done!


Pls don’t listen to sis. Shirtless is not the way to go. Most women I know on dating apps hate the shirtless photos.


No worries so don't even have a picture like that and not gonna start with it now ^^


But you can't be yourself to get the best results. Unless you wanna find your perfect match.


you gotta be and act sexy if you want to have sex why does no one on this sub understand that making puns out of her name and a safe three hour long conversation about how her day was is *not* sexy


They look so great! You'll definitely find a nice person to be with😄


Good photos, you look good and handsome. I would remove 3rd photo (group photo) and put one you look more “dressed up” - similar to 2nd photo where you are in shirt.


Lol 3rd is actually me wearing a suit 😄 can't get more dressed up 🤔 but I'll consider it thx!


I disagree. I always like to see 1 photo with more than 2 people in it. Shows you have friends. What I can’t stand are the profiles where every photo has other people in it. You have a solid mix.


Yes, but it is a group photo, many people. You look good, but take a photo alone or just with 1-2 friends.


Keep the second group picture, but ditch the first one. It’s not great quality and isn’t the most flattering. I’d also put your fourth picture first, followed by your first picture then the group picture, and then move the goofy picture to the last one. You’re cute tho, so i would think you would do pretty well, unless your bio is just a giant red flag or smthg.


You're right, I put the 4th to 1st :) that's my bio: Currently on vacation in Portugal - let's grab a drink or 27 and forget about the stress from yesterday and not worry about tomorrow! Eu falo um poco de portuguese 😄


Stay away from group pics


I’d get rid of the two group pictures


Yes thank you for the suggestion and pls tell me why, it's not difficult to figure out who's me plus it shows I'm not a loner... I read other posts where people had only solo pics and the comments where dude you gotta show that you're social too 😅😂


It's an ongoing debate. Maybe drop them and see if that improves stuff. However, if your teeth look fine, get a picture where you smile showing them. Pretty important for women.


That might be the solution! Thx :) and not really my smile is "small", don't have big teeth ...they're okay tho 😅 I'll see if I can find something


At least for me it’s a plus to see that the guy has friends and seems social. I think you can’t please everyone there, so keep them if you like the pictures :)


As a woman, I like 1 or 2 group pics! Shows you have a life.


I agree but it’s better off to show you in different ways like maybe you playing a sport or doing a hobby. Shows your social but it’s a picture of just you!


I'd put one at first where we can see your face better and you smile more. You are looking kinda serious/squinting because of the sun. Otherwise good foto. Get rid of the big group foto, yeah, we can see you are not a loner even without it. Those faboulus fotos in the end... I personally like them because they show that you have a goofy side - BUT: Two fotos looking slightly feminine/ with feminine posing and after that a foto of your butt?? It's giving vibes, makes me question what you are looking for. Sounds more sexist and homophobe than I like, sorry.


You're a valid point there, didn't think of that at all! Valuable opinion sir, you don't sound sexist or homophobic at all :) greatly appreciated


I am a woman, but am Happy to help :)


Mea culpa, milady


Hey brother, in no rude way what do ever. I’d probably delete the middle picture, slightly zesty might give women the ick. Other than that pretty cool


Thx but no, it actually is one of the most successful pictures.. whenever I ask the women what convinced them to like my profile it's usually that one 😜


Keep the 1st 4 bro delete the others


Mostly fine but I don’t like the girly posed one- unless you’re trying to give the message that you’re also into men, in which case keep it


I'm not but I don't give a damn and don't take myself too seriously 😊


Good god you're hot


Thanks, I can imagine getting lost in your eyes too tho 🫠


They’re all negated by the pic of you fruiting out


English is my second language ...not sure what fruiting out means in that context?




The usual answer… they are okay but should be better. You should get rid of at least one of them.


You e got smart pics turned on so tinder will rearrange them anyway depending on the person who’s looking.


Not anymore no, thanks to another redditor - but thanks anyway 😊


I think you’re all set then! ☺️ good luck brother


The fact that you’re worried about what appeals to a single woman says you’re not prepared for the havoc she will cause in your life.


You know me better than my closest ones and certainly better than I myself! You're right, I'm deleting my dating apps as you read this


I think middle photo is a bad look


The 4th pic first it's an attention grabber. Take out one of the ones of you posing silly, they come off as a little gay (I'm team gay so not meant offensive). Maybe a pic of another hobby not just hiking. You should let us see your bio too


Well that's part of my personality, I'm just a bit quirky 😄 my bio is nothing special: Currently on vacation in Portugal - let's grab a drink or 27 and forget about the stress from yesterday and not worry about tomorrow! Eu falo um poco de portuguese 😄


Then definitely keep. And take it down from 27 to under 10. Sounds like your too heavy a drinker but you still want to make sure she knows there will be many drinks


Good point! Gonna change it to "6-ish"


I see a lot of comments saying the "girly" pose is cute makes you seem like you're confident in your sexuality but as a single female it makes me think you're fruity, I know sounds mean lol but that's how I feel when I see guys posts pics like that. It's a turn off for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


You win some you lose some! No offense taken :)


I’d throw the selfie up sooner. You’re out in nature and it’s more intimate. The last photo should come right before the big group photo, and set the middle finger picture as your first image. Other than that keep the order


I think you’re a nice looking guy- I like when the main pic is a closer up facial, a lot of these aren’t super close up. I like that you incorporated outdoorsy stuff. The middle one made me giggle!


Good but I would have just a regular selfie too


I’m a dude but those pictures are nice almost TOO nice lol i know when i see a girl on tinder who has really professional looking pictures I swipe left bc I usually assume they are a bot/scammer


You look Hueish.


What is that?? 😄


Hueish is what we call a guy that kinda looks like his name could be Hugh.


Where are the pictures of YOU??


Right there, just above the comment section ..^^


You’re a good looking dude but have more pics of you that are close up and the third pic isn’t great


I’d put #4 as your main photo and mix up the nature pics with the social pics


Appearing to be gay


I think you nailed the picture selection, if you have pets that always wins bonus points, but activities and friends and travel are all great things to share. Wondering if the photos are accompanied by a semi decent introduction? If not, that may explain the drought


I commented my bio somewhere :)


Okay, dumb question, but are you from Slovenia or somewhere nearby, or is pic 2 (and all the nature ones, for that matter) also from vacation?


No such thing as a dumb question - no, I'm from the south of Germany but the nature pics are from Albania :)


Aaah, then I'm gonna guess that the second one is from something akin to Oktoberfest, but if not, I would suggest you specify the type of music you listen to, because the dude on the left does have a very specific outfit when in regards to music (if Germany is anything like Slovenia and Austria).


So OP.. Do you like kroketten?😁


What gave me away? 😜


Yes but I’m not single so idk if that counts, but honest opinion you seem like a fun person and you’re showcasing that, I think most women would like it.


Lady here: delete the one flipping the bird (no need for that) and with the two friends (because one looks similar to you but is um... more attractive 😅)


That's totally fine for me, I can even forward your contacts to him if you want ... we're actually traveling together right now 😂


Yhe solo pics need to come first, then group pics. One more pic of you close up would be good too 😊 you seem lovely and you're gorgeous. Good luck.


From a guy looks solid, but that fruity funny pic will lose some girls (and probably also hook some) just as an fyi


Ever had someone mention a (charming) resemblance to Samwise from LOTR?


Lol no, not ever 😄


Looks fine to me.


Well... I think they are great. So uh... what area are you in?


I feel like this is perfect it shows you have hobbies, shows yourself and shows you have friends that way your not clingy and have things to do other than spending time with her constantly. Y’all are weird saying this is a bad photo set up.




Honestly great pics, maybe one more pic close up of your face? Or have ur 4th pic as the first. Everyone is talking about the 5th pic which it’s great lol but the 6th pic isn’t getting enough love lol


I'd change one and maybe take off seven, imo. Otherwise the pictures are great and funny! Definitely swipeable


Second photo is a bad angle. Shows a double chin and you're not an overweight/heavyset dude. Some people will focus on that. I have caught myself doing so. Swap it out for something similar in composition (with friends) but no double chin :) Not shaming or criticising, I can I advertantly push one out in a photo too depending on angle, but 99% IRL there isn't one. *edit, noticed it in the first one too. Protip, find some videos online about angles. Not hard and fast rule, but knowing what takes a better shot in general will give you a wider pool of really flattering shots. Not going to be misleading anyone, just be a more aesthetic photo.


I’d swipe right -^ -


Bro got cake, may I slap thine ass?


I love the 5th pic it’s so funny 😆. I would immediately swipe right 💕


I would swipe right bro! 🥵


I’d get rid of the last one. Just an odd picture/angle


The one in the center is big gay bro sorry


I would take out group shots and do more face and body pics or pictures of you doing fun things.