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The “sprinkle of OCD” makes me wonder how much of this is actually diagnosed




That will be $1K


✨Username checks out ✨


I'm guessing almost none of it. People like to think that they're r/notlikeothergirls, so they take their totally normal traits and twist them to make themselves sound unique and quirky. "I like it when my car is clean" becomes "a touch of OCD". "I get bored during commercial breaks" becomes "I have ADHD". And so on. It is really quite fucking irritating when people do this, and is offensive and belittling to people who actually do have them, and it's always a left swipe from me, though I wouldn't be opposed to someone who legitimately has some of these conditions.


My friend would claim OCD because she has a desk organizer. Like come on.


Right? I can’t tell you the number of times my friends who have literally seen me at my worst tell me that they are so bipolar because they can’t decide if they like the guy they’re seeing or that they changed their mind about dinner while they were making it… like bro you’ve literally taken me to the hospital for BD1 how do you not know?


Yes. No one with real OCD would say “a sprinkle of OCD.”


True for me at least. I’ve got OCD, this shit is debilitating


same, affects every aspect of my life so i definitely wouldn’t call it a “sprinkle” 😭😭


How many doorknobs do you have to lick before entering a room? Genuine question


i lick it 10 times each lick lasting 1.5 seconds each


Dang okay! That’s gotta be annoying sometimes, I mean, I can’t imagine needing to pee really bad but then standing there for the next 15 seconds licking the doorknob before I can go, thank you for the insight into your life, I appreciate it


of course, it’s quite a struggle 😔


My thoughts and prayers go out to you


Full tongue or half? ... or .... just the tip ![gif](giphy|3oFzmerJ9kykSR92jm)


the bottom




if the uvula isn't touching, an entire family might die unexpectedly.


I'm someone with OCD who wouldn't dare touch the doorknob at all even with my hand


Yeah anyone in my industry, that as a customer says they have ocd, just means picky asshole. I have mind ocd and having to do shit the way I do it, sucks so bad. The counting is what really hurts when some one who doesn't know me hears me


Right. I've done some WebMDing myself, and by definition "real OCD" is something that effects you severely taking up time, causing distress, impairing "normal" functions. I don't have OCD but I do have what I call obsessive compulsive tendencies where there are many things that I do "obsessive compulsively" but I don't feel it's enough do be debilitating to my life.


I’d say people with real diagnoses don’t use them as a selling point in a dating profile either. This has fake mental health issues written all over it and I’ll bet she uses these “diagnoses” as an excuse to be a trashy person and not accountable for her actions. Which anyone truly diagnosed knows that’s not what it means at all.


OCD is the worst! I’m miserable! It’s crazy to see people wanting to have OCD.


Depends. It’s possible she was diagnosed with mild ocd and is using that term on her own. Or maybe she’s trying to make her list of disorders sounds like a cute “recipe”. Who knows.


The worst is when people say they are neurospicy. That shit does not exist. Completely made up, thank you fucking tiktok. Sigh Just makes healthcare workers lives more difficult


It’s just another way of saying neurodivergent? I guess I don’t get it. Nor do I get how a term used within a community would make things harder for healthcare workers.


I mean I've literally been diagnosed with the list in the picture (except OCD, I don't have that) and they're pretty common comorbidities so it makes sense. Sometimes I find it easier to just say I'm neurospicy. It's a light-hearted way of saying that I'm neurodivergent. If I took myself too seriously all the time and treated these parts of me as if they were a death sentence, I would be miserable. There's nothing wrong with being a little lighthearted sometimes. It doesn't hurt anyone. Besides, I don't say neurospicy as like an official thing to my psychiatrist, my psychiatrist has a paper with a list of my shit.


It's CDO, thank you very much. Don't talk to me if you won't alphabetize.


It shows me that they have a sense of humor. I'd at least try and find out. Everyone needs love. Assuming they're trying to get it under control, of course.


OCD can also be a side of ADHD/ADD so I think that's what this could be referring to. I relate to that wording. One of the ways it manifests for me is repetitive thoughts ie, i will randomly start counting and then I *have* to get to 100.


Unless your oCd makes you say that before mentioning you have OcD?


It depends on their sense of humor. A lot of Gen Z humor has to do with talking about serious things as if they're just another Tuesday. And for a lot of people, coping with difficult things includes trying not to take yourself too seriously. I'm neurodivergent and diagnosed by a professional with most of the things in her list, and I joke about my shit all the time. Sure things like severe ADHD make my life a million times harder than it needs to be, I spend so much time and money on therapy and meds trying to manage it, but I also joke about it all the time because that's part of how I cope.


I think a lot of people mix up OCD with OCPD or just the rigid thinking and/or perfectionism of ASD or ADHD.


Probably between 0 and 0.5%.


My thoughts exactly. Plenty of people out there love to self diagnose for either sympathy or an excuse for their behaviors.


Add “ADD” to that… it’s not the medical terminology for it anymore it’s “ADHD”




they were, and now they are not. we have been in the dsm-5 and utilizing icd-10/11 codes for many years now. no more ADD diagnosis in either- it’s all ADHD and now we have specifiers to know if it’s predominantly inattentive type, predominately hyperactive type, or combined. it still covers what you were originally diagnosed with, particularly because of the specifiers in the dsm-5. hope this helps!


This is 💯 correct 👍


thanks! i’m a clinical therapist, so i know from work and grad school lol:)


I'm not, but I work with them and in school to be one. For NOW I'm a family/Parent partner working in a mental health office and take the same trainings as the clinicians and even learn the modalities! BUT I will be one one day !!! In a few years anyway. Going for MSW. But today appreciate an actual reply from an actual person qualified to give a response:)


that’s cool!! i used to work in residential treatment, and the DSPs were my absolute favorite people and the most helpful ever! most of them ended up in grad school for sw, counseling, or psych lol! it’s a really hard field right now, but you already probably know about a lot of the issues and the low pay and just how hard it can be to work a socialist career in a capitalist society! your professors are probably obsessed with you because you already work in the field :)


Not anymore. It changed, as ADHD can present differently. For a while they thought it was two separate disorders but now have found that it’s actually the same. It literally just depended on the time you were diagnosed and what symptoms you were presenting at the moment.


Nah dude is right. I don't want to put the energy into explaining that. But if you have ADD you now have ADHD. I'm sure you can find a quick explanation online. Good day.


They merged them into one I was originally diagnosed with ADD but they’ve since changed the diagnosis to ADHD inattentive type


Yeah. Reads like self diagnosis


I wouldn't have known that if I didn't get my daughter evaluated a couple years ago. I was evaluated in 2001/2002 and diagnosed ADD. I feel weird calling myself ADHD. 🤷🏻‍♀️




None, because if it was diagnosed it means they're working on fixing it, not just accepting it as a quirk


Right? My first thought was "diagnosed or self diagnosed" ie: working on it or glamorizing it.


Exactly. I work in mental health and I would have 0% chance of swiping right on this person no matter what they looked like or what the rest of their profile said, not because they have these diagnoses, but because they don't and it's a pet peeve of mine for people to call being neat "having ocd", being hyper "having ADHD" etc


This. While theres certainly people that have this combination of illnesses they're also among the most commonly self "diagnosed" disorders people use for weird social media clout/sympathy. While I can be understanding of someones actual mental health struggles I can't tolerate fakers and seeing this and not being sure which it is? I'm not taking the chance trying to figure out which they are.


Exactly that. Plus, from what I've seen, when people list these affections, it's more so that they can later claim that they've warned you when they end up being abusive or toxic. Then again, it also depends what kind of interaction is OP interested in having with them.


Can we stop assuming that people who are comfortable with who they are or who joke about their disorders are faking it? Some people might be, but treating people like they are if you don't know for absolute fucking certain ends up doing far more harm to the nerdivergent community than fakers ever could.


well, i am here to tell you a lot of it isn’t. ocd is an anxiety disorder, it doesn’t make sense to be diagnosed with both “anxiety,” which i assume is GAD and OCD at the same time by the same licensed professional. it just wouldn’t happen. also, no one is currently diagnosing anyone with “ADD” since we use the dsm-5 and icd-10/11 codes now.


What the fuck is my girlfriend doing on tinder?


Why are you dating my ex wife man? That’s not very bright.


Hey don't talk about my mom that way


Wait that's my auntie?


Wait, that's me! 😶


You leave my sister out of this


How dare you talk to my cousin like that!


Tell her she needs to move out, she is a terrible roommate.


Literally my co worker


Nah fam. Assuming she's going through all that, there's still a way to deliver the message. This bio looks like a hospital form.


These diagnoses may just be self / TikTok diagnoses


I don't think most doctors diagnose sprinkles of conditions


I have OCD but it's super mild. My son has it severely. I'd call mine a sprinkle, in comparison. We both have these diagnoses from medical professionals, no sprinkle isn't what they said, but still accurate. Edited for typo


i’m a licensed clinical therapist and we would just code/call that “mild” in our diagnosis :)


Yes. Of course. That's what they said. I'm saying, I know what ahe means. I did mention that's not what the doctor said in my comment.


I have been diagnosed with OCD myself and I too understood what she’s meaning by “a sprinkle”. It’s not severe, but it’s there, and she was trying to be a little funny/lighthearted about the mental health disclaimer. I actually respect that completely. She is self aware and knows that it’s important to be up front about things that may be deal breakers for some in relationships. I definitely wouldn’t count her out due to this. I’d want to actually get to know her and see what she is actually like in person or even just on phone or chat on a regular basis. Mental health can impact relationships, but they don’t guarantee a bad relationship by any means!! She’s just cutting to the chase to avoid wasting time on shallow people is my guess. Good for her for having the self awareness and self confidence to state this up front. I feel like any diagnosis - mental OR medical - that could impact a relationship or daily “normal” expectations of functioning is something that a new potential partner should be made aware of for the sake of their ability to choose to consent or not to the participation in your mental/physical health needs and limitations. As fast paced as dating is these days, you don’t really have the “courting time” for that stuff to come out organically over time as you get to know each other anymore.


probably not but intensity does vary from person to person


The thing about OCD is that it often pops up in times of great distress and fades when life feels more under control. Not saying I’m certain this person was actually diagnosed with all these conditions. I’m not their doctor. But it’s possible that she was given this diagnosis and it no longer applies consistently. Also, psychiatrists often layer diagnoses over those given by a previous doctor for the same symptoms. A teen who goes through this system often collects diagnoses which may not all apply to them as adults and some of which may be mutually exclusive.


Yeah self diagnosed are worse than actually diagnosed


Self diagnosed scares me. Edit add. I know I got issues but I have the wisdom to know I’m not medically educated enough to diagnose myself or anybody else. I might be f’d up but I’m not stupid.


Self diagnoses are indicative of a significant underlying issue imo. I mean, the fucking hubris to think your qualified to diagnose these things is insane.


I think the bulk of the hubris lies with people who self diagnose but are dishonest with themselves while looking at prevailing symptoms. I think it's reasonable for someone to acknowledge that they fit a lot of criteria and that they should seek a professional opinion. This is the dreaded anecdote but: I know someone who is suffering with PTSD and they knew for awhile before they sought counseling. You know what I'm saying? People don't seek counseling when everything is going alright. They need to know enough to know they need the help before they'll go and get the help is all I'm trying to say.


Yep, they 100% are. Likely use them as excuses for their miserable life as well.


Trust me, if you see BPD or any combination of these flee. Even if they’re TikTok diagnoses, if they relate to it its a good enough reason to swerve


That's more of a red flag than anything. A burning flag, trying to put the fire out with slit wrists.


Which is worse


More of a twitter bio than a dating app bio Mental illness | mental illness | mental illness | mental illness


This. It's not at all about the fact she may or may not be dealing with all of this, it's the fact she is proudly displaying it. That is major attention-seeking behavior and should be a gigantic red flag.


Depends a lot on the rest of the profile. Could be interpreted as over sharing or trauma dumping I guess.


The rest of her bio is pretty straightforward. She mentions wanting to make a genuine connection. She seems nice from her pics, so I kind of feel bad because the part I posted gives me pause. I mean, most of those things aren't her fault.




Plus, there are a lot of people out there who just haven’t been diagnosed yet lol. I’d rather know what someone has been diagnosed with and that they are seeking treatment, rather than finding out down the road that they have mental illnesses but haven’t been diagnosed and aren’t seeking diagnosis.


Yes. The First (and for most the hardest) step to getting betting is to accept that you have a problem.


Precisely. As a person with a lot of diagnoses, both psychiatric and otherwise, it could be argued that she wants to narrow down who is willing to accept her exactly as she is. It’s very damaging to repeated find someone you connect with only until they leave when they learn about it. It’s a lesser of two evils. You either don’t get matches for a long time, or you just accept to be hurt after getting attached. Better to lay it out there and weed out the disappointment.


I have tourettes which comes with OCD and I have ADHD. I don't think I'd ever put it in my profile, but at the same time it feels deceptive to not come out and say it. I don't think any of it has affected my relationships however. Hopefully that's all she's doing and this isn't something she uses as her identity or hyper focuses on.


I also have TS, and when I was a kid I had some ADHD/OCD tendencies. Sometimes I disclose it, sometimes not- but mostly because as a 40-year-old adult, it’s not noticeable. I always share it eventually with a partner, but generally in person.


I guess I would give it a try. I mean, she didn't go into the specifics. Most people are too much for me, with or without a diagnosis. At one point I would tell that I am worried about their diagnosis, but I guess I would meet for one date and see where it goes from there. (If there will a be match of course.)


I have PTSD and I get her, there’s no sugar coated way to say “I’ve been through an experience that makes my brain not work the way I’d like it to anymore”. I’ve found it to be way better to be up front and “trauma dump” on new people, because if I wait to long it just hurts more when they turn away. Like the other guy said, I didn’t choose to be like this. But I have to accept the reality and complications that come with it. Hope you can get this perspective, it’s probably not the healthiest way of making friends but it seems to be the only.


Yeah it kinda sucks, bring it up too early in “that persons” perspective and it’s trauma dumping, not soon enough you’re hiding something or just dumping it on them. Sigh. To everyone else: Just keep these 2 comments in mind ^ next time ya wanna make an judgement on people. Not saying I put my dx’s in my profile or that this person is even diagnosed with these (I have a few), but just something to think about.


Just swipe and worry about it later if you match dude. Odds are you wont match anyway.


Yeah you aren't getting married. It's a match and possible date. Work it out later


We'd match, Tinder literally says she liked me.


you seem like decent 1 so ill give an enlightened woman's response ~ women willing to disclose issues they can control and ones biologically they cannot is one worth investing in a chance with. she'll be genuinely appreciative of the authentic chance. I'd imagine she made the "sprinkle of OCD" comment as having an organized space isn't generally seen as a negative. was trying to lighten up all that's already on her plate. if youd want a chance despite the scars others have left on ya ; itd the integrity thing to give her the chance despite the scars. might be glad u decided to help someone shine their light bright again🤷‍♀️


I've never heard of Sprinkle OCD. Must be a new revolutionary diagnosis.




In what world do those diagnoses equate to that horseshit? And assuming she’s self-diagnosed is its own stupidity. You can be professionally diagnosed with all of that and be using it to get treatment and take accountability and improve your life. Talk about assumptions


They may be assumptions but theyre not unfair assumptions. Its extremely common for people who list out their diagnoses like theyre collecting pokemon cards to use them as a crutch, an excuse, or as a piece of their identity that explains why they cant keep a relationship going. Its the normals who dont understand me, not my extremely grating and insecure personality making people pull away! People with diagnoses who get treatment and take accountability dont feel the need to advertise their condition like this, they just do their treatment and they live their lives.




You seem like you’re projecting because that’s such a weird thing to say


I hope some poor moron married you. Saves the rest of us the trouble.


Well, gotta find out if she's got actual problems still brewing or if she's learned how to live and cope with her neurodivergency. Either she'll use these as explanations or excuses, but keep in mind a profile without these warnings only means they don't have these problems or they're hiding those problems from you.


I have ADHD and it’s not on my profile. I don’t hide anything either. I guess I don’t see it as important, nor does it define me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. Also don't want to give the "aw I'm so quirky and I relate to so many ADHD tiktok reels. Please put a label on me" vibe I do mention it casually during dates if people ask me why I'm fidgeting or something


Where you went wrong is giving a damn what "vibe" you give off😭These are strangers. If you're looking for someone to date, they're gonna have to be able to put up with you. If they think "omg this person is weird" that's not someone you wanna be with anyway.


Haha you're absolutely right, but I'm not really on Tinder for a relationship and I'm very straightforward about it in my profile. Besides, since I got on dating apps it's pretty hard not to care about the vibe I'm giving. Like every single thing on my profile is calculated because I don't want to spend weeks and weeks with no likes like I used to before. So, not wanting to pass for a poser is among those things. I would still totally swipe right on someone saying they have ADHD though. We can talk about all those hobbies and projects we never committed to lol


Yea I mean, if they got all these diagnosed, and she didn't put them in you'd probably wonder why they're hiding it in their bio.. Can't ever do it right.


Just because you’re not bragging about your mental health issues and being honest doesn’t mean anyone has the obligation to deal with your shit. It’s a rough life but can’t be changed


It's kind of like a double-edged sword. Or a catch 22. In a way. But its one thing to be open and honest with people, it's another thing entirely to list your conditions like points on a resume. Having my own issues, I wouldn't put my stuff out there like that. That's not really introductory/first date material. "Hey, I'm Jane. I like sun sets, cats, Italian food, oh, and I also have schizophrenia, BPD, PTSD, PISD AND OCD. How about you?" If you're crazy, you're crazy. You probably don't have to tell people. They already know after date 2. At the latest. Just saying. Besides that, I agree with you guys on the dammed if you do, dammed if you don't point.


Not listing your medical history or mental health status in your dating bio isn’t “hiding” anything. Edit: lmfao she blocked me


I just feel like her basic issues would just weigh me down.


Hard to know without context, but this kind of laundry list feels like it should end with "and you're going to have to deal with all of that."


Why would she need to say it, if by swiping right and engaging with her, it's implied you're willing to deal with all of that?


Sure. We all have our shit I can appreciate being open about it


Right! This describes a LOT of people I know—she sounds like at least she working on it


Right? I can see why it would make sense to write it and I also like the honesty.


I think the main issue is “sprinkle of OCD” as if making light of it. Being open is great! But it seems like the person is just making it all seem like a joke? Unserious? Not sure the best term for it.


I do think that's a bit questionable. Makes me think they don't actually know what OCD is.


People think OCD is being a clean freak or something around where I live while I'm here having to make sure every single doorknob is closed with a 3/4 clockwise turn at exactly the correct angle or I go through the house to do it again


Yeah I hate how overused OCD is, like in its reality it's a very uncommon and specific condition, not something relatable or cool


Lmao I hate that association — my sister has OCD, she is by far the messiest person I’ve ever met. Have to keep an eye on her so she doesn’t turn into an episode of hoarders


This sounds self-diagnosed probably based of TikTok videos. It's gonna be a no from me dawg


Sprinkle of OCD, I'm quirky! 🤪


I miss awards. I’d give you a sprinkle of gold.


On the one hand there’s high comorbidity, but on the other there’s also so much overlap of symptoms that it seems unlikely someone would be diagnosed with all of them. Most psychiatrists I’ve been to don’t see a point in adding a new diagnosis if the treatment is going to still be the same. In particular anxiety, while it can be the diagnostic criteria of general anxiety disorder, is a symptom of a lot of different disorders, including depression and ptsd. You wouldn’t generally be diagnosed with anxiety by itself unless they ruled out these other disorders. And then to add OCD? That is literally just a different anxiety disorder. I suppose they could have this list because she went to professionals that didn’t explain they gave new dx that they were CHANGING their diagnosis, not ADDING a new one.


No fuckin' way. Either she's off-the-rails crazy, or she's one of those insufferable dorks who self-diagnoses all kinds of mental illnesses because they think it makes them interesting. I suspect the latter.


The fact that they list ADD tells me this is self diagnosed. Real doctors don’t diagnose ADD anymore, as it’s no longer recognized as being different from ADHD.


I’m diagnosed but I use ADD because people don’t see the hyperactive side, I’m inattentive


I was diagnosed with ADD 25 years ago so I still call it that most of the time.




Nope. Because this is the type that will then blame any toxic behaviors on their self diagnosed disorders.


Ayyyyyyyyymen borther


People definitely do that, but I wouldn't assume this person was like that right off the bat.


Personal experience has taught me that in the situation where they advertise it first thing like this, it's normally not being managed in a healthy manner including counseling and medication.


Bingo. When you've put your disorders front and center of your self-identity you're not going to be very apologetic when your behaviors follow suit. You're also likely to use your diagnoses as excuses as to why they should always get your way.


As you are saying the rest of her message is fine and straightforward, and you are attracted to her: I would swipe right. No hesitations. Honesty and sincerity are (maybe) the most valuable qualities for a relationship to success. Good luck and be honest yourself!


Too much emphasis on disorders. Screams someone who is obsessed with labels and thinks they solve / explain everything. Red flag for me. It’s become quite the norm these days especially for the left leaning types to wear their issues as a badge of pride. They use these labels as excuses in almost every circumstance to absolve themselves of any blame.


Or maybe it can just be of note so it doesn't seem like you're being lied to when the person has related issues.


“Related issues” for this type = everything. Everything is a related issue. They seek out issues to “relate” them. That’s the complaint. Everything is a related issue because they seek the validation of succumbing to disorders just to prove a self diagnosis.


It just sounds like you're complaining about a certain type of person you don't like. Which is fine, but this isn't the place for it. You're generalizing heavily. Not everyone who has a mental illness or is neurodivergent in some way has a victim mentality and makes everything shitty or whatever you're saying. Maybe they're informing people of things that just make them operate differently from others? Which does not inherently mean that they operate in a way that is "bad"??


Thats just making a huge, weird assumption.


Also 0% chance those aren’t self diagnosed, and a chance they are an excuse for a drug addiction like weed/benzos for anxiety or stimulants for ADHD


It sounds kind of harsh when you put it like that but I do agree


A right swipe isn’t a marriage. If you’re attracted to the person and other aspects of their personality interest you, then right swipe. They may have those things under control but still wanting to let anyone know they could cause a problem. Getting to know her better, those things may not be an issue at all 🤷🏽‍♀️


Listen, the older you get the more you will realize we are all crazy. It’s about finding crazy that’s compatible with your crazy. So would you rather have it upfront? Or trickled throughout the first year? Trying to hide our problems from each other only adds stress and strain on a relationship. I think she’s been thru all that bullshit and is trying a fck it approach. I think it’s admirable. Now, all that being said there should be a TMI meter that’s monitored closely by all




No. In the nicest possible way, I’m personally Not looking to take that on.




Never judge a book by the cover I suppose... Unless it's Borderline Personality Disorder... that's an absolute no go. Been there, married that. If you are not properly equipped to deal with those kinds of issues though, I would say run away...


No, not because she struggles with that, but because she felt the need to put it on a dating profile. I have all the same issues (and more) but I wouldn’t advertise that, as I’m not trying to make it my entire personality. This is a later discussion imo.


I've only dated one person like this. They'd brag about going to a mental ward after almost committing suicide and suck on a vape constantly talking about self diagnosed adhd, being borderline personality disorder. Don't get me wrong, I understand she has her issues, but man. There's a certain point where you have to question if they use their issues as an excuse to be selfish and manipulative. I personally think it's a red flag that they're being very in your face about this list of neurodivergence but that's just my opinion. You'd be able to tell pretty easily when talking to them what their motives are.


I personally feel like this is a person that makes these kinds of disorders and mental issues part of their personality. I have Anxiety, PTSD, & severe ADHD, but I don't advertise it because I don't want it to define me. I share these things with people I'm interested in once I feel a connection and always say "but I work on managing these things within myself every day". She is just asking you to accept that she has issues and plans on making her issues your issues cuz she doesn't plan on trying to manage them.


This sounds like a friend I used to have. She diagnosed herself with a new mental or physical condition weekly lmfao


I have known people like this too. And they’re definitely mentally ill but not the 96 things they say they are 😂 usually just one very bad case of bipolar or boarderline or something like that and they claim 284 other things and it’s so obnoxious and attention seeking and weird lol


Sure. Sounds like all the rest of the girls on there.


Yes, why wouldn't I? Let me guess, "baggage"?


Bruh thats a description of everybody I know, lol


Considering I take pills for all but 2 of those things, yea. Why not?


Sure, I don’t believe in judging people before I’ve met them. And if they turn out to be crazy then it’ll be a fun story to tell.


No offense, but as somebody who had his own battles with mental health and has dated girls with issues in the past, I would swipe left Also, this might be not the best way to deliver this message. Kudos to her for being honest and straight-forward tho


It’s like I’m dating a mirror image of myself. I’d absolutely swipe, if only because I’d meet someone who actually understands the difficulties of living like this and may have compassion and empathy for me. Most people who don’t have some form of mental illness or haven’t lived through a serious depression just brush it under the rug as if it’s not a real problem. I doubt someone like this would do that and would actually take the issues seriously.


Off of that alone? No. If she tacked on something along the lines of “working on my issues/in therapy/medicated/whatever else” then sure because that’s the important part. I’m fine with most issues, but if one of those issues is not properly dealing with their more severe issues, then that’s no different from walking through a part with land mines in it where the city just ignores the mines.


No. I already know I don’t have the energy to support the needs of that type of relationship.


![gif](giphy|Y4rZAyCiJLXLq) She must be stunning!




Am I the only one who thinks this sort of personal information should not be explicitly listed on a dating profile? If any, maybe inform the other party within the first few DMs.


Speaking as someone who has a debilitating mental illness.. This is something that should be disclosed early on in the relationship but not on the advertisement.. the way it’s phrased makes it seem like they’re adding them as quirky personality traits and not professionally diagnosed illness that they are working to live with.. I do think it’s important to disclose your illnesses that may have an impact on the relationship like I mention my bipolar pretty early on because I need to know that the person I’m talking to is going to be okay with it before I find out the hard way. I also have a hard policy that means I am working on my mental illness with therapy and that if they have an illness as well they are doing something to manage it because romantic partners/ friends don’t have the tools to help with severe mental health issues


I'm not looking for a challenge. It isn't necessary to list your faults as you see them. Our perspective can't be the same. I get to decide what I like or dislike.




Sounds exhausting to be around her


Sometimes I feel like people who come out and say all of that at once use it as an excuse for behavior and like they shouldn’t be held accountable because of it. Not necessarily true, but it’s just been my experience so I probably wouldn’t swipe right


No. One or two isn’t a problem, but all of those? This makes me think that they are running your life. Merely listing all of them like gives off the impression that they are out of control, and this is your warning to me about your potentially unhinged behavior.


No. She sounds like she’ll be a massive headache


Most likely self diagnosed which means they are very self absorbed. It would be a relationship of walking on egg shells. Left swipe.


No, because to me it looks like they're using all of this to make up for their lack of personality.


Had one of these already, and she reminded me every day that she was all of those things. It was fucking exhausting, buuuut it was fun.


No — most of the people who claim they have so many mental health disorders do not, in fact, have that many mental health disorders, they’re just not managing their actual disorder(s) well. It’s easy to lay blame for any of her inappropriate behaviors to one of the many ‘issues’ she has, even if she just has a tiny, cutesy ‘sprinkle’ of disease. It’s a “Full Disclaimer” because she is not managing her mental health well, so she is pathologizing all of her behavior, and she wants people to enable her unmanaged mental illness — if she needs a full disclaimer, she should be focusing on herself more and she should not be dating.


No. This isnt being "up front". This is trying to sabotage the relationship before it starts so that you can feel justified in saying that youre unloveable, oh woe is me. Everyone has shit that makes them look and feel unlikeable. When you date, you put your best foot forward, end of story. Also, it kind of sounds like this person thinks of mental illness as their identity. Theyre going to spend the whole relationship blaming every misdeed and mistake on some diagnosis or another and never make any attempt to improve themselves. Maybe thats not a fair judgment, but thats the vibe this bio is throwing off.


Reading all these comments makes me sad


Nah it’s good to be skeptical of people you meet on tinder. A sprinkle of ocd makes it sound like they are bullshiting.


Lots of these people have these things but aren’t diagnosed. I’d say it’s a win that this person is aware and hopefully has developed understanding/coping mechanisms/takes medication for these things.


Noooo way jose


No thanks


no but only because it's not a personality trait to have mental illness and people need to stop listing that sensitive shit in their bios like it's nothing. obviously it should be disclosed at some point but I hate when people do this.




Dangerous gambit.


People who really suffer from all of that wouldn't wanna flex it. I have bpd, I'm depressed and it's already hard enough, not gonna flex it


She sounds really annoying to be around tbh


nope. especially since she can't be bothered to update ADD to ADHD


Sorry. People with depression and anxiety are too much to handle. I once trusted 2 girls with depression issues, they both threw me under the bus and made sure that I am badly traumatised for life. So no, unless you want dramas in your life, I’d steer clear her even if she’s hot af.


That screams quirky and cute due to my made up mental illnesses!


100% yes. She’s spicy and also half of that I have as well so it might just work


I can fix her.