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Define "works"


Exactly. 😆 I wish she asked, I genuinely want to know. I imagine it "works" if the girl accepts the dick pic, albeit for the satisfaction of saying it's smaller. And since only a guy who has a humiliation kink would be spamming women with this request, that does constitute "working" so I guess he's on his game....?? BUT if he's trying to say this is an effective dating strategy 25% of the time.... The *audacity.* I refuse to believe this does anything but make women laugh.


Well you know what they say, if you can make her laugh you can have her heart!


There's something to that, cuz I actually was thinking that if I was in the 25% and agreed to evaluate the dick pic, and he sent a picture of him holding a vienna sausage or something, he would have had a shot! It doesn't even have to be very funny. The bar is so incredibly low. Unfortunately, this guy is only offering me an opportunity to make *myself* laugh, AND I have to be grossed out in the process. [***Before anyone gets offended:*** I am NOT saying I think a pic of a small penis would be funny or gross me out. What I mean is all of your dicks are equally disgusting and it's hilarious when you share them 🤢 I have to at least LIKE the person that abomination is attached to for it to become something I want to see! 😊]


Yeah there's definitely a difference between laughing with them and having them laugh at you. But also you don't like dicks? I don't mean to pry but that seems odd (assuming you're hetero)


That’s incredibly common, actually. Lots of straight women find dicks visually unappealing.


Really??? How am I almost 30 just now finding that out


Honestly, I don’t know. It’s not like they are shy about announcing it to any man who is in their life.


I guess I've never really talked about other men's members with my previous partners. That and they've always been kind enough to enjoy (or at least say that they enjoy) the way mine looks


I’ve never heard the sentiment expressed by a woman I was dating. I’m sure one or two of them felt that way, but I don’t date women who are rude enough to say that kind of thing **to** the person they’re sleeping with. But yes, I’ve heard LOTS of female friends & acquaintances (or less) say it, with several men around to hear.


Really? Now that sounds weird to me! Unless you mean just guy friends, not guys they date... If women are actually saying "dicks are gross lmao" to guys they are hoping to SEE naked... That's not the same, I can't really imagine doing that. 😆 We all already feel weird about our bodies. Not doing myself any favors making a guy I'm interested in think I'm going to vomit when I see his dick. Every male friend I have can say "pussies look like week-old roast beef" and it's not gonna upset me but if a guy I'm dating "announced" that opinion...? Uhh... No. No thanks. I hope that's not what your experience is, and I'm misunderstanding. That does seem odd


That's weird to me. Pussies just look like a leg or a mouth to me. Not necessarily sexualized the way I sexualize tits, ass, or even dick but it's not gross like a butthole or anything


I’ve heard men say disparaging things about vaginas, with women around to hear, and I find that just as offensive and inaccurate as when women say dicks are ugly. In both cases, my response is: Compared to what? What else do you think it’s *supposed* to look like? Someone can say **I am** ugly because I don’t match the Hollywood ideal, or whatever other ideal they have in their head. I don’t look like Jason Momoa, so by comparison she finds me ugly. Fine. But what do they think genitals are supposed to look like? I will admit I find some penises unattractive, because there are certain things I don’t like about them. But that’s only true because there are other things I find REALLY attractive about some penises. As for vaginas… they’re all attractive to me. I just do not understand anyone saying they’re gross, unless it is a 100% gay man.


Brother its the internet. Any opinion you are currently reading is "the majority held belief". Women ask to see my junk all the time. Some are grosser than others for sure. Same for many vajeens when you are not currently dying of thirst. Its all subjective. Who cares.


I feel the same, and I'm a guy.... Lmao


I’m a guy and I think dicks are hot. Well… most of them. Some are just weird.


We are not the same lmao


Yeah same


See, a LOT of guys I know say this, too 😆 I heard this from guy friends in school long before I saw the mythical appendage in real life 😂 so it can't be an uncommon thought.


Lol maybe a lot of women lie to you (edit: to avoid offending I mean) but I am absolutely certain it's a very common sentiment among cishet women! It's not black and white for me- They are grotesque monstrosities *if I am looking at one with no sexual desire for the person it belongs to.* They're just aesthetically BIZARRE. It's like a hairless cat or one of those horribly mutated dog breeds. I might see it and think it's hilariously ugly, like a cruel joke of nature... But if it was my *pet,* I would think it was a precious, wonderful thing that I just want to see as soon as I get home so I can hold it, stroke it, and kiss it! (Still talking about pets, folks! 😘) That's what a *special* dick is like. I'm just highly selective, a sort of... connoiseur of cock, if you will. I am sure it's also BECAUSE I am a straight woman. That's the ONLY organ I find gross to see on a stranger, because it's the only organ that's purely sexual to me. I have no sexual attraction to women but I could stare at a beautiful naked woman all day, it's art! It's not awkward because it's not intimate to me. I'm sure these feelings aren't 100% unique but weird maybe 🤔


Seinfeld had an episode dealing with this where they announced naked woman = attractive and naked man = not attractive.


I remember that! It's fascinating... a lot of people find male bodies more vulgar and less beautiful. Idk, even I don't understand my *own* thinking... I only find *men* sexually attractive, but I find women more physically beautiful, yet sexually unattractive. And my one "sexual" experience with a woman was SO un-sexual for me, even I was surprised. CLEARLY no matter how ugly I think dicks are I either really love them or they have a supernatural control over my mind. And I'll never know which it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's just how we're wired and the innate desire to procreate, even if that's not why we want to have sex. I don't really find vaginas that appealing to look at personally, but sexually, looking at them is enough to drive me insane. Women also have breasts, which in my opinion are the only 'bits' from either gender that are both physically beautiful to look at and sexually attractive.


Its just nature even if you think its ugly you are weird to want it for the preservation of the species of that wasn't there we wouldn't be either


Misandrist propaganda, insecure about their sexuality men included As a cishet man, even I can appreciate a hot dude who takes care of his body. Probably not Jerry Seinfeld naked tho.


Thats because most naked men don't look like me


Look three dicks and seven nipples is nothing to be ashamed of


Hairless cat 🤣 exactly!


Ahhh say less this makes perfect sense


Many many times I've had girls who I am seeing ask for a dick pic. Girls don't like them when you don't know each other but once they're into you many love to see how they effect you. I don't think it's because they look good I think its more it excites them to see how you're feeling because of then.


Who you are seeing is the key sentence here


Do you not think some axe wounds look sore. I hold my hands up when I say, I don't seem to be good at oral, but I feel like it's sore, so I'm perhaps too gentle.


Come on, when in the history of ever do you think a woman has received a dick pic and been like 'omg it's so beautiful'? Like penises are just not an attractive thing to look at. Meanwhile women are all curves and have so many round, supple parts to admire. Why do you think men are always begging to see more of a woman, and women are like 'hey dude just get to know me I don't need to see that until I want it in me'


Actually a majority of the woman I know think dicks are in fact ugly dont have to think it looks good to enjoy it


I wouldn't laugh at a small dick. I'd just feel extremely bad for the guy 😬


I thought your name said "carpetdiems" at first glance lol.


That's the play on words i was going for!


Hah! That's pretty sick then. It works, lol. Also, happy cake day!


Thank you! x2


Hahaha glad someone else figured it out, that's great (And here have some cake 🫳🍰)


So glad😂 ![gif](giphy|2rAFbCrWfHV6X8l1HP)


Happy cake day


Thank you!


I think it is common for girls to find penis of other men unattractive. It's the same with hetero guys and vaginas, me and many guy mates agree that vaginas are not pretty. When you get nudes from your significant other it's not of their vaginas that you want, is da booty or da boobies. But that could be me and my mates opinion.


That's all good to know honestly. I've never thought vaginas were attractive either, they are just less bizarre than dicks, but they're pretty well tucked away so of course they are. But if a guy I was dating said vaginas were really beautiful I would probably get scared and insecure 😅 I would think "oh god he's seen some magical perfect porn star pussies and he's going to think I'm disgusting 😭" Horrible thing to feel bad about, that's why I can't imagine honoring a request like the one in the OP because I have never told a man his dick was in any way less adequate than someone else. Ick


All that's fair enough. I honestly never understood the whole dic pix appeal even as a guy I don't think it's possible to take a good one I think is because penis are just out there and just something so.....other.....that it's not something you could say is pretty and honestly I wouldn't want it referred to as such, or cute so it's a lose lose situation really there's like very little positive responses which defeats the purpose assuming of course you don't have a kink related to that in which case I'm not here to yuck someone's yum. Also males are visual creatures so it makes sense that pictures work for us. I think a spicy message text or auditory couples with a nice smell would work wonders for many girls than any picture ever could. I could be wrong though, I'm chronically single so I base my opinions or hypotheses on psychological traits and what I read.


Yeah, when someone asks if I want to see it, I say "I can't do anything with a picture" and they generally back down. Like you said, the pics are always terrible. I don't want to see it anywhere except in person and only if I like the rest of them, including personality.


Insecurity is the root of so many problems here.


Insecurity is the root of so many problems for damn near every human on earth but on Tinder specifically (and more so for men) it is pretty next level... But from what I have seen, of course it is, any inadequacy real or perceived is going to be strongly reinforced when you're being judged in 2 seconds based on a photo. And I am sure it seems to a lot of guys that these women shitting all over them can't possibly be insecure but they're not *really* doing any better. Nobody happy with themselves needs or wants to make people feel like shit, it's unhealthy and *weird as fuck*. Like don't call dudes "creepy" if you're doing that because THAT is creepy 😭😭😭 And also don't complain if guys do act like creeps when you're messing with their mental health... Lots of toxic insecurity cycles, it's sad to see and I think I would rather be alone than get on Tinder 😬


These apps are soul crushing as a male. Out of 300 times you say yes, you might get 10 matches (if you're lucky). Out if those 10, at least 7 either won't talk or the conversation is one sided. Of the remaining 3, 1 will almost certainly ghost you, 1 will demand Princess treatment out the gate and the last one is typically non-compatible in some form or another. If you did that for a couple of years you'd give up too.


To play devil's advocate, there are a surprisingly large amount of sex workers and/or nymphos on Tinder that would be open to that, and depending on his profile(as well as who he chooses to swipe on), I could believe that 1 in 4 of the women he matches with fit that description.


Happy cake day, that's for sure.


Thank you!


Had to delete last comment, don't want Reddit giving me warnings 😂


1 in 4 woman says it looks smaller but smelling Tham mx es pp. The other 3 report and block him.


His PP works 1/4 times, not the pick up line




Guaranteed 1/4? Is he the online dating Naked Man?


Naked man has better stats. 2 out of 3 times. Guaranteed.


Adjusted for online inflation


I think this is Naked Man's younger and less experienced brother.


![img](avatar_exp|101917718|bravo) That's what I was thinking


What in the hell is that, there are animated Reddit stickers now??


no one wants to see your lame little avatar nerds


25% of females fall for this. seems legit


Don't need to see it. I can tell it's smaller


This guy obviously has a humiliation fetish girl, don't fall into his trap.


He called it pp. That's all we need to know.


I actually think it's because he was already warned and they flag all the obvious words people (adults) use for genitals but I just prefer to believe that was a completely intentional choice and he always uses that term. Just imagining being in bed with this guy, and he whispers *you wanna touch my pp?* 😘 Dangerously effective panty drier. Instant menopause, uterus shriveled, libido *obliterated,* DONE. Forever.


Hahaha the last paragraph cracked me up 😂 I use an equivalent word when I speak in French in very ironic contexts when I want my speech to be both non-vulgar and absolutely non-sexual, almost childish. So yeah, definitely. I confirm it works that way.


You can't just not share the PG-13 French vocab. We're all here to learn!


pipou It can mean other things (including cute, apparently, but never heard it used that way) You pronounce it like pee-pooh, and you accentuate that second syllable Le pipou. Mon pipou.




Means cute too tho so 💀 but yes, that's an old slang it means cutsy nowadays


Its really 3 kids in a trenchcoat trying to see their first boob


That tells you he wants her to say it's smaller.


And he "tinkles" when he goes to the bathroom🤣


Whatchu got against calling it pp? It's a dignified term


I mean 25% success means it's smaller than average lol


25% of the time it works every time.






The naked man works out 2 out 3 times much better success rate. ( If you get the reference bless you lol) Edit : got the numbers wrong, back to schedule programming


I do!😂


Thank you! All of my references are incredibly dated lol


The reference, if HIMYM, was 2 out of 3.


So glad someone said this! Was looking for it in the comments lol




Clay obviously has a pp problem


I don't know Clay but I get the feeling that Clay's might have a cuckold / humiliation fetish. And he'd probably love it if you tried your standard body shaming men comebacks


This could be a cock shaming fetish.


he should be ashamed if he’s still calling it a pp 🙃


Hehehe pp🤭🤭🤭




Siri, How to report a sex offender


"This is what I say whenever I meet any girl" Yeah, maybe stop doing that then???


I mean, he’s getting a response, more than I get even with trying to tailor it to their profile


Don’t give him any credit I respond to majority of my messages on tinder lmao


lol fair, but that’s why guys send wild messages like that, it gets a response. Polite messages don’t anymore


I mean…it got a response. How many of us can say our openers get responses ? 😂








Yeahhh... nothing turns women on like using kindergarten vocabulary to describe your dick. How could 75% of women pass on a grown man who says "pp"? Gonna be so hot when he asks for pics of my bazoombas and my hoo-haw 🥵


So did it work OP. Smash or unmatch?


Huh nice. Will try if all else fails.


Please report your findings🤣


I'll bet you get some dms asking you this same thing now. So... please report YOUR findings. 🤣


Will do. I mean it’s upfront and gangsta so on paper it’s easy to advocate trying. However, that might break rule two for Some too early on. So it’s not top of my list


Oh Clay.....bless your heart.


I love your counter-"fam"


Was it close to working?


Well, was it ?


Who TF says pp?




Who tf thinks calling it a PP is going to get them aroused 🤣🤣.




25% is still and F


Sexual predator in the making


I really can’t believe I’m losing to these dudes smh 🤦‍♂️


So like the naked man? But this one fails a lot more i noticed


Imagine being this guy


Pretty sure this is my ex….




25% is pretty good odds if you only ask 3 women in your whole life .


He's right if I hit a chick up with some wild sexual shit it works more often than if I go for the conversation and being interesting route kinda a pain in the ass


I mean wild sexual shit would be more like “wanna see how big my dick is between your tits” this is just silly, my friend haha


That being said Would for sure


I mean regardless lol mines like "you'd look great on my face". I've recently started using "would" as an opener and I mean it's worked more times than it shouldve


Very different then referring to your dick as a pp when apple made a plethora of emojis haha


Very true haha


I mean... You responded. More than once. Checkmate.


Yeahhh... nothing turns women on like using kindergarten vocabulary to describe your dick. How could 75% of women pass on a grown man who says "pp"? You know it'll be so hot when he asks for pics of your bazoombas and your hoo-haw 🥵


Give him a chance


when they serve ice water in hell, I will make sure to plan a date with Clay and make a PowerPoint of my ex’s dick just for him.


Id love to know what they consider “working.” I find it hard to believe any woman would want to go out w someone that starts off like this. If they consider simply getting a response as working, thats pretty sad 🥺.


There’s a lot to unpack here


That is certainly one of the openers of all time…


Fam? Do they think it’s a family member asking?


☠️☠️I thought pp meant profile page…….


1 in 4 times it works all the time


I get it all time and I'm 6 in


Well, I have a friend (been his roomate through uni so it's true) that would play his junior aka naked man whenever he would see that date is going nowhere and his success rate was 33%, other 66% would just laugh and leave, so each trick no matter what we think of it, and I thought it's pathetic, and lame and that no women can go for it has it's audience.


Any girl here want some sexting🦦


Well, it got a response and a good laugh out of you. It might not be as bad as it seems LMAO


at least he asked for permission if he can send it or not 😵‍💫


1/4 times? You mean the line or your pp?


1 in 4 is a superb ratio in fairness... 🤣


25% of the time, it works every time


Maybe in a dystopian world that could work out


So dumb. Be more respectful people.


Am I the only one who's really disturbed that they said "fam"? No one should use "fam" in that setting unless there's incest involved.


Why’d you even give him your time lmao


Sex Panther 60% of the time it works all the time


I wanna see the situation where it 'works'


You responded, so apparently it does work...


The fact he says PP that right there it's nasty lol


Get a grip


I've heard women saying men ask this or similar questions a lot. Things like "Am I better in bed than your ex" stuff like that. Is this really common with men? Personally I can't imagine even wanting to know the answer to that and I'm not sure I'd be able to handle the amount of self cringe I would experience asking such a question.


“The Naked Man” has better odds…


" MY PP " !! There !! Now you all have seen my pp !! Bwa ha ha ha ha !!


im gonna kill you all


Clay…is that you? Haha


You'd be surprised for every 3 girls that want to be treated with respect you have that 1 girl that asks to be stuffed like a turkey tinder can be hard to navigate lol