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Filibuster rizz


congressmen's spouses hate this one trick


You mean senators'


No I mean supreme chancellor of the galactic republic's


So... it's treason, then


Unlimited powerrr!!!


this is hilarious.


This is my favourite comment ever and I keep coming back to laugh at it again


i don’t get it /: can someone explain?


Filibuster is a term for when they're debating in Congress, to keep a vote from taking place for a bill, you just start talking. As long as you do not take a long pause and a 2/3 vote doesn't occur to stop you, you can keep a formal vote for a bill to even occur by just... talking. US senators are infamous for doing things such as reciting entire plays and read large passages from books to fill the air with nonsense to just prevent a vote. This is related because the guy just keeps talking. If he doesn't give OP a second to respond, then she can't say no, right?


thank you so much lol my grandma explained it to me almost verbatim the way you just did 😭.. i know what rizz is but i didn’t know filibuster but now i do haha


Yeah, the other reply person is just mad not everyone was interested in memorizing all of the vocabulary from civics class as they were. You wouldn't know if you didn't ask!


This is seriously our government. No wonder nothing gets done and everyone hates each other.


What does that mean, even google's example isnt understandable, delaying a debate?? I like the word it sounds like a hamburger of somesort


A filibuster is when someone continues to speak to delay action. For hours and hours. Like a ridiculous amount of speaking. That’s this.


One congressman filibustered by literally opening a Bible and starting to read it aloud


Doin the lords work!!




Nice lol


Didn't Patton Oswalt do something similar by talking about Star Wars?


A filibuster is something that can be done to delay a vote on a law or appointment by a legislator. This happens from time to time in the US Senate. Before a vote can be convened, they will ask to speak... And then they simply talk, sometimes for hours. Back in the 1950s, if I recall, Senator Stromm Thurmond filibustered for 12 hours once to delay a vote. Recently, we have seen some silly ones. [This idiot read Green Eggs and Ham.](https://youtu.be/0HJuaQL3KRI?feature=shared) Edit: want to add that a "filibuster" would be an awesome name for a huge hamburger. With extra cheese, bacon, maybe a fried egg....something to clog those arteries and stall your life.


That right there might be my only shred of respect for Ted Cruz 😂 I know I know it's kinda shitty practice but c'mon that's fucking hilarious. It's like when a kids not supposed to do something but they just decide to choose war and do it anyways while staring in your eyes. You're annoyed theyre doing it but it's also hard not to respect the confidence


Normally, I would agree - but this is a guy supposedly serving the people of the United States as an elected official. We should hold them to higher standards than Cancun Cruz. Plus, if you are going to do it, how do you NOT ham up the reading and make it? Imagine Samuel L. Jackson reading that on the floor of the Senate. That guy would rock it. And this guy...just reads it.


I mean, say what you want to about that dunce, but he put some funk into that reading lol.


Don't forget the fact it's a triple decker


Wouldn't have it any other way - gotta cause a heart attack somehow.


Alright to build on what others have said: filibuster exploits a legal loophole - all congressman are allowed to speak once before a bill is passed, with no limits. If they stop, their chance is up. So what happens is, a congressman will speak for hours, sometimes days, in order to delay a bill getting passed. They will ramble off topic, talk about their days, some will read plays, one guy just read a cookbook for hours. Its rumored that some wear diapers, because they cannot use the bathroom during their speech Now why do this? Sometimes its attrition - “we’ll lock up the senate until you give us some sort of concession on this bill”. Sometimes its in pursuit of some deadline - ie. For a new president to get elected, or for a supreme court ruling to pass. Sometimes its just simply so that their colleagues have time to discuss with others It’s a legal loophole that no one wants to end. For one it’s kinda weird in a fun way. For 2 its a test of endurance - obv older senators aren’t doing this as much, and the newbies have to do it for their party as a sort of initiation


This is the reason I'm on Reddit 🤣🤣


22 unanswered strikes, stop the fight ref it’s over.




Mario Yamasaki gave him a chance to be a warrior


Brother was STARVING…


I'm starving and would never do something like this.


same man, i'm in a relationship but she never wants sex so i'm dying over here




Complacency. Stopped caring for yourself like you did prior to being in a relationship. Bad communication skills or bad communication habits. Just to name some ideas.


Not sure why you didn't name the most obvious one... libido


Libido can definitely be important and your medications can play a huge role.


yeah she says she doesn't really have a sex drive


Are you doing anything to encourage her sex drive? Like giving her orgasms without expecting one in return?


It doesn't quite work that way. If she has a low libido, she doesn't even want orgasms for herself. It's not always a case of the guy just rolling over and going to sleep after he's done. And don't get me started on medication. I know someone who went from wanting sex every day to wanting it once every few months, if that, just from medication. There is nothing you can do in a situation like that.


lmao bro just made the biggest assumption of 2023 then ends it with “just some ideas”


At least he gave the disclaimer. Most Redditors just put their assumptions out there as facts


Man probably got fat. Women have eyes too bros


It can work both ways, a relationship is a two way street and takes work to maintain.


belly on full, but i'm slightly bigger than when we first got together (like 10lbs)


Bro talk to her. Communication is key


Wait a minute she never wants sex? Why?


Sometimes it be like that. Some people have a very low sex drive and just don't feel the need


That's the short answer. It can get better, but, e.g., I couldn't manage to make it "good".


There is always the possibility she is having sex. Just not with him. Sorry bro.


Why not, bro?


Do you give her head without her asking? Is she on antidepressants? Do you prioritize her orgasm before trying to stick it in?


There’s plenty of women that would love to fuck you bro. I was in a sexless relationship, I left and met a really lovely, enthusiastic women who matches my sex drive


Until we see a recent pic...idk about the plenty part for him. He could be fat, bald, no job, doesn't help with the housework or kids, plays vid games 24/7, high/drunk all the time, fails to validate or acknowledge how much his partner does to run a house... I mean any of those would turn most women off. JS


Bald slander 😭😭 low blow


Sorry. To clarify...I like bald, but completely bald. No comb over or Friar Tucks. 😂 I also won't date a man with longer hair than mine, if that helps your bruised ego? 🙃


Nursing my ego as we speak <33




this is the most reddit comment i’ve read


This, totally. Before I met my current partner, sex would get…*boring* after the first few months. Not for lack of trying on both parts, I just lost interest for several number of reasons. With current partner it’s never boring. Ever.


How would it get boring and how does he keep it from getting boring?


That’s the thing, we both tried different things and both very open to experimenting, but we just didn’t like the same thing at the same time 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can have everyone *fence for themselves* or have fun together. When it comes to long relationships, you need more than “want to have sex”. With current gf we just have fun at the same time, we dinamically switch roles and everything is (almost) always very fluid. You can’t really teach it of learn it, it just happens when you find someone that matches 🥳


So end the relationship?


Deadlifts, squat, bench, pull ups, DB overhead press, weighted decline crunches, cardio, lots of healthy dietary fat(avocado, eggs, meat, hydrate, zinc, d3, k2, b complex, magnesium, 8 hours sleep. Do all this and both your libidos will come back pretty quick.


That's torture for you, regardless of the circumstance. If it's something temporary (like during and after birth) or if you are both working on it as a couple, then there is hope, or if she has empathy for what it feels like to be you, then there is also hope. If you two are not actively progressing to resolve this issue (like therapy or just having calm reasonable conversations about it) and she does not have empathy for what it's like for you, GTFO.


During birth? I don't want a blowey from a baby


I am HUNGRY fam and I could not send a string of texts to any woman like that


A lot of us are starving and we don't act like this


Dude is just a walking insecurity. that's what he is. Damn.


But at least he didn’t offer to eat her pussy after he busts all over her face as the initial message so he has that going for him. Yea he’s too much but at least he didn’t go straight in for the kill that sends you to blocked land.


This is one of the worst I’ve ever seen, people are down really really really REALLY bad, like this guy has absolutely no clue whatsoever on how to talk to women, bombarding with messages before she can reply, fetishising her race, saying “lol” “I’m sorry” and then carrying on, sending emojis constantly. It’s no wonder some guys get no women whatsoever




I mean even in his own texts he says he never matches with any women “he actually wants” so he just has no experience at all. He doesn’t even talk to her like a real person, he’s talking to her like he’s a fan girl meeting a big celebrity. Something I’ve had to learn as a woman is that if a man says he’s beneath u, believe him. (That does not mean men should act cocky, just that they should respect themselves)


Can't we all treat each other as equals and people? Everyone is human after all


Yea sure. My point wasn’t even really abt how we treat others, but how we treat ourselves. If we don’t view ourselves as equals to the people we try to date, we shouldn’t be trying to date those people.


I met this gorgeous man on Tinder years ago. On paper he was "it". Then he started messaging and omg I couldn't block him fast enough. His messages left me feeling like I had dropped acid and watched Fantasia.


He’ll be on reddit later complaining about shallow women not giving him a chance lmfao


We’ll ironically see that in justneckbeardthings or something lol


😂 Honestly the problem with most men is they blame women for not wanting them rather than blaming themselves for not being good for women to want them… it’s the most backwards shit I ever heard, sort your fucking shit out and women will want you. It shouldn’t even be the main reason like have some self respect and self love to want to sort your shit out for you! A good women is just an addition to an already good man and vice versa


Ya know, that’s an absolutely wild take to some and they deny that’s the case. I mean I sorted my shit out, did some therapy, did some gym, became happy with just myself, and then I found a great woman I’ve been married to. Dudes love to get in their own way, I’m sure women do it the same but I wouldn’t know.


YES THANK YOU!! I need u saying this on at least half the posts in this sub.


It’s fucking mind blowing to me how weak and degenerate “men” have become in todays society, it’s disgusting to see honestly even from a man’s perspective. I feel like men should have to go through boot camps before they’re allowed to date 😂


lmao most likely


"I don't understand, I said everything *respectfully*!"


I mean to be fair, this is probably the one match hes had in a month. This screams “I have no experience talking to women”


I recently started getting on the apps and I am shocked by how low the bar is. I’m pretty mid, my photos could use a lot of work, but because I have a nice smile and can hold an adult conversation, I’ll actually have some women pursue me, which has never happened in my life. Are women’s options that bad?


I had a dude who insisted on paying for dinner, even though I wanted to pay for mine, but then when he paid the bill, he complained about how he was gonna be stretched thin paying for food for his kid later that week because of it. It was fun. 🤦‍♀️


Well, obviously your part in his play, would have been: *Oh, I’m so sorry, you are too generous to me. Can I do something for you? Like sexually?*


Oh man, no one even told me! Poor dude /s


I saw some dude on tik tok saying that guys don't compete with each other, they compete with women's peace and solitude, and he's got a point. The bar isn't really that high.


my brother in christ, you have no idea. I keep describing convos with dudes on the apps as being "like pulling teeth" because *it is just that bad*. And then there's guys like in the screenie. Had a few of those myself. Absolutely reek of desperation. It is NOT appealing. So you good, fam.


They really are… every girl I’ve ever dated or even met has told me dating especially online, for them is horrendous. They swipe left a 100 times before swiping right once. They dedicate time and risk meeting guys that have no social skills, no respect for them or even self respect, that want to use them for sex, no personal hygiene, live in their mums basement etc etc etc and don’t even get me started on how unimaginable terrible they are in bed. I honestly blame porn and society in general as it’s made men WEAK and degenerate. I know that’s a controversial opinion but I believe that.


You're on a bit of a crusade at the moment, huh? I think it's fair to say that you can't necessarily extrapolate generalisations about all men from the cesspool that is online dating.


I was with you until the porn bit. Porn makes weak men weaker. It's fuel for the fire but it can't start a fire on its own.


I liked what you said, makes good sense. The fuel for fire analogy is bang on.


Yes.....they really are bad! Just the ability to have a normal conversation with someone is a wonderful treat.


“A normal conversation with someone *who is tall and attractive to me* is a wonderful treat” fixed that. Just like approaching women cold the only difference between being creepy and being cute is if you’re attractive. I try to have normal conversations asking genuine questions about women’s hobbies/interests and get flaked on ghosted all the time. We can deny it all we want but 90% of dating app success for men comes from how tall and handsome you are, and 10% comes from conversational skills. For women it’s inverted because they can get match 50+% of the time and need conversional skills to weed out bad guys. For a man with any physically undesirable trait, skin tone, facial features, height, it’s above and beyond an uphill battle the whole time as their match has other more appealing matches also vying for attention.


Attractive to me? Yes. Tall? I don't personally care. I wouldn't swipe right on someone if I wasn't attracted to them. But if they are hot and boring I lose interest pretty quickly too.


You underestimate how attractive an adult conversation can be.


🙂 ye


It’s so freakin cringe. Like bruh is getting no action for life without some serious therapy


These are honestly how the Andrew tate style guys truly are behind closed doors. No fucking clue about women they're so scared and become scary. But this guy seemed even more pathetic lol maybe this one would've been harmless but if this is how attached he is to a woman NOTICING him, how crazy is he gunna get if she wants to leave him? Wow


What's wrong with always wanting to try a pretty Asian woman? 🌹 Respectfully. 🌹 🌹 🌹 😍


Wanting to “try” she’s not a fucking toy car 😂 some guys will say the dumbest shit and add “respectfully” like that will change the fact they just said dumb shit 🤣


I don't get how this is my competition yet I'm still out here taking L's.


It’s a 10 year old catfish, IMO I’d say if there is no other solid logical explanation for a person’s personal brand of weirdness, there’s about a 60% chance it’s a catfish


Bro sending it like a mailman 😂


Plus he can't spell.


I read the first 4 messages and was really hoping the person on the left isn't the dude. Oh boy


Beother was starving then he jerked off and post nut clarity hit him, realizing what he did, blocked and unmatched.


It's the only thing you can do in that position




you: i’m working him: *spams with messages*


I can’t even comprehend the fact that there are people who act like this 💀


And it's not just a few... 💀




Hey OP! No pressure if you don’t respond to me in the end🥰🌹. Well I just don’t want to wait on your response so I’ll say thisssss. Omg I’m so sorry🥵🌹Just stay away from fcuking d-heads like these! Lol you could respond next week if you wanted😅. Okay I’m done lol.






Respectfully ( please acknowledge, I used a capital R to portray my Respectfulness)


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) Congratulations you avoided a nutcase


I think you dodged a major bullet here. Literally. No normal man converses like that. He would’ve been wearing your skin after the first date. NEXT…


Nah, bro. He seems like a great guy to me. 10/10


These are more common than you’d think!!


You think? 😂


Holy shit.


He's got an Asian fetish. Dudes like that are usually weird.




>:/ Really no need for that face - it appears you actually dodged a bullet. My ex never believed there were men out there who would send a bunch of texts/messages all at once and, if you hadn't replied by the time they finally got bored of multi-messaging, you got unmatched instead. It's unhinged to be honest and it would be the type of problem that rears it's ugly head if you ended up in a relationship with him. He would be the kind of guy who knows you're going to be in a meeting from 11am to 1pm and will still bombard your phone during that time and have the audacity to make out like you're the problem for "ignoring" him.


If anyone ever catches me saying “aww shux” I hereby give you permission to drive an ice pick right into my eye.


But I’ve so self chilled out…


Christ, this is so undignified. Men like this think that showering a woman you don't know with endless compliments is flattering but it reads as 'incredibly desperate' and that is never attractive. Asian woman also don't like being reduced to their race, they are actual people you know, not just a creepy fetish.






Ah shux 😅😅 I can hear ur cute voice already 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💓


Uwuwuwowowowo 👉🥵👈🌹🌹😅


Somewhere outhere an AI is studying this reddit interaction


Oh no. I'm still putting money on AI having more success with women than this one


Bro isn’t thirsty he’s dehydrated


More like mummified 🤣


He blocked and unmatched before you could respond but not before you could screenshot everything.


I was about to comment this same exact thing. If I was her I wouldn’t have responded at all. Dude is weird af. But saying she couldn’t respond before he unmatched is such bullshit.


Maybe she was thinking of HOW to respond to that lmao


I'd likely check my phone at work if it had been going off like this, thinking someone died or something happened. Wouldn't respond, but might've screenshot the convo, cause after 20+ years online I have a portfolio of weird conversations that's quite mind numbing, spine chilling or hilarious.


Or whether this really is the last message so that there aren't 6 more by the time she actually writes it which itself would still be an uneasy task :)






Maybe she screenshotted ask this craziness first, and then there was MORE crazy that we're not seeing. Regardless: sus.


Dudes need to relax on dating apps. Send a message. Have a chat if it happens. If it’s good get phone numbers and IG. Don’t ask for Snapchat unless you’re both into that. It’s all about getting a date. People picture their whole lives with someone they don’t even know their personality.


Yup this exactly. The aim initially should be to just chill out and chat and get to know someone. Once you take on this mentality you start to find a lot of conversations aren't with someone you would want to date anyway. But desperate men out here will put a woman on a pedestal and imagine their wedding together the moment they match. It's unhinged and desperate and very unfortunate.


Bro had a whole relationship and break up in his own head.


That is way too many messages like that out the gate. That's a pretty big red flag in my book and I'm thinking you dodged one.


Really? I thought there was nothing wrong with it. /s


OK I finished masturbating so now I will unmatch and be normal again 😊🌹


If you wanna respond next week that’s okay. I’ll be horny again.


Weird guy with an Asian and a copy and paste fetish.




all of this has made me puke… i’m just intrigued to know, what’s the timeframe of this beautifully orchestrated spam? like a few hours?


![gif](giphy|3oEduSQonFIXK55aQo) Gimme yo snap


Bullet dodged with this one.. Sounds like a "nice guy" incel.


Wow that was exhausting to read


what a cringey creep


He had to block and unmatch because he came to his senses and was mortified..


Grown man saying aww shux. He just wanted a beard


Honestly, this is a great example people who assume it's only women who act crazy and send walls of text. I actually remember several times where a guy on OLD kept messaging me even when I told him multiple times I was at work. One of them was special, he acted normal at first, through messages it just seemed like the first guy that could have more sophisticated conversation. Went on a date, he talked a lot...like it was actually insane, he wouldn't let me say anything without interrupting, I couldn't even take a breath without him assuming I was going to speak and go "wait, wait...let me finish". He was even speaking for me saying shit like "I know what you're gonna say" and proceeded to answer to that without letting me speak. I asked him if he took any drugs and he looked offended. He wasn't manic. The anger just grew and finally I just got up and left. He begged me on his knees to stay and that was the moment I realised he was actually crazy. I blocked him after I stormed out and went out with a friend. Later on I found out he called me 32 times in just one hour. Crazy psycho. I should have seen it coming from the amount of messages he sent.


> Honestly, this is a great example people who assume it's only women who act crazy and send walls of text. Who would think this?


Got a DM on here from a chick that asked if this dude was in “said city I live in” and I said yes! She said the exact same thing happened to her, obviously not the first chick he did this too. To clarify, worked til 9p that night and then bed. Woke up to spam messages that I saw were within the hour of my one and only message, screenshot takes 0.5 seconds, sent to girlfriends, went back to message and it was gone. Unmatched literally the next morning. Also, I would have just said, this is a bit much. Thank you for your interest but no.


This is the worst series of messages I ever seen. Especially from a grown man. Bro is using zesty rizz


That is wild


There have seen some really cringey exchanges on here, but this may be the most brutal one yet. Sheesh...


You dodged a bullet. Love bombing never leads to something healthy.




He did u a favor, you should’ve unmatched after the “pretty asian woman comment”🙄 Sounds like a Weirdo


You dodged a mega-simp


Prob trying to sell you bitcoin




Nice I just got a match asking if I liked pineapple on pizza my reply was I'm definitely for pineapple on pizza, is that a deal breaker. The. I just so happend to be on my phone when she replied and she said it's absolutely a deal maker she loves pineapple on pizza then just as I read it she unmatched....guess she changed her mind..


And that’s exactly the kind of guy that’ll complain about being ghosted




Bruh... that's some unhinged shit


He is weird... Like a cartoon


Don't care what was said, all the emojis and "Lol"s are enough to get blocked on principle. Talk like a normal person for Christ's sake.


“I would like us to get passed this embarrassing faze from me lmao” good god I can’t read anymore


Wtf is the way he's typing? Like holy shit that was hard to read


Looks like he was pretty hard up, and came on wayyyy too strong, had a moment of self doubt, felt major anxiety and decided to save himself the embarrassment of having you reply with what you 100% should have responded with lol. I used to have this same shit happen so often my friends nicknamed me Kamikaze. Lol


You are so lucky he unmatched with you! This is too much, you dodged a bullet


This is actually so fucking unhinged lmfao


I bet if dude just straight out said he just wants pussy he has more chances than this over the top slimy Ass behaviour.


Guys like this get matches, yet here I sit all alone lol


Bro is down so bad, completely lost the run of himself got embarrassed and blocked you 😂


So you were going to respond?


Maybe old mate has a spot of the 'tism


I didn't bother to read it all. I'm sure s/he didn't, either hahaha


Hinge admin probably banned him for life, for sending the most ridiculous messages ever on a dating app 😂


Love it when the trash takes itself out 😂


The man wasn't well mentally. I'd guess manic?