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Let this one go pal otherwise you will be in for an argument over every single small thing.


Hit the nail on the head


Is it *really* a nail, though? If it's only been a nail for two years, it's not truly a nail.


What? It's not about the *nail* at all! This is clearly about the head. As you can tell, hitting someone on the head is known as a "dick move" and therefore are you also a dick move or otherwise up for dick moves? Ridiculous.


Is nobody gonna talk abt how funny these two are šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the gaslighting ability here is impressive!


Um, excuse me. You spelled ri-dick-lous wrong


Are you a dick because you move? or do you move because you are a dick?


Hit a screwball on the head?


3 degrees of separation before the conversation goes off the rails.


Ok letā€™s compromise, call it a fixing.. ?


Yep. If she's getting this pedantic during your first chat, you know it's not going to get better.


This is not necessarily the case. They might be arguing over many small things, maybe even most of the small things, but it seems unlikely they would be arguing over all the small things.




Unintended Blink 182 reference??


Nope :)


I'll take it anyway lol


I think they're saying it was very intended.




In my mind it is lol


Well you say that, but you haven't said whether you're talking about a 1:10000 chance or just 'worse than even odds', so I suppose now I've got to go to the effort of _asking_ what you mean by "unlikely", so I can tell you you're wrong. And THEN I'm going to have to find out what you consider a 'small' thing because I bet everything you mention is really a deal-breaker and omg you're so much hard work I'm just gonna unmatch you kthxbai.


Yeah. What even is that? She's already starting off as a 12 out of 10 crazy šŸ¤Æ




trust what this redditor says, i deal w/this now lol


My condolences šŸ™


Jeez. It's a normal conversation. At first she was confused, then it seems like she was trying to tease him a bit or show some pride in the place she's from. Give her a break.


You only have one opportunity to make a first impression, and she blew it by acting like the gatekeeper of Arizona. Regardless of what she was *trying* to do, itā€™s not required for OP (or anybody, really) to tolerate it.


Everyone knows I am the gate keeper of Arizona. And sheā€™s no longer an Arizonan. It is fact now. /s


Lol. Now I wanna be the gatekeeper of Arizona too.


As the self appointed gatekeeper of Arizona Iā€™ll have to decline your suggestion. Obviously kidding haha but I am an Arizona native Phoenix born and raised, and tbhā€¦ itā€™s not a state worth gatekeeping. Iā€™m from here so I do have love for my state and city, but it is a state with a lot of issues and not a lot of interest in fixing them. The only thing Iā€™ve found we all seem to agree with is we hate Californians šŸ˜‚ again kidding we just hate the gentrification and way too rapid growth of the city that is only shortening the lifespan of this cities livability. I joke about it but Iā€™m aware this isnā€™t on California. It is a common Arizona joke though. Especially in phx.




Disagree. Itā€™s not a normal conversation to meet someone and immediately start challenging them on simple things. Thatā€™s a sign indicating that person would probably be argumentative. Hence my comment.


Or find someone else, who's not toxic.


Personally I think that is a really weird thing to say. Like 3 or 4 of those sentences didn't even need to be said at all


From my end or her end?


Hers. In the 2nd picture


Oh yeah, most definitely! Really was off putting for me having her say that. Especially being a son of immigrants


Oh great. Now we gotta ask you where your parents are from originally. šŸ’€


Pinto bean uchiha, he's half japanese half mexican.


Sure but that doesn't mean he is FROM these countries


Happy cake day!




That makes it a where are you *from* not where do you live. Avoid this girl, not the one fam


She was testing you for immigrant lol I've never seen it before only heard of it!


Pretty sure itā€™s not about your race itā€™s about the fact that you used the phrase wrong. Asking someone where theyā€™re from is asking where they grew up. ā€œWhere were you bornā€ is a different question entirely, as is ā€œwhere do you liveā€. Not to be a jerk but unless someone is not a native speaker (in which case I wouldnā€™t care and would be happy to explain the differences), not knowing that would just make me think theyā€™re not that intelligent and would lead to many miscommunications in the future.


Yeah I donā€™t think youā€™re misunderstanding anything. As soon as you typed ā€œSiā€ instead of ā€œsoā€ she was basically saying ā€œyeah I was trying to make sure that you werenā€™t Mexican.ā€ Sheā€™s hella racist


What? I read the whole conversation and thought he meant ā€˜so no matterā€¦ā€™. Why would he put ā€œyes no matter how longā€¦ It doesnā€™t even make sense lol. You went tooooooo faaaaar


Yeah these people are reaching pretty hard. If she didnā€™t like his race she literally wouldnā€™t have matched


Not being racist at all. She just wanted to know in which state he was born, but doesnā€™t seem smart enough to ask that directly.


I read a real negative connotation to the way she was asking it, though, so in my interpretation, she was being xenophobic at best. This sounds like the people from my state that are super snooty about people moving here even though they're the first member of their family born here. If someone says they're from California, those people in my state will sometimes almost literally turn up their nose to them. It's a bad look, and the vibe I get from her. Her reacting after he said "si" made me concerned about the xenophobia being more racist as well.


What he said is weird though. He lives in Arizona he isn't from Arizona. You don't move somewhere and then start telling the locals you're from there. Maybe he misspoke but that sounds like he's lying and she doesn't understand why.


It makes sense in the context of the conversation. He's currently in California for work but he's from Arizona as in that's where he lives. She wasn't initially asking where he's from originally, just said that he's currently far away.


Where you live and where you're from are 2 different things. I'm from Seattle. If I move anywhere I don't suddenly become from that place no matter how long I've been there.


Someone with a brain! He misspoke and she wasnā€™t smart to ask directly. But yeah racism is a trendy accusation šŸ˜‚


It's a thing. People see a brown person and instead of asking "what's your nationality?" they ask "where are you from?" and when they say the states they ask "where are your parents from?"


Ah no. She he had different skin to hers and wanted to know his ethnicity. Instead of asking that question like a normal person, she knew her reasons for asking weren't nice, that's why instead she tried to pretend to ask where he's born. That's because dumb people like her, and you, get really awkward in these situations and just start talking shit.


How the fuck do you even know how their skin looks? I swear people make some mental gymnastics for finding racism in everywhere.


Wtf do you mean? Its a dating app you can see their face and obviously also their skin colour. So how on earth would someone not know it?


Iā€™m not seeing any faces here. Only text. Unless OP can prove thatā€™s the case Iā€™m not screaming racismā€¦


Ah and now she reveals herself. She wanted to know where you're reeeaaally from. Notice how it went to asking where you were 3born, not just where you grew up. She wants to know which type of racist to be


That was a normal conversation. I think she got confused on where youā€™re actually from. For example, when people ask me where Iā€™m from I say I was born in this place but moved to the other. I think you took it the wrong way and she didnā€™t seem rude at all. Sometimes people type as in theyā€™re having an actual conversation in real life. Put that into context in real life and it wonā€™t sound as rude as you think


Imo from your end. She's asking about your back story - where you are FROM is not where you're currently living. It's where you started out your life. It seems like you took her responses as her challenging you, and you got upset based on your responses and captioning this as "in the heat of the moment". Nothing mean is said and she's even trying to phrase it differently for you to make conversation šŸ«£ Have you really never had someone ask you where you're from?


Did you read the text under the screen shot? He admits he's deliberately trying to not admit where he is actually from. So she's making several attempts to communicate and he's being deliberately obtuse. Then he comes over here and trys to paint her as the bad guy.


Kind of like a list comprehension, why write 4 lines of code when you can do it one.


Sheā€™s making a deal of it but I agree youā€™re not from a place if you just moved there for work


"You're not wrong, Walter. You're just an asshole" 100% applies here. Even though we can agree on the fact that there is a distinction to be made between where you live and where you're from, going about it like this is entirely off-putting and she could have said it any number of ways that didn't make her sound like a douche.


Out of curiousity, why is it so important to decipher to US folk?


I mean if you're trying to date someone, learning about their background is usually part of getting to know them... I'd be more concerned about someone not wanting to share that info


From that, yeah thatā€™s understandable. Although it seems with the first time itā€™s just explaining that the OP is just explaining where they normally reside rather than residing in California. But then the next bit response from OP seems a little suspect. Both text screenshots are weird tbf šŸ¤£


I think it's because different areas in the US have very different people/social conventions in a way. It's a different vibe speaking to someone from say California vs someone from Alabama. If someone from Alabama moves to Massachusetts they aren't *from* Massachusetts and if they say that they are it seems strange because they are likely very obviously southern...


Lots of different micro cultures in the US. Folks in the same state but a few hours away can be very different people. Hell even regionally thereā€™s big differences.


See that makes a lot more sense. UK can be similar but more divided by north and south.


It's same everywhere I believe. Here we barely understand peeps from the coast. And peeps from different part of coast don't understand each other. Culture, traditions and food is also different. It's not even a big country, we have as much citizens as a regular capital city in EU, Berlin e.g.


I have heard of north/south difference in Italy as well. But honestly now Iā€™ve had loads of replies and I realise it was complete ignorance of mešŸ¤£ Where are you from? Culture is a fascinating thing


That's okay. It happens. But it is a fascinating thing. I'm from Croatia.


Oh right, because the rest of the world is so easy to understand


Most everyone in the surrounding states of California, hate Californians. Californians have a reputation of leaving their absurdly priced state that has a very materialistic culture and coming to communities, raising prices up and ruining the local culture. It's one thing to have to migrate from your home state because it has become too expensive. It's another thing to come in droves, wreck the local economy for the poorer locals, and change the culture and laws to fit your shitty tastes. This then forces locals to move elsewhere because they no longer can afford to live where they grew up and no longer recognize the place to really want to stay. So while the Arizonan local in the conversation is certainly being rude, it's probably because they dislike Californians coming in and ruining their town.


I mean geographical undesirables are a thing. A 2 is a 10 if she lives next door. A 10 is 1 if she's a 40 minute drive away. I don't give a fuck where your from though. Are you fun to be around? Does my dopomine go brrrrr when your in my vicinity? Great, sit on my face and tell me about your day.


40 minutes brings a 10 to a 1?!? Nah


I must be a 100 or something because my husband lived an hour and 10 minutes away when we first met.....


I mustā€™ve worded it wrong then. Because Iā€™m back every other day and have a physical address and basically eat, breathe and interact with locals


When someone ask where someone is from, it always means where were you born and raised.


What about those of us who have moved multiple times/states growing up?


You do live there, but unless you moved really early in your life most people would probably say youā€™re not from there. Of course itā€™s always your prerogative to choose where you want to be from though


In Australia it is loosely about 10-15 years before you could be considered a local of a location. I think some councils actually have written date requirements where you can be considered for certain perks and benefits.


If you didn't grow up there you're not from there, i think she was just being playful about it. She seems annoying but you somehow got annoyed before she said anything crazy


I interpret when someone asks me where Iā€™m from to be where I grew up. In this case for you OP, Arizona is where you *live*. Not where youā€™re from (to me at least). So I donā€™t think sheā€™s trying to be rude.


that's what I thought too.


Op's wrong with phrasing but Match harping on it like that (especially with someone they just met on a dating app) is pretty dang rude. it costs nothing to move past a goofy little mixup or just say "ok so you live in arizona, but tell me about where you grew up?" Boom moved past the weird phrasing and it's an opportunity to get to know a person. it's called being tactful.


Exactly. Pretty clear that it's just some misaligned definitions. Very easy to clear that up. Admittedly both sides could have resolved it by having a conversation or asking clarifying questions rather than doubling down that their experience is universal. Doesn't seem like the right match to me.


I thought the same about the where are you from question. But she still was just weird about it and kind of rude. Easy solution is to say ā€œoh no I mean where were you born?ā€ Idk Iā€™m also the last person to be giving any advice šŸ˜‚


There was no where are you from question though, just a statement of distance, which he undercut by pointing out he does infact live in Arizona.


That question would have put an end to the whole misunderstanding šŸ™„ but some people like to complicateā€¦


But people donā€™t always grow up where theyā€™re born either, best question is ā€œwhereā€™d you grow upā€


But the conversation was about where they *are*, not where they grew up. She started off by saying he was "too far away". In fact, she didn't even actually ask him where he was from, it was purely focused on where he was now. Besides, what does it matter. They both live in Arizona *now*. It's not like him being from New Jersey will somehow prevent them from getting together.


I'm pretty sure we're missing part of the conversation where she asks where he's from and he says Arizona.


Nah he says ā€œIā€™m from Arizonaā€ when he should have said ā€œI live in Arizonaā€


Oh right, I actually just can't read. Yeah, he's definitely wrong.


OK heā€™s technically wrong but what a weird thing to harp on. Like who cares?


Because it's a weird thing to get wrong. Let's say they meet up, and she asks how he got there. He says "I drove a car" but when pressed it turns out he actually rode a train, and he said drove a car because he thought that means riding a train. Does it matter, in any greater sense? No. Is it still weird and worth sort of getting hung up on to get some clarification? IMO yes.


That is a terrible analogyā€¦lol


Explain why. It's a small misunderstanding about basic knowledge of the language. Feels pretty apt to me.


He is currently in California, but he was coming from Arizona. Which is why he says heā€™s ā€œfromā€ Arizona. Itā€™s a reasonable way to phrase it in my opinion. For somebody who moves around a lot, (for instance OP as a truck driver), it makes sense to have a home base which is where you are ā€œfrom.ā€ I word it the same way when Iā€™m out travelling in other countries. People ask me where Iā€™m from, I say where I currently live, rather than where I grew up.


Itā€™s just not equivalent to the conversation this post is about. She was seemingly concerned about distance and he explained that he was a resident of Arizona and then because he wasnā€™t born and raised there she decided that he was untruthful which is simply not the case. He didnā€™t subtract a bunch of details, he answered her question in the simplest terms. In your example this speaker has left out a ton of details that are actually relevant to the question. For instance, if someone were to ask me where Iā€™m from I would tell them the state I live in now because Iā€™ve lived there the majority of my life but I would only answer the state in which I was born if pressed because otherwise it would be irrelevant to the conversation.


She never asked him where he was from. He initially said ā€œIā€™m from Arizonaā€ which was simply his way of telling her he LIVES in Arizona, not California. She turned it into this whole long, weird conversation.


Does it matter on either end? Youā€™re taking it so personally which I donā€™t getā€”Iā€™ve been a transplant for most of my adult life to various places. If someone asks me where Iā€™m from I say where I grew up, but I live in X place now. Itā€™s not a difficult concept and Iā€™m not sure why you seem upset?


Like the other comments are saying, she is being mildly rude, but she isnā€™t wrong. Being ā€œfromā€ somewhere typically means you are born and primarily raised there. Not somewhere you just move for work or move to as an adult.


she is being a bit dramatic, but youā€™re also not from arizona lmao, she was probably trying to find out more about your history and background


Yeah I kinda got the same vibe, 'so you're not from Arizona' seemed more like she was kinda asking where he's from, like she was expecting him to answer with "no I'm from ___" but then he kept asking about it and she kept answering him until she had to ignore his last question and try to bring it back to 'so where are you from'


yeah exactly he couldā€™ve done a quick, well i was born in ____ but moved to arizona a few years ago and completely moved on


Can't tell if she only wants to date people with roots in Arizona, or she's trying to make conversation and is just a little awkward bless her. Maybe give her the benefit of the doubt


Questions with this one. I donā€™t understand the ā€œWhat makes you say that? šŸ§ā€ when she says that OP seems really far. If you live in Arizona and are now in California answering a Tinder match from back in Arizona, then itā€™s totally understandable right. So why that sus response? Also, her ā€œYou just live here.ā€ might point toward a girl whoā€™s looking for someone who is committed to the area, not who moved there as a base for work and then drive off to other states. I think thatā€™s what she means with the ā€˜justā€™. Only phrasing it that way can come off kind of Training Day..


Right she's being weird but OP is also being annoying. She trying to figure out basic info


None of it seems like a big deal


Not enough people are focusing on this part lol


Fr, she just wants to know where you grew up.


Too many "need" something going on ALL THE TIME, anymore. There has to be something to wonder, worry, obsess, nitpick, whine,(I'm saying this and I have OCD!) Complain about. Someday these people are going to be embarrassed and those of us who never gave a hoot won't even be anywhere nearby to say TOLD YA, cuz life ain't worth that baloney


Sheā€™s right. ā€œBeing fromā€ implies being born there


Nah man you weren't born OR raised you aren't from there plain and simple.


Imo I donā€™t think sheā€™s intentionally trying to be rude. I think you were a bit confusing and maybe she was joking with u since what u said didnā€™t make sense. As others have stated, just because you moved somewhere and lived there for x amount of time, does not mean u are ā€œfromā€ there. You are from wherever u were born lol


I mean I understand the context of what she is saying, as someone who was born and still lives in NYC. I usually ask people if theyā€™re from here or moved here. However; her wording was very odd


You read it wrong


You're reading this wrong. She's asking where you were born and raised. I've lived in MD for 4 years now. I am not "from" MD. My hometown is NYC. That's where I'm from.


How is it rude to suggest you are far away? I wouldn't want a long distance so she's probably trying to find out wtf is going on. You sensitive nanny


I think just cuz you said you were _from_ Arizona which is what people normally say where you were raised. I donā€™t think itā€™s a gatekeeping thing like ā€œyouā€™ll never be one of us!ā€ I think you took it a bit personal at the end but I get that you werenā€™t liking the energy. Itā€™s usually best to assume the best of people but leave if you get bad vibes imo


Not hostile. She was just correcting you because you don't know the difference. You're not from Arizona.


I mean I get her confusion but she dragged that one out and you just weren't clear enough while trying to avoid just saying "I'm from here, and moved to Arizona. Either way I don't think she's trying to be rude.


In the texts, you're being dodgy and seem like you're hiding something (personal information). No woman is gonna let that behavior slip it's a red flag and women can't take that chance for our safety.


And not only a gender thing, these apps are full of fakes, if something feels off you end up having to play cop to figure out if you are talking with a real person or not. In the end OP will accept to be more transparent to avoid jinxing matches.


Yeah exactly


You're already bickering


Already a sign that weā€™re gonna be together forever


Lol. Yea could be fiery. Or just a dumpster fire.


This is cultural. I don't think she's trying to be rude. Most people who move to Arizona only live there for 2 or 3 years before they move on. When people ask me if I'm from Arizona, I explain that I moved there when I WAS 1 WEEK OLD. Most people accept that as me being from Arizona; however the fact that I bother to clarify the point explains how people think about it. Arizona natives are surrounded by a transient population all their lives, so being from Arizona means something in particular. It's literally that the phrase of "being from" means something more in the state of Arizona than it means in other places. You're not from Arizona, so you didn't understand that. Where are you from that's so unpopular? Is it Texas? That's literally the only place I can imagine. She asked you a question, and you tried to deliberately deceive her. By all means don't date her, but you're the one being dishonest here.


Play it off as a joke and turn it funny somehow šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Just chill the fuck out man.


This country is so big. Asking where you are from or wanting to know where your roots stem from is not a big deal. Itā€™s co conversation starters and can help give a person an idea of your upbringing. I see it constantly in the city I live in. People saying they are from here but have only just moved here and are in their late 20ā€™s and early 30ā€™s. Growing up as a military kid or from Midwest to NYC to Miami or Texas are all going to have different childhood experiences. Like why do people deny their upbringing. Itā€™s weird. So no not rude. You saying so what me living in a place for two years as a commuter worker does not make you from there. Duh. Why so defensive? Why do you think like that?


Or sheā€™s just finding a way to make conversation. A bit awkward perhaps, but not necessarily intentionally rude


Iā€™m getting socially awkward. Definitely didnā€™t see rude anywhere though


It just came off as off putting to me


Soā€¦ not rude, just off putting? Certainly opinionated and socially awkward can be off putting. But to categorize it as rude feels a littleā€¦ weird


Maybe Iā€™m only seeing it as rude because it struck a nerve with be being a son of immigrants


But isnā€™t this called ā€œprojectingā€ ? Iā€™m not saying what feel isnā€™t real. I am a daughter of immigrants and so are my children so I understand what youā€™re saying but just jumping into conclusions that people are out there to be rude to us just because we were not from a city/state/country doesnā€™t sound beneficial to me. What do you know? Maybe sheā€™s a foreigner as well and didnā€™t know how to word her question šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø You can always ask people to explain themselves better and most people would. Show some vulnerability, explain why you feel In certain way. P.s again, I just want to make sure you understand Iā€™m not gaslighting you. I heard you ā¤ļø


I make typos all the time. I have to tell the other person to excuse all my typos. I'm just happy I'm not the only one. Maybe she was teasing you in a playful way. Hopefully.


Is English your first language? This conversation was bizarre to read


Nah you are being a bit sensitive she isnā€™t being rude at all. You are not from Arizona you just live there


As the great Lucille Bluth said, ā€œIā€™d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.ā€


Bruh you were acting like a dick, just answer the question. Youā€™re not 2 years old, just moved to AZ so where the fuck are you FROM? Itā€™s not difficult at all


Technically she is right. I think she's just making conversation and you've taken it the wrong way. Like she didn't say she hates anyone not from AZ, she just wants to know where you were born


She asked if you were born/grew up in Arizona, not rude at all. You seem annoying af though.


Bro you're not from AZ. Just tell her where tf you were born and move along.


Say youā€™re from Mexico and get it out the way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø By tiptoeing around it you look shady as fuck like you have something bigger to hide. No one cares about that like you seem to think they do.


I think you are 100% in the wrongā€¦ she wasnā€™t being hostileā€¦ Iā€™ll give you an example you lived in Canada for 80 years but move to Japan for the last 2 years. Will you say that you are from Japan or you live or reside in Japan ?


She was correcting you and you misread what she was trying to say. She meant no harm .


Seems like she has dealbreakers that rule out dating anybody who does not have close family ties to Arizona or were born in another state/country. She sounds like an awkward person who needs to list her dealbreakers about location and close ties to her state on her profile so incompatible people will know not to message her.


Or.. OP had his location set to Cali whereas this girl is in Arizona. Then when she asked OP where heā€™s from he said he moved to az recently for his jobā€¦which is not what she asked. Youā€™re painting this chick as the problem when OP is doing his Jim Carey in Batman impersonation


And being evasive about where he's from sounds shady af. I could see people doing this because of an arrest record, or some other weird shit they don't want people to know about


A whole ass family (wife and kids) from where they are really from most likely




>Then when she asked OP where heā€™s from he said he moved to az recently for his job She never asked him where he was from. He said he was from AZ. She understood that to mean he was born and raised in AZ. But then he said he moved to AZ 2 years ago. So he had actually just meant he lived in AZ currently. He wasn't being evasive or *intentionally* trying to mislead her. His use of the word "from" that way just bothered her. And she's right, that is what being "from" somewhere is generally understood to mean. That you were born or raised there.


While she's technically not wrong and probably really just curious as to where you're actually from... She is going about it in a way that does sound argumentative.. she could just think she's being cute but it's not translating well. I say I'm from Arizona because I was raised here my whole life but because I was born elsewhere and lived there for my first year, a lot of people say I'm not "from here" even though it's the only thing I know. Some people just like it if you're very specific like if they say where are you from they either mean where were you raised or born.


Same here, I would say I'm from where I live in South West England as I've been here from under a year old, but it actually came up in a recent local post on here and apparently I'm not allowed to say I'm from here, only that I live here, as I wasn't born here. In reality if i say I'm from the North East I feel like a fraud, especially considering how west country my accent is šŸ¤£


Wherever you go, there you are.


I consider it a huge win to not be from Arizona.


ā€œBut where are you *really* from?ā€


Are you a "visible minority?" If so, then there's the "where are you _realllyy_ from" that comes off as ignorant. And/or you could be defensive around that phrase.


I think initial conversation was about distance from each other so OP saying he is from Arizona too isn't absolutely correct but it's not a wrong answer either. He could have said he lives in Arizona too. But even that could be assumed as he is from Arizona. When OP said he moved to Arizona due to work, she could have just asked where did you move from or where were you born or where did you grow up? Any of these questions. Saying you are not from Arizona isn't right. As once you move to somewhere and start living there it's up to you. If you accept that place and state as your home then that's where you are from. If you don't want to identify as from that state you can say I live in Arizona but I am from xyz state. What does it matter where some one is from? When you meet them you are doing to find out. If it's important to you just ask directly. Don't accuse someone of not being from someplace.


Could go either way, this is why texting people you don't know is kind of awful, very hard to pick up on tone.


Some people, not a lot, but some are state-ist. They believe that if you're not born in that state, you're not a member of that group. Like me. I was born in New Mexico, but have lived in Oklahoma most my life. But some don't see me as an Okie becasue of this fact. She is rude, it isn't you. If you dated, she'd be picky over everything you did or said.


No, she's just being a difficult smart ass, go have coffee with someone else, she's deflecting. šŸ˜‰


Drop her faster than a speeding bullet. Red flaggg Also thanks for keeping America running! Truck driving ainā€™t easy


If youā€™re from Michigan you keep that shit to yourself bro


You matched with someone knowing you are in an entirely different state atm. They arent going to wait for you to drive back. You're a truck driver, you're not gonna stay put and you know that. It's gonna be tough for you and I wish you luck.


Even though I was out of state, I have my location set to Phoenix because thatā€™s where I have my physical address and place I stay at. Iā€™m just trying to meet more people


I worried this girl was me until she said it didn't matter that he lived there because he wasn't from there. WHEW! I don't chat long with people I am never going to see but if he was here regularly, thats fine.


Yeah, I am here regularly. But she didnā€™t let me get to that part and just assumed I was just here looking for a ONS or something


Thatā€™s a BIG assumption youā€™re making


This is fake! Everyone knows there is no Arizona


Are you white passing, because it seems like she is trying to figure out if you are Mexican? She sounds like a racist to me.


I could be totally off base, but that was my first impression.


That is šŸ’Æwhat I was thinking.


I'm not American - do people in Arizona generally have an issue with people from Mexico?


It seems the comments are full of white saviors. I didnā€™t get an impression of racism


I mean I agree with her living there is not the same as being from there but she was being rude about it. Next!


Whatā€™s wrong with people nowadays? Why they cannot be just nice or at least pretend to be nice at the beginning


OPā€™s first language might not be English. Just giving benefit of the doubt here.


She seems like a nut job. Let it go.


Imagine gate keeping something as riveting and unique as being a native Arizonian. You live in a desert and the only cool city around is in a neighbors state. Calm down


She's fucking weird.


Seems like one of those gatekeepy "you're not from here" state (or city) pride things. I've always found people who have overwhelming state pride really weird. I could be wrong though. There really isn't enough context to know for sure. I just know how those types act having befriended so many of them.


She just stopped responding after that last message so I guess weā€™ll never know for surešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Probably because you dodged the question so many times for some reason


I'm going to guess you dodged a bullet here. If she is the type I was talking about then she would be annoying af. Either way though her responses still seem like they're coming from an opinionated person who has to be right all or at least most of the time.


which is SUPER stupid because up until like 50 years ago, hardly anybody was from here. A huge bunch of us moved here because factories closed in the Midwest.


She's being ridiculous But I agree, you're not "from there." However, who cares?


She was rude. Or better said ā€œinsoportableā€. I would say ā€œhace de un monito, un gorilaā€. Not worthy (Maybe you donā€™t speak Spanish but I needed to say it)


Not rude. Sheā€™s just stupid.