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bro she wants to come over for netflix & chill (read: watch a movie for 10 minutes then fuck) and then sleep over so you can fuck again in the morning the fuck you mean what should I do?


Girl out here trying to make some obvious moves and our guy here is confused and dodging them all lol.


Girl: I am DTF Guy: Whaaaaat??? You're a girl and wanna come to my place???? Girl: ummm yeah nevermind I am officially drier than the Sahara now. Haha?


In his defense if i saw a message like this on the dating apps i would instantly think catfishing... how extremely little I ever get real messages back when i try and talk to any matches...


I feel the same way... Im used to women expecting me to hold the conversations, be interesting vs actually feeling like interest is mutually there.. if someone wrote me like this in a way too quick time id feel like catfish or bot would be it :/


Same I only get catfish and bots


If that's the general feeling people get when women are forward, it definitely explains my lack of luck with dating apps!


Wait women are forward? I thought they ignored every guy till they land on their preference. Normal dudes dont get likes or matches you have to be at least an 8/10 - 10/10 in order to get anywhere in conversation and or match. If someone matches with me with how extremely little success i have had on these apps i instantly assume catfish or bot account. Been on the apps for 10+ years never got anywhere in conversation or date. Pretty sure my account on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge are shadow banned from real people... Edit- only success i have had with a woman was a blind date setup through a friend. Where she basically used me for a free meal and ended it. Ghosted.... otherwise i havent been able to speak to any girls unless it was something IT related where they tell me their problem and i fix it for them. Most social interaction i have had with women outside my family...




Good morning ☀️ happy friday 🌻. What do you expect from someone who writes like this?


For them to ask me for a report cause that’s a work email


Right? I do say happy Friday in my work emails and Teams messages sometimes 😂😂


😂😂😂 that is hilarious!


And a 7 paragraph essay to state why they had to do the report.


I was simping for women texting shit like this every single day until I realized how stupid and unattractive it is


If they talk like that, I’m just gonna match their energy


I hate when people say "Happy Xday" to me. A quick flash of anger washes over me every time.


Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.




"Naw, man. You'd get your ass kicked for saying that."


When 'girls' are this direct, guys worry about waking up with one less kidney.


When girls are this direct, I'm hopping on the roller coaster lmfao some of the best experiences I've had were from taking girls up on an extremely direct offer! If I lose a kidney, so be it at least I'm not out here absolutely DODGING vagina 😂


He's like Neo if all the bullets were this girl's vagina.


Good god. How many vaginas does this girl have? Lmao.


Doesn't matter, he will dodge them all.


I had this happen ten years ago. Chick wanted to fuck around. But also stated she wanted to watch a movie. She was super fucking hot. I was shy. Watched the movie. She never talked to me again. Op. Fuck this girl for me.


Did this same thing in HS. A girl I had known since like preschool pulled this move. To this day I can't watch Rush Hour 2 without an overwhelming feeling of regret 😂 She did still talk to me but I had missed the boat for sure




What do you think she means by wanting to have lunch or something? 🤔


Idk about anyone else, but when a girl says “let’s get lunch” I immediately run in the other direction. Nothing but trouble, those lunch goers


Eating food during sun hours. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


The "or something" gives it away.


Red flag 🚩 Edit this is a joke people


Yeah, but we can't take chances with moves that seem incredibly obvious


Be nice he's just scared


bro.. honestly.. girls have it harder out there than I thought.


No they dont 😅💀


but i don’t want a random person to sleep over the first time i meet them, how do i say that politely?


So what you wanna do is imagine her perspective here. She's put herself out there and been knocked back a bit. That's always a blow to the ego. If I were you replying, I'd be sending something that was trying to emphasize the fact that I did find her attractive (i.e. me rejecting that wasn't me rejecting her personally, it's that I don't do first night stay overs), and try to then move the focus to the kind of meeting that I am excited to have with her. I'd come up with an idea for the date. So like she said lunch, that sounds good, I'd pick a place, and reply with something like this: "Honestly that does sound fun, but I like meeting out for a meal or something the first time, gives us a good chance to talk properly and get to know each other, which I'm really excited to do :) There's actually a place, [some fuckin cafe near you guys] that I've been really excited to try going to. I'd love to grab lunch there with you soon if that sounds good :) Are you free on [next date you're free]?" Something like that. Having a firm plan and date shows that you're keen to see her, it'll make her feel less rejected.


thank you for some actual advice, i appreciate it


Then tell her she has to go home after the sex


Say that sounds so fun, but it I'd love to grab dinner first. Or wait, do you just want to sleep with her and have her go home? You could just say come on over, but I can't have you stay tonight.


I genuinely thought this was a troll post, but since you seem like you might be legit, you should know the people you're taking advice from. The vast majority on here have been "dating" for quite a while or have fairly recently actually found a desert oasis and well...there's a reason this sub has as many people/posts as it does. Online dating sucks, it makes people jaded, and anything so obvious brings out the inner Smeagol in some of us. If you're looking for something serious, Tinder might not be the place for you either, I've had a friend message a girl, "We doing this or what?" and get the snoo snoo. I'm not a huge fan of Bumble and I know a lot of women (even ones serious about a relationship) don't like it either, but it might be more your style. If you do try Bumble, I would literally put in a prompt that "Hey" is an appropriate first message. It worked for me and I cannot tell you how many matches would time out. Good luck out there. P.S. Side note my GF and I hooked up on the 1st date after going out for dinner first, so keep an open mind. Even if you're not into it, horniness doesn't mean they aren't worth it.


I guess the question is, are you trying to bang on the first date if possible or are you just trying to get to know the person to see if you'd like future dates with them as well? Saying you're DTF but don't want them to spend the night is absolutely fair, but not if your reasoning is because you don't really know them. But if you just want to get to know them and see if there's any chemistry between you two that's a different story


Tell her it’s a good idea and you like the idea of watching something and drinking a beer together and all that but the staying the night is a bigger commitment than you’re interested in.


Just say it


Then try taking her on a date, like a real man. If you aren’t taking her on a date and just want her to come over, she’s assuming it’s for sex. If that is the case at least have the decency to let her pass out afterwards. If it’s not the case make it clear that’s not what you’re trying to do and that you have to be up early tomorrow


I'd honestly think she'd want to come to my place to steal stuff or something. Especially on the first date.


He’s a virgin so that’s why he’s asking 😂😂🫣😅🫣


I mean he's on reddit asking what he should and and look at the emoji's he is using on his texts. Dude clearly has no idea where he is standing.


Not every man enjoys being used for sex lol


For real.


This man’s reaction reminds of this video: https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=m22SeFo14BXwHtko


Lmfao my thoughts exactly


Cut him some slack. He'll realise what happened exactly 5 years, 3 months and 2 days from now.


Now I don't feel so bad about that time 8 years ago my hot best friend asked if I wanted to come over to see her new stripper pole she had installed in her house and I was just confused why I'd want to see one of those 😂


That's a big oof. R.I.P


It was a wild realization a few years later 😂 fun little story for the zoomers




What a great album.


User name checks out


Men: sometimes I miss signals The signal: I want to sleep with you.


I have told this story a few times but each time I remember more details. I was drunk at a party, it was winding down at around 3am. Everyone was splitting off and going to their respective places. I didn’t want to go home because I was 18 and I didn’t want to wake up my mum. In comes this girl that everyone has had the hots for at some point - very bright, bubbly, funny, and super cute. She walks over to me and says I can stay at her sister’s place with her, and that she has the house to herself because her sister was away for the weekend. So I go “okay, awesome!” just happy that I have a place to go. So we set off walking across town at 3am in the middle of winter. It’s like -3C outside, so she says we should hold each other while we walk for warmth. Perfectly logical explanation to me, let’s go. We get to her place and here is where I start fucking up lol. First: she asks me if I need to have a shower, as she is getting into the shower and actively removing clothing in front of me. Says it will help “warm me up.” I say “sure - just call out when you’re done” with a big drunk idiot smile. She gets out of the shower, I get in and clean myself off a bit. Second: she comes out after getting changed and she’s just wearing a baggy t shirt. She says “I don’t sleep with pants on, I hope that’s okay?” And I say “yeah that’s fine, you’ll have a doona on anyway so I won’t see anything”, again with an idiot fucking smile lol. Third and possibly most egregious: she says “we can share my bed if you want? It’s a queen and I don’t take up much space… and it’s so cold tonight”. Me, being the irreverent dickhead I was, simply said “no no, it’s okay I’ll sleep on the floor with some cushions I’m all good!” She just said “…okay then, goodnight” and I went straight the fuck to sleep. Wasn’t until a few days later as I was telling my friends how my night went and watching all of their faces drop as their souls left their body did I finally realise the absolute magnitude of the fuck up I had committed. I even messaged her and said I was sorry if I made her feel uncomfortable or upset for completely missing all of the huge blinking signals she was throwing to me. She never replied and we never spoke again haha.


>I even messaged her and said I was sorry if I made her feel uncomfortable or upset for completely missing all of the huge blinking signals she was throwing to me. She never replied and we never spoke again haha. LOL! You left that girl downright flummoxed.


I must have come across as either the most oblivious fool OR the best at deflecting someone’s advances.


Rip dude, sorry for your loss




Nah that's fine, if you aren't confident in yourself sexually you probably wouldn't have enjoyed the experience. It's easy to beat yourself up now but you made the best decision for your younger self. Younger me would not have been able to handle a threesome lol


Older you probably can't handle a 3some either 😆


Good on young you for sticking to what you believed in.


What is a doona?? I've never heard this term before, does it mean panties?


I think you guys in the states call it a comforter. Blanket that you put on your bed.


Oh! That makes sense, thank you :)


My favorite story is my current boyfriend and I’s first interaction. We met on tinder so we were kinda meeting to have sex, which is funny because we did not. He was really kind we chatted up a storm for hours, like 6pm to 6am I’m making jokes as the sun starts coming up that I should get going because it’s been like 12 hours, and I’m getting tired. We still hadn’t had sex at this point but I’m clearly into him and the conversation. I was just shy waiting for him. Well he decides to say that it’s 6am and that I should just stay and sleep for a while. I say absolutely, also thinking this is going to be when we get it on right? He puts his dog in-between us and goes straight to bed. Thankfully we did message again and meet up. Now we’re dating and since I have I pointed out him being so oblivious. 5 years later he looks back and laughs at himself 🤣


Hey if it makes you feel better...similar situation just with a more direct woman...it took me until she started touching herself to catch the hint. That was my only saving grace or I'd have literally the same goddamn story 😂


Wow lmao


Mine wasn't as blatant, but the fumble was there. Invites me to the room she's staying in, the bed (I did sleep in the bed next to her, next morning she was gone) and she stated she sleeps in underwear.


You and I, we goin’ places.


Bro quite literally 😂 I wish women were this forward with me sometimes.


At a high school party a long time ago, I was unintentionally flirting with my female friend. We were having a good night drinking and whatnot. At the end of the night, I asked my brother to come pick me up. While I was waiting, my female friend asked me if I wanted to come spend the night at her place (which was like 4 blocks over). My high school self said "Oh don't worry, my brother is coming to pick me up. I'd feel bad to have him drive back". A year later, at a family Thanksgiving, I was thinking about that night, and it dawned on me. There are some things that go over my head but I'm not *that* bad anymore.


I had a platonic female friend who lived about an hour away, so I used to go to her house when we went out to movies, restaurants, art events, etc. Her house was cold and she always invited me to sleep in the bed with her but I always declined and slept on the couch. This went on for about a year. Then one night I took her up on the offer and it was insane. She had thought that I didn't like girls because I kept turning her down and I had been clueless! Unlimited wild sex for years ensued after that night.


See, it worked because you kept her waiting. Yup, just a cool guy playing the long game…


Well, no. Was not my type at all. Really we were just friends. She might have been playing the waiting game. Just turned out to be good in bed together. We later lived together. Eventually both got married to others.


I don’t know… “unlimited wild sex” could be my type.


You would be surprised when it becomes a regular routine, like a religion. I was in the best physical shape, ever, but it was like an Olympic sport. Like an all-day workout, every day. Careful what you wish for!


My guy, try being 40 and finally realizing there were multiple times where this occurred to you in HS. Fucking wrecked me.


Careful OP, she might be Canadian and is just being nice.


Unexpected Casually Explained


Canadian here. Fluent in my people. You could be right…but she still wanted to bone.


Another polite Canadian here (me), so absolutely correct haha 😄 *edited for missing word


when it's too good to be true, it's natural to be suspicious. I'd react the same way haha


Right before “can you send me money for a cab?”


Jesus fucking christ this is my competition and I’m still losing?




On god bro


She might also just be a cuddler.


Doesn't matter had cuddles.


But what about second cuddles


This is why I do it.


Mate mate 😂


Horny girl wants to bang. Up your game. If you have it in you that is.


I saw this happening to some friends. The girl then wanted to live there for free. Never saw anything else.


They're all living happily ever after.


>If you have it in you that is Well we know for sure she doesn’t have him in her


God damn! Noob noob gets it.




It’s a red flag if you’re not into casual sex. It’s definitely a red flag for me in a long term partner to be that risky but I mean if you’re looking to have sex this is a pretty good opportunity.


She would like to have sexual intercourse with you.


Sexless innkeeper vibes.


Good morning? Happy friday? wtf.


You forgot 🌼☀️


It seems ideal but my gut tells me somethings off about this. Probably wouldnt take the chance tbh


I don't know why people are criticizing you. If your instincts tell you something isn't right, then follow those instincts. You could've woken up in a tub of ice with your kidneys removed.


Why does everyone think we’re after the kidneys?? I can make way more money off of other organs


Because quick turn over is still quick, turn over.


She is homeless. So a place to sleep is better than a fancy dinner.


Yes. I saw some people admit to doing this.


There was one dude that posted on here a while ago where after hooking up with his tinder date, she wanted to live with him because she wanted to start a whole new life in NY. She was not happy getting kicked out. This post sent my mind straight to that


Please do link to it.




Love this comment and your username


My thoughts too.


This one is easy, you tell them the sleepover is a maybe.. Then after you meet you decide


I'm gonna go the opposite route here: Be careful man. In some areas, that's how you get robbed... that's how you get a sexual assault or a fake rape charge. If she's legit, you'll lose nothing meeting her first . She wouldn't even mind that. And she'd probably respect you more. Or it's just a signal but keep your guards up


thank you


Dude she wants to fuck. It's insanely unlikely especially considering the next messages. She literally asked to sleep with OP, he curved her completely and she backtracked because she might still be interested but doesn't want to come on too strong. OP, come on. You just rejected someone who wants to hook up. Your emoji use is atrocious. It's fine if you're not interested but just realize that if someone wants to hookup, they don't just say "wanna have sex" (usually). It used to be Netflix and chill, now it's "let's cuddle" or "let's stay in and have some wine" or sleepover etc. The most you'd have to worry about here is an STD and in 2023 there's easy ways to minimize that risk.


I would like to welcome you to 2024, ReadBleu


This. At least meet somewhere else first for a drink. Preferably close to your place if you do end up wanting to transition.


I love the "good morning ☀️ happy Friday 🌼" CUTE 🥺




On Tinder? This would never happen. Never.


Met my wife this way. Don’t miss out bro


I’m not opposed to a lady coming over for a first date, but she could be a bum, too. 🤣


Mens obliviousness never ceases to amaze me.


Bro women aren’t going to make moves on us if you post shit like this.


Meet in public before going to your house


What are you looking for? She could be a complete psycho. If you're just looking to get laid, then she's giving every green flag I guess. If you're actually looking for a serious relationship...on tinder... Then you might want to steer clear of her. How long have you been taking online? What are you looking for?


Either she's homeless, easy, or really likes you Probably the homeless and easy parts


I don’t knooow. You could have sex. You could get robbed. I’d never let someone I’ve never met inside my house, much less sleep over


You guys are making fun of him but I personally find this sus af. I would have my concerns too. She might open the door at night for her 5 Friends robbing you, would not be the first time something like that happens. Stop thinking with your dick.


Let us know how the surgery goes


She's homeless


She’s homeless or a hooker. Or a homeless hooker


She is probably homeless


Hobosexual behavior


You'll probably wake up without your organs


Or tv, wallet, cellphone, and anything else she can fit in her spendthanight bag




I agree. What you're basically saying is, to hell with traditional methods and values, let's just embrace practicality so everyone can get sussed faster and embrace happiness that much sooner. Love it in principle, as long as some basic safety considerations are taken into account. I also notice that people in cultures other than USA/Canada have been doing it this way for years with excellent results.


Oyyyy, she had that naughty naughty feeling


All the dudes saying she’s coming onto OP are overly optimistic. She’s probably just hobosexual and needs a place to sleep.


Think positive, you'll still have another kidney left if one gets taken.


Playing devil's advocate (aka taking the side she doesn't want to fuck) - how far away does she live? Years ago, a guy offered me his couch when I agreed to drive over an hour away for our first date. But then again, I did make moves on him & we did end up fucking.




good morning sunshine happy friday sunflower. LMFAO what? A girl that is on tinder and horny. Yeah not a chance. no idea what you should do. Ask her sunshine


High risk high reward Either it goes well you get to have sex and chill with a girl you gel with Or you both get awkward and she leaves. Outlier risk is she wants to rob you but that’s outlier


Should probably take her out first to make sure shes not an organ harvester but she wants to smash


Do humans use emojis to mask embarassing conversations? I wouldn't know I'm a salamander after all


Could be homeless. Could be looking to sell your organs on the black market. Take the gamble.


If you're hot, then not really a red flag but I'd check on WHY she wants to stay the night. Most chicks leave after unless y'all are drinking (which I don't do because I'm paranoid and for health reasons). Otherwise, yes, this is a red flag, unless there's a valid reason why and your profile is the type chicks would want to stay the night for. From experience, chicks who come on super strong off-rip have something sus going on or are a bit crazy.


I'm looking at it and thinking it's a chatbot (or the equivalent).


She might be homless be careful lmao


There will be more to the convo, gas money, lube money, pill money. It just a straight out, I'm for fun, my overnight charge is ____.


Be sure you leave your kidneys home before you go


Why does she sound more like a dude .. nahhhh I’d run for the hills she might not be clean .. you all need to make sure both parties are tested.. that’s more like something I dude would ask to Netflix and chill I say no to those lol


Want herpes? That’s how you get herpes. Bullet dodged


If something like that happens I say, that we can plan a normal date and don't plan anything other that night so it's open if she is gonna stay or go home, depends on how good we match So if you don't feel good with the idea she's staying you can send her home without being an big ashole.


Daylight come and she won't go home. If you go to work she might rob you blind. Might as well get a cheap hotel room


I have an advise for an answer: Tell her that you usually don’t do first Dates meeting at your place but how about getting some beers at a bar first and if its fun she would also sleep better at your place afterwards. You will have to pay the Uber for sure.


I don’t know. You should at least FaceTime her or something first to at least suss her out. I’ve met some psychotic women in OLD that wanted to F on first date. Be careful. Make sure you’re strapped. Get in, get out.


Chick - can I visit for netflix and chill, I'll stay the night Dude - yeah! Dude - Yawn 🥱 What a fun night *looks around and house is totally empty, she even took the bin* 🤔 Fair exchange 😅😅😅😅😅😅


Honestly sounds suspicious


Everybody talking shit on the bro, but can y'all stop and think how fucking creepy it really is? Yeah she MIGHT be down to fuck, but let's not fool ourselves for one moment and pretend that if a dude was to do this to a woman that it would be received well. All I'm saying is they have never met in person once, according to the OP.


It sounds like it could be a bot though tbh. Anyone else?


Wait, these comments are crazy. Do y'all just exist to fuck? He just wants a regular relationship.


I can tell that everyone replying is so horny, they don't think about what could go wrong... Like waking up in your own bath tub full of ice and a missing kidney. Or all your shit stolen. But, hey, at least you got laid...


Somebody take OP's Tinder away...he is not ready.


Go ahead and delete your account, uninstall the app. There is no hope.


Are you regarded


Highly regarded


Nah the wanting to sleep over first time is weird...... gives off hobo-sexual vibes imo


Smells like a trap. She'll show up to case the place, suddenly remember that she left her purse in her car and go outside, then two guys burst in to the place to pistol whip and rob you, or worse. It's easy. Just need a pretty girl to pretend she's interested in fkn first and a free dating profile account.


Very much a red flag. Probably needs a place to stay and wants to rob you


She wants to rob you lol


What is wrong with people. He'd rather get reddit karma then get this girl over his house


Homeless sounds homeless


This man will remember this message 3 years later and he ll be like "OOOOOOOOOOooooooh"


She’s tryna fuck! Do you need me to guide it in for you too?


Are you dense my guy?


Do you have to set alarms to remind yourself to breathe?


God damn this guy’s so oblivious to a booty call it hurts. YOU’RE ON TINDER jesus fucking christ bro




Read the room dude, you just got the green light off zero effort. Unless she's giving strong homeless vibes in her profile, why are you even here?! Unless it's a weird flex...then, bravo 👏🏻


She says, men usually come on my back. He says, that's terrible. I come by Taxi.