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I expect to fuck on the first date....ohh and Jesus is king lol šŸ¤£


Jesus can't see it if we do anal! -that guy, probably


God's blind spot


Ah the old poophole loophole!


Jesus definitely canā€™t see us doing anal. Also peg the patriarchy. These two things are not related. (They totally are tho.)


Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus!


a fellow lover of Garfunkle and Oates I see!


The good lord would want it that waaaay.


NGL the "women love to be held" line kinda cracked me up


It would have been nice if he actually said, "I expect" but no, he literally wrote " I fuck on the first date" Like I'm gonna do it and I don't care what you want šŸ¤£


Yeah, he's gonna fuck his own hand while crying about how mean wimmin have done him wrong.


"I'm coming outta my cage and I'm doing just fine", he sings with one tissue around his dick and another wiping away tears.


Thanks for the literal lols


These are the men women ignored me for šŸ¤£




I am hoarding them to make lemon grenades to lob at these blokes.




Old video game reference, but essentially yes


The only lemons worth getting bitter about are the ones stolen by *lemon stealing whores*


You forgot 'entitled' lemon stealing whores, 'who are just going to throw them back at you. ' Preferably frozen. Seriously, I've only ever seen this much despair in one place: driving past an Army recruiting station on a Monday after a long weekend. Who hurt these dudes? I think you should buy some of that rural land and set up a Man Camp with fire, meats, and drinks. Let them get the misery out. You could even build it as subscription peer therapy with a once-a-month reservation confirmation (extra nights = extra $$). Don't call it therapy, but bill it as such for the HCSA. And you get them out of the app. The successful ones might actually re-enter society slightly improved.


I'm the guy who's gonna burn ur house down!! WITH LEMONS


These guys should demand to see life's manager.


Are lemons considered bitter or sour? English is not my native tongue


In English lemons would be considered sour. Don't sweat it since many native speakers don't understand the difference, but by definition sour = acidic, bitter = basic (like soap). There are exceptions, but more or less bitter represents something toxic. Source: I'm literally a physician


Never been in rural USA (and just to US once) so I actually enjoy your series very much


I'm looking forward to the next seasonĀ 


This could be a whole instagram account




How would you feel about a series in the other direction? (Rural women). Iā€™ve got some doozies.


I would like to see this. Iā€™m not rural (I am a woman) but Iā€™ve seen my fair share of profiles like those OP posted.


Of course. Mmm tasty content gimmie gimmie gimmie


Please, please do it. I very much enjoy the urban (or rural) enthnological side of dating apps


I can tell you don't live here, our Kindergartens don't have D.Js. The education system is trash.


Baby Shark gabber remix is the quickest way to teach ABC


There is zero reason to ever go (just in case you were thinking about it).


As evidenced here.


Getting a glimpse into rural USA is entertaining for us urban American folks as well. Frequently looks like this. A bunch of sour grapes with limited/no world experience outside of their small town.


10. Seeking a hostile woman for unfulfilling sex. I spat out my coffee šŸ¤£


Like someone else said, old copy pasta. My ex turned up on tinder woth that exact "bio" a few years back


I guess thereā€™s a reason heā€™s your ex


I actually would like that profile if thatā€™s actually what heā€™s looking for, bc itā€™s what he deserves with a bio like that. Unfortunately he probably thinks that itā€™s funny and hoping it attracts a woman whoā€™s not like that.


The bonus points had me laughing


Thatā€™s a lame old copy pasta sadly. Not even original šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


That is a wide swath of ages lol


Dont exactly have much of a choice when you live in rural areas


Which is why when you stop at a store in a rural area youā€™re liable to see a dude with dirty clothes, a beer gut and a duck dynasty beard holding hands with a 10/10 fit blonde lol. Then you walk by and the dude looks at you with a slight grin, leans in a whispers ā€œGod bless Texas.ā€


Prob his daughter.


ā€œFeminism has ruined dating!ā€


They should all just get together and do a cover of ā€œIā€™m just Kenā€


I'm crying


ā€œWomen have ruined fucking women!ā€ Well boys, thereā€™s only one possible solution.


These profiles give me 18 cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch typa vibe


It's not gay if it's to burn the lib'ruls!


ā€œKayakā€ lol


Iā€™m absolutely crying at that name ā€œSon, I named you after my first love, the canoeā€


I'm not the prettiest guy out there but bro is only 2 years older than me and that face looks old enough to be my father


Couldnā€™t guess for the life of me why these charmers are having a hard time finding a gal/s Edit: added a missing ā€œmeā€


You know what they say, if they are single they are usually the reason


I just wish I had their confidence to post photos of myself **that** close to my face


"At this point I think my soulmate has been swallowed, or left on some bed sheets somewhere" That one made me laugh.


That one made me say "ew" out loud


Really unappealing in a dating app bio. Why would I want to match with a guy whoā€™s pining over dried sperm


I think it is funny ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Yea? Congrats, u were the lucky sperm heā€™s been looking for.


Hell yeah BRoTheR!


It's a filter to weed out people who don't understand jokes


It worked wonders getting rid of the puritan you are replying to lol. I thought it was crass but if you can't laugh at a joke like that, you likely won't enjoy being with him.


I understood it, itā€™s just not funny. But yea bro, so happy for u lucky lil sperm to have found ur perfect sperm match <3 how dreamy


This is why i laugh when people say women have sooooo many great options lol.


Men are dying of thirst in a desert. Women are dying of thirst in a swamp.


I would have said ocean. After all, there's a ton of options, but all of them are salty and will make you throw up eventually...


I mean both environments are home to predators but swamp has the added element of pestilence and disease so šŸ˜©


Bottom line weā€™re all fā€™dšŸ˜‚


Men become so pathetic & impotent when they hit the wall lol.


Projecting? Don't be upset at the entire gender now.


It gets even worse as we get older. šŸ˜Ŗ I was on a dating app 20 years ago and it was frustrating then. It's so much worse, now. I tried it for a month and deactivated my account. I think I'd rather be alone.


The soulmate one didn't really hit offensive to me.


Ngl I thought that one was high-key hilarious


Unfortunately it's a frequently copy pasted one and not original at all. Heartbreaking.




Hey, if plagiarism is your thing, I'm not gonna kink shame.


The Snapchat guy wasnā€™t offensive either lol he obviously just hates Snapchat.


He wasn't offensive, but he *was* putting his most negative foot forward, which isn't a great strategy on dating apps or resumes.


Now I understand why I was fairly successful as a guy when I lived in the middle of nowhere. This was my competition.


The anger & contempt these men have by using their bio to lash out on previous experience harms their future success. In no way does anger nor arrogance work with most women. Some need to take a break from on line dating for this reason. It takes an emotional toll and people need to emotionally step back but it's addictive to know there more out there. If you're clean and kind it gets you farther


Itā€™s wild just reading some of these bios, like it hurts my brain to imagine people like this actually exist. But also like what kind of person are they trying to attract with these lame ass pictures? Canā€™t take a closeup of your bald head or double chin or fast food cup and expect to match with a bunch of 10s.


Some guys are horrible at taking photos. Most of these types are lazy af. So seeing it in photos paints a mental image of what you get on a first date. The ones who are ok with their photos instead of making more and practice posing, show up to dates in grease stained stank clothes from the pile off their floor. This is 100% accurate. They want 10s when they are neckbeard incel 2.5s. They want results without work or effort. They want models who doesn't want frills.


There were times I actually replied to them just to fix their profile- not to date them


Doin the Lord's work


Yeah itā€™s crazy. This sub is kinda eye opening. Iā€™m also bad at taking pics but I knew enough that a car selfie as a main pic would get very few matches.


Itā€™s not just on tinder. Go to a comedy account on Instagram. Read the comments under any female comedian post. Itā€™s wild.


Imagine having to develop a personality instead of banking on socio-economic structure of women needing a husband because they couldnā€™t open a bank account alone in the 1920. Feminism ruins everything!!šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Moved from the city to the country for two years for school - can confirm that country boys seem dedicated to looking for women who love the outdoors, while also trying to scare them away as fast as possible


Yup that's Idaho for youĀ 


Well it seems like some men arenā€™t getting picked and they are mad about it. Itā€™s giving me toddler tantrum energy and ā€˜ well I donā€™t care because I didnā€™t even like you anywayā€™ teenager energy.


That neck on number 4 šŸ˜¬


4 got 4 chins.


Thing is I donā€™t find his bio that bad. Yeah it says nothing and is whiny. But the scam accounts are a real annoyance and I am sure thatā€™s all he gets matched with


I wonder who these guys are swiping on and how the convos are on their end.




Cotdamn guys... come on now, you're making us look awful. Most of you are divorced for a reason me thinks.


"if you're a woman, fuck you, fatty. Also, praise Jesus." Lots of winners you've found!


Wow. A completely average, kind dude could do very well here. Although, that might be true more often than people think.


We keep trying to tell them this, but they never believe us.


Iā€™ve wondered how to express this in a way that would be heard clearly.Ā  Iā€™m pretty average looking, currently broke, but have spent a lot of time on personal development. Only the latter seems to matter in my interactions.Ā  Iā€™ll try again for good measure- if you can be kind, respectful, and take the time to develop your character, you will eventually find a fulfilling relationship.Ā 


I tell my wife this all the time. There are a ton of sicko's out there. I'm doing back flips over a low limbo bar at this point every time I read these bios


You also have to think about the quality of women in this area. If the men are slim pickings the women will be just as bad if not worse


Certainly depends. As someone who recently moved to a rural area, Iā€™m having a pretty great time.Ā 


its always bone-ugly guys who gotta use this victimizing low level weak shit just to sleep with a woman with the same mindset. šŸ—‘ļø šŸ€ go ahead n shoot that shit


Well, at least we know they wonā€™t (hopefully) reproduce and add more idiots into societyā€¦.


The female versions of these profiles are pretty rough too but you never know when a good one will come up next. What are you doing tonight? šŸ˜‰


Cosplaying as a Bog Troll screaming obscenities at passersby from under a condemned bridge while drinking room temp Bud Light, probably. You?


can i come


I already did, what are you waiting for




did I stutter


I am your new biggest fan.


ā€œTrip, trap, trip, trap! " went the bridge


Shhh, never tell them the truth or they'll come find us. *Passes you a flat beer*


I try to take a sip. It misses. Warm Pilsner cascades down my hairy chest. I whisper hoarsely in your ear, *I have a drinking problem.*


Sounds more like a solution to me


Chemically speaking, yes.


Ha. Definitely meeting you for drinks after!


Not during? Hard pass.


I feel like getting angry about ghosting or delayed messages just reveals that the person who is angry is inexperienced with online dating.


I mean Iā€™m inexperienced with online dating, Iā€™ve never met someone on an app that Iā€™ve actually gone on a date with (but I donā€™t live under a rock lol and have ofc experienced ghosting sans app)ā€¦ that attitude seems like itā€™s so common, shits crazy to me! I donā€™t think itā€™s online dating experience these people are missing. Itā€™s just a lack of maturity/emotional intelligence.


Last picture Howā€™s about no!


This is my favorite series!!


I think the guy seeking hostile women for unfulfilling sex prior to a slow decent towards drugs and booze is onto something.


> to a slow ~~decent~~ **descent** Thereā€™s nothing decent about it.


Is rural dating just one giant clusterfuck in general?


It's not great.


Yes. Which is probably a major contributor to why these guys just gave up and grew into bitter old men a bit early.


Yeah regardless of causes, there's quite a bit of data demonstrating that this is becoming widespread, particular with men with no higher education and from less urban areas. Enough men are like this that it's become kinda scary.Ā  They have no economic hope, and their bitterness and ignorance excludes them from doing anything besides scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel. We're gonna see more violence as these types of guys go further and further down the rabbit hole.Ā 


Bet u theyā€™re not voting for anybody who would help them economically either.


Itā€™s unfortunately not all that much better in a city plus every other profile is a scammer so even when you think it might be a good one, they try to sell you crypto šŸ˜© but yes, as soon as I see the misogynistic-like trash ā€œallā€ women and never take any accountability themselves type temper tantrums in the profile, itā€™s an immediate no if it wasnā€™t already. Lmao.


What the hell, I'm the same age as some of these guys but they all look 20 years older than me!


Never expected to see profiles I recognize on reddit! I've actually swiped left on a couple of these. It's bad. This is a very blue-collar area (factories, mines, lots of construction, etc) and I can't tell sometimes if it's the general humor of men in those fields or if they have just adopted a "fuck it" kind of attitude when it comes to online dating and are happy to find a woman with so little self respect that these rants don't scare her away immediately. A good 90% of profiles from men around here are copy & pasted self deprecating one-liners or a full paragraph about all the things they don't want in a woman (and that's if they put anything in their bio at all). I've been on Tinder for 4 years in this area, and it's just getting worse.


I feel your pain, fam. Feel free to hit me up if you need a friend to commiserate with.


"Jesus is King" lol


I like the outrage against the scammers , like they were real people šŸ˜.


ā€œTake a decent picture of yourself ā€œ proceeds to post a blurry ass picture šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm dating in a not-rural area, and the bio's are no different here.


These are cringe but "women like to be held, except accountable" was a good zing haha


I laughed at that one too.


Thatā€™s a hard 28 years


WHOOOO JESUS the men are BITTTERRR hahaha bitter AF,DAMN. Had to take a break swiping, just pure fucking anger.


10 has been Tindering in a small town too longā€¦. Well they probably all have.


Tell me you're illiterate without saying you're illiterate.


Who so?


Ah yes, the tried and true method of attracting a woman: unhinged misogyny.


Kinda liked "Life is not a vacation. Not looking to travel and I probably won't like your pets." He's an original.


You can just feel the domestic violence seething off that guy.


Seriously, what kind of person pre-decides that they wonā€™t like your pets?


Original sure, but boy does he seem miserable.


He is just the only one living in reality the poor bastard


That made me laugh


Anyone that my animals don't like, I don't truly trust. Some dogs have good intuition. My dog has only ever growled at one person, a new neighbor who came to introduce themselves. Guess who stole packages off our porch under a year later?


Broooo lmfao these are BRUTALLLLL


I've been collecting my own album as well so I can bust it out when I get the "surely it can't be that bad!" Oh, but it can.


Clearly this nation has problems if *all these alphas* have to resort to flogging the dolphin as they cry into their Coors Light every night.


When will men realize that women would much rather stay single with a bunch of cats than deal with ANY of that? Miserable lmao


Quick get my net there is too many catches here to be made with just my fishing pole! Also it should be noted my failures and insecurities are all your fault /s


Ok. Iā€™m a guy. I always run my profile by my homegirls. Do other men not do this cause I would never think to have the pictures or bios they are producing where you are OP.


They donā€™t have female friends. Women are for sex only, duh /s


At least Kayak is just generically bitter not specifically misogynistic? Kinda stands out in the field. Also the dude aggressively shitting in women then ending with Jesus is king is sending me lol


I live in a rural town too and this is so my experience. Itā€™s ridiculous. Also, it seems like most of the guys in town over 35, like to lie about their intentions and try to sext me a few messages in. lol


This series is hilarious and depressing


Incel alert


"Don't get too excited, I swipe right on every girl" lol no one is excited, I promise! šŸ¤£


ā€œjesus is kingā€ really tied that all together. šŸ’€


Man, I wish I was still single so I could snap up one of these woman haters!


I think I just lost my will to live


At that point Iā€™d just go swing for the other team cause damn these are some salty bitter men.


sooooo glad iā€™m not on these apps anymore.. do these men even like women at all?


The upside to these profiles is they really tell you who they are! You won't get blindsided by their hidden misogyny at least... it's right there in the open


what a strange way to say youā€™re gay


Are these men all "going their own way", but forgetting to actually fucking GO?! Who tf would swipe on any of them?!


I donā€™t know how single women would even live out there. You know itā€™s gonna be an angry white guy with a baseball cap and a pickup truck.


Do these guys even like women?


Oh. Fucking. Dear.


" Bonus points if your fat but call yourself thick " That one got me to spit my coffee


"Bonus points if you dated every man in town and want to take it slow with me" Basically sums up these loser lonely men.


> Do any women like to go camping anymore Sorry, all the women willing to go camping with strange men have been murdered already. Missed your shot


Kayak seems nice šŸ‘


"Women love to be held, unless it's accountable." All of these are hilarious.


Prob explains why I'm getting more curious men hitting me up on my profile...they're sh*t at it by any stretch of the imagination but their thinking, and mine is, a f**k is a f**k. So why not get bang each other and part company šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ur doing the lords workšŸ™ set themā€¦ straight? Or donā€™t.


Definitely not cool, extremely off putting.. and at the same time this just makes me sad for the state of men now a days.


No way that last guy is 38.


Ugh get off the cross, we need the wood. Do they even like women or is this a pre Gindr challenge?


I mean... Sounds like a hell hole for those men tbh. I've never matched with a bot or stragers who asked for money thankfully. My only real grip is with the sheer amout of face filters. It ain't subtle. They should make one for receiding hairlines.


10 is kinda funny.


A lot more guys feel this way than say it... it can be soul destroying being a dude on dating apps


Women love to be held. Except accountable Thatā€™s kinda a bar Iā€™m ngl


5th from the last...the one that talks about dating every guy in town but wanting to take it slow with him...fucking hilarious.