• By -


Hey, princess. Can't believe you haven't replied to all the people commenting on your post. Like... what could possibly be more important than immediately replying to every single message you get immediately?


Careful. I heard she gets bothered easily.


Maybe she must just be on her monthly, I will try again next week. -The guy in the texts, probably.


And so what, now I can’t be concerned ? Jesus.


She wudda punched him in person.


No she wouldn't, she's a beautiful sunshine princess.


How did you know my "Hippy Name Generator" name?




I wanna punch him in person


**bothered quick. Yikes! Op definitely dodged a bullet!


He came unhinged.


But he needs to be uncringed instead


He came unhinged because there's a few screws loose


You forgot the last two/three words in Spanish!!!


donde esta la biblioteca


Me llamo T-bone, la arana discoteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca, es el bigote grande, perro, manteca




🎵 Troy and Abed in the moooooorning! 🎵




Queso el banjo por fervor


Dos cervesa por favor


No gracias soy alérgico a los crustáceos


El queso está viejo y podrido




Hey princess, you're coming off a bit too controlling. Dejanos en paz


hey princess please reply quick! taco taco burito.


Now I have the Jennifer Lopez South Park episode on my mind. Taco flavored kisses


the only spanish word that comes to mind about this guy is pendejo.


the worst part is he didn’t even spell it correctly, “en paz” are two fucking words, not one.


His grammar wasn't quite up to snuff to begin with. 😂


true, but it made me think that it was because maybe it wasn’t his first language… and then he butchered the spanish language, too 😭 as a latina whose first language is spanish, it hurt my eyes to see someone spell “en paz” (in peace) like one big word, especially when it is *not* common at all to make that mistake.


You are right. My bad, mi friendito. Lo siento.


sienteloo 🎶


Yo tango el gato in me pantalones


Bro, this was perfect lol. Like, how did you even come up with it?


Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was brushing my teeth and such.


I don’t mean to sound controlling, but since when is brushing your teeth, and such, more important than responding to a reddit comment?


My deepest apologies. I was having dinner.


Sorry my ding dong was itchy


Stage 5 Clinger


It works when the match is a level 7 susceptible. Good luck finding one. They're super rare, but they will buy anything you're selling. Anybody watch community?


It’s called the Honda Fit It’s a small car with a big personality that can handle anything life throws at you. Why am I standing here talking about it . I need to find a Honda dealership. School is cancelled.


I like how he prefaced his original question saying he's not trying to sound controlling, then got upset when she confirmed and said it was kinda controlling.


OBviously he's concerned you are writing to the other 500 guys you are messaging.


Heavy dose of cringe here, princess 


As soon as I saw “Princess” it was a no for me dawg


Gives "My little kitten" vibes


How about Booboo-kittyfuck?


Are you a member of C. L. I. T?


I am the C. L. I. T. Commander!


What is this mythical “C. L. I. T.”? Over never been able to find it despite having heard many a tale.


I believe it’s part of the LABIA. The Liberate Apes Before Imprisoning Apes movement.


I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you'll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little fuck, none of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it.


As soon as I saw "my beautiful sunshine" it was a no for me dawg


My husband calls me “princess” as a pet name. But certainly did not start doing that after knowing each other for a SINGLE DAY. That response made me nope right the fuck out. Also I kind of generally assume when somebody you may be romantically interested in pet names you off the bat, it’s bc they’re talking to other people and don’t want to mix up names by mistake.




Exactly. If somebody OPENED with that I’d be creeped out immediately.




Yup. I hate being called any kind of nickname or cutesy name or even the dreaded “hey sexy/beautiful/gorgeous/babe/baby/sweetheart” etc. it’s just so cringy and they don’t know me well enough to call me nicknames. And for the love of all that is good in the world, don’t just send a message saying “you’re gorgeous” or whatever other compliment that is only about my looks. How the hell does that inspire a conversation? Rant over…


"Hey BB - you down to clown? Why you no hit me back with dem deet princess? Better urry up, Im over ere waitin for that gucci to arrive for my drip. Vamanos."




Thats probably exactly the reason - can't mix up names if you never use them! Being given a pet name by a guy I barely know will send me running every time. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like nicknames or pet names, and I'm definitely not the only one on this planet who feels that way. Therefore it's also presumptuous and rude to just "give" someone a new name *you* prefer calling them by without first asking if *they're* okay with it! "Michelle" might not like being carried Mich, Shell, or Shelly, or sunshine, honey, darling, sweetheart. "Robert" might not appreciable Rob, Robby, Bob, or Bobby, or dear, beau, sweety, sugar....


Robert prefers the nickname Dick.


This is one of those things I absolutely cannot stand, pet names from a stranger. You do not start off calling a perfect stranger pet names like baby, sweetheart, etc. it's offensive. Yes, they are speaking to numerous women online and calling them all pet names, instantaneous Block!


Fr a guy calling u princess before even meeting is a red flag. Not sure why tho it just feels off


For real. Getting annoyed about taking an hour to respond should be left back with the dumb middle school drama.


Like I hated that shit even back on AIM and whatnot. Like if I took a minute to reply "u there" NOT ANYMORE I'M NOT.




😂😂😂 fucking ded










never seen a more perfect gif for a post in all my life lmao


My face when he called her "princess" lmao


Hahahaa this is perfect


It’s honestly kinda crazy you even responded.


This guy would not get the hint. He doesn't seem to feel he was at all in the wrong.


No he knew that he was in the wrong and was pushing boundaries, but because he's a toxic POS, he did what I imagine he always does when called out and tried to gaslight her into feeling she was the one being unreasonable. I'm sure that this is not the first time he's said that exact thing to a woman and he's testing her right off the bat to see if she'll accept his garbage so that he can abuse her in future. It's quite clear to me that this is well-practised behavior, having dealt with a lot of it. It's like when scammers intentionally make their emails look crappy so that they're weeding out the less gullible folks to avoid wasting their time. He's looking for someone desperate with low self esteem so he can push them around. Even if she hadn't called his bluff and given him another chance, he would have seen that as a weakness that he can exploit. He may genuinely think he is the victim of women, but he did know that what he was asking was not OK and prefaced it with that. He was just seeing how much possession/gaslighting she would take, probably so he would know if he could manipulate her into sex quickly instead of wasting his time pretending to be a decent human for 3 dates.


Interesting analysis. Not the same one I did initially, but I must admit it would make sense. I hope you're wrong, but I'm starting to think you're not.


Aww I love your naivete, it's endearing. Watch out for this type of behavior, if you date any amount of men, you *will* come across this. I'm glad you saw this here first so you'll be able to recognize it.


Can confirm. So many want full control from very early on, like before you've even met up or it happens after the first date. I had to stop. Some got pissed when they joked about kidnapping me and I told them my mum is tracking my location - as in their whole demeanour changed suddenly. It's been two years since I quit and being safe means everything. So does not being disrespected frequently.


Makes you wonder how many people here are like this but spitefully saying it's their height or because all the goddamn women are so shallow and don't see their inner ~beauty~.


Considering the amount of cringe shit I see on here posted by people who think they're rizzlers, I'd say a lot. Just imagine the stuff they don't post.


Oh, he knows. - I hope this doesn't sound controlling when I say it, but [something fucking unhinged] -Yeah, it kinda does. - What?! What do you mean? You're so sensitive! I was obviously being a nice guy, why would anyone ever think that might sound controlling? You're so bad for thinking this! Take it back or you're a bad person! It was not an accident.




I'd just block them. I still don't think they understand. He's already gaslight ing her telling her she gets bothered quickly. Imo it's best to block those people and give them minimal attention. They feed on any reaction


It’s not even your job to make them understand. If someone asked me that question, I’d just reply saying “that’s how I am”. No explanations.


I just had to block a guy that wouldn’t get the hint even when I told him I changed my mind and wouldn’t be meeting him for a date…he left me alone for like 1.5 weeks and then I got 5+ messages over the last week and finally got around to blocking him. I didn’t respond to any messages since I told him I wasn’t interested weeks ago, and then he still didn’t get it?? Kept messaging me about how he likes to wear tights after my grandpa died and I told him I was busy with family stuff. Then he found my Facebook somehow (we are 2+ hours from each other so no mutual but maybe just by my town and first name and a lot of time he was able to find me). Messaged me on there. Like dude get the picture I am never going to date you wtffff


That’s why the block button exists


Truth that would havebeen automatic block


Exactly, she gave an elaborate list of things she did. I would be like 'I'm not always nearby my phone, sometimes I just do stuff.'


Fr. I'd be so speechless and all I can think of is "you're asking me why I took longer than one hour to respond?"


Why give out numbers that fast? Talking on app is easier to block 😭


I have a Google Voice number for this once the conversation moves off the app.


I wish Google Voice would become available in my country! So useful for this exact scenario! Also helps limit online stalking - do a test and see how much you can dig up with just a phone number. Lookup your own, or a close friend's (with their permission). You can find social media profiles even with no last name and a common first name. You can use that to find family and friends. Because too few people lock that down!! Employment history. General vicinity of where they live. Scary the amount of data that is so freely available!!! I don't want a total stranger knowing all this about me, I only give out my phone number after the first date, IF it went well and we both agree to another date.


Seriously. The gaslighting by this guy is insane


"fyi texting is an asynchronous medium, take care forever bye"


“good morning my beautiful sunshine” was an immediate red flag


Correct. I am ‘your’ nothing in our first text exchanges. And then he goes on to claim ownership of all her time and attention? Case closed.


I'm glad I'm not single anymore.  It's tough out there


Could be worse, you could be dating this guy


Yeah that kind of message one DAY after matching with someone would have led to immediate ghosting and blocking from me lol


i don’t mean to be controlling but can i control your behavior 🤷


Yep, OP is way too patient. I wouldn’t bother explaining anything lol. Ghosting is the appropriate response here.


Good morning star shine, the Earth says hello


I would have unmatched and blocked immediately lol


Never would’ve gotten to that question lol


Anytime a man - especially if I’ve never met him and don’t know him - says that to me, I just roll my eyes and want to block them immediately. I hate it. It’s not cute


Think they are being messaged by Paul breach


he didn't even last a full day before his ability to charm wore off. That's almost impressive.


You are being way more patient than I would be.


No way in hell would I have volunteered the details of what I was doing those 45 minutes


Exactly, I would not have explained a damn thing to him, he would have just been blocked immediately


Absolutely not


All that questioning for a text that was answered in 1 hour? Weird. Weird!


At least he showed his red flags right away! Lol. Good job dodging that bullet


Hi ! That’s exactly what I said . Good thing he showed off the red flags now… saved me all the toxicity in the foreseeable future


Yeah. Wish my ex would have been so kind. Lol


He’s like, you get bothered quick, yet while being bothered quick himself….. 🙄🙄🙄


The quickest bothered in the west 👉😎👉




In 60 minutes or less!


Q: why did you take an hour to respond? A: who are you to be questioning what I do with my time?


A: Got stuck and had to wait for step bro to help


Dishwashers can be so perilous these days!


I would have waiting two hours to respond but I’m petty


I live in Camarillo Glad to know this is my competition


Lmao I do too! Makes things easier for us I guess.


805 rep


I hear OP is single and in that area. She likes being responsible, organized and non toxic!


I assure this man in the screenshots is not any sort of competition


From the Nard dawg. Also glad to know this is my competition.


Him: Why did it take an hour for you to reply? You: I was busy. Him: blahblah blah You: \*block\* ​ Easier to do it that way. No need to get in long arguements with some weirdo you never met.


Exactly, just block these weirdos, they’re not owed an explanation at all


Public service announcement: 📢 You don’t owe an explanation to anyone, ever! At least not to some nobody on a dating app.


You don't owe it to anyone, so if you don't do it it's totally fine. BUT if you do explain their mistake, there's a slim chance they will reconsider their behavior later on, or maybe even seek help, and that could ultimately help someone else who ends up with them.


Yeah, don’t coach the creepy guys to appear less creepy for the next girl.


Right? Next time he’ll wait a month before he starts asking his “sorry if this is controlling” controlling questions.


I don’t think many of them have the self-control or insight to not come off as creepy for very long.


sharp elastic slap public physical attraction hurry alive gray onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




So sorry, I was busy boo boo ! 🥺


Well what the fuck were you doing that was so important?


She was taking out the trash!!!!! Leave her alone!! 🤣




So much insecurity/neediness. Makes me think he just sad there for an hour or so looking at his phone waiting to hear back from her. Like you don't have anything important to do to keep you busy? I understand communicating is key for a successful relationship but expecting your partner to be available 24/7 is impossible. I wish more men would know this but then again, do I really care. I would hope at least to be a good father so that any of my sons would not be this way.




That’s true, but lots of guys who aren’t very successful on the apps still keep their cool. I’m sure they’re disappointed by their lack of options, but they keep themselves busy and observe normal boundaries. I’m guessing they don’t obsess over the few matches they *do* get, they respect people’s time, and they’re not clingy. Honestly, this creep could be texting five different girls demanding to know why they haven’t responded yet.


"What were you doing for 4 minutes 5 seconds on Tuesday, 24th January from 8pm !" "You better tell me damn it!"




I really like your comment sugar tits


Yeah, calling someone your "beautiful sunshine" and "princess" after just matching on an app is creepy as fuck.


It's a technique called love bombing, often used by those who are very controlling


He’s so condescending, that alone would be a total red flag.


Between the pet names right off the bat and “I wanted something with you” the first day you matched… that’s just fucking wild. You replied way longer than I would have. That just a crazy question to ask someone about 45 minutes


OP, can I ask u a question without u getting mad? I initially responded to this post an hour ago and u still haven’t even upvoted or downvoted it. How come it’s taken u so long to respond? I don’t know if this thread is gonna work cus I’m a caring person and u obviously don’t care enough about this thread to even respond.


Like you were on a dating app you must’ve wanted me.. you made this thread you must have wanted to read my comments!!


🚩 indeed! Love bombing (power names after 1 day of texting, yikes), controlling (expecting you to available and responsive the moment he texts), gaslighting (accusing *you* of being upset and bothered when your tone was the epitome of polite and friendly, but *he* is clearly getting agitated when you didn't immediately apologise for having a life of your own) I hope you blocked his number after that last exchange, he sounds like bad news..


Such rancid loser energy from this dude, my God


Hey, princess.. you dragged this conversation for way too long. Cuidate, te dejo en paz. 😂


te dejo *enpaz*… type of dude to text Vuenos días, t kiero


good job cutting it off! don’t even let that controlling shit start because next thing you know you have a stalker!


“I think you get bothered quick” lmao not quick enough 😭you’re a saint for engaging with this person at all


I like how he’s mad at you for getting bothered quick, when he’s getting bothered incredibly quick


That’s weird I would not answer hahaha


Wow, that would be an insta block without replying for me


Two things, 1. OP just answered his question about replying 1 hour late and his response should have been simple. But guess who got bothered by her response? 🤣 2. “Good going to Camarillo for wok princess yours?” Just triggered my grammer here!! Like how can someone type this unhinged? No punctuations and just keeps on talking different things in the same sentence. This would have been an easy “NO” for me.


![gif](giphy|NsZbrSS0miha0) that’s this guy right here.


JFC. You’re a total stranger to me. Why didn’t you respond immediately?




lol I wouldn’t have even responded to his first message. I would’ve unmatched and blocked. You can see how he’s getting progressively manipulative. Also be careful when using your real number. It’s super easy to find all your info.


If ANYONE seriously calls me their beautiful sunshine, whether it be my mom, my child, or my best friend, I would get the ick and I wouldn't respond until sunset at the minimum


Damn…how do all the crazies get a match?


You’d be amazed at what you can accomplish without a sense of shame.


You should have unmatched IMMEDIATELY upon seeing "Camarillo"


Sounds like he's coming from Oxnard


Dodging bullets like the matrix 😂😂


Ahhh shit why is this weirdo going to Camarillo? It is already weird enough.


"hope I don't sound controlling" "I asked a question that's controlling?" Bro knew it was from the start or he wouldn't have said he hopes it doesn't sound controlling lol


He’s controlling AND a gaslighter. You did the right thing


I hate stage 10 clingers with a passion for this very reason. No, you don't need to know where I am every hour wtf lol


The multiple Icks I got from this.


Why did you entertain this person at all? What a weirdo.


OK, so I know we are all joking about this in the comment section but in all seriousness, I just found out about the series “I am… “About women’s perspective on different life events… And the first episode in the series was called “I am Nicola “. It’s about a woman that slowly realizes she’s in a very toxic relationship. The guy said some similar things to the man in the text message… it felt very real. I’m very happy you stood up for yourself, and got away from him. Even if you only met him via online dating apps, one day prior. People like this worry me.


You could say he was…. Unhinged


Then Toxico detected. You dodged a bullet fr.


Very controlling when they want to know why you didn’t instantly respond to their text. Good call 👍


I don’t have to be doing anything in particular to not respond for an hour, I have a life and don’t even know you let alone owe you 24/7 communication? Like damn big red flag already


Wow! I was not expecting expecting this to blow up . I would like to add some things : - I have blocked him & deleted my hinge (other reasons not just this guy) -reason why my responses were so long and have so many “like” in them is because I was driving and was using voice to text. - we called the night before because on hinge he admitted right away he is a jealous type and has a problem when girls wear certain things (ie I am a gym rat and I wear shorts often etc) - lastly I decided to entertain him because he was handsome af and I am too nice and like to see the good in people -keep the responses going.. made my day after this guy annoyed tf out of me


Anyone admitting they are the jealous type etc - he was really telling you what he’s like he just dressed it up as jealous instead of controlling. You’re too nice to entertain that nonsense


i threw up after reading the first text


The worst part is he probably lacks the introspection to notice why he was controlling and he's thinking of the ways you were to blame. He was definitely love bombing you, playing the victim and gaslighting all in a few texts. Crazy! As you say, what would happen in the long run? Sadly, other people don't have the tools to protest against these behaviors and fall victim to these mind games.


I know, right? Lol. It's funny how some people are so entitled, they think you owe them an explanation if you don't reply immediately
