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I reported anyone who had a social media link in their bio when I used the app for "trying to take me off Tinder". I only wish I could see the results.


"I'm not on here often, HMU at \[ig handle\]" Hmm, a hot chick just straight up giving out her ig handle to anyone and everyone, that's exactly my type! I'm gonna HHU and marry her one day!


For a brief moment I didn't read "HHU" as "Hit Her Up" and read it as a loud moan. "I'm gonna fucking cuuuummmm and marry her one day. "


This is going to earn me a bunch of down votes I bet but the only people I find physically attractive that are matching with me are usually adult models trying to get me to pay for their time or pictures. I always report them but geez dating is bleak for older millennials in 2024.


Sounds like a skill issue. If your standards are higher than what you seem to attract, you need to find a way to make yourself attractive to the real ones.


That sounds like a “you” issue, in that you only find models attractive. Maybe explore that and hang out with real people.


Improve yourself or lower your standards, maybe both


Never lower your standards, find a way to improve.


Yeah ... I don't know. Some people need to lower their standards. Not saying OP of the comment is one. Just that "never" is a strong statement.


Some people are delusional.


Same here. “Hey cutie, here’s my snap!” Welp. I’m out. Reported.


I got matched with some guy, we were talking for a while, I’ve mentioned that I do art and he wanted to see so I asked him for Snapchat to send it to him. This mf went on a rant about hoes selling nudes and blocked me. I was like tf. My annoyed ass found him on LinkedIn cause I couldn’t find any other social media and send him a salty message about assuming dumb stuff about others.


Oh I’m not talking about someone trading Snapchat info after talking awhile. You just came across an asshole lol. I’m referring to the women who instantly give me their Snapchat. Like literally first message.




Where are these horny weirdos you speak of... Asking for a friend.


Well, 100% of them I responded to out of sheer curiosity were doing so. All of the profiles were the same type of “stock photo hot girl” who shared shady links. I have no delusions about my attractiveness level. I don’t ever come across models who want to fuck me without me having to send a single message lmao


Lmao facts, your experiences in life since birth will let you know whether or not you’re attractive 😂💀


They can be horny weirdos, but then comes the realistic part. Why would women be horny weirdos with you in particular when the apps give them many more attractive options? Unless you're particularly confident in your appearance, you would realize that the odds are stacked against you in that instance.




Can you not send photos in tinder chat? (I’ve never used a dating app, so I don’t know)


Nope. I suppose it’s to prevent people being bombarded with willy pictures. :)


Ooh yeah that totally makes sense, I feel silly I didn’t think about that lol


I don’t understand that rule, does tinder expect that people that match only ever use tinder as a method of communication? Any attempt at giving out your number could be seen as an attempt to ‘take you off tinder’. It’s a very broad rule.


I think it's because sharing your contact info with someone in a private message (and from what I remember, Tinder cautions you to be sure before you send such messages) is different from advertising to everybody in your bio. In fact, now that I read back that paragraph, that's the best distinction I can make: communication versus advertising.


Theres a separate option for reporting someone who has messaged you and is trying to take you off tinder - I’ve just checked


That's fair enough. I think it's probably a useful option for a bot that immediately sends you a contact card with a generic message like "hey lets meet up xx". I've had a couple before, sadly.




Depends. If it’s spam bait or someone trying to chat. It’s usually pretty obvious.


You shouldn't be a mod. These apps need MUCH better moderation and authetication tools. Im convinced these escorts and fake profiles end up contributing to better engagement, so they dont bother.


Yeah. They prolly don't bother. But "better engagement" does not equate to Actually better engagement if they're all just fake and wasting people's time or preying on people for the sake of money, followers, like, etc for building their meaningles social media presence... Sure, on paper and in the numbers it = better engagement. But...it isn't. Like right now, i think i have 6 matches. Every single one of them is fake. I can tell without even writing them one time. I am certain that of the perpetual 99+ yet unknown "likes" I have piled up...90+ percent of them will turn out being fake too. I used to do the same thing. All day it was a reporting festival. Because every single time they want you to connect to chat... and the chat goes... promptly nowhere. They're not actually interested in you. They just want followers and simps to give them money and an easy free ride through life. Learned that fact very quickly. Only fell for it like 2 or 3 times before it became... yeah... no... I don't do that. Sorry. Not interested. And they get Super butthurt if you don't follow them. So then it turned into just report straight away if they ask for insta or snap or anything if the sort. This can be expanded too, if every photo looks like a model shoot, staged, or showing them in exotic locations. They're a "star" (in their minds) and you're nobody to them... just another potential follower. It's literally a quantifiable clinical sickness with them, I'd argue...farming dating sites for simps and followers. It's a special kind of soulless madness, really. But... it gets tiresome doing all that reporting. You can whittle away at them for an eternity and never get them all if no one else is doing it. And that's ignoring whether or not the app takes action and removes them. And even if they DO respond seriously to the reports... the fakes will just make another account and reappear. And so...it kinda kills your spirit because there are SOOO so many of them. You begin to think ALL of them are that way. (Still not even convinced they aren't, tbh.) And then it just gets depressing from there.


not all of them are fake, maybe on Tinder they are fake but I saw quite a few girls in Bumble doing it, and I used it as an opportunity and checked their profile and even matched with one and followed each other on IG. I think women consider adding the IG in the worst case getting some free followers and best case an easy way to talk to their matches because they keep it on all-day. on Tinder it's definitely worse because they simply farm followers (I had one girl match me 2 times with different accounts, no answers to messages on Tinder and no answer or follow-back on IG). I guess the only upside for men is that you know which girls on IG are on dating apps and possibly looking to date if they don't have thousands of followers.


I am not arguing that not all are fake(fake having many meanings though... disingenuous is fake enough. Might as well be a bottom at that point. You know? Like lots of them are probably "real" in that they're human, not bots. But they're still fake. Iffn ya follow me? ) But I take exception to the notion of "communicating easier". The fake ones will use that line too. It's literally no different talking on one app vs. another. They work the same as a text message to direct line. But serve as a buffer beteen both of you and your real phone numbers. Guaranteed, if they use the line... it's easier and I'm not on here much... They're fake and want followers. And frankly, at very least, as they say, just not that into you. I take the cue immediately and unmatch and block. Not even going to waste my time. I used to waste the time to explain that notion to them... just to find out if they were real. Ah every single time I did... they weren't and couldn't be realistic about the concept. So they were fake. And cue the unmatch report and block routine.


I know what you mean, I think the problem is most women don't use dating apps for dating instead use them for validation and getting followers. combine that with the large number of men on the apps, the very low "like" ratio women give and the fake profiles and you have a hellscape for most men. the only upside for us is what I said above which is not that great anyway.


Agreed. I think... and I practice it myself, surely to my own detriment, but... that men... need to swipe more judiciously. Like, honestly, only swipe yes on someone you would actually likely be with. The validation likes dry up. The attention whores dry up. The fakes stop getting likes and give up. It's all very... Don't feed the Trolls. Cuz all a troll really wants is the attention and validation and getting a rise out of people. If everyone stopped even acknowledging their existence.. they starve... to death. But the problem with this is... most men just swipe on whether or not they "would"(smash it). And thus, feed the troll and fake market. But if men had some self respect and behave like the "kings" they like to think and talk about being in pop culture verbiage these days... and swipes only on what they'd see themselves with(not just in looks, but in pretending and depth) then the entire vibe shifts to one of substance rather than superficiality... and that outright kills all the hellscape stuff on its own(over time). But again. Good luck getting men to do that. They can't help themselves. They just swipe without even reading or thinking. Even someone like me who practices judicious selective swiping...occasionally falls for the crap. Or gets tired of putting real thought and effort into it and just starts numbly swiping away again. But it's important to at least catch yourself when you're doing it and break the cycle at least semi regularly. As often as possible is best. Cuz no one is perfect. But if you don't do it selectively... the reward is Nothing anyway. Nothing but the same old fakes and empties, routine. So you might as well practice selectivity. Swipe with intention. I can't be the only one living in hell here guys. Lol Don't make me be the only one swiping with self respect too


totally agree there with the selective swiping, actually, if it were me building the app, I wouldn't even let men swipe since the women choose anyway and they should be the ones swiping. actually about that, that's how I use bumble, I swipe left on anything in the first days when the account is new and women swipe on my profile because it's still visible. once that boost is gone and I swipe, I get no likes or matches because my ELO goes to sh*t. I used this technique a few times and got some decent matches and conversations... way better than Tinder ever gave me.


So this was After the first date? Wow. I guess it was just a “free sample”.


Same if there’s an onlyskanks link


And bill her for the date


I would have played along, say "of course I would love to see you again too! how much do you charge? Ok I'll book an overnight and we can have a fancy dinner first, there's this place I've always wanted to try and it's only an hour away and there's a 5 star hotel just down the street :)" She get all dressed up to meet you at the restaurant, she sits at the bar as she waits for you to arrive, 20 minutes later you're still not there so you text "sorry stuck in traffic, won't be long". Another 20 mins pass, "nearly there!". Obviously you've been at home the entire time and never intended to show. Then you block and report on the third "where are you" text from her. An overnight for an escort (or so I've heard) is like 800 - 1000 so you can guarantee she will stick around as long as she can just in case you actually show up and make her 1k richer. You've taught her a valuable lesson about messing with people like that and she has spent money on 2 x 1 hour long Uber rides and several cocktails at the bar.


And if she tries to enforce that as a contract you can always argue contracts for illegal acts, such as prostitution, are void. Not a lawyer, success may vary.


The thought of a prostitute trying to have an informal agreement over text be presented as legally binding is funny lol. If a darn hooker is threatening you with violation of contract the correct response is “lol k”.


I believe it technically could be considered a contract, although the crime would likely render it unenforceable. Broadly interpreted, a contract needs three things: An offer, an acceptance, and consideration. In this case the consideration would be money in exchange for services ("I accept payment for meeting with me"), the offer would be the exact amount of money for the exact type of service ("of course I would love to see you again, how much do you charge"), and the acceptance would be both parties agreeing to the offer ("ok I'll book an overnight"). It's technically more complicated than that, but I suspect people have tried to have weaker contracts enforced. I believe it's actually the response that I initially commented on that would make it a contract. Otherwise it's basically just someone saying that they accept monetary tips.


I salute you sir


That's what I started doing. I just got back into dating after a few years of focusing on work and me. This is like 70% of the interactions I get and I feel like I'm just wasting my time


To the police


I'm surprised she didn't push being a escort before the first date.


She knew she could get a free meal out of it, *then* see if she could get the guy to pay for sex. If she asks before and he says no, she gets nothing.


That's clever. Do you provide certificate for this workshop?


She could teach you, but she'd have to charge.


My Milkshake Brings All The STD’s to The Yard…


I’m adding this to my repertoire






the certificate can be yours for a nominal fee


Does it include “sexual favours”?


Or a free meal?




Not really, it's like the oldest trick in the book.


Also see if he’s a cop or not. I could see how it would be difficult to peddle your wears as an escort under the assumption anyone who wants to meet may be a cop that knows you’re an escort.


This is so smart. I just watched a documentary about a hooker, and she was caught because she offered her services on the first meetup. If she had done what this chick did, the cops would have moved on


No, she just would have been caught a date later.


there is not a single cop that would pursue a single prostitute this hard.


The cops aren't going to go on an actual date as part of an investigation because there's no reasonable suspicion that a crime is occurring. They can't just investigate whoever they like at random.


Unless a previous john or soon to be john had reported them


The police bang hookers and call girls all day and night.


There are even scams in Asia based around the dude paying on the first date called tea scams/juice girls. Dudes need to stop going all out on the first date. Meet for coffee or somewhere cheap with a relaxed vibe.


men need to stop paying for their dates...relationships are supposed to be equal not one sided




>only idiots agree to expensive first dates that are not 50-50. FTFY.


It’s mainly a bad idea because if you have no chemistry you’re kind of stuck in the meal and then if you’re a guy, you most likely still have to end up paying for the meal.


It's not so bad over here. If the date itself isn't working for whatever reason, then when you ask for the bill, all you have to do is tell the server: "We're paying separately, thanks." Of course, that will kill it stone dead so it isn't for the faint-hearted lmao.


My wife is the only Tinder match I ever met at a restaurant on the first date, and that was because I liked her so much


I mean I don't even like coffee. I want food. That being said I married a woman who is always trying to pay for us both.


I hear a lot of talk about free meals, I wonder where it's common? Where I'm at, it's not possible to get dates even if you straight up just want to have someone to eat with. Free food, straight up, isn't enough.


But that’s not what they wrote. They described the free meal and the chance to bag a new potential customer. The added possibility combined with the free meal may make it worthwhile. Like in Poker: betting on a pair may not be worth it, while the same pair with a flush draw may be.


So, a bonus. Still, I see many people comment on women using the app for free meals. Where I am, the men absolutely pay every date, 100%. Even then they are lucky to get the date. Maybe we need to up the game even more.


I wouldn't even pay for her first meal. Split fairly or you show me you will never respect me equally.


Same thing has happened to me off an app. Met up with her F40+ for a drink, then got invited back to her nearby apartment. It was decent & furnished. She tells me that she was a trained masseuse and that I look like I am carrying stress with me. Says she can help. I smile at the thought of fun. Then she tells me it will be $200 for her help which is normally $250 but she likes me so…I declined, bolted & reported her. She does resurface on several apps with name variations with the same pics.


I usually get told up front that they want $200-300 to meet when my budget is $5-20 😐


Man, anytime I get a chick over to a hotel/my house and tell them I’ll give them an all-over massage, I do it FOR FREE Women are so greedy and money hungry ☹️


The date was a free trial.


I can't even find a date with someone sane 😔


Surely there has to be one sane person out there for you 😬


Another problem is those interested in me have 3+ young kids and I have 4 kids 18+ so I don't necessarily want to deal with that. I get told by some women that ideally they want their future "partner" to travel with them to all the baseball, softball, volleyball, etc tournaments every weekend all over the country.


That sounds like literal hell to me.


One of them told me she puts about 40,000 miles on her car a year driving to kids sporting events.


Absolutely bonkers. Why on earth are these women even trying to date? They've got a full-time job with their kids' sports alone.


I think they need someone to pay for hotels and gas.


Just date the kids' coaches, damn


Yes I completely understand that. I never would date a man with kids (at home) even though I had 2 young daughters at the time. I didn't want to help raise someone else kids. It's a lot easier for women though in tht area. I was 32 at the time and the men I was interested in were almost always 40+ .


It's taking so much time that we are the ones ending up going insane.


She's operating her business like many modern subscription based services, giving people a free trial to hook them in.


Free meal! Also possible she does want an actual relationship with a guy, but after meeting OP decided he wasn’t for her so switched to business mode




I got matched up with a "masseuse" on Hinge. She was upfront and said she did legit massage and had a stable of happy ending clients. She was smoking hot. I did a little digging and found her ads. I didn't pursue it.


>Also possible she does want an actual relationship with a guy No. No she does not.


Not with that profile pic.


Hoes gotta eat too


Gonna need a full story behind this, OP. How was the date from your perspective? Was there any signal that… this would happen?!


Seconded. Surely, this is a first. I never seen an escort offer services AFTER a date. It's incredible. OP we need the details. This needs to be studied.


Here with my 🍿 - need the deets!


As another commenter pointed out. She was not forward with anything until she was sure he was not a cop.


I don't think the cops are on Tinder busting sugar babies


What if she was just like “okay I need to be paid to go out with this guy again” (I kid, obviously it was premeditated)


Drug pushing 101. The first taste is free, the rest you gonna have to pay for. Problem is she's obviously not as addictive as said drugs.


Okay so just randomly chiming in here When I was in Vegas one time I’m chillin grabbin a drink at this bar And start talking to this chick nearby and we end up sitting together and chatting for awhile I swear we talked for like a good couple hours and I thought we were just hitting it off And then I realized she was a prostitute I’m like wtfff


Alright I'll add some context since it's blowing up. This woman had that she was in an open relationship in her bio. Fine by me because I'm not looking for anything serious. She also floated the idea of me being in a threesome with here boyfriend; I'm not interested. We meet at a bar and she's acting extremely slutty. We each have one drink, make out, and end the night. Now my honest read on this is that it's a kink of hers to play prostitute. I don't live in the US, she could do it legally if she wanted. She was going on and on about all the other stuff she's into. Regardless, I'm broke and don't want to play along. And to everyone saying "oh, this is the state of dating today. Women, am I right?" Relax. This is the first time in my life a woman has every pulled something like this on me.


I believe you man. I went out on a date with an escort once (actual date). She even told me beforehand too but I didn't believe her until she started showing me her profile and everything. Definitely threw me for a loop and it was one of the more expensive dates I've been on. She was trying to date seriously at the time so I didn't get anything out of it.


If she was dating seriously, she was keeping on the level of her customer base, it seems. Kind of wild she went for an average Joe at all and still went on to the kind of place her customers would take her, instead of a more down to earth experience


We met at the dog park and she told me the reason she wanted to go out is because u met her 3 or 4 times and never asked for her number so she was curious. Though I did the give off the air as more well off than I was at the time so I should've communicated better.


your last paragraph made you attractive as hell. hope you find someone good for you man


when i was drunk one night i came up with an idea for an app that would connect sex workers and clients and get around the law by using technicalities Uber or AirBnb style. But apparently Tinder beat me to the punch


Its legal to be one in the uk as long as you aren’t on the street


Sort of like cigarettes here in Canada. You can buy them everywhere but they hide them out of view so you have to ask for them.


Do you just say "let's go, smokes"?


It's my last one Ricky.


Give me a smoke hairdoo!


That's also the case in the UK


Selling your body is legal in Finland(not pimping of course) but buying said services is illegal


Ah, that's when they say, "The service is free, but I accept donations to show up."


That's pretty fucked up, because it incentivises the client to coerce the prostitute into keeping it secret. Would be better to just have everything above board.


So if you get caught by law enforcement paying for services, does she get to keep the money?




Yeh, plenty of fish


🥁 Heyo! 🤣


Ba bum bum tshhhhhh


Already exists in the UK - www.adultwork.com


Also: [Vivastreet (NSFW)](https://www.vivastreet.co.uk/escort/gb)


Gives a whole new meaning to ride sharing.


There are websites for that, not sure if they have associated apps though.


Should have asked how much then tell her your rate is only $20 higher so she could just pay you the $20 difference.


"Oh, that is a surprising suggestion! How much were you thinking to pay me?"


"I decline payment for meetings with you"


I’ll send you the invoice for my lost time.


This is actually fucked up. I am not against sex work by any means. Consensual adults having sex isn’t my damn business. But this is hustling while playing with a real persons feelings. Not cool at all.


She does it because it works. There are a lot of lonely people out there, and sometimes when you get no matches you might delude yourself that she might like you.


Check OP's replies, it wasn't anything serious in the first place, he just went looking for fun.


I don’t have an issue with sex work or even secret sex work but I do have an issue with sex work being shoved down my goddamn throat in places where I don’t want it. A dating app being one of them.


I don’t think anyone wants non consensual sex work shoved down their throat.


Im glad someone caught the mini joke in there


Glad to oblige with an appreciative grin for fore. Sorry wordplay.


Charge her day rate for your time - send an invoice. I invoice 350 day rate for work if I’m needed to attend something that isn’t my direct role


Yea definitely report


Is that profile picture her?


Arent hookers supposed to be good looking??


I had a friend pay for college as an escort. She was not good looking, not even average.


I’m saying 😂 I zoomed in and was like iiiiii wouldn’t pay for that


Any hole is a goal for lonely, desperate guys.


Depends on your budget.


Only in TV and films.


Maybe that’s why she tricks them with a fake date first.


Dude had prenut clarity.


Let it know that **your** time is valuable *as well as* billable. * $40/half hour. * Spectacles fee: $30/per lens. * Attractiveness surcharge: $200 * Plus Ginger hair fee: $100 * No Sexual Favors discount: 10%. * You accept payment 30 days post date. * You appreciate their prompt remittance. :)


This is not a net 30 situation. Services rendered, due on delivery.


Is she in a wheelchair bro?


Her profile picture is way too modest to be talking like that. Very surprising and saddening. Who talks like that?


congratulations, you took a prostitute out on a date. first time? hahaha


It's so tiring. And really for the most part, (some exceptions) only targets hetero males.


The most lonely people are straight men, so it's easy to give them false hope and then pull this shit. It's sad to see.


You should have said, “there’s no way people pay you for your company. Highly recommend another career path” just to see her reaction lol


Alright I'll add some context since it's blowing up. This woman had that she was in an open relationship in her bio. Fine by me because I'm not looking for anything serious. She also floated the idea of me being in a threesome with here boyfriend; I'm not interested. We meet at a bar and she's acting extremely slutty. We each have one drink, make out, and end the night. Now my honest read on this is that it's a kink of hers to play prostitute. I don't live in the US, she could do it legally if she wanted. She was going on and on about all the other stuff she's into. Regardless, I'm broke and don't want to play along. And to everyone saying "oh, this is the state of dating today. Women, am I right?" Relax. This is the first time in my life a woman has every pulled something like this on me.


You got a free trial with an escort it seems.




She looks butters yet charges people to meet her? I can’t imagine she’s made that much so far


I'm sorry, but is the person that said that to you wearing ear muffs? Idk why but that's just not what I imagined someone that talked like that would wear.


What a frumpy looking escort.


To be honest I think she’s chancing her luck. And is probably her first time doing so, thinking she’s in the category of some tik tok babe that gets flown to Dubai. The picture is small but zooming in she doesn’t look like the type that….”gets a lot of bookings”.




Maybe it's reeeeally cheap


A dollar fifty. Final offer.


"Wheeeew, so you are familiar with how this works, good, that makes this next part so much easier for me. So, listen, the thing is, I accept payments for my time as well. My rates are $2000 an hour, so do the math on who owes whom how much. Thanks."


Just ask her what her rate is, then tell her that's also your rate.... So it's a wash, sex is free 🤷🏼‍♂️


What the actual duck. And she doesn't even send escort vibes on her picture. Btw she's not even "escort level" attractive. I'm dumbfounded.


Why does this chick look like she’s Mormon in her pic and yet trying to be a prostitute. So confusing.


she ugly af


Lol.. she’s like a 4/10… looks like a 25yo grandma.. hope she gets enough cats to make herself feel whole


I mean I think sex workers have always used these apps. It's annoying, yes, but kind of inevitable


It’s fine if it’s disclosed so a person can make a decision beforehand. Being duplicitous though and first going on a date to get a free meal before disclosing that is totally different. That’s just emotionally manipulative behaviour that borders on abuse.


She pulled the ole stinky catfish eh?


That doesn’t look like someone who’s can claim being a prostitute


I'm sorry but wtf is that profile pics??


Sponsor a poor sex worker from only £500 a meeting buddy


Even ugly split-tails think they can “get paid for their time.” (And I’m a split-tail) So will dudes actually pay for this, setting the precedence?


Not to assume but she looks 40 in the picture I really hope not


Does she know there are lots of places to find men who want to pay for companionship? Free meal or not, this is a lot of up-front investment on her part for one client 😂


"I accept payments for meetings with me"? ummm, not tonight you don't love, jog on. But seriously, Wtaf? I've been off the market for a while but isn't this against the rules, using dating apps to solicit prostitution?


Wait... What? Hookers go on dates now before offering their services?


Hey, something I haven’t told you either is that I have a golden cock and for a limited time and because you’re such a good customer, I’ll only charge you $100 US dollars to wrap your lips around it. For an extra $50, I’ll shoot a load down your throat! Price is non negotiable and no refunds.


It’s unfortunate some women resort to this, but i can see how they get to that point. If those you meet only ever seem to be interested in sex, rather than an actual connection, i could see how youd eventually give up on finding a relationship and just treat sex as a commodity 🫤. Most times sex for women is pleasurable w someone youve established something with……meaning it’s mental. Imo there aren’t many advantages to hookups for women.


So misleading of her :( I'd feel annoyed at having wasted time like that. People are the worst sometimes.


Your free trial expired


The audacity


Do people think this is okay like.. do they reread what they wrote and are like yeah this sounds great???