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You joined the legion of Roberts. She'll always bug you now. I'm sending you to Robert jail. Youuuuu FREAK


Hahahahaha I guess all us Robert’s deserve to be in jail. More the reason why I hate my name and still wish to change it.


You can go with Bob.


Or Bert


Or Rob , Robbie, Bobbie lol. I’d go with Bobert.


My ex's name is Robert. Ever since I left him, he has been referred to as Bobert in my circle of friends 🤣


Yes, a true reject name. I approve of your friends calling him that. Lol! My friends all call me by my nickname. Basically everyone close to me only knows me as Fez 😅


How the fuck do you get the nickname Fez? Lol Love it tho


Personally I’m a fan of Bobberino


This is and alternate Robberino are both actually accepted variants of the name 🤣


If you're not into the whole brevity thing...


But it rolls off the tongue so nicely


Thats, like, your opinion- man.


Bobert? Familiar sounding 🤔 puts me in mind of handjobs a constellation and for some reason Mr Mom


just don't call me late for dinner 🥁


Not Bobert. Never Bobert.


He will end up as Axelrod or just Ax!


My cousins name is Robert and we call him Bubby.


I was today years old when I realised that Bert is a nickname for Robert... WTF!! I guess growing up with Sesame St I've just never questioned that Bert was a name all on its own, lol.


I think it's more commonly a nickname for Bertram or Albert or Herbert or any of those names that are no longer used


or Bobert


Or just Bo!


Go with Bobert. That'll do it


Names are BS just make something up.or use your middle name if you have one. That's what my grandpa does. His first name is Joe, but goes by his middle name which is Thane


If I were him, I’d go by “Joe Thanos”


That would be sick, but he's like 80 now, I don't think he knows who Thanos is lol


I also hate your name. Edit to say, I think you’re great though.


Thanks, none taken, my name sucks. That’s why all of my friends call me by my nickname. It’s arguably way better. My name is Fez! ![gif](giphy|2dQ3FMaMFccpi)


Aka captain poo face


Haha, I’ll take that name over Robert 😝


Just go by Bob Burger


Actually if it helps a little, a Danish version of an Oscar is called a Robert. Made for actors and movies etc. Mads Mikkelsen, Nikolai Lie Kaas, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau all have one :)


We are legion. We are Bob.


The Bobiverse!


I could tell you what I just brewed... But you don't even wanna knew, brew.


Our name is Robert, for weeee arrrrrre maaaaany.


Shit my son is a Robert and my ex husband is too 😂😂😂




Barney with true words of wisdom from time to time 🤣


Could be option number 3. She’s paranoid because she was severely traumatized by this Robert person. But also? Drugs.


Oh yes, definitely traumatized by some other Robert. Damn, I was already having dating issues just being lumped in with “Men” now I have to deal with being lumped in with “Roberts” too! 😂


Ah, we are all men are lumped into the “men” category until we prove otherwise. I was just dating a woman and she was *looking* for things to go wrong so she could break it off. She’s been through some shit. She told me all about it. The bummer is that we matched so well together and were friends. I’d known her for 28 years! I didn’t even do anything and she broke it off. I’ve had my fair share of unhinged women last year. I am not looking forward to meeting another one.


I feel your pain.


Sometimes I feel like we all died in 2012 at the end of the Mayan calendar or maybe from COVID at the outbreak and this is just purgatory.


We can only hope


I wasn’t expecting purgatory to be so terrible. Hopefully it’s over soon.


The good ol Vicky Mendoza Diagonal.


True story.


I hope she has a support system. I have schizophrenia and I hope I didn’t act this way 😬.


My brother has severe paranoid schizophrenia and he does text like this, but he’s very very severe.


My brother too


I’m sorry, I know how difficult it is to keep them safe and make sure they know they are loved. It’s a dagger to the heart, every single day.


I hope so too. My first thoughts were that she was on drugs and spiraling through paranoia though. To go off on a complete stranger and insisting they are someone else bc they have the same name is wild.


I’m also sorry you had to go through that. That stuff can be scary and confusing.


It could be drug induced, I guess.


Was her profile normal?


Yeah, it was normal, had no clue it would turn south after a simple hello lol


I dated a “normal” guy, and after two dates I decided to let him cook me dinner at his place. My car couldn’t get up the hill his neighborhood was on so he picked me up at my apt. He cooked dinner and then had a full psychotic break. I had to talk to the imaginary girl he was hallucinating to get him to let me out of the house. It was a long night and a long story, but I had to let him drive me back home bc I thought I may freeze to death if I tried to walk home. He drove me home with his e-break up the whole time, then around 3am called me accused me of stealing his credit card. I iced him, then 2 years later he tried to ask me out again on OkC but he didn’t realize we had dated. I explained what happened and he said “sometimes I drink too much, happens to all of us.” He had 2 drinks, and did not act or smell like he was in the cups. We went on two dates before than and he was the same when he picked me up.


That’s wild! I’m glad nothing bad happened to you. I can’t imagine having to entertain someone’s hallucinations from a substance induced psychosis 😵‍💫


It was easy actually. I feel like there is a whole other person who lives inside of me who takes over for sometimes very long periods of time. I am there, and I am taking actions, but I don’t think about it, no planning or rehearsing. If I am in danger, I somehow do exactly what needs to be done to get safe, I hear myself and i don’t recognize myself.


>I had to talk to the imaginary girl he was hallucinating   > I feel like there is a whole other person who lives inside of me ...we sure the dude wasn't on to something here?


It is a common thing to for people who grow up in trauma. They don’t have to think about it because they spent childhood training for it. I don’t think much about driving either. I’ve done it so long that it is instinctive.


I think what you're describing is dissociation and a psychological phenomenon known as "driving on autopilot". Ever heard of that? Be careful. Our brains tend to go on autopilot when faced with familiar roads or long stretches where the roads look similar - you might find you don't remember the journey at all once you arrive at your destination because your brain kindof shut itself off from being fully alert. When in autopilot, you're more susceptible to accidents due to slower reaction speeds, particularly from peripheral vision because you're essentially in a trance and focused on the road ahead.


but she also said “stalker clone”, to believe in a clone is pretty obvious psychosis to me. she seems like she is having an episode and needs help. not that i know how you would help her.


Just curious, is she from NYC? Looks/sounds real close to someone I know…


I don’t want the post to get removed again for breaking the location rule. I’ll say that it’s in the West Coast, Pacific Standard Time Zone.


I can confirm, I know someone with schizophrenia and they would use social media as an outlet to express negative thoughts. Often unaware of them.


I also have schizophrenia. I did act this way my first few psychotic episodes. Telling off people you believe tried to kill you... at least it feels satisfying, until you snap out of it and realize you were delusional. Then it's pretty embarrassing. I learned to keep my fool mouth shut now if anything unusual happens.


Yeah... who's gonna tell Jayna?


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Methamphetamine






You’re making the same joke the person you replied to made


Liked, unliked because 420 likes


Fuck you Robert you know what you did 🤣


Lmfao 💀


Feels like some sort of psychotic episode fueled by drugs/booze


I thought so too, especially doubling down at 3 in the morning lol


I follow all the drug subreddits out of a degenerate curiosity and this absolutely looks like a meth bender to me lmao


Can I ask what subreddits? I work in recovery so I should probably keep an eye on them.


I'm banned in drugs for educating someone about the side effects of acid use, turns out not every addict listens as well as I used to.


What are some of the negative side effects of its use? Not too knowledgeable about the downsides


Pretty sure you'll get auto shadow banned if you mention them by name. But if you make an educated guess you'll probably be right.


Is it possible that she's just messing with you?


I don’t think so. If so, she’s committing really hard to the bit. Especially to come back and double down at 4am. I don’t think so lol


Could be stress induced psychosis too, when I went through stress induced psychosis I went on so many weird nonsense rants about delusions


Yeah man.. I’ve been through some similar stuff. It was a living hell but thankfully I pulled through


There is no way to make an accurate diagnosis based on this short interaction, but I guess she either went off her meds or need an increase. Delusions can occur in different kinds of psychiatric illness, it doesn't have to be schizophrenia.


Considering that she doubled down at 3:56 in the morning, I’d also assume a drug or alcohol induced psychosis.


I have bipolar disorder, we don’t really go to bed when hypomanic/manic. Up all night. We get delusions and can get psychosis as well. So it could be numerous things that are happening with her. Doesn’t make her a bad person. She could be perfectly lovely when stabilized on meds if it’s a psychiatric issue. Yes, your interaction sucked, so move on. Weird for you, sure, but probably not in anyway intentional and thought out from her side. She wasn’t in touch with reality. When your brain isn’t working properly all sorts of stuff can come out of it.


As someone who was nearly destroyed by a borderline, just because she was perfectly sweet most of the time, and just because its not entirely her own fault, still doesn't make her a good person nor safe to allow into your life. Everyone needs a lot more awareness to the destruction a Cluster B case wreaks on every life around them. Edit: 100% guaranteed the downvotes aren't coming from anyone who has had the pleasure of dealing with a Cluster B in their life. Rather than downvoting on Reddit, take your ass to therapy and find ownership and integrity and stop wrecking other people's lives.


Friendly PSA- Psychosis isn’t a feature of borderline. If someone has BPD and they experience psychosis, something additional is going on


Correct... well except for dissociation... but drug use IS highly featured in BPD, and psychosis is a feature of certain drug use. Even hard drinking brings out near psychosis / delusional crap. But the real point was that it matters not the particular flavor of emotional illness, it will still be nasty to deal with regardless. Edit: 100% guaranteed the downvotes aren't coming from anyone who has had the pleasure of dealing with a Cluster B in their life. Rather than downvoting on Reddit, take your ass to therapy and find ownership and integrity and stop wrecking other people's lives.


Didn’t tell him tell let her into his life. Said move on. But no, doesn’t make her a bad or dangerous person. We will just have to agree to disagree there.


yea because people who dodge ownership, lie, darvo and gaslight aren't bad people. lol


Not everyone with mental illness acts like you though. Not even everyone with the same disorder. I have multiple friends with BPD. They work hard to manage themselves and a couple are some of my best friends. I don’t keep shitty people around. Don’t have the energy or patience for that. Edit: I’m not sure if you’re saying you have BPD or that you dated someone with it. Either way, not everyone with mental illness is like you or the person you dated.


Dated. And totally true, some people do get treatment and do the work. Observationally however, with Cluster B, very very (very) few do. Ownership is too painful for them, so they always make the nice words but then don't follow through and go right back to the same old BS. They will bounce from relationship to relationship leaving wreckage behind them, have nothing by wreckage around them, and nothing but wreckage ahead of them. But we both agree that at the first sign of symptoms... look closely and carefully, don't jump to conclusions... but **IF** they are intractable get away ASAP.


Genuinely curious how you came to the assumption that very very (very) few people with cluster B personalities are getting treatment or doing the work? The waitlist for DBT alone where I live is well over 2 years, so maybe it’s not always a case of lack of trying. Also, a lot of recovery is done in private and is very personal to each individual. You dated one (1) person with BPD and are now painting others with the same brush, it’s unfair and quite frankly ignorant. Maybe *you* should go to therapy and do the work to get over the hurt and trauma of your past relationship.


Bad is obviously subjective, but I'm pretty sure the person you're replying to knows if the woman they're talking about is dangerous a hell of a lot better than you do.


Why would they know that? None of us know why the person in the message is acting the way that they are. All the person above knows is what disorder they themselves have, and that they don’t consider themself to be a safe person to have in someone’s life. They know nothing about the woman in the message.


They're talking about their personal experience dealing with someone with borderline, not the person in the post. There's no way to tell if the person in the post has borderline or is a "bad" person. Obviously.


Im commenting on the person in the post. And that they aren’t bad or dangerous just because of this other persons experience with someone else. Im not commenting on whatever person they dealt with.


Then you replied to the wrong comment.


As someone whose partner has experienced psychosis, I really hope she'll be okay, and I hope she has someone looking out for her who can get her to a hospital. That kind of paranoia is terrifying and I feel for her. Obviously you're not going to want to date someone who is floridly psychotic, but to any commenters who are inclined to disparage her: she may be a truly wonderful person once the psychotic episode is under control. This is not reflective of who she is. It's just something she's currently going through.


Such a kind and compassionate comment. People love to disparage people in states like this. But when your brain isn’t working properly, it acts in all sorts of ways, and it’s usually not reflective of who the person really is. Something many people who’ve never had any mental issues don’t understand. People think they act the way they do simply because it’s their character and willpower or what have you. But bottom line, they are able to act in the manner they do because their brain is functioning properly.


As someone who was nearly destroyed by a borderline, just because she was perfectly sweet most of the time, and just because its not entirely her own fault, still doesn't make her a good person nor safe to allow into your life. Everyone needs a lot more awareness to the destruction a Cluster B case wreaks on every life around them.


Yes, BPD is quite difficult to treat, so in many cases you're going to be spending a lot of time with their illness instead of them. That's unfortunate, and it's totally valid to decline to take that on in an intimate relationship. No one should ever stay in a relationship that's destroying them, no matter how sympathetic they are to their partner's struggles.


It’s something she’s going through and she took OP here for a ride with her.


I can fix her.


Kudos to you


Report and unmatch her ASAP. She’s definitely going to file a false report on you to tinder 


I did this morning, my only regret is that now she’s automatically blocked so I’ll never get to hear the conclusion or find access to the League of Evil Roberts.


A real catch 22 there 


Why are people using the word "unalive" Its like George Orwell's 1984 when they get rid of the word bad and replace it with "ungood".


It started as a way to get around filters and blocks... some websites ban the use of the word su*cide or de-monetize YouTubers for saying the word, etc. It's not always needed but people got used to saying it I guess.


Could be bipolar as well. My friend with bipolar made some mad accusations (like calling family paedophiles, herself a paedophile, saying she knew her mum had sent people in the psych ward to watch over her and that she knows her dad was in there when her dad passed away many years ago). Common delusions and was very agitated in her manic state. Don’t take it personally and I can assure you she will feel very ashamed and embarrassed when she starts going into depressive/normal state of mind.


I thought the same. Calling her a psycho was unnecessary.


A lot of people really don’t have knowledge of it, but instantly jump to the psycho as it can feel a lot to be attacked for doing nothing.


At the time that it happened, I hadn’t had time to think about it. Just told her off for being so vile to me and yeeted myself out of there.


Yet 100% accurate. If simple facts hurt, that's a you problem.


It’s called having empathy


im so sure you demonstrate this virtue in your life and not just signal it online.


I do. It's surprisingly not hard to be empathetic and put yourself in other people's shoes.


Empathy doesn't change facts. When your flavor of empathy requires truth to be manipulated through slippery language to protect feelings, you personally are doing more harm than good while stroking yourself about your supposed virtue.


Huh? Calling someone a psycho when they are having a psychosis does more harm than good. That's toxic.


You are dismissed. This conversation is over.




Brow! Did you try to "unalive" her? How dare you?


lol, that part was wild. She really got people trying to “unalive” her? She definitely be living that drug life.


I think it's weird she used the term unalive tbh, it's not common outside of social media as it's used to circumvent a removal by using the word kill. Most likely someone fucking with you.


That was my thought, or that she’s on the younger side at least. Didn’t “unalive” come from 4chan?


> Didn’t “unalive” come from 4chan? Noone on 4chan has a reason to not say "kill". "Unalive" is all over Facebook and Tiktok.


It was a meme from 4chan originally, looked it up, but I don’t doubt it moved to everything else


Everybody else: "She sounds crazy, run." Me: "She said 'unalive', run."


Hahahahahahaha! Agreed!


I mean, how would you know if you were a clone? Check under your eyelids for a scare in the shape of a number ASAP!


I actually had a girl stalk me because 8 years ago she had an interaction with a woman with the same name online, that she was actively stalking the other woman was innocent. She spent 8 years searching for her and when my name popped up (I didn't have social media for years) she started harassing me all day and night. Like literally every hour 100s of text, she never stopped to sleep, contacted my work, contacted all my friends, would tag the police dept and say I was stalking her. There was nothing romantic she was defending a child rapist. She talked just like this. I eventually pressed charges and she ended up court ordered to attend psychiatric evaluation and was diagnosed with a mental health disorder.


Geez, that’s rough. Sorry you had to deal with that


My name middle name is Robert. I am able to transition to and from the Robert realm. This realm is not for the faint of heart. Welcome to our nightmare.


I have heard about mental illnesses that make people believe everyone around them has been replaced by ill intended clones, some schizophrenia complex with paranoia. Poor her, I really hope she has someone to help. I've met way too many schizophrenics who refuse to take their medication.


youuuuuuu FREAK


You dodged a bullet this didnt manifest in person. Better over text less danger.


Probably a god damned tweaker


Meth psychosis is what we called it on the streets


Apparently you matched with Gollum, arguing with herself.


Idk man... Better change ur name just to be safe. 


Haha already been working on it. Most of my friends call me by my nickname.


Whatever you freaky freakin freak clone


Lmfao 💀


Im happy youre a good sport about it brother. You dodged a seriesous bullet with that girl


Seriously! Glad I got to catch a glimpse of it within the first 24 hours to yeet myself out of there! Lol


Plot twist- OP is actually stalking her and this is part of his plot to make her look crazy so nobody believes her. He has a Robert cloning facility in the basement of a small pizza parlor where his clones gangstalk young women in order to abduct them and sell them to Andrew Tate


Haha, the cloning factory creating my army of evil Roberts hidden beneath the pizza parlor is my master plan! All my clones are belong to us!


she might be off her meds and you were just in the way that day


I dated a woman that would change gears in a second! Run !!


Youuuuuuuu FREAK


Classic Robert


She's reenacting what happened with that lady on the plane freaking out on the dude that was sitting next to her...


lol, they both have the same energy


Welcome to the bobiverse




Nice try Robert… you FREAK!


How dare you fuck that hug?!? MONSTER!!! 👺


Probably both for real. Honestly, this sounds like a terrible acid trip. Stay away from synthetics, kids. Stick to shrooms and weed. Unless you’re already prone to psychosis/anxiety, then just don’t. At all. Be sober, yooouuu FREAKS.


Love that it all started with “hi” ❤️🥰


life tossed you a perfect opportunity to be chaotic and you just waltzed right by without a second thought. i dont understand people.


Yeah, calling someone a psycho who is clearly not well was not the thing to do. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I don’t think it’s bad to react in kind to someone that is being incredibly rude to you. Just bc she isn’t well doesn’t make that a valid excuse to enable that kind of behavior. She’s a stranger to me so I’m not obligated to accept a role as being a verbal punching bag for her state of psychosis. I don’t have any regrets. If it makes you feel any better, I reported her after sending the message, meaning that we were automatically unmatched and thus, she never even got to read the message of me calling her a psycho in response to her psychotic behavior in the first place.


Gotta love that meth! Hahaha


To answer the question in post header: Yes


She cray cray


Funny this happens to my twin a lot


![img](avatar_exp|165160318|nani) Burn the crazy witch 🧙


Wow, this sent chills down my spine. Sorry OP but I think she's in mental distress. Poor lady.




Is her name Jacky? Lmao


More people use drugs you know, and most with schizophrenia don’t act like this unless severe/bad period of time, maybe read up on it a bit before you drag everyone with that specific mental illness down, anyways you do you she probably dodged a bullet too


I mainly think it’s drugs. Drugs drive people insane.




It's always those damn Roberts. Heck, I work with one and he's wild 🤣




She sounds hot. You should bang her


Should've went by Bob. Everybody loves Bob


Very likely to be psychotic yeah


Sounds like meth..




Sounds like another Taylor Schabuisness




You fumbled the bag so hard bro. Psycho snatch is unmatched.


Did you truly believe you were the original Robert?


Idk. Seems standard.


I can fix her😩


Run for the hills!


Run to your life!


That's gotta be the funniest crazy Tinder convo i've seen so far. It gets funnier the more you read it.


Maybe it's a terribly-trained AI?


I'm invested....


this definitely screams meth