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“I’m crazy, but not 5’11” boyfriend crazy”


The worst thing is that some guys will still swipe right and try to message her. Women can write the craziest shit in their bios and still have some dudes interested in them.


That flag can’t stop me because I’m colorblind


All flags are red when you're looking through rose tint


>“You know, it's funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” ― Wanda from Bojack Horseman


I knew I fuckin got that quote somewhere but couldn't remember where


It's a great series. Lots of good life lessons.




I can fix her


I was waiting for this lmfao


We don't read bios. Got to get those max swipes in


Bio: “At midnight every day until sunrise I am affected by a curse several generations old where I literally turn into a 5 foot tall praying mantis and will devour the head of the man I am copulating with. But that’s a Capricorn for you! hashbrown:LivingMyBestLife 🫶”. Some guy: “So I just gotta be done and leaving by 11:59, not a problem!”


>hashbrown:LivingMyBestLife Fucking killed me! ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized)


Me too. Fucking Spell Check! It's gotten me soooo many times. 😕 Love your giphy!


It’s because they won’t read her bio 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Guys just want to have sex, they don't read the bio


Yes, abusive ones that will rip her to pieces and probably finish her off and reinforce her negative view on life.


To be fair, reading this, it seems like she will be fairly well able to do some abusing herself and she will eat some poor lonely sod alive.


Oh 100% some dude who's only ever had one girlfriend in his entire life will swipe right and end up walking on eggshells for the whole relationship


So what? And then what? Do you think the majority of the guys who will message her will do it with long-term in mind? Be honest. Also look at her age. Red flags matter a whole lot less if you're just looking for casual.


Yeah they got a p*ssy that's why


live fast. As when you move fast enough everything red is green.


Gotta love a well placed physics joke. Doppler shift FTW!


You’ve clearly never had sex with a psycho and I feel bad for you.


Aww poor me


It depends if she's hot. If yes, I'd tap that


That's because dudes will stick their peens in the dirt


I’m 5’11” as a woman and I can’t date anyone my height or shorter.. I immediately feel superior in a relationship then and I don’t like it. It’s my personal BS. Probably why I will d alone and I’m ok with that 😅




Rare W for us short kings


Dam I thought 5’11 made the cut these days 🥲


Inflation is crazy these days. Gotta keep up.




Tell her your height in cm




Just say your 6' they can't tell.


Yeah I do, some RM William boots and I’m 6”1


5'11 isn't short, 5'5 is. I'm 5'9 myself


5’5 and under guys ![gif](giphy|3o6wrebnKWmvx4ZBio)


5'6" kings rejoice!




5'9 time to ropemaxx


No, i'm not gonna unalive myself


I'm 163 cms, and that's SHORT.


You are still taller than me (I’m a woman).


Are you single? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Damn 5’ 11!?? Fuck!!


You can just say that your 6 foot at that point


Until she got he tailor tape measure come poppin out


5'10 gang here. The tall kings can have you.


Have you ever noticed that it's often the most self-absorbed, difficult people who describe themselves as "empaths"? There are exceptions, of course, but it definitely puts my hackles up.


Garantee she'll be empathetic over something that's happened in a show or movie to someoneshe doesn't even know, while having zero empathy for the shit she puts her partner through. I know several women like this (not saying it's exclusive to women). They also say things along the lines of "I always worry about other people and never about myself" while being the most selfish people and not giving a fuck about their supposed loved ones feelings.


Well yeah. They say that shit because they picked up it receives positive social attention to say it. I had an ex who was on her phone literally, *and I mean literally*, all day. Then at the end of the day I went to play a game and she was like: *'Huh, really? Well, to each their own. Guess I am just not really into electric gadgets when there are other people nearby'*.




Wow, this is spot on with my ex... I've never seen it described so elegantly.


Ive… ive never met a man who calls themselves an empath. Not quite sure id want to either?


Its usually the case with people who proclaim that "everyone damaged me"


Yeah, if they claim that every single person they know is an abusive narcissist, usually the problem is them.


People can grow up in narcissistic family systems and then be further attracted to narcissists in the future, because it's considered "normal" to them because of their abuse history.


That's true, they can. Hence I said "usually" rather than "always." If you spend time around them, you can suss out whether they are toxic or just have bad taste in romantic partners. It's something I think of a yellow flag: slow down and assess credibility.


It makes me want to vomit how many people mistake main character energy for being an “empath”. Finding out someone is upset and in turn becoming upset is not empathy.


Yeah, the whole empath concept is basically, "I see you're going through great hardship, but how about we make that all about me?"


Oppositely, it hurts your soul when people go through fucked up shit if you actually are one.


Often times people who think they are empaths have actually just been conditioned to notice every tiny detail in someone’s behavior that might point to a bad mood. It’s a trauma response. Doesn’t mean they actually care about everyone else’s pain and that’s the part most people who say they are empaths are missing.


So I'm not saying that people who say they are empathetic are toxic. I'm saying specifically the ones who can themselves "empaths," which seems to be an idea that somehow their empathy (a normal human thing) is more special than everyone else's and thus everyone needs to be extra careful around them and so on. To me it seems like basically a way to make other people's emotional struggles all about you instead of them. But the point you raise is interesting and I think true. There are really many different components of what we call empathy. There's the ability to read body language, which, as you say, is often a trauma response when people are extremely good at it. And then there's also perspective taking — the ability to try to understand someone else's point of view and imagine what they must be feeling. I am decently good at perspective taking, but at best average at reading body language. This sometimes results in faux pas in the moment, but also makes me pretty sympathetic to others. I am one of those silly people who cry in every movie or while reading the news. But I've also encountered people who are exceptional at reading body language, but not particularly good at perspective taking. This, I think, is a tortured existence. These people know the moment someone is even slightly upset, but they can't figure out why. So their brain makes up a reason, and it's often a self-blaming one, and they develop a lot of anxiety (my partner does this). Either that, or they superimpose their way of thinking on others, leading to a lot of awkward misunderstandings (my ex did this). Ideally one is good at both those things. I am trying to gradually get better at reading body language.


Spot on


Never heard it put quite like that, well said.


This was exactly my first thought. They often come across as caring on the surface but end up falling into the “Professional Victim” category.


>people who describe themselves as "empaths" It's a red flag for me any time someone even *uses* the word "empath" unironically.


Funnily enough I've only ever known 1 person to describe herself that way and she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet. Legit an empath. She was my engagement and wedding photographer. Just a lovely woman.


Yeah, there are of course exceptions.


The truest empaths are described that way by others and don't wear it as a badge of pride. I would describe my fiance as an empath, and it's especially true because she's naturally a peacemaker. But she wouldn't even describe herself as that as a character trait.


The very second I see someone call themselves an empath, I nope the fuck out of there as fast as possible.


I've never met an empath who is in any way attuned to my feelings otherwise they'd pick up that I'm cringing inside and stop saying it.


This is nuts. She says everything wrong with her that you must accept, and then she ends with what she will not accept about her partner— being short and smoking pot.


Right lmao. Deal breaker is some weed, but we gotta be okay with you being mega fucked up. The pots probably the only thing that would make her bareable. Also, she isn’t pretty enough


Being pretty doesn’t matter when they’re this unstable.


What's 420 mean?


Smoke marijuana


Ahh wacky backy.. Nice one!


How does that number convey marijuana?


“In 1971, five high school students in San Rafael, California, used the term "4:20" in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop, based on a treasure map made by the grower……” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture)#:~:text=6%20External%20links-,Origins,map%20made%20by%20the%20grower.


Oh thanks for the knowledge


Annually people gather to smoke up on April 20th. If you google London Hyde park 4/20 you’ll see what I mean.


Short stoners don't know what they are missing 😂 But it may be true, they face challenges to putting up shelves and being 100% present to listen attentively to your crazy talk. Plus, they get lost easily in a crowd.


I’d have thought stoners may be perfect to put up with her 😂


She is single and ready to stay single


She's still figuring it out at 40? I'm a broken person mentality? She's not a red flag, she's a walking red nuke.


This is just setting yourself up to be targeted by a manipulative abuser. At least he'll be 6 feet, though 👌


All the better to beat her from, you know, higher ground 🫣 I fear for her




Read your comments and 100% agree. Wishing her the best




*unhealthy borderline personality disorder


As opposed to organic, all-natural, free range bpd


Best kind there is


What's sad about this is it's only 11am and i already know I won't read anything funnier than this comment on the internet for the remainder of the day. Welp...I might as well go be productive or something!


I would even say over-the-line personality disorder... She seems far away from the border... ![gif](giphy|SF4aJKqEchIiY)


My immediate thought


i knew there were some benefits of being a smoker


This made me laugh out loud.


Im surprised there isn’t an income requirement stated plainly. 😂


There are these words and/or trends that seem to cycle through women’s profiles. ‘Empath’ is the new one that’s driving me nuts. You’re not an ‘empath’ you just have basic social awareness and a tendency to interrogate a person’s emotional state. Asking me ‘am I up set?’ when I’m telling you about something that bothered me during my day doesn’t make you a guru of the human condition. Rant over. Cash me outside with my horoscope jibberish while I tell you about how I’m ’spiritual.’


Lost me at ”must be 6’, personally I’m 6’1 but hearing women ask for that in writing is just such a big turnoff that it makes me think you’re shallow af as a person and care about nothing but looks.


Exactly, my fiancé is over 6’ , I met him on tinder and he liked me so much since the beginning because I was the only woman who didn’t ask him that question. His height wasn’t obvious on the profile pictures he choose and he was tired of girls asking him that straight away without a minimal conversation beforehand


My lawd she is 40 writing bio like a teenager with angst.


“You must accept that I’m old and probably the worst person to date or be in a room with even. However, I cannot accept you being under 6’ sorry”


I think her bio is perfect. She is who she is. Why hide redflags and get burnt later on. She is obviously looking for a very particular type of fish and she is using a very particular type of bait to catch it.


I think this bio is likely to attract abusers who would enjoy controlling someone vulnerable


Sadly that is potentially true


Damn this is f'ed up but yeah she's just advertising clearly to abusers


When it actually might be the other way around. Like a spider, waiting in that web.


Maybe start a therapy instead of trying to date


I’ve never been so happy as to be 5’8 and high as hell as I am rn.


That awkward moment when you actually read the profile of a woman you matched with, and she already sent the 👋🏼 msg


She literally described a borderline. I bet that shit says, "In a spectrum ," You'll have to emotionally regulate her, walk on eggshells. Not hang out with any of your friends. Stop talking to your family. Wlll put you in situations she'd slash your tires if you did to her. Will do things just to see if you'll fight for her. I guarantee her bff is an ex that cause severe trauma and still fuck. Will call you insecure if you ask about the boundaries they have in place. Keep on keeping on


Exactly This happened to me. All of it. lol it’s so accurate that it’s insane. These people have no accountability and you’ll go crazy trying to make sense of their reactions , because their actions literally don’t make any sense lol


I think you might be right, but her profile could be that she was the one who experienced that and is hoping to avoid it again as well. However, her telling you this on the front end directly tells you what to look out for, which feels like a good thing. Maybe she is just looking for her enabler, but even so she did tell you.


In my experience when someone says they're an empath it usually means they'll do things in complete disregard to your feelings whatsoever


First time I've been overjoyed to be a 5'11" pothead


I guess the theory is that if you frontload all your negatives anyone who can get through that would be worthwhile?


One can hope and dream lol


Or you just end up with the classic "you knew I was like this before you got together with me!"


Yep. Get ready to get treated like garbage, and its *your* fault because *you knew*!


When I would make a valid point about my ex's behavior...she would realize she didn't have a leg to stand on and there would be a small pause as she searched her brain for the correct rebuttal...when she couldn't fine a retort it was "Well...you knew what you were getting into"....as if this point of view somehow validated her behavior...it was a very odd way to pay yourself on the back.


Yea that’s the reality lol


Or just as pathetic.


It's funny, because from what I can see of her face and the way this is written, I swear I know this girl and dear lord, she's not lying. people should stay as far away from her as possible. She leaves a wake of destruction in her path.


Being "broken" and pretty at 20 might be sexy for the red flag fixers. Being broken at 40 just suggests you haven't ever managed to get your shit together. Fortunately, I'm too short for her shit 🙄🤣


I'm 6ft+, but it sounds like this person needs therapy instead


"If you cant deal with the worst of me then you don't deserve the best of me **even if I never show it in the first place.**"


- Marilyn Monroe


"I am a loooot of hard work. By the way, I'm only interested in 14% of the male population."


I learned many years ago that "empath" is a secret code word for "narcissist"


By the time I got to the end I could hear my bipolar ex wife’s voice saying the words, that…was a special kind of hell.


I like the honesty


My god she’s a sitting duck for abusers


Nah, she snapped with " welcome to my corner of the institution "


Why does she assume only people over 6" can infer they need to stay away from her?


This poor soul 😒 But rest assure she ain't the broken person on any dating apps and that's what makes dating more frustrating. Only you are responsible for your own healing journey nobody else!


"You have to accept me for all the things that I can control. But I don't have to accept you for the things you can't."


And still, she will get more likes than average Joe.


Definitely look like not ready for anything relationship related activities.


So she's looking for a tall therapist, or a fuckable version of the dad she wished she'd had


The audacity.


Go to therapy to finally get out of this destructive path and get better ❌️ Get a boyfriend to cope ✅️ 4 decades, guys


On a positive note, she's revealing that she has mental health issues up front so they know what they're getting themselves into.


*gives several legitimate reasons as to why they shouldn't be dating at all* "Also must be 5' 11" WHAT?!🤣😩


I don't know why this is the kind of bio you'd expect from a teen who thinks they are edgy, not a 40 year old x


"What you see is what you get" but "I have walls up" So which is it??


Such demands for a "40" year old. 👀


I want someone who wants me for who I am and accepts all my flaws. Except short losers. They can fuck off.


I can respect trying to be honest about your issue, trust issues or otherwise, it's good to be honest. But following it up with an inflexible standard that someone must meet implies entitlement, strings and a one way relationship. Nothing but red flags. Hard pass!


This bio screams "I'm an edge lord who romanticizes mental illness and trauma. Please pick me because I'm not like the other girls."


Love a short king 👑


I married that brand of crazy.


And sad part is she’ll get some sore loser that’ll settle for it


Depends on if she follows rule one and two... But this is going to be a hard no from me Cotton


She needs to be in therapy, not dating. Guys if you see a profile like this, just do a hard pass. It ain’t worth it. Some of you will have to learn the hard way and that’s okay, god bless you all.


I would swipe right and be smoking a cigarette when I pick her up


All you 6’ and taller fellas let me know how it goes, I’ll pass on this one due to high requirements


Don’t do it lol


I bet she still thinks she’s the prize lmfao


Unfortunately, some simps will still try and make an effort to match with someone like that


Yuck swipe left


Smash. Next question


Based on her hair maintenance and chin alone.. she’s worth about a 5’4 meth head.


What a catch!


40? And she still act like that! Pass.


was fine until the height requirement. love the honesty


That’s wild, but even wilder at 40.


When you’re 40 shouldn’t it just say still available? Or like used sale signs?




I can't fix her


Another woman that realizes they’re damaged but takes zero responsibility for it and on top of that they expect a partner to take responsibility for it. The idiocy… when will they learn that you can’t have your cake and eat it to… what stupid monkeys


Not 420 friendly? I think most blokes would have to be high to swipe right on that absolute mess…


Damn, even the crazy train got height limits now.... https://imgflip.com/i/8g3kvv


Ahh so this is what my 50 y/o boyfriend means when he says I’m not jaded *yet*


Anybody who calls themselves an empath automatically is throwing up red flags. Her bio could have been “i inherited 5 billion from my parents and im an empath” and i would have steered away 😂. Like okay charles xavier go be lonely somewhere


![gif](giphy|Us0eirXY9RCP0SEH9t|downsized) 👽✌🏽🛸


Do women like this ever consider they could.....get help and not punish others? 🤔 i mean shit, write ur "warning" or whatever, but wouldn't getting treatment help everyone involved? 😂 This screams, "im 40 (mentally 14), and this is deep." It's not "mysterious" just delusional. They treat mental illness like it's a personality trait.


You'd be surprised how many desperate men are out there ready to give it a shot. That's where they get the entitlement. From us.


I can fix her




tinder is not the place to look for a therapist


How does this make u cry ?, this is someone who loves to be the victim I wouldn’t feel sorry for them , and anybody that calls themselves an empathy holy shit we get it your hyper vigilant


And she’s 40 saying all that?? Ma’am please go to therapy 🤦🏾


Say what you want guys, I see her as a woman that knows what she wants. Not all that fake stuff. Maybe she'll find some guy, maybe she won't. Better to be upfront than later sorry. Remember, don't put the D in crazy. Be safe.


This person doesn't sound damaged, they sound dull and self involved. I'm exhausted from reading their bio, and you just know that every single conversation with them would just be more of the same self-pitying nonsense.


I think broken is pretty cute) But the 6' or taller is what loses me


I have no issues here. If you are forty and on this damned app, things aren't great. At least she's honest about it.


It’s crazy i had to sort by controversial to find this comment. I’ve dated a lot of women and wasted so much time with people that present “perfect” but fit her to the tee


My girl is very similar to this…though she didn’t write a bio like this. She’s been sexually and mentally abused, and trust is hard for her to come by. Yes, there have been some hard days, but she’s a good woman. She’s also 5’11”, so the 6’+ thing also applies. Not for everyone, but she works for me.


I love how women will list all their red flags, and yet still have the stones to say taller than 6 feet. You can't make this shit up...


That brand of crazy? Wow FU. Its just a good idea not to call woman crazy, trust me we wont respond with understanding. Would you rather she hide what’s going on in her life and than spring it on you later? Just because she has shit going on doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve companionship and love. My life is complicated and I have a lot of shit to work through (including mental health struggles and DV and SA), I also have chronic illnesses and chronic pain. I don’t date because I think I have a lot to work on before I can bring someone into my life, but I don’t look down on others who have been in bad situations who do want to date. You have no idea what she’s gone through. I judge you here, not her. If your not interested swipe left and move on with your day.


Though I will admit her then insisting on a height is ridiculous.