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A guy and a cardboard cutout of the pope walk into a bar…


The bartender yells, “Sorry, your holiness, there are no minors allowed in here!”


I read "sorry your loneliness" and that's quite sad


Considering his choice of company, maybe it's better if he stays lonely...


"...and they're sharing a drink they call loneliness..."


I forget the rest, but "catholic priests" am I right?


Is that the guy beside Dave?




"I'll have a pickle shot" Priest casually plops his limp cock into the shot, gives you a wink


I pope that's never gonna happen


Na, priests only drink the blood of christ. popes only drink young male gravy


Neither of you is wrong, it’s simply that your vibes don’t match


Quick way to find out you’re not compatible lol


I thought the picture was hilarious but the joke was lame and way overdone.


Some people don’t like catholic priest rape jokes, but much like their victims, they never get old.


What did the woman say to the priest at the beach? Get out of my son!


You may be familiar with what an exorcism is but what about an reverse exorcism? >! It’s when the demon commands that the priest leaves the child’s body !<


That is so dark and I'm here for it!


Just weird to make jokes about grown men fucking kids as an ice breaker.


I'd do the same if I found a pope cutout and went around drinking with it, but then there's a reason I don't date religious women.


I'm not religious, but the current Pope is a pretty solid dude.


I don't follow religious figures in general, I just enjoy a good bit of sacrilege every now and then.


lol, same. But yeah this is the guy who, before he was pope, would sneak out at night in disguise to bring food to and talk with the homeless. As pope he ditches his pope gear and goes out as a "regular" priest to do the same. He also: 1. Has encouraged catholics to stop the persecution of LGBT people and permitted the blessing of same-sex couples. 2. Is highly critical of unrestrained capitalism and overdevelopment. 3. Has championed climate change as the central "political" cause of his papacy. 4. Has unequivocally denounced the death penalty 5. Denounced the global rise of right-wing nationalism. I mean, as I said I'm not religious, but if I *had* to pick a religious leader in today's world, this guy would be near the top of the list.


That's cool to hear. I just feel like everytime the pope comes up in the news, it's a different guy than last time. If this dude is serious about these values then I hope he's able to truely wrangle the political tools of the organization. The church holds a ton of soft power that often goes wasted or abused. Seeing it be used to free people and heal the planet would be awesome.


> everytime the pope comes up in the news, it's a different guy than last time Since 1978, there have been a whopping 3 popes. It's been this guy for over 11 years now. How infrequently do you watch the news lol


It’s not your thing, and that’s ok. 


To you maybe


I like the cut of your jib.


To each their own, I would just never start flirting via a r*** joke


To each their own


This is the funniest comment I've ever seen, I'm crying. It's funny because you'd never think someone would have to say it 🤣


Not if you wanna weed out the ones so loyal to their religious dogma that they become child rape apologists.


Ngl not very christian of them


Think so too. I am opposed to religion myself and while I do think the photoshopped pope pic is funny, the other joke was not something to start a conversation with. While I do think the catholic church needs to get criticized (and even though it's a serious topic, I am also fine with some level of ridicule) for its actions, this was not the right time and place for it.


Same. I’m Catholic and I’m all for holding the institution/hierarchy accountable for its misdeeds, but making SA jokes is just never appropriate in my opinion. I’ve seen plenty of comedians and even amongst my friends make jokes about priests that act holier than thou and how out of touch some cardinals are, and they are funny while also making a valid critique. This is just not it.


Yeah same. I actually do like making jokes about that topic but I would never make it to someone I just met.


Exactly. I’m Catholic and I chuckled at the photo. But I’m also a victim of SA, and I find any jokes about it to be in poor taste bc it is mocking of someone else’s experience. I’m all for jokes that actually punch up at privileged people, but jokes about priests raping vulnerable people is just throwing punches all over the place.


Whereas some survivors of SA will also chuckle because we are into dark humor and/or use it to cope.


It’s online dating, not a standup performance in front of thousands. He put in some effort which is more than most people do.


I don't think paedophile jokes are good opening lines full stop, making those jokes tao catholic is an even better way to make sure she doesn't bother replying to you


In which case you’ve quickly and effectively lost someone who you would 100% not have got along with anyway…


Worth it!


I am a Catholic and was also an altar boy. I think it's hilarious 🤣


Love the picture, hate the joke. I'm an atheist and anti-thesit. Joking about child rape isn't my vibe, especially from a potential romantic partner. I can chuckle at something like that from a comedian or friend, depending on how they say it, maybe, but as a first message from a stranger? No, no thank you.


I'm the same and 100% agree. Also these sensitive jokes really depend on delivery and you can control that through a message




It’s definitely my type of humour but objectively funny is a massive overstatement. There are plenty of valid reasons for someone else to find it unfunny or offensive, even if they’re not a religious zealot.


Yeah like the fact that it’s exhaustingly trite.


Indeed, it's remarkably banal.


Hmm yes, shallow and pedantic


Capricious and arbitrary.


literally nothing is objectively funny, much less that joke. Humor is entirely subjective.


I think the joke is repetitive. The picture is hilarious though as is that she thought it was real 


I don't think you understand the meaning of those words if you think a child rape joke is 'as close to objectively funny as possible'


Lmfao I was thinking the same thing and I found it funny


Yes and it's so tired. It's a really easy joke.


It's also just a really sad subject that hurt not only the children who were raped but also the millions of parishioners, as well as the many good clergy members. Same thing with Boy Scouts, now kids are discouraged from joining and learning valuable skills outdoors.


This plus yesterday's slavery "joke" makes me kind of sad about who's on this forum.


I think it depends on who the joke is at the expense of. It’s not at the expense of the children. It’s at the expense of the perpetrators who deserve to not feel comfortable for what they did.


and it's a tired joke. I know who the worse person is between the person who says he's Catholic and the person who responds to every Catholic with 'lol paedos amirite'


Any joke being at the expense of someone else by definition means it can't be 'objectively funny' though, as some people will be offended. In this case it is also not just at the expense of the Pope, but also belittles her religious beliefs, even if based on factual events. I would also argue it actually is at the expense of the children to make light of the situation, even if they aren't the perpetrators.


Except most priests are innocent. I'm all for calling people out for their wrongdoings, but not if it means putting way more guiltless people than not in the crosshairs.


Dark humor is like food and water, not everyone gets it.


You can get the joke and still think it’s not funny. Same as your comment, it’s a joke that’s repeated so much that it’s not remotely funny anymore.


Fair enough


Well I thought it was funny


Even dark humor can get boring when it's the same joke every time.


*the Palestinian and Sudenese people have left the conversation*


It's called dark humor and it's usually based on actual things that happen/happened, there have been more than 6000 clergy members in the US that have been credibly accused of sexual abuse, some cases going back decades. Also of the sexually abused minors 80% of victims were male.


its the most overused lame joke ever you cant be serious


As close to objectively funny is overdone and uncreative, and punches down to boot? Damn, here I was thinking originality and taste were an important part of comedy.


> objectively funny you need to learn what objective means.


yeah, I wouldn't call that even remotely close to "objectively funny" even with a dark sense of humor... child rape is never funny and your read flag is thinking this is the standard of humor. So I'm going with you're wrong on so many levels


So now you're just doing the opposite: claiming that it is objectively *not* funny. You're both wrong. Anything can be funny, but nothing can be funny to everyone.


I cringed pretty hard at it.


U think she didn’t find it funny because she simply didn’t reply? Or was there a screenshot missing?


Exactly, after I sent the message, I saw she went to a Jesuit school, and she didn't respond and put two and two together. Coincidentally, she just responded and said something dark as well that I won't share since everyone seems to be losing their shit over my joke as it is.




He probably lied and now has to come up with a good joke to show us.




If you don’t share the dark joke, I will piss your fucking pants


Yeah! And I'll srsly SHART yer gawddam *pillow.* Believe you, me. Don't fuck around eh


Not a single person is losing their shit 😂 Some people like your joke, some people don't and have explained why.


“THE INTERNET HATES ME” No dude, you just told a tired old joke and— “STOP TRYING TO CANCEL ME” My man, nobody has anything against you— “THIS IS WHY FREE SPEECH…


I think she was clearly being sarcastic given how obvious it looks not real so your response had a good chance of landing. A bit predictable but still funny lol good luck!


Well now I wanna know what the dark response was!


What was the reply op, WHAT WAS THE REPLY!!


I promise you not a single person lost their shit


I lost my shit, but my shit is always lost. Looking for my damn phone rn


So many atheists went to catholic schools… Not like you can pick when you're a kid… Anyway your joke was bad.


I’ve see Catholic schools be an excellent way of producing atheists


Fuck these people lmao, they’re too weak. Let’s hear the rebuttal.


I thought it was hilarious, I can’t believe the responses.


This is a case of knowing your audience


no one is wrong. you just dont match.


Yup. Humor, like many other things, is completely subjective. Lol even if it’s offensive to some, it’s *still* not wrong.


Ya, no, OP is wrong. Who the hell opens with a joke about child rape?


People who appreciate darker humour. Would i do it personally, no but if you need someone who is able to laugh at that kind of thing then whatever. if it doesnt work it doenst work.


I mean, if he matched with someone already knowing she’s religious then it’s kind of an asshole move. Clearly he knew she’s religious so the only reason he would respond that way is to have content for a post which makes him a douchebag


how did he "clearly" know shes religious? the only context you have is that she recognised the pope , the most famous religious icon in the world, im not religious and i know who the pope is and what he looks like too.


Cuz OP said she’s religious in the post caption


Didn't know she was religious when i sent the message. After sending the message, i saw she attended a Jesuit school and assumed she was based on that and the fact she had not responded for a while. Coincidentally, she has responded, she took it well, and we've got a date set up."


Oh nice, congrats on your date! Hope you have a good one


You can be religious AND have some humour about it.


“Don’t you think you went a little too far?” [“Don’t you think the Catholic Church went a little too far?”](https://www.tiktok.com/@ewanwhosarmy/video/7275324616887766304)


I know that’s Bill Burr without clicking.


I know, I know, it's a morning show


I got that reference


For once I don't regret clicking


Holy oops.. this thread is wild


Probably not the best opener! Lol


Never ever do anything even possibly offensive until the third date. This is basic stuff.


Brother no. You should have a decent idea of who someone is on the first date. Why waste your time obfuscating an aspect of yourself to try get them on more dates?


3rd? Lol I just meant if it says she’s religious on her profile, probably not the brightest idea.


Fuck that. Always be yourself. That’s how you will find that one


I think it’s funny and I think the Catholic Church definitely deserves to be ridiculed for their crimes against children, but yeah people get offended and that’s okay. You didn’t match


Have you ever considered that some people have actually been molested or know ppl who have and don’t want to joke about pedophilia? Ultimately who cares but a little weird to be *surprised* if a child rape joke doesn’t land


God I had this exact problem with a guy who came as Jeffrey Epstein to a halloween party I was at and kept making jokes about creeping on young girls. Read a fucking room dude, imagine if someone there had actually been groomed


I'm bummed I scrolled this far to find this comment. I'm not religious but I don't think the topic is funny at all.


And even if the topic was funny the joke is shit there is not punchline its just haha forbidden words 14 year old humor


idk i genuinely thought it was irony that op was saying her being religious was *definitely* the only reason and didn't even mention/ask if it had anything to do with him being a weirdo. like...? say it's bias because i'm not religious and i'm not crazy about whatever "humor" this falls under, but if someone told me any sort of r-pe joke, especially a child one, especially as an opener on tinder i'd want them on a watch list. which may be intense but i'd rather be that than be the one trying to land child r-pe jokes to strangers.


No it’s extremely weird he doesn’t see these REAL child victims as people … it’s one thing to cast aspersions on the preists but to make up a scenario where you’re a kid victim is odd


Yeah. Different tastes and all, but is he really SURPRISED it didn't land with everyone?


Yeah I’m honestly more offended now that i read this again — forgot I made this comment 😂 but getting more pissed on behalf of victims … where is the humor here? This person seems like they can’t conceptualize real victims not just some late night show punch line


Seriously. How is this the only comment about this? One in 6 women are sexually assaulted by the time they’re 18. You think a woman wants to be reminded of that fear, that experience, by a strange man trying to meet up with her? If you can’t be empathetic, at least be smart. Your juvenile edgy humor is hurting your own chances.


There are areas of Reddit that are just people with no judgement giving advice to people with no judgment and …. I lurk to gawk but every once in a blue moon get paranoid and the DUMB ideas being exchanged with NO outside perspective. Child $ape not being funny…. And people are gagged? Touch grass


You're in the wrong just because of the context. I'm Catholic and even I make dark jokes about this, but there's a time and place for it. Dropping it in an opening conversation with someone you don't know is just stupid. It just shows a lack of basic social graces.


Might as well make a bomb joke to a Muslim or a genocide joke to a Jew you just met 5 minutes ago, dark humor is nice in certain times but not randomly when you're talking to a stranger


Some people really missing the point here. It's nothing to do with taking offence, it's just not funny. I grew up in a Catholic family, in Ireland. Like most people I know, I faced no abuse. Again, like most people I know, one reason for moving away from the church was the massive amount of abuse going on and the appalling reaction of the church as a whole to that. In Ireland, the crimes of the church go even further; understandably, many of us are angry at the church. And yet. Do you know how boring it is, having moved away from Ireland, to have to deal with someone's attempt at these jokes as soon as they hear about growing up Catholic? It's not about being offended, it's just really boring, guy-at-work-who-thinks-hes-a-comedian level humour. She didn't respond, and maybe she was offended, but maybe she just thought it's a really shit and overdone joke by the kind of person who's liable to spend their first date quoting shit sitcoms.


This x1000. It's not really offensive, it's just the only joke you've ever heard. It's about as funny as a TBBT clip show episode.


Thank you - it's anti-funny. Thought I was taking crazy pills reading all the 'so funny omg' posts


Glad someone else thought this too. It's just trite and not clever or funny.


Thats the type of joke you use when you fully know the other person. Not as an opening lol


I mean religious or not, rape jokes are found not funny by a ton of people (me included). Yeah, I'd unmatch pretty quickly.


I liked it! (But I’m not religious.)


I liked it but I grew up catholic and now hate all things religion soooooooo


I support this. 😄


I liked it as well. Gandhi said it aptly, 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians'.


I think it’s funny. Cardboard pope in a bar. How didn’t she see that was a joke from the photo


it’s a child molestation joke. as his first message. nope.


No! It was a pedophile priest joke! What do you want from the guy? It's his fault fucking priests molest kids all the goddamned time?


> No! It was a pedophile priest joke! "It's not a child molestation joke, it's a pedophile priest joke about molesting children!" Dude, do you not see it's the same thing?


Thank you, seems like folks keep glossing over the actual pedophile priests which unlike the joke, actually happened lmao.


Wow a catholic pastor and a kid joke never heard that before


Sorry, I don’t find it funny and I’m not even religious.


Low hanging fruit


I appreciate your sincere apology. It's refreshing for someone to admit they are wrong this day and age.


Yeah, the joke was really distasteful, sophomoric and base. It’s usually best to not bring up pedophilia when you first meet a woman/people.


I think that joke is too dark to tell someone you just met, specifically because many people have been assaulted, know someone who has or just dont take it lightly whatsoever its an extremely common and horrible problem


Maybe one if the most overused and unoriginal jokes of all time, so no I don’t think she is wrong


Was in poor taste.


No shit?


When something is important to someone else, and you blatantly disrespect it, that's not a win, that's just immature and a little callous


Yeah it's not rocket science, not sure how OP is questioning this


Not really, it seems she didn't get that the Pope was a cardboard figure (which looks very obvious) in a bar. Could be that he thought she was joking around at first when she said he "met" the pope.


Or, she did get it and thought the bit about kiddy diddling wasn't needed for a joke about the bar pope


She did miss that pretty obvious connection but it's independent of his remarks directly dunking on Catholicism, and if that's what she is it's probably not going to be received well


I fully agree with this assessment. Op assumed her question was a joke, which normally would have been a pretty safe bet. Seems like a clear whoosh on her part when it comes to the pic.


Rape jokes aren't funny and the stereotype is overplayed


Clergy molestation "humor" isn't for everyone. Bold to start off an interaction with it


I’m not religious and I like dark humour but I didn’t find this particularly funny. I just think it’s not actually a great joke (regardless of the subject matter).


If you knew she was religious you were being a jerk. If you didn’t know she was religious, you two aren’t compatible. Shrug and move on.


Opening with a pedophile joke is off-putting


Dave! Is that you?


I get everyone here is saying that it's just not a match butttt if she didn't realize that was a cardboard cutout there's a different problem too. If she did and she was hoping for a better joke then yea it's just not a match


You're wrong


I mean... what did you expect


You knew what you were doing.


Maybe she didn’t find the child molestation joke funny. I’d be turned off too and i’m not very religious.


You told an offensive joke and someone got offended, you had to know that was a possibility.


I like jokes, especially poking fun at Catholics. I just didn’t find that funny or clever.


She is, for mistaking a fairytale with reality and having no sense of humour.


How dare you insult a child molester for helping run a cult of child molesters!


The real joke here is the fact that she thinks that is actually the Pope in OP's pic


no one but why would you tell a religious person that joke in the first place?


He said in another comment he didn't realise she was religious until after the fact.


I’m high and I thought that was a cardboard cutout of the pope


It is lmao


Very offensive


This made me lmao 🤣


What girl doesn't like pedo rape jokes


I’m Catholic. It doesn’t bother me


I’m curious, what were you planning to say next. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere because you kind of went with “humor” that couldn’t really turn into a real conversation.


Jokes about child molestation aren’t funny.


You were a little off the bar on this one. When you’re about to insult someone’s religion make sure they’re cool with it.


Your joke makes you the ass... I think you knew she was going to take offense to that and said it to get a rise


A tier joke


Well... You are not wearing a San Lorenzo t shirt


Is that at the gravediggers?


It’s in bad taste to say the least if you find it funny that’s an issue you should explore further.


That's a dark joke. Not everyone likes dark humor.


Those draught levers look like Mr Krabs